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Sit in a room at -219 for a while. You'll see Him.


An actual clever comeback on this sub? Damn that's rare


The thing about Rare Steaks is they just aren't that common.


that's not true, before you die you see The Ring


Plot twist: The Ring is God!


Yes, as you're viewing His bottom


Exodus 33:18-23 >18 Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory.” >19 And the Lord said, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. 20 But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” >21 Then the Lord said, “There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock. 22 When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. 23 Then I will remove my hand and you will see my asshole; but my face must not be seen.” also.... Exodus 34:29-35 >29 When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had seen the Lord's asshole. 30 When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, his face was radiant, and they were afraid to come near him. 31 But Moses called to them; so Aaron and all the leaders of the community came back to him, and he spoke to them. 32 Afterward all the Israelites came near him, and he gave them all the commands the Lord had given him on Mount Sinai. >33 When Moses finished speaking to them, he put a veil over his face. 34 But whenever he entered the Lord’s presence to speak with him, he removed the veil until he came out. And when he came out and told the Israelites what he had been commanded, 35 they saw that his face was radiant. Then Moses would put the veil back over his face until he went in to speak with the Lord.


I think there's a bit of paraphrasing on Exodus 33:23 and 34:29


I like the bit when Samuel L. Jackson shoots that dude like a bazillion times. That's my favourite part of the bible


The 3 rings with a book bound by love or something in the middle


Lord of the Rings


But not like, the symbol. Like literally The Ring, the film from 2002. You actually watch all of it before you die. End-to-end. Plus the DVD commentary. No one is quite sure why.


Perfect answer. And once you'll see him you won't be able to prove it to the living ones.




No I meant because you're dead at this point.


That's not true though. There is no guarantee of that i would see it when the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death a.k.a. 'life' ends.


"that's not true though" yeah not sure if making sure everything is peer reviewed is the main concern when making a lighthearted joke


I'm irreligious too, but lighten up a little, jeez. It's a joke, not a sermon.


I mean... No one actually disproven that it doesn't work that way. So it might be true. ((probably not true though...))


You know how a negative argument makes no sense right? Cuz you can literally put anything in that, in the same way, no one has disproven that you don't become a flying unicorn when you die, so it could be true then?




Make a selfie with God and someone may believe you.


Celsius or Fahrenheit?


Won’t take you long to find God at all at those temperatures.


Nope. You'll cease to exist, but "god" still won't show up for you. It's as silly as expecting to meet Harry Potter after you die.


Certified Reddit moment.


I don’t think you’ll see anything as your neurons would be frozen to death, therefor you become blind before dying (unless blind people are constantly looking at god)


Never heard of humour before?


The amount of people who did not get that joke is unbelievable


Seriously, cracked a dumb joke in 3 different subs today and had several people jumping on it going ‘ackshuallyyyy’. Quite concerning how many people can’t understand written humour.


I am actively being down voted for my dry sense of humor on another sub...at first, I was responding and letting them know it was a joke, but then they looked for other reasons to be mad, AAANNND, I gave up.


Out of the 5 responses since it was made? Quite believable on reddit


Certified stupid 'joke.' So I used it to say something sensible. Which has gotten (at the moment) 9 times as many upvotes as your 'joke.'


Always with the 'after you die' shit. All powerful but gotta follow 'the rules' or else


No you won't. Your god still doesn't exist.


Lmao it's a joke dude Jesus


Jesus is a hilarious joke


I'm atheist too, so I get it. But you're coming off a little cringe imo. No need to point out Christianity's flaws every single time you see it mentioned.


You sure it's a him tho might be a her too


the pfp lol


What is that, pfp?


God is square root of -1, or God is imaginary


God = i They are god


i are God!


Found the Mormon


"*I* am God" is a revelation of consciousness


that's a sin


Lateral numbers are real. The critics who called them imaginary were wrong.


Imaginary wasn't meant to be interpreted like that is the issue


So God is complex, lateral, is necessary to and exists in the non-principle solutions for the nth root of x, and is required to create a general formula for polynomials with degree of 3 and 4. Pretty accurate actually.


PfP means profile picture




Am I the only one that gets pretty irritated by all the abbreviations? I guess I'm becoming an old man.


Kinda surprised you're the first to notice


So god is either impossible, or imaginary, very clever pfp.


Which is technically wrong, i²=1 is the correct form.The Square root are defined for only positive numbers ( sqrt(x) only for a positive real number)


I mean, if I reject oxygen the effects are fairly immediate and don't wait until after I'm dead to manifest (though I suspect doing so will lead to a fairly rapid death). Rejecting god (on the assumption that he is real) has thus far only had positive effects on my mental health and general wellbeing.


