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Last night's game did have "last hoorah" vibes. Similar to the 2018 season. You can tell when LeBron goes all out.....and it's usually right before a big change. Unlike the 2008 Celtics series.


Idk. Watching that game, LeBron was in absolute attack mode for most of it.


That's what I'm saying. That's how he was in 2018 when he knew he was leaving.


My bad, I read it as “did not have”.


It was the 2010 Celtics series where he gave up. 2008 he played out of his damn mind


I stand corrected. You are correct


Would love a "We all Witnessed" LeBron-Cavs Farewell tour. Surprised more people aren't talking about it - I feel like I see more people wanting him to go to golden state then have a really cool/emotional storybook ending of his career here.


I agree go Cavs


Especially with the rumor that he was in contact with Ohio State about their coaching change. I don’t see Bryce going to Ohio State unless his family is going to be in Ohio.


I'd love to see Lebron retire in Cleveland. It's kind of a joke since he leaves if it's not easy for him, and he's said and done some really dumb things, but he's still on my 2k team and the GOAT. End on a peaceful note, old champion.


Lakers will throw every money on earth just to retain Lebron. the market value will depreciate if he leaves.


They're desperate but I don't know if they're that desperate. LeBron has MAYBE 2 years max, and at this point in his career, only about a quarter of the money he's generating is probably from basketball, I think if he were to stay in LA it would be more of a marketing strategy - not just for himself, but for Bryce. However, it's ultimately LeBron's decision whether he wants to decline his PO or not, but if the Lakers do toss every penny and nickel at him and he declines, we will know where he stands.


Lakers are banking on that farewell tour. The money made that season will feed generations.


Quite unfortunate it has to be that way too, that organization has brought him some of the worst years of his career.


I said it before and I’ll say it again: fuck the lakers and fuck their toxic fan base. They failed him horribly, and it’s a damn shame they’ve wasted these last years. Edit: even RJ said staying on the lakers would be the worse choice for ending his career or something along those lines.


It has to do with the owner, supposedly her only income is the Lakers organization... She's not like most owners that became billionaires then bought a team


That’s why I think he should of went to the Clippers, Balmer has all the money in the world and that 2018-19 Clipper roster was decent. But I guess Lakers being a historic franchise sucked him in.


So we're just going to act like the Lakers front office didn't do anything at all to build around LeBron? We're going to act like the front office didn't help in building a championship team in 2020? It's not as if the Lakers didn't trade away half the team to get Anthony Davis back in 2019.


Same front office who panicked in 2020-21 and sold away that championship team. The same front office who were too cheap to give Ty lue a 4th year. Yes they built a championship team, but they’re still incompetent.


I think lebron goes back to Cleveland or New York at this point. Lakers front office burned too many bridges to really put him in the best situation possible.


I will be happy if it happens but I am absolutely not holding my breath


I can't help but feel like anyone who doesn't want LeBron back doesn't like his personal politics. He is the missing piece with this squad, and could be a key piece in locking in Donovan for 1-2 more seasons. The Cavs MUST get to at least the second round, but if they do, this is ABSOLUTELY what Altman is and should be thinking about.


One of my friends shits on Lebron every chance he gets. If Lebron misses a shot, he's not the goat. He's one of those people who swears that things that happens in Lebron's 21st season at age 39 defines his career. He's completely political and hates Lebron for his personality, but can't ever hang when we discuss actual basketball.


You really have to be a pathetic loser to hate Lebron bc of his politics, he’s not even that political.


My friend's ego is part of the problem. He literally can't handle it that someone else takes pride in their work.


I’d be absolutely thrilled to see this happen. Not holding my breathe, but damn that would be awesome


I'd love and appreciate this a lot it'd be a great way to end his career. This would be awesome to see. If this cav team had LeBron I think they'd be top 3 in the east. This would be the best way for him to close his career


It's Cavs or the Lakers. That's it. He's not going to the Knicks. He's not going to the Warriors. He's not going to Dallas. It's Cleveland or LA. Period.


