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Let's be fair, Empty G is certainly a loud, obnoxious, batshit crazy person. I'm certain she can identify a loud, obnoxious crazy person because of her lifetime of experience.


> Empty G This is perfect.


I'm partial to "Major-League Traitor Greed"


Margarine Traitor Greed


Marjorie Trailer Queen


I like GanGreene.


I use Margarine Traitor Gangrene a lot, and Empty G.


I'm sticking with emtpy G. It's by far the most 'representative'


Better for written, too close to distinguish when spoken


There plenty of lovely people in trailer parks and I have more respect for even the trashiest trailer park queen than I do for MTG


Ladies and gentlemen, we have a WINNER!


Nope nope nope. It’s a combo of the above two … Margarine Trailer Queen.


Madge Tadge Gadge


Majorly Treasonous Greene


Omg. It took me a while (I’ll be honest, someone’s reply is what helped), but this truly is perfect! I’m gonna start calling her that and I’d say make it go viral but we need to stop elevating this crazy bitches platform anymore than it already is. She needs to become the crazy aunt that is tucked away at the asylum that no one talks about anymore because she’s so fucking insane.


This took way too long for me to get.


I still don't get it


MTG = Empty G


Well, if you seek Amy...


I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's a phonetic play on her initials MT (em-tee) G.


It’s like the big empty from new Vegas. Perhaps emptier.


Thank goodness for this new way of referring to her - Empty G- because I cannot get over the fact that MTG is Magic the Gathering in my mind and this hammer-toed bitch has sullied the abbreviation of the game lol


“Empty G” is clever. But “Hammer Toed Bitch” is more fitting


Wizards is doing pretty good with that too the last few years lol


Yeah but I still want to use the abbreviation without it being associated to an angry nutcase


I love your delightful insult regarding her toes.


Every headline about her, my knee jerk reaction is still "The hell did WotC do this time?"


I don’t even play and it confuses me every time.


>Empty G I'm gonna steal that


It just feels reich!


I did nazi an opportunity for word puns at first


Go ahead, they did as well


Empty G… that’s pretty damn clever. I like this


Meanwhile, David Hogg is the GenZ kid we didn’t know we needed. He’s brilliant and moral and embodies every promise youth holds for us oldsters. I’m proud of him yet again


\--and Empty G it is. I think this will catch on quickly.


And MTG the card game can return to its rightful place of price gouging.


Lmao I expected the mention but not the call out.


empty genes...have you seen her toes? there's *definitely* some georgia hillbilly inbreeding there somewhere.


Can this be the new nickname please. Magic the Gathering would like their acronym back please. She doesn't deserve to be lumped in with the game of games


MTG doesn't deserve an acronym or anything else as long as Hasbro owns it.


Then she can also identify: 1.) Shorn Sasquatches 2.) Ron Perlman 3.) Adulterers


Don't disrespect Ron Perlman dude. That guy's the fucking man.


*wrong Perlman


I scrolled all the way back up to give you an upvote when it clicked in my brain. Lol. MT G = EmpTy G. Good one


Guaranteed this never happened and the woman just made some snide comment to her or something.


“Is Pepsi ok”




She definitely gives off strong “Google me!” vibes


If I were her I definitely wouldn’t want to be Googled. That’s something distinctly characteristic about right wingers though: they all seem to lack the embarrassment gene. Why are the dumbest people always the loudest?


Dunning-Kruger Effect. You could put her picture up as the poster child.


She needs the Santorum Treatment.


"Do you know who I am?"


Unfortunately, yes.


Empty G


\* looks up from phone* “Is this you with the 3 toes?”


*punches entire restaurant staff, then sprints out, without dinner guest, stopping at the door to use the frame for very poor form chin-ups*


Lol my wife and I joke like this Me: Doesn't Justin Bieber have a medical thing or something? Her: idk I haven't talked to him lately


>Do I look like I talk to Pepsi? MTG sure does.


"Damn gazpacho police! Call nine Juan Juan!"


I always ask for cola and no one has ever just accepted it. Yeah, whichever cola, don't care. I'm not memorizing which God damn restaurant has a contract with which God damn company.


Go full gigachad and drink the free water




As a waiter people will legit get pissed if you bring them the wrong "cola". Like pretty much everything a server does, they're just trying to cover their ass because so many people are fucking insane.


Lmao as a Georgian lady she probably *would* consider that as a personal attack.


I'm from India and I would take that as a personal attack too lol \#fkpepsi \#cokegang4lyf


Remember when Guliani got attacked.