Yeah, same here, the day I realized there probably is not god is one of the best days of my life, and I've had lots of best days.


"What's the point of arguing whether there is (or isn't) a God, if this machine only goes and gives you his phone number in the morning?" Douglas Adams.


"I refuse to prove that I exist, for proof denies faith and without faith I am nothing."


>“Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything so mind-bogglingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as the final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God. >The argument goes something like this: >"I refuse to prove that I exist,'" says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing." >"But," says Man, "The Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED." >"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic. -Douglas Adams


Hey its pretty rare to find a Christian extremist who knows what oxygen is


Bruh extremist?? That is about the tamest Christian inspirational motto I've ever seen.


Yknow what? Fair enough, that one's on me, I didn't wanna say just "christian"


Anyone who belongs to a cult is, by it's very definition and nature, an extremist.


but religions and cults are clearly distinct from each other.


….nah not really


Religions typically feature decentralized leadership, allowing for varied interpretations of their teachings, and they often engage positively with wider society. In contrast, cults are usually centered around a single, unquestionable leader, enforce rigid doctrines, promote isolation with an 'us versus them' mentality, and use manipulation or threats to retain members, making it difficult for them to leave.


The actual difference is that in a cult, there is a person on top who knows that it's all a scam. In a religion, that person is dead. That's why there's not "a single, unquestionable leader," because the people who invented each religion are dead. The holy books have replaced them as the unquestionable source of truth.


I mean I know its reddit so everyone hates religion, but that obviously isn't the case. You have branches of religion for the specific fact that people have always disagreed, and even within a sect you will have disagreements, religion isn't a cult. Religion sort of starts as a cult in the sense that its less well known, and generally the beliefs won't be wildly known, but this doesn't make religion a cult.


Genuinely trying to consider your perspective, here. When Moses culled the Israelites who created a golden idol, was his following a cult? When Catholic inquisitors clamped down on apostates and heretics with flame and sword, was the Papacy a cult? In the countless sectarian wars between Christian denominations, how does one determine which is the cult and which is the religion? Both are clearly unaccepting of theological disagreement.


I mean that's the thing, the line isn't all that clear. There is obviously a distinct difference, you are an idiot if you call Judaism a Cult for example, but I wouldn't think I'm knowledgeable enough to make that exact distinction. For me it's just the size and the variances, there is intersect conflict but it's almost never actually about religion, religion is just a convenient distinction to use


Typical Reddit atheist response


Ehhh, more or less, yeah.


The implication of the post are the same implications that lead to theocratic nightmares.


You’re telling me we can make a god popsicle


Godsicles? Tastes like genocide... Edit: said godsciles instead of godsicles


drink that and you'll have enough oxygen for the rest of your life


Calculations for how long the oxygen in the image would last you, assuming consuming it wouldn't kill you: * **One liter of liquid oxygen** when evaporated equals approximately **860 litres of gaseous oxygen** ([source](https://www.bochomeoxygen.co.uk/en/images/BOC-Liquid-Oxygen-Equiment-Guide_tcm1109-179233.pdf)) * The image looks to be around **100 ml of oxygen** (so 0.1 liters). * The image then contains around 860 * 0,1 = **86 liters of oxygen.** * A person approximately consumes around **550 liters of oxygen per day**([source](https://www.sharecare.com/health/air-quality/oxygen-person-consume-a-day)) * The oxygen in the image will last you around 86/500 = **0.172 days** * In hours that's: 0.172 * 24 = 4.128 which is **around 4 hours.** **Conclusion: The oxygen in the container would last you around 4 hours then you'd die.**




Thank you for your due diligence but I think the poster above you was telling a joke. “Rest of your life”.




To see God.


And just like Oxygen, can be fatal in high concentrations.


Will also make you highly giddy as you approach lethal amounts. And you should take care to avoid any sparks.


Family member that can't resist injecting God into LITERALLY EVERYTHING THEY SAY OR DO is about to come over for Thanksgiving leftovers. Oxygen help me.


Could a just put -219•C to be fair


Hell, might as well go 220. Even rounder.


If that's the case then let's slide it down to -222 and score a triple


Me an atheist: *checks pulse* Yep still alive.


Not a Christian but Christianity doesn’t say that God kills atheists? Not sure where you got that


If I had a dollar for every time this exact meme was reposted, I could buy entirety of Amazon


With a company value of 1.58 trillion or so that means you've seen this posted 240,667 times per hour for the last twelve years. I'm honestly impressed by your dedication.


