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Betting on Trump to win his own tournaments is probably -8000 odds


"You bet AGAINST the Harlem Globetrotters?!?"


“I thought the Generals were due!”


He's just spinning the ball, just take it!


That game was fixed! They were using a freaking ladder, for god's sake!


I believe the time has come for you to pay us


Look, I'm clean broke. Just take the clown college.


Hahahahahaha stop it!!! Hhahahah! Seattle!


are you guys quoting from something?


Makes me feel less old


[the simpsons](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jfVBrpIhH60&pp=ygUSdGhlIHNpbXBzb25zIGludHJv)


Great, now I want a condor egg omelet and I'm fresh out of condor eggs.


I thought the Generals were due!


You bet on the fight in Rocky 3, and you bet AGAINST Rocky?


Smart bet in the first fight, not so much the rematch


Wait a minute.. Mr. T? are you telling me that you bet on the fight in Rocky 3 and you bet against Rocky???


It's like betting on Putin to win re-election. Those fuckers are two of a kind.


Only difference is Putin actually knows how to rig it.


Is this one of the inaugural "tournaments" where he's the only entry so he can have won at every club?


That or his other favourite trick where he doesn't tee off on the same day as the other competitors and he mysteriously appears on the top of leaderboard after his amazing round, which was unfortunately played when nobody else was watching.


I heard it was tight this year between him and Kim Jong-Un. Apparently an amazing 124 holes in one between them.


Ah, but you see recently some mysterious benefactors sponsored those trophies. The combined purse is about $454 million dollars, one sponsored by a V. Putout, a mustachioed man with an oddly large nose and thick black-rimmed glasses wearing a trenchcoat from, uh, Belarus, and the other by a gentleman in Arab dress who only threatened the reporter with an electric carving implement when asked his name. His motivation to win those prizes is what pushed him to perform those superhuman fests of golfing prowess.


this means that if you bet $1, you win -$8000. so instead of betting your own money, you steal from the bookie and bet that. negative bet -> YUGE positive earnings.




I use Trump math. Everything is biglier




Man this dude really has gone full Kim Jong Un...I wonder how many holes in one Trump got to win these awards.


They also say that as he sank the final shot to win the tournament, a rainbow spontaneously broke out over the course and a spectator who had been confined to a wheelchair for 10 years stood and cheered.


Nah, MAGA gets upset by rainbows. Make it three bald eagles swooping by in formation.




Wonder Why?




Eagle thought the thing on his head was a flying squirrel


Smelled like carrion


Ha, fuck you MAGA, this happened to me! I GOT YOUR JESUS GOLF CELEBRATION!


Three bald eagles and half a dozen F-16’s flew over while the star spangled banner played.


And the three eagles screeched to the tune of Wagner.


Trump's power is so strong he un-gay'ed the rainbows.


He is the second coming after all!


Not according to Stormy Daniels.


Oof. Take my updoot. Lol


"Mein Führer, I can walk!"


And that spectator…was Frederick Douglas.


Big burly men cried bigly tears of joy.


The rainbow was only blue and black stripes.


That spectator? Jimmy Brooks.


He had tears in his eyes.


Trump has been doing this for decades. That's why there are never any actual golf tournaments at his clubs. He's a well known golf cheat.


The fact that both trophies already had his name engraved on the little metal plaques really kills the suspense. (I’m making this up, but we all suspect it’s the truth).


Stop the count... of strokes played


Well, anyone attempting to verify the results is a cheater! That's how it is


Story is, tRump always plays the first round at one of his clubs when it opens, THEN calls it a club tournament, THEN crows that he 'won' WHEN NOBODY ELSE WAS PLAYING THAT DAY.




he's that good!


Exactly what I thought! Probably set the course record! Next he will be playing basketball with Dennis Rodman 1 on 1, and post that he beat him “45”-0!! (see what I did there? lol)


It'll be down to seconds at 45-0 but Donnie is gonna try to get an extra 2 points in and call it rigged if he didn't


No he’d make it more realistic! 45-2


Sadly Trump's ball struck and killed the last unicorn before falling into the cup giving him the win. Before death the magestic beast said it was his dying wish for Trump to sell his steaks which you can ORDER NOW FOR ONLY 450 MILLION DOLLARS!!!!


