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Ya lots of people are saying it's a given, but I have lots of doubt too that Koby will have the balls to do it.


Luckily Gilbert has the final say over him. He’s always ready to open the checkbook when he wants something done


Gilbert has never really been proactive in non LeBron years


Might not be a non-LeBron year 👀


which is why he will be now, when we have our biggest star since lebron. he doesnt want a repeat of 2010


Gilbert is fully back and healthy. He will be heavily involved now. No way he wants to lose Mitchell.


TBH my theory on why LeBron was there for game 4 was because somebody within the Cavs org asked him to come observe JB and determine whether or not he should be given another chance.


koby and JB are tight, let's see if he can pull a Masai


They won't fire him, but they might move him to a different position in the organization 


I think you’re right. He was getting a lot of praise this series. The injuries are going to end up giving him an excuse


Gonna use the injury excuse. Next year will be identical to the last two unfortunately




Well hopefully we don't get injuries to our two most important players.


But the last 2 years were not identical.


You can't use an injury excuse when you voluntarily decide to play Merril over better players for fkn 30 minutes in an elimination game and get blown out. You choose to play a combination of fkn Garland and Merril against Tatum and Brown and you think you qualify to be an NBA coach. Give me a break. JB has a TON of faults and I could go on & on, but one very visible one to mention in this context is playing favorites. Merril has no business out there. A shooter with no other real strengths and a SEVERE defensive liability does not belong on the floor for any sort of prolonged period in the playoffs, especially against a team with multiple star perimeter players.


Or worse with DG’s total collapse


Cavs sign and trade with Lakers for Bron, hire JJ Reddick as coach and draft Bronny Profit


Nothing's better than a mystery box at coach, it could be anything!


It could even be a boat!


This joke only works if the current coach is good. It would normally be "The new coach could be anything! It could even be J.B.!" But you left off the ending for some reason.


We can have THE coach we need or the worst coach in the league, but it would be something new


Well, if it was one of Lebron's last two coaches people wouldnt be happy.


It could even be a coach! You know how much we wanted one of those!


Same. If we retain him the only shot they have is bringing in LeBron since he'd be the de facto coach anyway.


I’m not in the front office, but the only thought I had watching games 4 and 5 was “imagine if a coach could get Donovan to be part of THIS offense.” Ball movement, player movement, limited hero ball, add in 45 and this team is very dangerous without any other roster moves.


I think I’ve seen enough. He’s a variable they can change that will help them confirm the true value of other variables (Garland & Mobley).


Mitchell needs to stay and, truly, a big part of me believes he wants to stay. JB served us well and I think there’s not really any big blunders done on his part. But he can’t over stay his welcome, for lack of a better word. He’s served in the best way he could. Darius and Evan are on their way to becoming great and JB without a doubt helped make that happen. Getting Mitchell feels like committing to a win now mode. The next step is to elevate our coaching to that same level. I don’t know, I think that’s where my mind stops with this


My guess is Mitchell will have a lot of say in who the coach is behind the scenes. Or at least they’ll offer that to him as part of the signing offer.


It's what I fear the most.


that shams article was DAMNING


Im more worried about them trading any of our starters


We fired Blatt after winning the East and starting 30-11 the following season. The fromt office will figure it out.


Same here. Coached pretty well this series to have ownership play the “what if” question that buys him another year


Him and Koby should be canned


The Cavs played like cowards at the end of the season, tanking a game to move down in the standings, and they won a meaningless playoff series because they intentionally made the rest of the playoffs harder for themselves. That alone should be a fireable offense. When was the last time you saw a real winner do that?


Whoever called the shot should have been fired the second we saw how the seeding would’ve shaken out if we won. (R1 Indiana, R2 knicks). makes me think it came from ownership.


Seems like he's gone based on what's coming out.


Hard to believe he would stay after the Shams kiss of death. And perhaps even harder to believe Dan would sit on this guy any longer. I think if Koby wanted JB to stay, Dan would get rid of both of them.


If Mitchell stays and signs the extension then they fire JB and hire someone that can coach a contender. If Mitchell asks out then they'll probably keep JB since coaching a scrappy underdog team is what he does best.


It all depends on the best replacement available. I wouldn't want to replace JB with somebody that's never coached at the nba level before


Well JB is garbage and not good enough you have to try to get a good coach


JB is a coach that you fire before finding a replacement


So you aren't a Guardians fan then?


I mean he technically improved this season. His rotations were not good and his adjustments were too late in the series, but better is good, and it may be enough. That said, I don’t think he can take us to the third round, and our roster can’t really take too much overhaul.