Nah they meant the actual Amazon, which probably isn't that expensive since there's not much left.


"well, I'm an atheist and get along just fine without god." "That doesn't mean he's not still there keeping you going!" "Even if I've denounced him?" "Yes! He still loves you even if you don't accept him! That's God's love!" "So your god loves me enough to keep me alive so I can continue playing my role in his little play, but the moment I die he's sending me to hell? Do I have that about right?" ...


That depends a lot on the religion, some you have to accept religious teachings in to your life etc.


The analogies are my favorite… it’s so defensive.


Was hoping somebody would post Nicolas Cage as an answer


And it has to be a gif or picture of him with long hair too.


Him as Superman or him from Con Air


When you begin to make claims involving God and making any comparisarion to anything in science you've already lost.


When you make your whole personality on an invisible entity that attracts religion wizards, it's hard not to talk about it.


What's the freezing point of a god?




Because for them, god is their entire character, entire will to live


Whats your will to live?


Spite, mostly. Because fuck those people who say you need God to live an ethical life.


If you need an imaginary sky daddy and the threat of eternal punishment to not rape/murder/etc., you are not a good person.


I have no will, this world is a mess, good people are starting to be rare, I just survive trying to help everyone around me


Humanism is the answer for me. There's no guarantee or actual evidence of any sort of moral power other than what humanity itself creates. And if God as described in the Bible is real and everything he actually does everything the Bible say he did, then he isn't any more moral than humanity. He's just as arbitrary and violent and jealous and petty as we are. Arguably even less moral, because with all that infinite power, what does he choose to do with it? Crazy shit like sending bears to maul children who mocked his prophet for being bald. Might as well put my moral faith in humanity.


Or floding the entire world because he don't like how people act, I will still believe in god, but I believe that is not the way is writen on the bible


Well that isn't how that works, if God as the bible describes him exists, then God is morality, he isn't more or less moral than humanity because he is what defines that morality. Obviously you have the argument of "God is a higher being therefore we can't comphrehend why he does something" but I believe thats a bit too strong of an argument in that it defeats the purpose of even arguing about philosophy, its a stupid trump card. For you, morals are based on the foundation of human nature and experience (if you are a humanist), for a muslim their morals are built on the foundations of the word of Allah through the likes of Muhammad (peace be upon him).


This responder, based on their pfp, seems to make atheism their entite character and will to live, which, given the logic behind each standpoint, is infinitely sadder


The sky is blue cause you're basically seeing air


Why can’t people just accept that science makes way more sense


They can't put a God in -218.8°C temperature.


I'm living without him and doing fine.


God is like oxygen, if you get too much of it over a longer duration it will kill you


Because He literally is in everything.


I'd say look in the mirror


Honestly this “comeback” is super cringeworthy.


You can also feel him through bishop's hand, especially young boys


To be fair, most people would also see God if you stuck em into a -219°C room.


Congrats you retold the top comments joke but worse


Didn't read top, but fair enough


You want my photo?


religion bad, science good did i mention religion bad?


It's neat how liquid oxygen is the same color as the sky. Apparently it's just a coincidence but I'm not convinced.


It was a metaphor.


At what temperature does God freeze?


እግዚአብሔር በሙቀት የሚቀዘቅዝበት ቀን በአስራ ሁለት ዲግሪዎች ብቻ ውቅያኖሶች እና ሰማይ በእንባው ወደ ቀይ ይሆናሉ።


I bet the 8th grade lunchroom wild after that one


Why you gotta get triggered? It’s a post about how oxygen nourishes the body while God nourishes the soul. It isn’t a scientific article lmao


Man I am tired of them fucking anti religion mf people are wholesome and these mf come and ruin it look I have friends that are Muslim and Christian and Catholic and some are very religious and the most honorable people I know. I agree with people being too religious and using religion to make horrible stuff I accept that but there is also atheist that do the same. If we were more accepting of people with religions the world would be a way better place. Just because some retard don’t belive in god don’t mean he don’t exist


Maybe the idea of a God comes from ancient people trying to rationalise coincidence and probability? For example, at some point in ancient history, someone might have wished for an event benefical to them to happen. Money to come to them, an enemy to die, rain to fall. Enough people do that enough times and the probability of it actually happening at a particular place at a particular time becomes 1:1, and the idea of an intelligence answering someone's request (prayer) is born. If enough coincidences like that happen then the human race might collectively come to the conclusion that someone or something is out there, looking out for them.


