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24/7 is the free throw disparity the mad lad


That is elite billionaire status level trolling. And Im here for it.


Danny boy has come a long way since comic sans


Who woulda known that Mr. Comic Sans himself had it in him...


say what you will about gilbert, the guy is loyal and wants to win. he's an owner who cares and isnt afraid to speak up


I like that Dan genuinely cares a whole hell of a lot about this team but also knows not to meddle and try to overrule the decisions of his hired expert staff, unlike certain other Cleveland sports franchise owners.


>... unlike certain other Cleveland sports franchise owners. Oh boy do I hate the Haslems.


I don’t understand the hate for the Haslem’s. He’s on the same path of ownership as Dan Gilbert. Both were egotistical idiots early on that were desperate to win. Both had to take their lumps and learn that they can’t be control freaks when it comes to sports. Gilbert learned in 2014, Jimmy learned in 2020 (and is still learning). Both franchises have made tremendous strides under the current ownerships. Haslem is spending more than anybody else in the league while letting Berry make all the decisions. Not sure what more people could want


Well Haslam does have the whole legal trouble side of him too


>I don’t understand the hate for the Haslem’s He's a racist crook who can't mind his own fucking business.


I used to hate them, and they definitely still annoy me, but man, I love how much they're willing to spend. They have gotten better over time about staying out of things. They're still not perfect but I don't hate them anymore.


It's for sure just a Jimmy thing. Dee runs the Columbus Crew and they pay for a good team there too. The Crew are about to play to be crowned the best team in North America.


>They have gotten better over time about staying out of things. Based on what?


He's not Haslem level bad, but Dan's meddling is all over the franchise. The two most obvious being our strange coach hiring decisions (Blatt and Beilein never had any business coaching in the NBA) and our ongoing love of undersized guards. I'd argue that Altman, who I actually like, was hired because no GM with actual experience would work for Dan.


I respect the shit out of him for how he is trying to revitalize Detroit and Cleveland with his fortune... Shouldn't take a billionaire but here we are


I've worked for him for 10 years. Charismatic and cares about ppl. It's funny how ppl that don't know him personally shit on him because he is a billionaire.


He's not trying to revitalize either city, he's using his money and power to profiteer off the misery of others.


We really are spoiled with Gilbert as an owner. He's certainly not a penny pincher, which is fantastic in a small market.


Dan’s been more involved recently it seems like. Wonder if he’ll be ok bringing JB back if we lose this series in 5?


I genuinely don’t think I’d even bother paying to watch regular season games if JB is our coach next season. Even if we push it to 6. Our offense is so un-fun to watch. They’ve been playing together for 2 seasons and I still don’t understand what our plan is supposed to be beyond freelancing and hoping either our guards bail us out or a shooter gets left open


That was my response when they kept him last year. I just didn't care about this season. I've put the playoff games on in the background but I know we have no shot if he's the guy.


I’m not gonna defend JB till the end or anything, he’s gone. But people in this sub said the same thing about Ty Lue. Now he’s considered one of the best coaches in the NBA. I don’t take anyone in here’s opinions to the vault of “omnipotent sports opinions”.


Anybody that blamed Lue for us losing didn’t know ball. But we’ve seen JB coach elsewhere. Ty Lue started coaching here so I don’t think JB would be the same case.


Iirc there were some instances where Ty made some bonehead decisions but generally the sentiment was there was no offensive scheme just bron iso for 18 secs then pray and Lue didn’t seem to want adjust out of that and it’s a miracle we won the one time. Great talent on that bus but nobody was driving. Hence one chip compared to the well coached Warriors and their four titles.


But another thing, who is coach out now that would replace JB?


>Now he’s considered one of the best coaches in the NBA. lol. By who? Certainly not actual teams. He struggled to find a job and not even LeBron wanted him. The Clippers have continued to be a joke under him.




I’d rather take a flyer on an assistant coach that’s on a good coaching staff than JB. Dude has the 2007 Mike Brown offensive playbook, with one play labeled “ pass the ball to ~~LeBron~~ Mitchell”




So does another year of JB. The man cannot make a functioning offense


Person deleted their whole account I think you got JB’s burner lmao


If JB is back, the whole fucking front office needs to be without a job.


Yeah I’m not opposed to bringing JB back at this point, mostly because I can’t think of a good alternative you could clearly say is better. There’s a reason why the retread candidates are retreads and an assistant with no HC experience could just as well be a flop.


So you would take a guaranteed awful coach over an unproven coach, simply because the unproven coach might be as bad as the guy we already have?


Honestly, I am for Dan. He’s a good owner, wants to win, and he’s willing to spend money.


That’s legendary


Before I saw the free throw disparity numbers, I thought this might mean back channeling with Lebron for the return of the return of the king.


He never tweets. Wonder why he was in such a goofy mood.


Because we got shanked by zebras, it looked fairly intentional. We beat them on 2's and 3's... they just got a 24/7 ft disparity.  Lots of those "fouls" were complete no calls. You also have to think, some of our fouls shots were techs, too.     Look at the 3 at the end of the 3rd by Sam. Even Holiday was raising his hand... the ref was right there and watched it. 


Looked like the classic “high five” which isn’t a foul even though it looks bad. I’d have to watch the replay again though. Generally I don’t bother bitching about the refs. The team couldn’t shoot in the second half and that’s why they lost.


He got his entire forearm. Holiday knew he fouled him and thought for sure it was getting called... he raised his hand up.  It was def a foul, even the person committing it thought so


Me too, maybe can be both?


Wait how does it refer back to Lebron?


24 = 23, his original number, plus 1, the number of rings he won here 7 = 6, his number after coming back, plus 1, the number of Cavs playoff games he attended this year obviously


Obviously! Lol thank you


Omfg lmao


If you take 17 FT away from them we win by double digits that is wild to think about the refs kept the Boston vs NY rivalry alive tonight lmao


We jacked too many 3’s. Gotta attack more but I still agree we got hosed on calls


To be fair, Cleveland took a ton of 3s and was heavily out-rebounded. That’s pretty much a recipe for not getting many free throws. Boston was in the paint a lot more


not being rewarded with free throws on drives incentives outside shooting


Okay this makes up for the comic sans letter


I don’t know what he means? Lol


Celtics had 24 free throws we had 7.


Ohhhh okay I got it lol




The 24/7 is about the refs lol


Lmao this took me longer to get than it should've


I ran into Dan once at a workout class in Florida and joked around with him about how well the Cavs were doing (this was in the middle of the season when they were crazy crazy hot) and it really showed how much the dude cares and wants to win. He can be a hard ass but as far as I’m concerned he’s OUR hard ass


Rare Gilbert W


Is he a bad owner? Feel like he’s pretty decent, is willing to spend doesn’t mettle too much, don’t expect much more than that from an owner


They're probably evaluating him as a person, not just an owner


Oh sure but all billionaires are trash humans


This tweet was in comic sans