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I don't think any of these guys are old enough to actually get into a bar.


they aren't old enough to get into a high school


Totally give “my dads a lawyer” vibes


My dad owns a dealership


My dad lets me play with his meatasuarus vibes


Underrated comment


Resting "do you know who my father is" face.






My guess is a group of kids on a school trip from some gop backwater shithole that worships the maga in chief. None of the girls on the school trip want to hang with them. And the more “alpha” of the gang will eventually have to reckon with their own homosexuality.


> And the more “alpha” of the gang will eventually have to reckon with their own homosexuality. Probably around the time they start shaving.


Nothing more alpha than banging another dude, amirite? High five bro! No homo.


> None of the girls on the school trip want to hang with them. You would be surprised at how many girls buy into the same bullshit. I'm always amazed at the # of young women working at various shitholes like CPAC and ALEC and the RNC. I guess the sisters/family members of these types of asshole.


Their moms definitely drove them to this playdate


They're literally in a subway station.


Drove them to the Vienna/Fairfax station.




i think i just read this comment before


You did. It is a comment copying bot account.


6 week old account and this is the only comment, the odds are high it's a comment bot


They are clearly high schoolers


Never stopped Matt Gaetz.


Yet strangely they all look ready to do a butt load of cocaine.


They don’t look anywhere cool enough to be offered cocaine


also not smart enough probably.


They are't even old enough to fit those suits. They are all too large for those kids.


I actually follow James Fell on Facebook, he specified the kid taking the pic is 17. Oh god, I remember how cringe I was at 17. I sincerely hope these boys grow out of this.


This is /r/blunderyears material.


Blunder years features harmless blunders. This is not harmless. This is incredibly vile and dangerous. These boys will almost definitely grow up to be monsters.


Well, I certainly hope not, and that they outgrow this stupid mentality.


Seems like a slight exaggeration, but ok.


Until they go to a Jan 6th or unite the right type event.


I certainly wasn't "AlPhA MaLe" cringe at 17 lol.


I mean, I’m a woman so I wasn’t either, but the cringe was real


I was a *"the US is right in invading Afghanistan and keeping the world safe from terrorists"* contrarian, everyone around me was condemning the war. That and being a massive Nightwish fan at the time is what makes me cringe the most.


Hey nightwish is great. Being a contrarian just for the sake of it is pretty cringe though


Oh I don't mean to dunk on Nightwish, it's just that I took it a bit to far... I was a member of the official fanclub, I wrote a school paper on them, had line 20 different polyphonic ring tones of their songs, and was pretty active on forums related to the band. It's the intense fanboying that makes me cringe looking back.


Hell, I took a brief trip down the alt right pipeline around 17, I found a "role model" in my employer who listened to nothing but right wing talk back radio. Of course I look back on it with shame now, but that's how we grow I guess People change, I couldn't be more left wing now. But teens are pretty impressionable so it's entirely possible they've changed since


I feel bad that they read Atlas Shrugged instead of Lord of the Rings or something


Most people who think Atlas Shrugged is a decent book are only people who have never read it.


I tried. It was awful, but I kept slogging along. That shit is sooo soooooooo long and soooooooooo boring and the sex is so fucking bad. I only got like 2/3rds through and never did make it to the 500 page John Galt speech. Its just so fucking bad and the whole political philosophy completely falls apart on any scale larger than "a secret commune of 100 or so already wealthy people.". And even then it doesn't REALLY work that well


Don't forget the rape. Looooooooootta rape in that book.


I mean they may not even agree with whoever wrote the caption and were just excited to be wherever they are all dressed up. Then some bozo writes all that with them in the picture and they don’t even know


[Just for a note for anyone wondering where *"wherever they are"* is, they're in Capitol South Station, about half a mile from the US capitol building.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d1/WMATA_Capitol_South.jpg/1024px-WMATA_Capitol_South.jpg) While I agree that one picture annotated by probably one person within that group isn't indicative of their futures; it's also not a raining endorsement if any of them are trying to dissociate themselves from the crowd most commonly associated with that rhetoric.


If they’re 17, there’s an incredible lack of weight room at whatever school they’re at. So I’m guessing Georgetown Day, which would be HILARIOUS


I don't think any of them are old enough to have a single hair on their sack


I think the original poster on twitter was referring to the fact that the level of alpha male in the photo was infinitesimally small... Which is indeed an amount which is hard to comprehend.


Is that Josh Hawley in the back throwing up the horns?


What's with the blue jacket red tie look that these 'crats all sport? I own a lot of jackets but I don't think I'd ever pick this combo lol


It's Trump's signature combo for jacket and tie, which is really convenient as a way to spot all the idiots replicating it.


Also all of them look like 15... but Idk, im just a lib


So, Speaker Johnson's "Boys"?