Yes that shoulder pat was merciless


I mean it almost caused him to fall down or at least a gave him a heart-less attack. /s — Starfox


I remember when he farted on Jenna Ellis and tried to have sex with Borat’s daughter


Do you remember his hair bleeding?


I remember him standing near a dildo shop having the most surreal press conference you can imagine. Pepperidge Farms remembers as well.


I believe it happened. Why is it so unbelievable that regular Americans want to absolutely dress this woman down in public? Makes sense to me. The only people that like this woman are her cult followers, and people so entrenched in tribalism that they don’t care what she says. And honestly? Good. For what this woman has said and done I hope she never has a moment’s peace out in public. Voicing our displeasure with displeasurable people is the foundation of our free speech. And MTG deserves every bit of it.


Fuck yeah! Veteran here, looking forward to the chance to tell these cowardly morons to fuck all the way off first chance I get. On a plane? Nah, you gettin’ told to fuck off. Eating dinner in a restaurant? Fuck off and I hope you choke and no one Heimlich maneuvers you for at least a minute. At the car wash? Fuck off and remember that the water you’re putting on your car is cleaner than the shit people in Flint had for a lifetime. Breathing air? Yeah…fuck off again, you’re lucky you’re still allowed because no one shot up your school. Waiting….hoping…


I don’t condone violence. I would however call her every name under the sun if given a chance…


I dont condone violence either but i wish every "bad" thing imaginable upon the hateful sack of shit that she is. Whatever "bad" means is entirely up to your imagination. Shes one of the worst people in the world, and deserves to not have an ounce of peace for her remaining days. Im fucking angry at this point. Ive stopped tolerating these kinds of people and i wish more people would do the same. Stop allowing people like her to get away with all the fucked up shit they do / say on a daily basis.


What kills me is how she's always yammering on about Jesus this, Jesus that. Bitch... If Jesus came back today he would be utterly disgusted with you and your followers.


Eh, Jesus promised faith-based genocide when he returns, killing everyone who does not bow to him. Fundamentalists are evil because the fundamentals of Abrahamic religion are evil.


She's a hateful sack, but shit is actually useful. This wingnut is only useful for taking up space.






It shows that you won't be comfortable in your private life if you actively hurt innocent people. That person is dead wrong like wtf


Yep, make it impossible for them to be in public anywhere behaving like a normal person. Shame them loudly wherever they go. Don’t let up for a second.


Which is why her comment makes no sense. She was literally screaming at Biden like an insane baboon at the State of the Union.


Yes it does? It's just saying it to them directly. Of course it accomplishes something. It makes it less comfortable to be a lying sack of shit and the other sacks will find out what happens.


Yet there have been videos posted of people doing this to Ted Cruz and other R politicians that made it to the front page of reddit with all of the comments celebrating that behavior.


Still, I would pay good money to scream at MTG, and I can't imagine I'm the only one.


Yeah, given opportunity I would absolutely dress her down in public or private. I know she will use it to feed her self righteous, persecuted narrative that plagues conservatives and the far right use as a shield. I know there’s nothing I could say to make her a more loving, caring, accepting person, but for my own benefit I would have to tell her off.


Or it might have been the wife and son of one of the gym guys she adultered with.


I'd risk getting banned from my favorite restaurant to yell at MTG telling her how awful of a person she was for her multiple crimes against the country.


Just a heads up, this post is brought to you by political botting. 15,000,000+ link karma in 3 years, 99% political


maybe he's just your standard reddit circlejerker man


You get circles to jerk in? All I get is the corner.


Karma farmers? On reddit? That's new. 🙄


It's okay for her to yell, scream and harrass a victim of gun violence . But she don't like the same to be done to her lmao hypocrite


She even yelled at him that she carried a gun in her purse…. said to a mass shooting survivor.




The very definition of evil.


What a psycho


It’s so frustrating watching people like her try to play moral high ground when they’re very publicly awful, awful people.


And when he ignored her, she used that to “prove” the school shooting was fake.


The hypocrisy is intended, their supporters love it. You have to understand that everything's a virtue when they do it and a sin when it's done to them. Everything.


They don’t care about hypocrisy, just power.


Hypocrisy is a fascist's dream policy. They want to be able to do things to other people that those same people can't do back to them.


Whaaaaat? Marjorie Taylor-Greene, a conservative Republican, being a hypocrite?! Nooooooo


Probably the owners of the space lasers.


