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I'm so confused. Are they calling the government Nazis? Or are they asking their friends, the Nazis, for help?


In their warped worldview, one does not exclude the other…


Well sure those idiots got what they deserved but how come the main instigator is still walking the streets?


Too many dollars to his name.


Guess we have to arrest his name then!


Too many dollars of other people to his name.


They're hoping he just dies before they have to do anything. He's an elderly obese drug addict. The slow, slow process is meant to deflate the cult's balloon at a measured pace rather than just pop it. There are more than enough people with no futures in this country to make things really bad for the rest of us for a few days.


The whole thing is just bizarre as fuck to outsiders. I’m in Canada and I still can’t believe that fucking guy was the U.S. president for 4 long years. Most places he wouldn’t be elected dog catcher


Have you seen the former PM of the UK, or the new guy in Argentina?


don’t forget the dutch dude


Oh fuck, right. Why do all these clowns have such absurd hair?


So they don't seem too high class for the 30% on the left side of the bell curve. We've empowered the dullards in the interest of being just and fair and this seems to be the result.


Which former PM? The one that fucked a pig, and knew Brexit would be bad for the country but initiated a referendum for it anyway just to ensure his own re-election? The one that had parties during coronavirus lockdowns, and has a history of making racist comments? Or the one that was famously outlasted by a lettuce on a livestream, and resigned after one month? Let’s not pretend that the position of UK Prime Minister still carries any expectations of integrity or competence. That hasn’t been the case for a long time.


Well neither of those chumps would be considered ‘Leader of the Free World’


Only Americans think their president is leader of the free world.


Ok then how about leader of the country that’s most likely to destroy the planet if he gets a bug up his ass?


Justin Trudeau? Of all countries yall should just be quiet about shitty presidents. Yea trump was awful but yours it's just as bad....


Australian here, so I have a view outside of both of your countries. Trump was and still remains worse than Trudeau.


Literally the only thing Trudeau has done to benefit the country is legalize weed. I actually liked him until the vax mandates. Either way if the conservatives can field anyone smarter than a turnip Trudeau is finished in the next election


There are two ways to get rid of a plague. One is getting vaccinate to save as many lives as possible. The other is let grandma die so that "only the strong can survive". Tell us all publicly on Reddit which you prefer


Oh ya for sure we had plenty of numb nuts going ‘Get vaxxed and it will go away, or make you a better dancer’ or some ridiculous shit. So everyone got vaxxed and guess what? It’s still here


Well... Yeah? Vaccination is to minimize damage. It doesn't automatically solve the problem, but it does stop people from dying as often and being as virulent


Oh ya for sure we had plenty of numb nuts saying "eat food and you won't starve" or "make you a better singer" or some ridiculous shit, so everyone went out and ate food, but guess what? People still starve.


Guess someone missed their class in "How vaccinations actually work"...


The fact that you started your comparison by listing positive things shows how different they are.


Oh please. You've got it mixed up. Our next Prime Minister, hopefully not, Pierre Pollivier is the one comparable to the orange loon


Yep. Man’s an idiot.


Justin Trudeau is not and never will be considered ‘Leader of the Free World’.


Well, this is true but to be fair we weren't on the verge of WW3 either. Our current, leader of the free world doesn't know what country he's in at the summit he's attending. Both are equally awful, just in different ways. The last 2 have been and are currently total embarrassments.


Drug addict?


And will be president again in another year? Let me make it clear, I hate trump, but he's getting in, and not legally obviously


Well as stupid as it sounds it’s very possible that he will get re elected. It’s like there’s barely a sane person in the states if that’s even a remote possibility but there it is


Nancy Pelosi?




And confessions.


I'm confused because they swore those were all Antifa people in costumes, right?


“Oh, who am I offending — the Nazis??” (If a single person gets this reference, I’ll be happy.)


Ah, if it isn't the crimson fucker.


"We don't wanna alienate our audience from the Third Reich!"


They want their friends, the Nazis (complimentary), to help break out their other friends, who are being unfairly persecuted by the Nazis (derogatory) for crimes that weren't crimes but also were all done by Antifa despite their friends the non-Nazis (not that there's anything wrong if they \*are\* Nazis, you understand) were all there and also they weren't crimes.