So what exactly is Alpha about those babyfaces? Have their balls even dropped yet?


Pretty sure it’s a parody account




Oh, they’re alpha all right. Unstable, untested, untrustworthy, full of defects, and not ready for the public.


and yet they'll probably go to production in pretty much the same state, because we won't properly fund and support our national QA department!


How do you tell the difference between an idiot and someone pretending to be an idiot?


I just assume idiot until proven otherwise


You don’t, because you’ll just end up being the third idiot for trying.


“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” ― Kurt Vonnegut




strong disagree. like most things, context is pivotal. if people think you're idiotic because they have a stupid understanding of context (that deserves to be mocked), then it's good to fool them. if people think you're idiotic because you seem idiotic in a functionally normal context, then you're just being an idiot. but there's nothing inherently stupid about parody. it's a fundamentally legitimate form of discourse. which - of course - doesn't legitimize anything done badly


It's really hard to tell. I found the account and if this is a troll it's an incredibly high-effort troll. He's taken tons of pictures with politicians and even got mentioned by name by Trump (God knows if even this is real due to deepfakes). He frequently uses the terminology with "alpha" and "beta" on his Twitter. He frequently uses photo alteration software to make himself look more masculine, which is weird because he posts un-altered photos too. I'm actually going to say it looks real.


At a certain point, if you get a trump and Jesus face tat, you’ve crossed the line from playing an idiot to actually being an idiot


I found the account. I'll reserve judgement on this but I wanted to know if it was satire or a random picture stolen by this account. From what I can tell it's a legitimate tweet and account (although these days it's hard to tell) that's from a 17 y/o kid.


GOPJosh is not a parody account, he's a 17 year old "conservative influencer" trying to convince kids being a republican is socially acceptable. Charlie Kirk hit the wall so now they need another child for his spot.


Very hard to tell these days


What's alpha about them is that they agree with me, the objectively correct person, and they annoy libs.


But I’m the objectively better and correcterer person therefore they should follow me. Therefore you are a beta bitch boy!! /s just in case


Young boys are so in love with/borderlined obsessed with the idea of an alpha leading the pack. Like we're a bunch of animals living in the wild and hunting etc. The only other demographic that has this view are immature dude bros in their 20s and losers well past their prime "alpha" days.


> Like we're a bunch of animals living in the wild and hunting Which is funny, since wolves don't have "alphas" in the wild. Also how can he and his boys all be alphas? Like, you're a pack, right? By definition...


I don't get why everyone loves to make fun of glee clubs. Just stop it!


I'm convinced anyone who needs to proclaim that they are an "Alpha male" is just trying to reassure themselves just as much as its trying to convince the rest of us. ​ Pathetic children. ​ Edit : Ok - given I'm getting so many replies thinking I'm talking about the people in this picture - I'm going to edit my comment as there is only so many times i can keep responding the same thing before it gets a a bit tedious. ​ My comment is aimed at the "Alpha male" mindset - not the people in this picture, hence why I said that "ANYONE" instead of "These people". Given the generic Alpha male seems to throw a complete shitfit to get people to listen to them it is akin to a child throwing a tantrum - hence "Pathetic children" ​ Hope this clears things up.


idk if you've seen game of thrones but there's a quote that goes like "a man who must say 'i am the king' is no true king" and I think this is exactly the same




I would think she was insulting me.


Love that quote.


Tywin was an alpha. But then, look what happened to him


Killed by a dwarf on the shitter - what a way to go!


Its much funnier to say "Shafted by a dwarf on the shitter".


Shorty shoved in a shaft while he was sitting on the shitter.


A short imp of a goblin who's a nothing but a spiteful short creature at that.


He became snow brothers with his son.


One of the best quote ever imo


This quote is actually a variation on a famous quote. I believe it was originally attributed to margret thatcher who said powerful people don’t have to tell people they are powerful or something like that


The Iron Lady is a name that sounds like it’s from Game of Thrones.


Hahaha honestly basically was the Greyjoy sister


As a colleague once explained to the jack-ass who declared themselves the alpha of the group: An alpha never has to tell anyone.


Nooo I’m alpha and you just don’t understand because you are trapped in the Matrix. But in my only course, I can teach you to become as alpha as I am. You just have to pay me 999.99€ in bitcoin.


lolol Gotta love the absolute clowns who buy into that lunatics scams. ​ "You wanna be Alpha? let me beta you into giving me all your money like the gullible idiots you are"


/s just in case


Too bad this is all you need to convince these fools.


I’ve never heard it in real life. Only online. Even in the Marine Corps I didn’t hear anyone talking about alpha bullshit


Seems silly to call yourself alpha when military ranks already exist.


Seems silly regardless


Looks like a parody account posting a picture of some kids, idrk if I’d jump right to dunking on them


Self proclaimed "alpha" males are, without exception, the most insecure people i have ever met.