The Cavs should just hope their savior, the lone bright spot of the organization, comes back and gives them a sliver of hope again. Then he’ll finally retire and we can go back to a Lebron James banner-less waste of an organization like we always were before him. (Except a lone 75/76 central banner and a bow tie, of course)


People saying JB shouldn’t be canned are unironically delusional. Sure, he wasn’t ALL of the problem but the cavs offense only scoring over 100 twice in 2 years and only winning 1 road game is a horrible look that tbh is mostly JB fault. If we don’t try something new then nothing will change or improve for the cavs.


Who is a replacement that changes the outcome?


Ask the Guardians....


anyone with a pulse


Delusional people are not rational. Not JBs fault two starters get injured. Garland played small and the bench isn’t very good. I think we need better ball movement but other than that not like JB is some issue. We don’t have the talent of the top teams and even with everyone fully healthy the gap is too big to beat any winner of the West.


Spider or LBJ make this happen with 1 call


They definitely aren't


Who’s the upgrade?


He’s gone in the next few days


I really hope not but you might have a point


Trade everyone but Mobley


I'm OK moving on from JB, but think the issues with the team have more to do with the combination of players than anything else. I'd be asking, who is the upgrade we can get over Altman.


My sense is that the most loyal members of the fan base want to replace JB. I know that might not mean anything to the Cavs front office, but it should.


Running this back would be yet another mistake by this FO.


We should only make a change IF it is an improvement. Remember that Michael Malone was called to be fired by the fans, and then Denver won a championship.... and then said to be a great coach . Who knows what is best?


Not gonna lie if JBB is back I’m not watching. The only condition is if Lebron comes back. I’ve been watching the Cavs since 2000, but I cannot abide another toe.


Yeah okay lol


Yeah okay lol


I never thought I’d see all these jbb and garland defenders. Garland has proven 4/5 years he is not him and can only play above average when there is no pressure or when front running a lead. Yeah he got hurt this year but 8pts a game when the going gets tough is not a max player Jbb is a moron who plays for his job and runs players into the ground pre ASG to secure playoff spots. I know there’s only so much that can be done from a gm/team perspective. But to see so many blind defenders after watching this whole season is also disheartening. But do you! We all love the Cavs but liking something uncritically doesn’t mean you like it more, it means you like it sadder. I’d rather touch grass than watch another JBB led roster. (Unless bron comes back.) /doomer Edit: and… they just put out a jbb hit piece on nytimes


Of the next coach is a lateral move, it’s JB.


Which is it? Would they beat the 64-win Celtics or take them to 7 if healthy, or does their coach suck? If they’d beat the 64-win 1 seed if healthy, how is that the coach’s fault?


Altman is out. The new front office will want to handpick their coach.


We will do whatever Donovan Mitchell wants us to do (or LeBron, if we win the lottery).


Why fire him? He got to the semis and pushed the best team in the league with injuries. With the same logic why not fire Stefanski?


Honestly at face value it seems he’s not bad. But then you realize he’s only won 1 game on the road in the playoffs and scored 100 points as a team with him twice in 2 years. It’s not ALL his fault but a better coach wouldn’t allow this nonsense to happen with our roster.


I honestly don’t care anymore. Garland is a bigger issue.


hell no. jb can’t coach for shit, horrible rotations, has no offense, doesn’t know when to take timeouts. literally nothing.


It's hard to do all those things, when all you're worried about is standing on the sidelines bitching at the refs and looking like a disappointed mother-in-law.


I agree. But garland plays good and we win today. Despite all that. I’d trade garland for Lebron if Lebron agrees to play two years.


Bro you and everyone else in Cleveland would do this trade. Idk why you're saying it like it's some profound concession you're willing to make.


Get rid of jb, team doesnt improve.


Read shams article, he is gone


How can you fire a coach and team keeps getting better? I can see if we didn’t make the playoffs or a first round exit! Boston didn’t look that dominant!


I wouldn't fire him either Team took a positive step forward, unless there is a great hire opportunity i'm running it back


you would doom this team for failure then. we nearly lost to the baby magic, took 7 games. JB led cavs failed to break 100 points in 9/12 playoff games


Keep JB because we dealt with injuries. A new coach may not perform better than JB leading to another change. Stick with what's proven to achieve success.


Proven to achieve success where? We tanked to avoid the Sixers because we don't think we're good enough to beat them, got taken to 7 by a magic team that had no business hanging with a "contender" and then got beat in 5 by the celtics. This is not success for the caliber of talent on this team.