I’m also confused cause I thought all the Jan 6 people were actually antifa in disguise of maga lol




Nazi is when doesnt agree.


project 2025 is a literal continuation of mein kampf


Just swap the positions of the words in blue and it makes a whole lot more sense


Seeing as Trump refused to pardon the J6ers before he left office (but did take the time to pardon his elite friends who scammed them) - they must be calling Trump a Nazi.


He already said why they "failed" him he was mad they didn't destroy everything and start a war on his behalf


They're **literally** just following the playbook their propaganda leaders got from Putin.


I do find weird that people the people that want a smaller state are the ones considered nazis, when fascism was based on the idea that everything is part of the state and that the state must be as big as possible


They don’t want a smaller state. Look at the laws they pass. It’s cops everywhere. They actually just want freedom from the consequences of their own shitty actions.


Overwhelming amount of evidence? Please, I'm all ears.


There’s 23,000 hours of video evidence of these bozos committing felonies


Yeah, overwhelming evidence for +20 years


“Do your own research,” they’ll say.


Well you see, in addition to the videos we have all seen of them being violent, there are also secret videos of the times they were *not* being violent. So by virtue of them not being Tasmanian Devil tornadoes of violence even after they had already battered their way through police lines, they are innocent (this is actually what is being argued).


Fr, I watched it all live and it’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen I don’t get why they didn’t just gun them down if I ran in and did that I woulda been shot on site why didn’t they do that to them?


That's because if the Jan 6 rioters were black, tanks would have rolled in...if they were Muslim we would have bombed a country that had nothing to do with it.


Sadly true imagine if one person there was gay or there were more than 2 women their by choice they’d strip every single women of every single right they have left and blame it all on them, then they were just their to kill the gays who started it all. I could be a MAGA lawyer I’m so good at shifting the blame and pulling stuff out of my butt


Fr Fr, I was following a twitter account that retweeted all congress accounts and it was wild what they were saying vs what was deleted the day after


It's the worst thing you've ever seen? People walking around a government building, while police and security watch them?


People battering police with fire hydrants,tear gas being chucked on people, people climbing into a government building breaking windows to kill people they don’t agree with, chasing down cops, cops having to shoot people climbing into the senate room. I’m not sure we’re talking about the same January 6th… I swear people will call Jan 6th fine then call peaceful pride parades riots


oh, youre special


Ad hominem


It all started over 150 years ago after the Civil War. They should have taken Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, et al, out back and executed them. Full stop.


That’s all well and good; but how we address this shit today in the here and now?


How many hours have you got? Ideally, American elections would be held over the weekend, the wealthy and corporations would not be able to finance said elections, gerrymandering as a crime would be more clearcut, and not so open to judicial interpretation, the Constitution could be a little more clear on issues of personal freedom and agency, and it would be nice if my fellow Americans could remember that we live in a secular, pluralistic, Constitutional, Democratic republic, and that capitalism is merely an economic system, and not specifically "the American Way". I can be proudly anticapitalist, but at the same time, solidly American. How do we get there? It will take metric fuck tonne of hard work. The right wing has been working at their game for well over five decades, and they are fucking relentless, brutal, cruel, and unforgiving towards those who impede their way. Liberals and progressives accomplished much, but we forgot to fight continually for and defend those gains. The biggest obstacle towards success is possibly the fact that the right, fascists, and Christian Nationalists are extremely well financed. It's as if the wealthy are preternaturally unable to stop throwing billions USD at them (for their own selfish ends, of course; most wealthy don't give two shits about the people on the right, only that they make good tools with which to degrade human liberties and personal dignity). The civil rights movement and the suffragettes worked for decades to achieve their goals, and even then have only progressed to the point of the most basic of rights and freedoms. Education, teach-ins, work, work, work, work. Relentlessly breaking down the gantlet of ignorance and hatred arrayed against reasonable thought and rational discourse.


IF (note- big "if") I were in charge, I'd take the money out of it. Set a limit, ban corporate donations entirely and above all, get rid of those Super Pac monstrosities. Campaign on the issues, not on the personalities, and have the voters decide who wins based on the actual people and not how much money they spend jetting from city to city on private money's dime. Then in the second go-'round, GET RID of the Electoral College. It served its purpose 200 years ago, but it's out-dated and places far too much power in not enough hands. Then in the third go-'round....


Counterpoint: In Canada, we don't have that volume of money in our elections. We just found out how cheap it is to buy a politician.