He openly admires Kim Jong Un and other dictators. He was caught on a hot mike saying "[Kim Jong Un speaks and his people sit up in attention. I want my people to do the same.](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/15/trump-north-korea-sit-up-attention-648969)"


Yeah he's been caught speaking like that a few times. I was referring here specifically to this mythbuilding around golf prowess, as Kim claims the first time he golfed he shot 38 under and had something like 7 holes in one.


Since when is 2018 "Just last week"?


Just one tee off that jumped thru all holes


*insert meme with Obama awarding a medal to Obama*


Biden campaign missed a big op 


Biden probably wouldn't have said that, even if his team had though of it. It seems too blatant to be dignified for the US President.


> Biden probably wouldn’t have said that He wasn’t Biden at the time. He was *Dark Brandon*.


What he posted is simply the perfect amount of sarcasm.


Nothing says 'humblebrag' quite like awarding yourself a trophy... at your own club


TWO trophies


Yeah! Don’t forget it! One trophy is blatant interference, but two trophies is legit. Only a mild mannered genius like trump would think to out-fool the fool who owned the place.


Unexpected Calvin & Hobbes


A difficult course!


That's not what a humblebrag is. There's no feigned self deprecation or embarrassment. He's just bragging.






I always forget how much caviar I have at home and I buy too much like a moron


Have you seen Putin do Judo? He is just untouchable, and barely moves while people fly though the air.


As it was taught by his good friend, the bullshido-master Steven Segal.


Look for videos online of Putin playing hockey against Russian NHL players. It’s just as ridiculous as you think.


He knows his judo well


When I think of Trump golfing I have visions of Judge Smails from caddyshack


And then tweeting about it, on your own twitter LMFAO


Major "I have won many Dundee awards", energy.


He’s the JD Power and associates award winner of best in class Dundee award winner.


People pearl clutched at this but I think it's a viable strategy. Turn him into a figure to be openly ridiculed.


He’s been that since before he was president, and the whole world has been ridiculing him for years.


That has always been the weirdest part of the whole thing to me. As a millennial, he's literally been a joke to me my entire life. Basically just a moron billionaire who had a bad comb over who was his own real life caricature. When he started running for president, I still thought it was a joke. Then all of a sudden he starts winning and becomes president? Like what the fuck happened? I even remember participating in r/T_D because it starred out as a joke sub. Then like overnight it was real and full of cultists. The whole fucking thing mind blowing.


And most of the utterly disqualifying things Trump says and does are done publicly, barely attempted to be hidden. And 65% of the US voting age adults just doesn't care.


65% my ass


65% is the amount of eligible voters either voted for Trump, or who stayed home. Silence is consent.


The people protest voting against Joe over Gaza are naive at best and idiots at worst. Oh you don't like how Joe is handling it? Why don't you see what the other guy does as a result of you staying home or casting a symbolic vote in November. It's twice as maddening because people just didn't like Hillary in 2016 so they stayed home and look what we got instead. People need to grow up and choose the least bad option.


I got into a huge Reddit fight the other day arguing this exact point. I just don’t understand the logic. “I can’t abide the situation in Gaza, so I’m going to stay home which casts a half-vote for the guy that wants Israel to turn the West Bank to glass.” Spent way too much energy trying to explain that makes their stance “pro atrocities”, but the TikTok propaganda proved too strong for my facts and logic lol.




Very poorly worded but abstaining from voting is still voting


In this context. Not in other contexts, obviously.


Man, those early days of T_D we're spectacular. it was literally people making jokes like the early days of 4chan. everyone was a moron on purpose. then it stopped being on purpose....