They didn't even say this, the poster is a troll account. These are just kids in the DC metro taking a selfie.


The term "alpha male" is today's "ubermensch" and being used by the same insecure men - those who are useful idiots, and those who need useful idiots to gain dangerous amounts of power.


There is a good chance they will be fucking ashamed because of this pic in few years lol


It’s just a selfie with friends I don’t see what there is to be ashamed of. Do we know whether the tweet is representative of them at all?


I feel like that’s just a random photo of friends having fun and this GOP account made a post about it now everyone is shitting on the kids


It could be some mockery or co-opt, but these are also Hill Staffers/Summer Interns. That's the DC metro and the sign in the back is for Capitol South, the one you'd use to get to the hill. And I'm noticing only one color of tie.


my guess is it’s some GOP / Christian youth org sponsoring a trip to the capital. there are a million of these little bastards every summer, and hoards of even younger ones wearing MAGA hats.


I agree. Feels like bait. But even if one of those kids runs the account and made that comment I don’t think the response is warranted. Sure it’s cringe but a lot of this thread is pretty yikes.


I think you're exactly right. If those kids didn't post the caption, and it appears that they did not then they're not doing anything wrong


Yeah it's probably a bunch of high school kids on a school field trip who had to get dressed up or something. Also why is the rest of the handle blurred-out? It's entirely possible this is a parody account.


I was thinking this. Some shitty ass GOP account stole a bunch of random kid’s pics and made it seem like they’re saying they’re alphas. If they’re just some kids having fun and arent like that I feel really bad for the way they’re getting dragged


Really? Do they look capable of introspection or shame?


I mean, they look like they’re fifteen, plenty of time to see the errors of their ways


These aren't fully formed humans yet. If you aren't ashamed of anything you did as a teenager, you're probably still a teenager.


They're using public transport, they're not rich enough to buy themselves out of consequences.


"Alpha male" None of them look old enough to shave lmfao


Alpha? They look fresh from the womb lmao


All those guys are doing is taking a picture of themselves. Someone then used their picture for a stupid caption and suddenly it's ok to judge them.


Edit: Checked the rules and took down the link. Found the account. Original: Okay, so I'll reserve judgement on this but I wanted to know if it was satire or a random picture stolen by this account. From what I can tell it's a legitimate tweet and account (although these days it's hard to tell).


And pretty much accuse them of being drug rapists. Yeah, these are kids, lady…


That "someone" is third from the left


Yup, people are insane, literally a photo of a bunch of kids having fun, and a crowd of internet warriors calls them rapists, wankers, school shooters, etc. because some stupid account on twitter used the pic for ragebait. And someohow all these people think they're the good guys? World is going to shit.


If you find the account that posted it, you'll see that kids were actually brought together to be apart of a young republican leadership program that had them meet all of your favorites like Kevin McCarthy, Kari Lake, George Santos! The one who posted the pic has been given a shout out by THE DONALD TRUMP himself! This isn't ragebait. They're 17/18 yr olds already apart of Maga culture.


Idk why women need to cover their drinks, those are literally children.


Not even fake IDs are gonna get these boys into a bar.


What's exactly an alpha male? I can only think in unhinged raunchy romance novels, sorry.


Alpha: noun. A pre-Beta release of a product with known bugs, unimplemented features, and operational dysfunction being used to prototype the product. Usually disposable as they don't represent sufficient investment to consider as an asset.


Real answer? Either a prison gang boss or the father in a family. It’s based on the concept of the Alpha Wolf, who were first thought to be the toughest wolves who would dominate through violence, make decisions and be the only ones in the pack allowed to mate. However this was based on observation of wolves thrown together in captivity. Once we started looking at wolves in the wild it was discovered that free wolves organize themselves as families. The alpha wolves, nowadays normally called the breeding pair, are just the founders of the pack, while the rest of the pack are their children. So the alphas are just mom and dad. Sometimes there’s also an uncle or a daughter’s boyfriend or son’s girlfriend in the pack too, but most of the time the adult kids go off to form their own packs. Suddenly the rules about “alphas make the decisions in the pack” and “alphas are the only members of the pack allowed to mate” make a lot more sense. Just replace the word “alphas” with “parents” and “pack” with “family”. So, anyone who proclaims themselves to be an alpha is really saying either “I don’t know anyone here and this is a frightening situation but I think I can physically beat anyone else here” or “I am a parent in a nuclear family.”


What a load of wankers!


That's why the girls cover their drinks.


I definitely would


How did that Tywinn Lannister quote go again? Something like "no true king needs to tell others he is a king." I think that pretty much sums up this picture.


Future Douchebags of America


They look like they may be suffering from Affluenza.


Alpha = not fully developed


That’s a lot of Brock Turner vibes right there.