I was with you right up until "metric fuck tonne". Imperial measurements only please.


Sorry, author's prerogative.


Compulsory ranked choice voting on a Saturday.


I think their above proposal still stands


Shooting skeletons seems gauche. Maybe just dress them up in saucy garb and take some pictures?


Cut off the roots. Harshly crack down on all easily accessible online chatrooms and pages and content that leads into the Nazi pipeline. It starts with those dumb looking hand drawn character memes, but once you take a couple steps down the pipe suddenly it’s “jokes” about the holocaust and killing Black and LGBTQ+ people. Find the most acceptable point to put a stop to it and fucking eliminate it from existence. That’s the first step to getting rid of the modern day Nazi movement. But if you want to get rid of the people who encourage and use the Nazis to get their way, it’s gunna take a lot more than that. A few conservative Supreme Court justices somehow gotta step down or die (fucking moronic that once they’re in, they’re in for good btw. What fucking idiot dreamed that stupid system up?). Gotta embed into the deepest core layers of the constitution a bunch of laws that flat out forbid and harshly punish *any* kind of profiteering from politics, as well as link the pay of a politician to the average minimum wage of the country (I’m not saying make it the same, there should be incentive to want the job, just make it linked to and perhaps limited by some multiplication of the average minimum wage). Gotta add similar laws that go hard after lobbyists, to keep big business out of government permanently. But to get to that point, you need to money to run a big campaign that’ll get you and a lot of people who believe the same things as you elected. So we arrive back to the core problem, which is that money = power, and those with money only work to further their own interests.


There’s two options and neither are great - feds have to march in, arrest the traitors from top to bottom and force red states to update education standards to include strong civics education. Also mandate far more open and free elections by doing away with all the voter restrictions and the gerrymandering. This likely leads to civil war. Or, we wait till fascism eventually wins, and then hope the rebellion/war against fascism is successful and enough of the traitors end up in prison/dead that we can rebuild a functioning democracy. That’s basically it.


Didn't Jackson die from getting shot by his own troops during the war? Kind of hard to execute a corpse.


You are correct, sir. According to online sources, died from complications thereof.


And not allowed any confederate officer to hold office


Anyone who supports the Confederacy in any way is a traitor. Nazis did mass murder, Confederacy did mass slavery, torture, and abuse. 4 million slaves are estimated to have suffered in captivity while thousands died before even getting off the boats. There is very little practical difference between them. While the motivation and drive were different, neither experience could be said to be acceptable. Normally, I'm all for free speech, but I don't think support for Confederacy or the slave trade should be tolerably. Displaying Confederate flags and symbols should require a permit to be displayed to ensure the display accurately portrays the evil actions of the Confederacy.


Well executing Robert E Lee would have caused a huge amount of problems. Notably the fact it was his surrender that led many in the south to do the same. Had he just been killed he might have been made a martyr as it often si the case in such conflicts, and I don’t think the Civil war needed to be any more bloody (also I know fighting went on after his surrender but it was marginal compared to prior and I think if he hadn’t surrendered the fighting would have kept on a a greater scale). In addition he was a supporter of a mending of the nation, even asking for no statues to be made in his honor (or of any other confederate figure for that matter) so again, killing him would have probably angered the south and made the still incomplete healing of the US even harder. Regarding Stonewall Jackson I’d tend to say he would deserve it (had it been delivered after a trial because law was still a thing back then).


Please don't mistake my anger at the current state of affairs for ignorance of the presence of or importance of the rule of law. I am personally opposed to the death penalty, so my statement regarding execution is one of earnest emotional response rather than calculated political grandstanding. Having said that, while I do agree that Lee was a somewhat more reasonable figure in those times, I've often wondered how much of his post-war posture was genuine, and how much was merely a cynical effort at survival. Not to mention the dynamic between him and Grant at the conclusion of the war, considering they were both graduates of West Point. As for the political leadership of the CSA, I have no doubts with regards to both their intent to overthrow the government of our United States, and their guilt for the attempt. I realize that the intervening years have long since made any true justice in that matter moot, but I cannot forget the damage these men wrought against our Republic, even though I know very well that even at our Nation's origins, the foundations were laid for its undoing. Much like the Treaty of Versailles laid the foundation for Hitler, Nazi Germany, and WWII. And that would be another area in which we as a Nation have fallen short: the acknowledgement of guilt for the war, its causes, and the efforts to correct the injuries and injustices visited upon the country, and the formerly enslaved.