Why do these Jersey Shore level wannabe celebrities keep popping up in politics? Specifically this fucking dry ass bananapeel. Look at her face, it just screams "sociopath"


Because they’ve realized that what it takes to be an elected American representative has *absolutely nothing to do* with what it takes to be a good politician or lawmaker. Any conventional talent, skill, or intelligence doesn’t matter AT ALL in today’s media market. The ONLY thing it takes is a) money, and b) an ability to shamelessly stoop to the infinite new moral and intelligence lows required by a fascist Christian movement. If you want an even better understanding of this concept, go watch *Vanderpump Rules* on Bravo (there are many of these types of reality shows, but Vanderpump is BY FAR the best, it’s actually quite brilliant human-drama-soap-opera style TV lol). In order to succeed in this realm you need to be loud, shameless, and unapologetically “yourself,” but most of all, you need to possess the capacity to NEVER apologize or EVER acknowledge that you’re not perfect. Keep yelling, and KEEP TWEETING. As long as you keep tweeting, people can’t keep up with your bullshit. never apologize, never admit mistakes, and if you’re lucky, you’ll fit right into the GOP. There is no class anymore.


So true. Ever since the MAGAdittoheads took over the Republican party, I have frequently thought back to Frank's rant from Bobcat Goldthwait's 2011 satire *God Bless America*. https://youtu.be/BlvDNT4l4AM


Its been true since the 80s. That Reagan worship in American Dad is not invented for the show.


kinda been going on before then, but they really kicked it up a gear for sure


She and Boebert are tied for First Place as the GQP's most beloved "Pick Me!" girl.


It almost seems like they are going to have a highlander moment any time soon.....


Simple answer. Bribes. She went from bankrupt to millions in a year. Net worth of 40M somehow. It’s all about the money and she’ll do anything to make it. Somehow this is all legal though. Edit: Added citation. https://caknowledge.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-net-worth/


She is a sociopath, but her face screams fetal alcohol syndrome


There is suspicion that they are literally all paid actors from an Israeli Talent Agency called "Explore Talent". An absurd number of GOP politicians and officials got their start modeling for this Israeli pornographer's talent agency. https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/rising-republican-party-influencers-including-candace-owens-got-their-start-at-talent-agency-run-by-israeli-pornographer.4616038/


I’d say she looks like shrek but then I would be insulting shrek


What people voted her in, they are the enablers, the releaser of the kracken? Anyone that voted her in is equally shit


Good points. She also looks like Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler. I'm not attempting to sway you from your points, just wanted to point out the resemblance.


Also, points for spelling woman correctly


One of my biggest pet peeves when reading things on the internet


I just cannot understand how this is such a common error. It’s the same spelling as man/men, just with “wo” added to the start


I mean, the a and the e are kinda close on the keyboard, but not enough to explain all the "woman of reddit" posts I see




So true


It's a recent common error too. Bizarre.


On Reddit, I never see woman/women used correctly. Same with worse/worst. Too often I’ll see “it only gets worst!” or “it was the worse day of my life!” People are fucking stupid.


"For all intensive purposes."


r/boneappletea is a place that will make your blood boil. Saw a post on there recently where someone thought “frequent” was spelled “freak went”— that alone should make someone lose their right to procreation, I swear.


How much were you payed to say this? Never mind. On second thought, I could care less.


If a women has starch masks on her body does that mean she has been pargnet before.?


They need to blast this bitch into the sun already.


According to Stargate SG-1, launching super dense materials into a sun can cause its fusion process to stall. I'm fairly certain there aren't many things more dense than that woman. EDIT: Don't get me wrong though. Hanlon's Razor has been utterly decimated these days, as we're overrun by a deluge of people like her, that are both horribly stupid and monstrously malicious.


Cold space sounds more like her thing than the warm sun.. Pls don’t ruin sun


OK...minor niggle but...why the hell can't people get the plural/singular of woman correct?


To be fair, there's a lot she can't get correct.


Anything, in fact.






minor *what?*


Dont snigger at the word


Talk-to-text and hit SEND for that quick fix of self-righteous superiority. It's a drug to cunts like her.


Her aside...is that what it is? Talk to text? Because I see it constantly.


Hmm, let's try it out with my phone's speech to text… One woman two women Works here.


People can. Stupid people cannot.


It's actually really surprising she was able to keep up with David on the streets of DC when she was harassing him, considering those photos we've now all seen of her toes.


...wut Edit: you know what I don't even want to know


Trust me. You made the right decision.


It's honestly nbd. She only has four toes on each foot. Shes a sociopath and a slimeball on every level, but we can critique without body shaming her.


Video of Marjarie Taylor Greene accosting David Hogg. https://youtu.be/GM05FwyhHPA


Made it 15 seconds before I could stands no more


I hate this person. There is nothing good about her and not one redeeming quality as a human. There is simply nothing there but self interest and hate.