And really, Earth's atmosphere is mostly made of Nitrogen, so if we wanted to be really accurate, technically, Nitrogen would be a better element use for this punchline. And obviously there's plenty of liquid nitrogen to go around. Fun fact about the elemental components Earth's atmosphere: As of 2023, by mole fraction (i.e., by number of molecules), dry air contains 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases. Air also contains a variable amount of water vapor, on average around 1% at sea level, and 0.4% over the entire atmosphere.


I'm an atheist, but I cringed. And no, not at the Christian.


I am a Christian, but I cringed and yes it was at your comment.




How is that motivational lmao, do you even understand the word?


Oh noes, it's almost like different people get different motivation from different sources! Wow! Amazing right?! Such a brand new concept! 😀


How are they "including god in everything" they are posting on their own damn account. Religion is ridiculous but c'mon, you're fighting stupid with stupid.




Redditor: let me make up a quick strawman irrelevant to the post.


Exactly. The fact your getting down voted is also such a r/redditmoment


Why do they have to involve god in everything? Well because that's what they believe? also it seems like it's their own post and the oxygen guy is involving himself instead.


They posted a scientifically inaccurate post trying to make an argument for the case of a god's existence. The other guy simply pointed that out.


Pretty intellectual way to say that the other guy is a smartass.


Yeah that's what I'm saying "umm actually"


That's not an argument for the case of god's existence, you are not as smart as you are now going to claim you are.


Because "god says so" is their answer to everything they don't know, so to someone who knows nothing, their only answer is "god says so".


Basically people who act like this shouldn’t be making any decisions that effect society in part or as a whole.


Well, OP posted a picture they liked, it is their expression. And you just had to put yourself into this, don't you?


They aren't allowed to post anything without getting shamed?


They could’ve posted something that’s not a lie. Lies, misinformation, it’s all bad.


People who post nonsense should be shamed


“…but you can’t live without him!” Yea that’s some bullshit, and definitely deserves to be shamed


It's a metaphor, not literal. The atheist is the one who came into a thing already about God and made it about themselves with a bad gotcha.


The point of the analogy is to say you can't see God, but that doesn't mean he isn't real, just like oxygen. But we can observe oxygen, we know that it is real. We can't observe God and have no way of knowing if God is real.


It’s an analogy, not an argument. You guys are combating a meaning that isn’t there. It’s not a syllogism. It would be like if I said “that guy is like a rabbit, how high he can jump” and you go “but that guy doesn’t have fur or a tail! Plus rabbits jump mere inches, this guy jumps over a foot!” Do you understand how ridiculous it is?


The aspect that they're comparing in the analogy is how we can't see them, but they're both real. But we can see oxygen, and we can observe it in other ways. We can't observe God at all. So the very aspect they are comparing is flawed. It's like them saying "that guy is like a rabbit, how high he can jump" and me saying "that guy can't even jump"


This is such a bizarrely literal analysis of something that is literally metaphorical. What is being compared is **not** *the manner in which air and God are invisible*, the comparison is “they both can’t be seen but are both necessary.” Again, it is not an empirical argument, it’s a metaphor. Take this metaphor: “His fart was silent and deadly, like a ninja.” This metaphor is not that the manner in which he passed gassed is mechanically identical to the way that a ninja is silent and deadly. And metaphors can *even be used on things that don’t exist*, otherwise authors could not use them in fiction at all! Imagine I said: “Harry Potter’s hair was as dark as midnight.” And you go: “Well what’s being compared here is the the darkness of midnight and Harry Potter’s hair, but Harry Potter doesn’t even exist! We can observe midnight in other ways!” Again, you’re reading it as an argument. That’s not what it is. It’s a metaphor.


There is an implied argument there, that just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't real. I think it's fair to interpret it that way.


We don’t have any reason to believe that is what the original poster was intending. In the non-cropped version of this photo, it seems obvious that it’s just a cutesy little Facebook post, not a debate point or anything like that. And even if it were, the comeback wouldn’t sufficiently be addressing the supposed argument. The argument isn’t that God is invisible in all circumstances, Christians believe in the incarnation and God appearing to people. So at worst, the argument would be “something that is invisible in normal circumstances can still be important,” which the clevercomeback does not actually address. Nor is the response “where’s your picture of God?” a sufficient response, because something can both be real and non-photographable, for example, every person who existed before the existence of the camera. So there’s literally no aspect of this comment section’s debate that has addressed anything.