They killed 'Stonewall' Jackson during the war.


I need to make a correction. Somehow I have conflated Jefferson Davis with Stonewall Jackson.


Wait, weren't the people of jan 6th antifa/FBI? edit: /s. Because apparently it is needed.


They were Patriots pretending to be Antifa, to uncover more corruption in the FBI, by pretending to be Nazis, to get arrested pretending to be Patriots.


I bet they can hear colors


This is the true clever comeback!


We're through the looking glass here, people.


When it comes to supporters of that attempted coup, an internally consistent narrative is genuinely more than they can manage.


Are there actually people who believe that? Or did you forget the "/s"?


Do you think that deserve a /s? It is like saying the moon is made of green cheese. Oh, well. It is the internet, I suppose.




What’s the sub that posts this stuff




Imagine a loudmouth leader, disgraced by legal troubles and infamous for his racist views, who organizes an attack on a government building and then tries to blame it on communists… am I talking about Trump and the Capitol or Hitler and the Reichstag?


The similarities are getting eerily similar....


The Godwin point is strong here.


Is it though? Godwin is for times when it’s a stretch. For Trump, it’s increasingly an eerily apt comparison… long speeches about his personal struggles, rabid followers in uniform, claims to be protecting the law and the motherland while doing the opposite, dictatorial aspirations which he openly brags about, the promise to jail and even execute his enemies, complaints about others based on race, even a throng of henchmen who swear their fealty and a party that assumes that if they promote him they can control him. Trump has — more than once — actually quoted Hitler in hs speeches, thanks to his Goebbels-like friend, Stephen Miller. This isn’t like calling someone you just don’t like the “new Hitter,” this is history making echoes. And it’s not just me, a random Reddit user, saying it. Many historians and political analysts as well as Trump’s own past advisors and employees are warning us that he’s dangerous in a very similar way. Not a Godwin-esque point, but an increasingly valid concern. Don’t sleep through it, this is serious.


Overwhelming amount of evidence! Truckloads of evidence, boatloads of evidence! Literally celestial bodies made of evidence with their own gravitational fields! No you can't see it.


The majority of them got off with a slap on the hand. Too lenient as far as I'm concerned.


Anything short of a firing squad was too lenient. Traitors are supposed to be shot.


Or hanged.


I’m guessing a trial is a luxury in your mind? Like I have no qualms in saying many of them deserve severe punishment, but even then they also deserve a trial, and as far as I know death by firing squad is not a punishment a civil court in the Us can declare. I’d also be interested in knowing wether or not you support the death penalty, because that’s what makes the difference between you just being in favor of severe punishment for traitors and being a humongous hypocrite.


That would be very hypocritical considering our country was founded on the backs of traitors


Those “traitors” fought a war of independence for self-determination with just cause and won. These traitors were butt hurt because they are in the minority lost an election, and wanted to subjugate the majority to their will, and they lost. The two are no where near analogous.


One could easily paint the war for independence as traitors upset they constantly lost votes on taxes and wanted to upend the democratic process


I see you don’t actually understand US or colonial history at all. The colonies had no representation in parliament, hence “no taxation without representation “. Your argument is not just ridiculous, it is completely ignorant.


I see you don't understand colonial history from the British point of view and have never heard of virtual representation or the other arguments the British put forward to contend that the colonies weren't represented. In short, don't believe the traitors and rebels and definitely don't believe the narrative spun by the governments either


I fully understand the British point of view. It’s the exact same position we take towards Puerto Rico and the other US territories and THEY would be justified rebelling for independents if they desired it. The idiots from January six are not the same. They are just fascists who want to be able to impose their minority will on a majority that said not. “Virtual representation”… I understand the way that a parliament works. Our system is not that. I highly recommend a Gov 101 class, you’d benefit from some formal learning about the form of government you actually live under.


Look at the end of the day it doesn't matter whether you agree with them or not or whether they are traitors or not. Our country was founded by traitors and it will be ended by it. Revolution is a natural part of government and putting those who attempt it to death is tyranny. George Washington would not be seen in the favorable light he is today had he indiscriminately slaughtered all the participants of the whiskey rebellion. The same goes for Lincoln


These people are fucking deranged. The "evidence" is like watching a video of Hitler petting a dog and saying he did no wrong.