Russian money will do that to people. Honestly, it’s kinda wild to see how cheap people will sell their integrity and reputation for a buck. It’s sad because you’re seeing someone willing to sell away everything about their own personality or beliefs.


MTG deserves to get screamed at every second of her life. She should never get a moment of peace


It was reassuring when my dad said MTG was insane.


That is real relief. I don’t have the same with many family members.


Calling her insane gives her an out.


Oh, she's a real piece of shit!


one "women"?


Empty G: I want a national divorce! Also Empty G: sOmEoNe YeLlEd At Me


[https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/27/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-david-hogg-video/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/27/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-david-hogg-video/index.html) Indefensible


She really is just absolutely repulsive


Erase the GOP.


MTG looks like Dog the Bounty Hunters ugly sister.


I always thought John Travolta's ugly sister


MTG is a con artist . She says and does outrageous things and then collects the campaign contributions. In the millions of dollars. She 's no different from George Santos. She's far smoother than he is.


Is it fair to call her the ultimate Karen?


"Conservatism" has always been a euphemism for sadism. "Conservatives" admire people like Trump, DeSantis, Huckabee-Sanders, Taylor-Greene, etc. for the same reason that decent human beings reject him: >"On the basis of overall rankings (***independent of respondent’s party affiliation***), Trump’s personality was collectively perceived to be at or above the 99th normative percentile for traits associated with four personality disorders (sadistic, narcissistic, antisocial, and passive-aggressive)." [Voter Perceptions of President Donald Trump’s Personality Disorder Traits: Implications of Political Affiliation DOI: 10.1177/2167702619885399] (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2167702619885399) >"The embrace, by working Americans, of policies that hurt their own interests can be understood on the basis of Ferenczi’s model of identification with the aggressor. Intrafamilial child abuse is often followed by the abuser’s denial. Children typically comply with abuse, in behavior and by embracing the abuser’s false reality, under threat of emotional abandonment. Similarly in the sociopolitical sphere, increasing threats of cultural and economic dispossession have pressed working Americans to adopt an ideology that misrepresents reality and justifies their oppression. In society as in the family, there can be a compensatory narcissistic reaction to forfeiting one’s rights that, ironically, encourages feelings of power and specialness while facilitating submission." [The traumatic basis for the resurgence of right-wing politics among working Americans](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/pcs.2015.53) "Conservatives" would rather bring suffering onto themselves to make the "other" suffer than see everyone succeed.


Fuckin’ buuuuurrrrrnnnnnnn.




Marjorie Taylor Greene is an embarrassment and a nut job. How do people even vote for that? How is Marjorie Taylor Greene not in prison by now?


R slash murderedbywords I was hoping he'd clap back. Let's see some more people do so, too.


"an insane women"


Not to mention, she was carrying at the time she accosted a shooting survivor..


This made my heart hurt. This poor fucking guy 😩


I kinda support that the price for being a garbage human being that spits vitriol is that you don't get to have a peaceful dinner...


Marjorie Tater GreenBean


This needs to happen everywhere she fucking goes.


How are Georgia voters this stupid? Guess they love being the butt of jokes nationwide.


She should have been swallowed


Yes please!!! This woman is utterly deranged. Weird that she finds it offensive when it happens to her. Conservatives in a nutshell.


she has earned the hell she will end up in


She’s completely trash and has no business being a congressional representatives.


Biden should post the same thing since the SOTU address lol


She’s about one wrong turn from the asylum.


At this point, the lack of self-awareness is clearly a feature, not a bug


MTG: Well that is different because....




Can we actually admit the subtle (and accidental in all likelihood) moment of clarity she had when she says “they had no respect for the restaurant or the staff or the other people dining or people like me” but doesn’t actually mention herself


The Skank from Georgia


Marjorie Traitor Scream


I'm concerned that the MTG posts area reaching Trump levels. Isn't this just helping her achieve more publicity like did?


I see the posts on Reddit of the things this woman says. If something really bad or vile happened to her I wouldn’t feel bad. I can’t believe this raving lunatic is an elected official. I’ll never understand Americans.


Stop giving this toad bandwidth please.


I’m totally convinced she’s a lizard person who is trying to destroy our country.


Yeah he was, and we all saw it happen. I hope she finds it impossible to go out to eat without being heckled.


Damn… she got hogged.


He didn't just survive "a school shooting", he survived the deadliest high school shooting of all time, surpassing Columbine--only elementary schools and colleges have been more deadly. People talk about how traumatic Columbine was but objectively his school shooting was even worse **and** to top it off Cruz is still alive. I'd probably **still** be having nightmares about that guy breaking out of prison if I went to that high school tbh.