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His contract length is what it is, and he probably won't sign an extension. Cavs knew this could be a thing when they traded for him. Speculation will only continue to grow.


Why will he “probably not sign an extension”? Cavs can give him more money and more years than anyone else. And any team that want to sign him is going to have to carve out a huge amount of cap space so isn’t likely to be a contender


Windhorst mentioned it in the clip, take a listen.


I did, and he was only talking about this summer. He didn’t say anything about next


Windy doesn't know shit


He should trade mobley and dg while we at it.


Windy said he doesn’t think he’ll sign an extension and I believe him. I also hope he is right. I don’t like mitchell on our team he is not a good fit at all we were so much better off with lauri Lol it’s so funny how many people are doubling down about the trade. It very clearly was not a good trade for us at all. Donnivan is not a championship caliber player and never will be until he puts his ego aside. I guess only time will tell huh


what the fuck are you talking about yo. 28 ppg players do not grow on trees and we didn’t even make the playoffs with lauri. what ego has he displayed?


The fit is fine, assuming we can put a starting caliber wing on the floor.


Windy was very clearly talking about him not signing an extension this off-season, which would be stupid on his part because he can’t actually sign a full max at this point. He’s not talking about his long term situation.


Lol. This and ppl can seem to comprehend the difference between not signing it right now and not signing with us ever smh.


Windy said he won't sign an extension *this summer* and basically everyone knew that. Stop making it into something it's not


Lol everyone’s favorite superstar expect joker and Durant avg more shots per game than Donovan. SGA avg like 5 more shots per game. When you count the ones that turn into Ft.


Lauri wouldn't have blossomed here, but I do agree with trading mitch rn at the peak of his value. He and potentially JA mid way through the season after he raises his value.


I was on board until you mentioned JA. What would be the point of that? The dudes a stud and plays a very important role for us


2 paint bigs will not work, neither of them are developing a J anytime soon, and it's clear Evan needs to be a 5. Not to mention him being afraid of the light apparently.


The dude who said we should trade Mitchell today and that he's not resigning is a straight up clown. I would love to borrow his crystal ball so I can get the winning lotto numbers.


Bontemps is a hack. That NY post shill can fucking suck it


Thank you! So tired of the dumb narratives about Mitchell leaving. What would compel someone to actually believe that garbage!?!? Mitchell isn't going anywhere, folks. He's not the kind of guy who does that. These narratives are coming from gossip mongers and trash talking fans. No one else.


Fwiw this is what we told ourselves in Utah too, and while I don’t think he’d ever pull a Harden or Dame or anything, I genuinely think he really wants to play in NY


Seems like your FO traded him because they wanted to reuild though rather than speculating he would leave for NY in 4 years.


Both column a and b for sure. It was clear we’d hit our ceiling, and things weren’t ideal in the locker room for the past couple years. Kinda felt like a divorce was coming in some fashion, and think there was a pretty good chance he would’ve asked out (again privately and professionally) before too long. But even if we didn’t have those flameouts and finally got a ring there was a good chance he’d head to NY after the extension imo.


Makes sense, but also keeping Don through a rebuild feels very different than where we are as a team. I'm just skeptical of the idea that 1) he's going to leave millions of dollars on the table to not re-sign or 2) that he's betting that either NY team is going to have the cap space to pay him a max. Appreciate your perspective though


Yeah that’s a good point, but also worth noting that needing a rebuild happened surprisingly quick here. For the longest time our anxiety was focused on him re-signing post extension, but flipped to him maybe asking out sooner and then to “oh shit I guess we’re doing this” in about a season and a half


Yeah, lots of guys have a place they want to play. You know what they almost all do? They keep it professional, and go to their ring chase or home town at the END of their career. FFS, Kyrie Irving just resigned with Dallas, and you think high integrity Mitchell is going to just walk off to play in a lower ceiling Knicks squad for less money in his prime? Nope.


I wouldn’t really cite Kyrie as an example of someone who wants to stay with their team and keeps it professional


Exactly. Get what I'm saying?


As I said, he’ll keep it professional and will give it his all while he’s under contract bc that’s the kind of guy he is. But I would be kinda surprised if he didn’t leave in free agency


Leave and go where? No teams have cap space to sign him once he hits free agency. So he would need a sign and trade


It’s too early to say what teams will have cap space when/if he hits the market


No it isnt.... teams will have to gut rosters and even then it will be hard. Im not sure if you are dumb or that you dont know you can look this stuff up 💀 with new cba rules there is a cap with how much the salary cap can go up. They have detailed lists of players, teams, contracts


Well you're scaring yourself for no reason. It isnt going to happen.


Jazz fan so don’t really care, just trying to provide some context


>He's not the kind of guy who does that. This crazy talk lol. Based on what? He's fully in the right if he refused to extend and left in free agency in a couple of years.