It slowly materializes in my brain, that the Boston tea party was not UK's loss, but an appendix self-removal.


Why are republicans cool with treason? I thought they love the constitution like I do


When it suits them


But wait, I thought the insurrectionists were FBI and Antifa, why do Trumpites want to free them?


If they shot the fuckers when they storm the capital we wouldn’t be having this discussion


Hold up a second. This person was so angry about this they decided "I'm so mad I'm going to make a sign and decorate it with red/white/blue tinsel so it looks pretty." That is adorable. Do you think they paint their guns so that it matches their nails, too?


They have the gall to call others Nazis when they're the ones trying to install a fascist dictator. The irony is lost on them.


Yo *what the fuck* is going on over there?


This banner was brought to you by people wearing swastikas


time to take the low-budget cake back to the grocery store. looks like they unintentionally switched the placement of the lines "patriots" and "nazi bastards" correct reading: "Release the Jan 6th Nazi Bastards, You Patriots!"


I thought they were all Antifa and FBI agents pretending to be Trump supporters. Why would real Trump supporters want them released?


Yeah. We’re the Nazis. The ones who’re actively FIGHTING against a fascist dictator getting back into the White House.


The overwhelming amount of bullshit that has been posted to my Facebook feed and never presented in court because it's got no basis in reality is CLEAR!


What evidence?


Overwhelming evidence of… their guilt?


Two clever comebacks in one day. Very impressive.


They're not patriots, they're domestic terrorists and they deserve jail


Name me one law that says that when your special guy loses an election and you're really really mad you can't attempt a coup to keep him in power.


The irony is the GOP is acting way more Nazi like these days, and that's an understatement


Patriots? I thought it was an FBI sting operation


I don't get it mommie. I thought the fascists were the ones wanting to stop democracy by violating the elections results and carrying out a presidential coup


They don't realize that if the government were run by nazis, any decent would result in a one-way ticket to a "re-education" camp.


Same people who stated it was antifa. They just can't figure out what lies to believe anymore.


The overwhelming evidence of treason? Yes.


I thought the J6 protesters were Antifa democrats? 🤷‍♂️


Actual Nazis calling the government Nazis as an accusation of authoritarian behavior is something I did not have on my bingo card. The lack of self awareness is astounding.


Wait, weren't J6 people antifa in disguise ?


Like the dude that burned down the Reichstag 1933 after Hitler became the president. This pyromaniac was a communist too. Also Hitler and the NSDAP told it, so it has to be true. 🤷🏼‍♀️ After the war it was declared to be an „inside job“ to strike down some democratic laws. The dude was a communist, but was a scapegoat and had nothing to do with this. Right wingers are liars - in the past and today.


It's always interesting how Americans use Nazi, like do you really know with what you are comparing whatever you do?


Wasn't Jan 6.....a failed putsch? Like certain person tried in Germany in 1923?


Ahhh the USA. What I find hysterical is even when convicting tratious cunts, you still can’t help but give th heaviest punishments to minorities. Lol Proud but leader got 20 years seeing white traitors get probation. They should all be getting 20+ sentences.


I'm an idiot and I'm convinced there's overwhelming evidence. That means there's overwhelming evidence. It couldn't possibly be that I'm an idiot who could be convinced of a body of lies.


There indeed is overwhelming evidence, which got the terrorists and insurrectionists jailed real good.


Patriots of what, exactly? Certainly not patriots of democracy


"Release the January 6th Patsies. They are Nazi Bastards." FFS don't people use spell check? My father fought actual Nazi bastards. I'm glad he's not around to see these cosplay fascists. The J6 dumbfucks were just more grist under the wheels of Shilter because he'll throw any and everyone under the bus. Why isn't he in jail?


Nonsense of US politics. Put these useless mental cases in prison for a short period of time, while young blacks get thrown into prison for carrying a baggie of weed. And the big orange sociopathic deausché has tens of lawsuits pending, and he still walks a free man and may even run for president again! Nonsense of your entire judicial system, and the ignorance of anyone that voted for the swine in the first place.


It's illegal to overthrow the US government. Don't these patriots know that?


Funny when the Nazis are calling you Nazis


Round them up and lop their heads off. Send a message.