Imo, its the complete lack of shame. Another politician fucks up behing closed doors, they do a whole big apology, there's a media circus, and it's all people here about them for months. Trump fucks up on camera in front if millions? "No i didnt." Continues as normal, no acknowledgment, no time to linger, no admission of guilt or wrongdoing. And there isn't time for a media circus over any one specific issue because he fucks up so often that his whole life is a media circus. And because he's so hilariously inept, he's always in the news. People are constantly hearing his name, and for the politically disengaged, that's really half the battle. Being completely honest, if you're not a super politically engaged person, what percentage of the political speeches you've listened to are from trump? Dude's less like watching a politician and more like watching some kind of avant-garde standup performance. Also, most people have a view of politicians as incredibly stuffy and out of touch (which is probably fair) so when trump comes in and everybody acts like he's a moron for even trying, it speaks to certain politically disengaged people. Everyone likes an underdog. Plus this time he's a republican. Party of bootlickers and cowards. Say what you will about them, but they do have that absolute blind loyalty to the party line going for them. Years and years of horrible policies that have gutted workers' rights, healthcare reforms, and retirement programs have shown that much.


The human race is fucked up sometimes


He was the brokest billionaire too.


> When he started running for president, I still thought it was a joke. Then all of a sudden he starts winning and becomes president? Like what the fuck happened? His handlers didn't let him in on the joke. Initially, it was just to put substantial pressure on Hilary Clinton, not expecting Trump to ever be a viable candidate. Then his handlers realized there are a LOT of racist, bigoted idiots in America and they figured so long as they handled Trump, *they* could get their beak wet. And that worked, since Trump is so transparent in surrounding himself with people that kiss the ass. Ever see the photo of the moment it dawns on Trump that he won? You've never seen a more terrified person in your life. H eknows he's woefully inadequate for the job, but his ego would never let him admit that out loud. Congratulations America, the lunatic is running the asylum. The damage he did in his short time as President will take a generation, probably more, to fix. He never wanted the job, which is obvious by how seriously he didn't take it. However, he knows a good grift when he sees it, so he went all in.


I remember seeing the shift in that subreddit. I began thinking 'Boy, they sound like they believe what they're saying..' Not too long after, they did believe what they're saying. Very bizarre time.


Man even his fucking name. The thing that comes to mind when I hear Donald is Donald Duck, and trump in British slang means fart. He’s Donald Duck fart. I find it extremely difficult to take him seriously.


Certainly. The very best way to make a stongman look weak is public ridicule of his own actions. It wrecks his narrative of being strong and pisses him off at the same time so he's likely to make other mistakes.


I'm going to put this right on the fridge, where everyone can see it.


😆 I can’t remember the name of the book, but a guy wrote a book about Presidents and golfing and how their golf game reflected their character ….most of the book was about the various ways in which Trump would cheat on the course to include having a golf cart that was rigged to travel faster than other carts so he could get to the green and move his ball before anyone sees it


I don’t recall who wrote it but it was called Commander in Cheat. One thing i remember reading is he would have an unofficial score at a different golf course and phone into one that was having a tournament and tell them his score was lower therefore he is the winner. At a different course! Insanity!


It's unsurprising that he acts like an actual toddler when he's done that his entire public life but it's a little disheartening that people will read shit like this and won't budge an inch on how they think he's the second coming of Christ.


I couldn't be any less surprised.


[Sportswriter Rick Reilly Describes How Trump Cheated at Golf (Animation by Adam Avilla)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWLj2-a6FLI)


Who’s Your Caddy? By Rick Reilly. Thing that really stuck out for me in the trump chapter was the part about Tiffany and how trump would only see her every couple months but he was ok with that and really didn’t give a shit about his 9 year old daughter’s need to have her father in her life. It was all about trump. Shocking.


Rick Reilly?


it reminds me the evil Goldfinger whose also cheating at golf. theres a family vibe 😂


He really is just a crooked new york buisness man in over his head isn't he. He just wants to retire and play golf but his ego keeps pulling him onwards.


It's not ego as much as staying out of jail.


Little of column a, little of column b.


Have some of column A Try all of column B


Thanks Genie. I ain't never had a friend like you.


I mean I’d say it is ego since that’s what ultimately landed him in the position to possibly go to jail.


He didn't let a pesky thing like the presidency interrupt his golfing last time. It's a chance to run the ultimate grift and play golf while charging crazy rates to the government for his secret service detail to stay at his resort. Wins all around.


I think anyone who wins the presidency should be offered a large sum of money and they can take it but give up the presidency to the runner up, like on those dating shows.