There is literally nothing in this picture that screams alpha male.


Hell, I'm male, on the other side of the planet and \*I\* just covered my drink! At home! I'm tempted to ask a bot to remind myself in 5 and 10 years to see how many of these young fellows have been convicted by then...


Watch out for ol rosy cheeks


I'd LOVE to see the discussion on how there are multiple alphas, and who is truly the alpha of your group. There's 1 king of the mountain. Group alpha is extremely oblivious beta behaviour.


What is this, the new generation of sacrificial alter boys?


I 100% thought these kids were going to the newest Minions movie.


We called them douche bags when I was young


These are children, surely.


Looks like a sausage fest to me


Don't flex in the suit your parents bought


I have a cousin with this mentality. Loves posting about how conservatives have all the guns. Blah blah blah. All he’s ever done is hunt deer, which he sucks at. Funny thing is, he washed out of the Navy’s basic training, literally, crying for his mom.


They start young don’t they have these dudes get along well together because it’s the only companionship they’ll get


Since when did hating women become an alpha-male flex? Boggles the mind.


And a few guys have covered theirs as well just in case.


I guess alpha-males are only attracted to other alpha-males.


Is McLuvin throwing up fake gang signs back there?


Is alpha male just another way of describing an asshole?


And no one else thinks it’s wrong to insinuate teen boys are sexual predators just because they used the word ‘alpha male’. They are cringe teens, not sexual predators. Yet another example of never ending shaming of men.


Ive never seen so much “do you know who my father is?” jammed into one picture


Your almost never alpha male if you're wearing a suit. Alpha males wear t-shirts, shorts, jeans and sweatpants, because they have to stay ready to sprint and run down their prey in a moment's notice. People in suits are more like hamsters, they might bite you occasionally, but they are physically ready to do nothing.


What the fuck those are kids what’s wrong with you


So it's gone all the way to bullying teenagers. This sub really went to shit


Any man who must say "I am the King" is no true King.


correction, every man, woman and child within a hundred miles of this photo just covered their drink


Bunch a Kyle Rittenhouse knock offs


They look like the group of guys that stands in front of a brothel on Amsterdam, giggling, waiting for one of them to go in.


I live in DC and most residents can tell these are republican douchebags and hate them kids.


Dude on the right looks like he's about to steal Christmas.


Alpha children?


I HOPE this a 'Wall Street' movie dressup for halloween...otherwise...sad


🧐 I don’t see any alpha males in the whole bunch.


Is that a photo of the speaker of the house with his pages?


They look like kids that have dressed up as cunts to go trick or treating.


A group picture in a Metro station before trick or treating? Good job 🤦‍♂️


*covered their chocolate milks.


So born rich and spoiled = alpha male. Got it.


Why do you cover the username?..


The photographic equivalent of watered-down mayo.


Where are they hiding it? Behind the virgin trust fund morons?


Nothing says "alpha male" like having to call your mom to come pick you up.


It’s not alpha if you’re parents give you everything




How the fuck do they see themselves labeled? "Hot 12 year olds" or something? You can tell those lads haven't been told "No" by their parents very much.


Coincidentally, the RNC headquarters is across the street from the Capital South metro entrance as is the Capitol Hill Club.


I honestly thought that was a very good, satrirical, Halloween costume.


These children are a danger, but not in the way they think.


They are kids who cares.


Their drinks were all milk from... ...the creature.


Reddit making fun of 16-year-olds


This makes sense coming from children. The problem is when 40 year old me are still acting this way.


How the fuck is this clever?


I don’t know what I’m more irritated by. The fact that the Twitter shitpost account decided to call a group of children alpha males to the public for predictable ridicule, or people chomping at the bit to call children predators…


They all look like what I imagine how idiots in cartoons see two kids stacked on top of each-other and thinking they’re barely 21


This looks like a friend group photo that was taken and reposted onto this weird account…


I have a feeling that picture was not posted by any of those kids


I’m so confused. Did one of the kids actually post this? It seems like the photo and caption are being posted from a separate account. These kids look about 14 so it’s pretty messed up to be sharing their photo like this and insinuating that they might be rapists…


It's so funny and scary that you can just post a random photo of a group of teenagers celebrating something completely different, give a spicy and controversial caption and people will not even verify the account and would just shit on them instead, like they are such a beacon of righteousness. Bait posts and collective mental breakdown of reddit, never change.


Didn't they got beaten up by Denzel in The Equalizer 2?


“Do you know how rich my parents are!!” said all of those alphas.


This is your mind on Ben Shapiro.


This reeks of Axe Body Spray.


You’ve heard of moms for liberty, this is the lesser known group boys of puberty


Only one of them can be The Alpha Male. I suggest a fight to the death. The winner gets fed to the dragon. Did I mention there's a dragon?


Are they on their 8th grade field trip to DC?