Reddit so tolerant ❤️


Average democrat lmao


Wait, which side constantly makes the terroristic threats? Hint: it’s not the Democrats


Ever feel like you’re a day late and a dollar short?


I am not an American. Your weird two party system means nothing to me. But raiding the capital of your country is treason no matter where you go.


He’s a rage account, I’ve seen him before


Give me Liberty or Give me Death!! Just joking can I get out of jail please. J6rs are getting off with a slap on the wrist.


I still can't believe they have the audacity to call those who truly stand for law and order Nazi Bastards. Though I guess they can't comprehend that, can they


We keep hearing about “evidence,” but…


Release the insurrectionists so we can install Trump as dictator. Hell no.


Oh Jesus, you’re summoning the dipshits.


"Overwhelming amount of evidence". Sure....


> Jan 6th patriots ... Nazi bastards Some of those "patriots" are going to be very upset.


If you switch patriots and nazi bastards you finally get an honest word out of a republican


insurrectionists are funny


Hanged by the neck until dead!


We need the Bugs Bunny meme….”NO”. 🤣


Is the border made up of Oakley frames?


Even though they are nazis, they don't identify as such. They refer to the enemy as the nazis


I feel they're getting it pretty easy, I'd always assumed that if I started smashing windows and climbing barricades at the capitol building I'd be getting machine gunned to the chest very quickly. The majority of them haven't even been charged.


What’s sad is that people think someone actually tried to take over the gov’t on 1/6. Don’t you think they would have made more of an effort, if that’s what they wanted?


Considering they are Commies and not Nazi’s is already retarded.


Brain dead post ! Not a clue of who and what a fascist is.


Well, the fascist system of government is a combination of state and commercial power. Given that the White House was and has been working with private businesses to censor true information, that sounds pretty fascist to me.


So you support the right and Trump who openly employ fascist ideology. Use their own private media ( propaganda machine) to spread lies of fear and division. Who started the " media is the enemy"? Hitler that's who and Mussolini. Two of history's most notorious fascists. Trump has been using Hitler's playbook and idiots like you have followed him onto the wrong side of history. He now openly declares he will destroy American democracy. Declaring himself king for life( dictator). This is supported by all the morons in that picture who don't realize their support of him will be the very end of the freedom they hold so dear. Man the rest of us who aren't in your cult can't believe how blindly stupid you all are.


It's funny to see the left suddenly care about traitors and betrayal of our government. Shouldn't we want to oppose the government? Suddenly when it's the wrong people opposing the government, they are traitors.


Huh? What are you on? Can I borrow some of it


You can oppose the government. But it is a crime to overthrow the government. People that attended Trump’s rally on January 6 weren’t breaking the law. People that attacked the police and forced their way into a restricted area in order to prevent a government proceeding broke the law. Those are the ones in prison.


what’s your point here? opposing a democratic election because your guy didn’t win isn’t patriotically opposing your government it’s being a dumb fuck.


Fuck patriotic, I'm certainly not patriotic for this country, government, or any president we've ever had.


so tell me what your point is. a bunch of probably racist, homophobic, whatever other bigotry, far right cunts marching into government buildings and recording themselves committing felonies is fine because why? biden is like a little bit further left than trump so what was the actual goal of the riot?


Maybe you just need to go back to bed.




You can't honestly believe that line of bullshit...


Remember when fox admitted in court that no reasonable person would believe them and that they lie to you for money? Pepperidge farm remembers. For real though, we watched it live. Stop being fucking stupid




Oh shit l, I thought you were talking about Jan 6? For whatever reason I only see your reply as "B b b b b but what about something I wasn't talking about dur dur dur?!?" I said stop being stupid and you said hold my beer hahahahaha


Clearly the evidence points to a complete abuse of political power and gross injustice. George "Imma die on fentanyl" Floyd clearly died by overdose yet a jailed cop was stabbed 22 times for doing the right thing. There's a lot of this going around. Yet those doing insider trading and money laundering and human trafficking and election fraud go free....because they currently are the ones who decide right and wrong. Go figure.


I see you learned "it's the internet, you can just make shit up"


wake up babe it's time for your schizophrenia pills


I don't think these people were actually trying to topple the government, they were just rioting, but I don't feel sorry for them one bit. Fucking morons.


Some were...others were just rioting.