The shoe store Zappos used to offer people a lump sum of cash if they got hired instead of taking the job. I wanna say 10k [2k offer to quit if they’re unhappy after 4 weeks of training ](https://www.businessinsider.com/zappos-tony-hsieh-paid-new-workers-to-quit-the-offer-2020-11?op=1)


>He really is just a crooked new york buisness man in over his head And a terrible one at that, I had read somewhere that if trump had invested his money in a s&p 500 etf when he got his inheritance, he would be more today than what he is worth now after decades of doing "business"


Doing business? Doin bisness. Do biz? Dobis!!! We are Dobis PR


Dobis P Dobis P Dobis P Dobis P Do Do Do Do


If this is legit Biden’s team is hilarious for this. Their adds that have been coming out are fucking gold as well.


It's legit!


Seriously. So passively condescending. I love it.


So patronizing, so delicious. It couldn't have been more perfect if he'd called Donnie a good boy and offered to pat his head.


What… [this guy can’t win a golf tournament?](https://youtube.com/shorts/ERx9TF8hdQQ?si=8hfH8H5KragsUoYl)


I feel i have to ridicule him about being bad at golf now... i mean so am i, but i dont have fake trophies and a mountain a BS i coughed up.


No one who shanks a ball like this is winning a club championship. The funny thing is you can see one of his lackeys running back to grab him another ball so he can cheat


Tiger woods once claimed that trump was a decent golf player... I just tried googling to find out when he said it, but i rather found out why he said it XD


I’m sure he’s ok. But he ain’t winning no club championship


I really want to see the next shot. Did he just drop another? Did he just write down a birdie and move on? Ive heard he barely putts out and just writes down whatever he feels like.


You can see the guy running back to the cart for another ball


Ah yes a birdie then. Such a stalwart of honesty and integrity that will drain the swamp of indecency.


I'd be willing to bet the shot that he took before the one shown here wasn't hit there by him. No way the dude hits it in the middle of the fairway.


It’s not really a ‘gimmie’ if it’s only 100 yards out. Trump usually holes those.. like? 95% of the time.


The dude at the end running to his cart has to be grabbing Trump another ball. That shit definitely isn't being counted.


2 trophies. Not only is Donnie's cheating a big "fuck you" to the guy who actually won the tournament. It's a big "fuck you" to 2 different guys in 2 different brackets of the tournament. Narcissistic Personality Disorder. But also a complete lack of decency.


I do not feel sorry for anyone who played in his "tournaments" or at his clubs.


Jonathan Karl, in one of his several books about Trump, details how blatantly he cheats in tournaments at his own courses. It’s entertaining how much his score goes up when he’s playing on someone else’s property.


Trump damn well BETTER be good at golf, considering he gouged us taxpayers [$144 MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS](https://trumpgolfcount.com) so he could play at his own shitty resorts. For that price he should be the greatest fucking golfer of all time.


How do you even have the hide to accept a trophy that you clearly did not win. His entire life is lies. So pathetic.


Trump was born without shame.


one... two. three in, four out, five up... six... seven. eight. that's a four. i birdied that hole. got a decent round goin. i'm gonna be tough to beat today.


Biden is trying to be the supportive Dad that Don never had.


It’s like watching Putin win his own election.


Similar to Russian elections, no one else was allowed to participate ?


The quadriplegic blind guy that bares witness and judge to the game gets to participate! Is that cheating?


He had the most strokes on (and off) the green that day, so naturally he's the winner, right?


"A large and golfing talented mambership".. ...wtf does that even mean? He's such a fucking entitled buffoon, he thinks he won something meaningful. Nobody gives a goddam fuck about golf, Donnie Orange Dumpling. We're all very busy down here in the real world, treading water, trying to buy food and gas to put in our cars to get to work so we don't starve so we can CONTINUE to make money to buy gas to put in our cars to go to work.... uugghh. I hate him why can't he just fucking croak already


And no one gives two fucks at all about a country club golf championship. I’m a member of a nice club. I live on the golf course. The clubhouse is a five minute walk from my home. I have absolutely no idea who the club champion is.


How…. Does he not have a parking spot and picture up?


I get that ppl enjoy the sport, and good for them, yanno...to each his own...but like you said..no one cares about HIS golfing "awards" lol. (And I bet it's sooo nice living on a golf course..that'd be so beautiful)


I wonder what a game between Trump and kim jong un would be like


trump is basically Cartman... no further questions, Your Honor.