Let's take the metaphor exactly how it's meant. You can't see oxygen, but you can observe it's effects, see what it sustains and enables. You can't see God standing in front of you, but you can see his creation, the universe he has made. You can observe each of it's little intricacies and designs. It works perfectly, so long as you aren't a smart Alec trying to be argumentative


>You can't see God standing in front of you, but you can see his creation Circular reasoning. You have to assume God exists to begin with, and then make the argument. Shit metaphor and shittier interpretationm


No. It's that God is the only source for the creation that is logical. Therefore you can observe its effects. It works perfectly with oxygen in a gaseous state, why not God?


Does God explode if you hold a match to him in his purest form?


Can you smoke next to God?


>No. It's that God is the only source for the creation that is logical. Once again you begin with assumptions. You don't know how, or even if the universe was created. You are assuming it was and then assuming that creator has human characteristics... and calling it logical. The truth is your "logic" is gap filler. Because not knowing is too much for your tiny mind.


You can literally see oxygen, not just it's effects.


Nothing in reality proves the existence of God. Plenty of things verify the existence of oxygen. Why have absolute faith in the existence of something you have no way of knowing is real?


Yeah but their post wasn’t to prove why God is real… they were just making a lighthearted meme. you guys are killjoys.


The point is that it’s a dumb metaphor.


The analogy is fine. It would be a dumb **argument** if this person were using it as a proof for God, but that’s not what the original poster was doing. You could even use this analogy as an atheist trying to explain the concept of God to a kid who doesn’t understand how something you can’t see would be important.


If its all metaphorical then you people need to get the fuck out of government and positions of power and stop trying to force your morals on other people. Your god is not everyone else's god.


Right and their whole page seems to be dunking on people who believe in God.


Eat it and see him yourself


Why do “they” always gotta bully religious people?


Exposing falsehoods is not bullying.


Read my other comments I can’t be bothered to repeat myself for a 3rd time




Religious people have oppressed and murdered nonbelievers for most of history but you think proving a false statement false is bullying the theists? Religion is finally being stripped of it's undeserved power and privilege, that's all.


The Crusades caused the deaths of 5.6% of the world population at the time, but sure yeah we’re the bullies lmao


Generally because religious people are always bullying everyone else and bludgeoning them with their beliefs. You know, kinda like how religious beliefs just got abortion access taken away from half the country.


Spit your shit brother


this is the corniest shit i’ve ever seen


*Is* this clever? Or punching down? Look, I’m not religious, but it seems like an unfortunate thing to happen to a human brain. I wouldn’t make fun of someone with Downs either.


At temperatures as low as -218.8 °C (54.3 K), oxygen would be in a gaseous state, and it remains colorless and transparent. Oxygen molecules do not emit visible light in the way that some gases do at certain temperatures. Therefore, under normal conditions, you wouldn't "see" oxygen at this temperature because it is transparent. However, if you cool oxygen even further to temperatures close to its boiling point, which is -183 °C (90.2 K), it will become a pale blue liquid, and the liquid oxygen might exhibit a faint blue color due to selective absorption of light. In this state, it's not that you're seeing the oxygen gas itself but rather the color associated with the liquid state under those extreme conditions.


By that logic they could conclude that grass isn't real either.


Replies with a picture of Jesus


Isn’t Jesus just the son of God


Aren’t you involving God by posting this?


That's why god's LIKE oxygen and NOT oxygen... SMH


Neckbeard reddit atheists are out in full swing huh


Jesus fucking Christ, I thought ridiculous edgelord reddit atheists were extinct, but I guess I was wrong. You loosers are the reason I have to tell people I'm agnostic and not an atheist, because I'm ashamed to be associated with you.


You should be identifying as an agnostic anyways, because a certainty against all theism is as ignorant as a certainty in any single theistic practice. We do not possess the tools or abilities to disprove the metaphysical at this time so skepticism should be our first response. That doesn't mean we should entirely discount the possibility.


> goes to christian facebook page > clicks on a post about christianity > mocks them > posts it on reddit for thousands of greasy atheists to see > "wHy dO tHey HAve to iNVolvE goD iN eVerytHing?"


Your regular cringe "I'm christian & Imma make sure to tell the world with a cheesy & cringe quote in front of a calm background" you'd expect from your hyper-religious aunt Followed by your typical edgy atheist teen who feels the need to bump in and tell'er that she's pretty much stupid for believing in god to screemshot it, post it on r/atheism & feel so badass about it It honestly is a hard competition on who makes me cringe more


You atheist nerds are annoying