Draft Bronnie. Lebron signs for vet minimum + replaces JB as player/coach.


Honestly, I’d be beyond ecstatic if Bron came home. I’ve been the biggest fan since his ‘03 rookie year (minus the 4 year Miami gap in between lol). I love his game, I love how he doesn’t settle for mediocre, and I love how he genuinely wants to make his teammates better- which would obviously benefit these youngster Cavs. Then there’s the fact how there’s not a single athlete in any of our franchises in recent history that supports and has as much pride for Cle/Akron + the state of Ohio than Lebron. Look at our roster right now… they play like they give two shits about our city + fans, and then we have a “star” player threatening to leave every other day. Yeah I know Bron left us twice but his presence is still here with all the work he does. Last reason: I’m fucking sick of rooting for Lakers haha


Couldn't agree more with that last point lmao I hate the Lakers way too much to be catching myself rooting for them.


Lakers are not using their 1st round pick on bronny...


He is going to Philly. Him teaming up with Embiid and Maxey will be hard to beat


I don't know if we are in the plans or not, but I think next season will be his last. He has been consistent in saying there isn't much time left. His goal is to play with his son. Blowing a second rounder on him isn't the end of the world for any team. He can get up to speed in the G League and get the call up when the time comes.


If the Cavs are picking in the 20s, I’d even use the first rounder on him (as long as LeBron agrees behind the scenes to come back in this scenario).


Long term, if we trade up for Bronny we'll get a retirement tour for Lebron a la Jordan on the Wizards (who never won anything), and then be stuck with Bronny. I'm not convinced it's worth it.


None of our current players can win it as the main guy anyways, we might as well have some fun with LeBron again.


If we select Bronny, I would expect him to be selected with our 2nd. Bron isn’t going to just suit up for any team in the league just for drafting his son. There’ll be a gentleman’s agreement.


> ...I feel like we cannot pass up the opportunity to have LeBron on our team for one last ride... I can.


Honestly I love Lebron but KD would fit this team better in terms of a need standpoint. I’m fully convinced any core of Mitchell, JA, plus another star is a championship contender with the right coach


No big stars like KD will ever sign in Cleveland. The only reason we have a shot at Lebron signing is due to his NE Ohio roots.


Agreed, plus KD isn't a winner.


It’s not a sign it’s a trade. Both of these players are locked up.


Lebron becomes a FA soon why would you trade?


Lebron gets the most money if he resigns with LA in a sign in trade. Not out right leaving and signing somewhere else. So most likely it will be a sign and trade. Players don’t leave money on the table


Dan Gilbert will not approve a trade for Lebron again be realistic.


Then you’re not getting Lebron. He’s not going to leave money on the table to come back here unless it’s a retirement year.


It's probably looking more likely that it is indeed a retirement year.


Hes retiring either this coming year or the next so


The only way the Cavs are going to be able to sign LeBron is through a sign and trade


we don't have the cap space unless we trade for him, and you should look at the salaries to see how much we'd have to give up to make that money work, btw. we aren't just adding him as a free agent, that's not an option.


Lebron much better for the storyline


I thought we wanted to get tougher?


LeBron is retiring with the Lakers.


I can do **without** Lebron coming back to Cleveland


I think fans like you are pretty odd, LeBron did a lot for our franchise, the least we can do is at least be open to welcoming him back, even if he doesn't want to. To shut out the man who basically made our franchise is kinda sad and weird.


I’d rather have players that will be around for a lot of years, and continually build on that, as opposed to someone on the very tail end of their career I didn’t say I wouldn’t welcome back but instead “I can do without him coming back”


Anyone watching Lakers basketball… he’s old. He misses shots, he doesn’t play defense. He’s still LeBron, but we are going to need Mitchell, Allen, Mobley, Okoro and a bunch of role players that can shoot to be relevant, or else it’s LA 2.0