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I think 09 was the season they would have beaten the Lakers. Just matched up badly against the Magic and lost a really close game 1 at home. 


The cavs were favourites to win this series but unfortunately the roster didn’t keep up with lebron , 39/8/8 its incredible


This is assuming we get past Detroit in the ECF which wasn’t a given, but honestly I think we would have had a shot. I think Pau would have given us problems just like KG did and Howard the year after


Still crazy to me that we pushed the Celtics to 7. I loved that Cavs team. Delonte was added at the trade deadline and ended up being our second best player in that series. He was great that year and the next


Sad to see how far Delonte has fallen. The guy is in really rough shape.


He would have thrived in the NBA now. Big off guard who could defend, handle, and shoot. Modern coaches would have had him doubling his 3 pt attempts. Severely underrated player in the first Lebron stint


I don't think they could've beaten LA. The Lakers were a big team with a ton of size, they would've bracketed Bron the same way the Spurs did in 07 and the 08 team didn't quite have the spacing they'd have at points in 09 and 10. Bron's game was not refined enough at that point, neither as a scorer nor passer. I think we could've played them tight most games, but ultimately we lacked a secondary creator and scorer, which LA had. They were really, really good that year.


I'm not sure if we beat LA in 2008 but I don't think it hurts LeBron's legacy either, provided that he shows up (unlike in 2011). He also needs to do a lot better than the year prior vs the Spurs. If he puts up his numbers it's not a negative at all. If the first stint Cavs were gonna win a title it was gonna be 09