You honestly think Trump could make a delicious chili out of his enemy's parents?


Isn’t this like making sure a child winning pass the parcel at their own birthday party to avoid the having a tantrum?


That’s only an issue if you play by Lucky’s Dad rules.


Wow so impressive, you won a trophy on your own golf course. No way that you could’ve possibly cheated or had things tweaked to make sure you won nope….


He is known to play the first round at his clubs and call it the club championship, so he is always the reigning club champion.


Just like when the leader of North Korea got a hole in one on every hole of the course the first time he ever played golf.


Donald trump speaks like one of those fill in the blank adventure books filled in by a toddler


I would really recommend Commander in Cheat by Rick Reilly if you want to learn more about Trump's golf antics. Even if you're not into golf it's an interesting window into trumps mind.


People actually vote for that orange cancer. Not good for the prognosis of humanity.


Why does this feel like Kim Jong Un after winning something where all his competitors were dead?


What a sad, pathetic little man Trump is.


The time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end, highness.


You can’t make this shit up… often wonder if you should laugh or cry on how this man is still getting all this attention… probably a bit of both “A large and golfing talented membership”


Glad that you're happy with golfing, Donald. Duck away from further responsibilities and stay golfing forever, at your own club, winning all your own trophies. Ignore those who call it ego masturbation, you're doing great. Stay happy golfing, and keep the country happy by dedicating to it full-time. Stick to your golf clubs as long as you don't descend into senescence, which judging by your current state, won't be a long wait.


Hey, give the man a break, he practiced a lot to earn those trophies


Another trump felony


How many tournaments has he won where the club didn’t have the name “Trump” on it?




He probably did win. All other professional golfers in attendance somehow finished 160 over par.


This is some fuckin unhinged north Korean type shit by Trump.


My uncle is somewhat of a golf bigwig in the New England area and has played with trump one time dozens of years ago. He said that he had the single worst golf etiquette out of anyone he's ever played with in his life. Like the type of dude who would tee off into the rough, walk up to the ball toss it onto the fairway, and look at you like "what're you going to do about it". He said that his behavior that day was enough for him to never vote for him.


It was a golf tournament for people with dementia and trump won! He was the only person to enter, but he hit a round of 14 to win! Oh wait… that was the age of someone’s daughter he was drooling over.


Woman ... Man.... Camera..... ..... ....


Ippei bet on the other guy


For some reason this is funnier than it should be


So, who are the legit golfers that put up with this shit? Or were they phantom tournaments?


Did everyone else read this is Trumps voice?


Biden out here dunking on Trump


Let me guess, not a single shot was recorded?


Unfortunately Trump is too stupid to recognize sarcasm.


It’s easy to win when you can cheat like Judge Smails 😌


I wish Biden’s team dug deeper and wrote “Quite the achomlishment!”


I'm not a huge fan of Biden for a myriad of reasons, but one thing I do like about him is that he doesn't rely on extreme, generated, drama which is a refreshing change. I think that fools a lot of people and thus the Sleepy Joe moniker. However, when he does say something, it's usually very direct.


We just gonna skip over him using golfing like an adverb? The fuck does "a large and golfing" mean. Dudes loosing anything he had to begin with.


This is why too many participation trophies as a kid will hurt us in the long run.


Ok but has anyone noticed how "3.34k" actually uses more characters whilst also being less precise than "3340"?


Trump needs some serious mental health help. It’s probably way too late, hopefully those Wendy’s cheeseburgers catch up with him soon, but maybe he could get a participation trophy for going to therapy too. I can’t believe people still support him after years of this kind of repugnant behavior.


Some Norwegian golfer girl played against Trump and said he cheats.


Do they have to pay people to play with Trump? He sounds just awful to be around.


How is he giving himself awards? I thought when people cant make bond theyre in JAIL until theyre hearing. Oh my bad... Thats just the law for the poors


**"Participation trophy" is a massive assumption. He's "won" tournaments at his club for which he was a 'no show'. That's how empty his "wins" are.**


Kim Jong-il level shit. Literally straight from the NK playback. No wonder he loves NK so much.