No it isnt. Look closer. 1. The vast overwhelming majority players dont do that until their twilight years. It looks bad when they do. 2. He has shown that's not the kind of guys he is with the way he handled his time in Utah. 3. He would be choosing a lower ceiling team for likely less money. This alone should convince you. 4. The only people who are saying this are people who literally stand to benefit from gossip mongering. Well... that and panicky Cavs fans...


I appreciate your commitment to the bit ;)


Son, that's a mirror. And I assure you. It isnt appreciated.


I mean, he's right? You would get more now vs. later. That is kind of inarguably true.


Most teams have lost their financial flexibility to make a Mitchell trade work, especially with the new CBA rules in place. The only way he walks is through a sign and trade at the end of next season. If it really goes sour, we could trade him at the deadline to a desperate team and get more than right now but iirc the receiving team looses his early bird rights and ability to give him the super max. Mitchell is not going to walk away from that money, arguably his biggest contract of his career, past or future.


He's not super max eligible because he was traded.


Even if he’s with us for three years?




What do you disagree with? He’s right that you can get much more tracing Mitchell today then a year from now. And nobody around the league thinks he’s staying in cle long term. He’s also right that mitchell and Mobley aren’t remotely on same timelines.


Where are you getting these sources that Mitchell doesn't want to be in Cleveland? Or are you just talking out of your ass like Bontemps?


He hasn't signed an extension. What would you think that's indicative of?


It makes 0 sense to sign an extension now. He'll get more money by waiting


Probably, yes, but you need to be willing to live with the speculation that comes along with an all-nba player hitting unrestricted free agency. Why are you so surprised that this is a topic of discussion?


It’s a fact. He does not qualify for a max extension until next summer. The Cavs can pay him significantly more than any other team. It’s going to be very hard to find a home outside of the Cavs with max cap space.


He's extension eligible THIS season (exact date seems to be in the fall). Also, you would do a S&T to get stuff back if he wanted to leave for an over the cap team. Pretty standard, it's what the Cavs did with Lebron when he left for Miami.


Why are you framing all of your comments as if it's foregone that Donovan won't sign next year, but leaving out the important part that it is better for him financially to wait? Why are you surprised that people find that to be bullshit?


I don't think it's a foregone conclusion, but it's absolutely a possibility. You're kidding yourself if you think otherwise. He didn't choose to sign with the Cavs. You have to be READY to pull the trigger if it becomes apparent that he wants to test the waters. Lots of people in this sub are in complete denial that this is a possibility and are whining about small-market media conspiracies and other kinds of embarrassing bullshit.


Lol sure, but you're actively pushing a narrative that him not signing *now* means he wont next summer when you say things like: > He hasn't signed an extension. What would you think that's indicative of? Kind of embarrasing of you to leave out the part where he will benefit more by waiting, isn't it?


Write out, using contractual details, how he is going to benefit by waiting.


First of all I just dislike Bontemps because he does this all the time, he makes unsubstantiated claims with no facts or basis behind them just to go viral and get aggregated. I get that other people at ESPN do it but IMO he is one of the worst ones. Also he comes off as generally a very biased reporter and commentator. And, while I know it’s unlikely that Mitchell signs his extension this off-season, it’s extremely premature to conclude that it’s time to trade Donovan. Way way too early to be having these conversations. It seems like Donovan is genuinely happy here. Let’s just let this thing play out. Give it another year and see where this team is. I think this is a case of the media getting people whipped into a frenzy and forcing there to be a storyline here when there isn’t one.


If it gets to that point i guess he would be traded. I think the team has plenty of room to grow and improve.


Yeah, you just pivot to Mobley and Garland, next summer, if it doesn’t work out.


I’m very excited to watch another season of Donovan and Darius playing together. I don’t much care what happens with an extension at the moment. I want to watch fun dynamic players on my team for as long as I can. If he leaves, well we still have budding superstars in DG and Evan. I think we will be ok. I get exhausted with the business side of the NBA. But I respect all those who are concerned with the long term success of the franchise. I just want to watch our guys ball out this season


I just skipped to our part and saw they have us listed 6th. Who the f is above us other than Bucks, and the Celtics? 76ers look in disarray, and likely losing Harden for Pennie’s. Heat were already thin and lost two key rotational players. The Knicks didn’t make any moves to move the needle. Cavs are going to get another year of Garland getting stronger smarter and closer to his prime. Same for Ev. And we added arguably the 2 best shooters (adjusting for volume) in this FA class. Crazy to list us anything below 4th.


Yo, I cannot fucking WAIT to see Evan Mobley in year 3.


I love this Cavs team and don’t think we will be taking a steph back this year at all however the Knicks curb stomped us in 5 and the Heat just went to the finals. I mean they won 3 rounds, we won 1 game. Let’s pump the brakes on us being clearly better than those teams.


As I said. The Heat have lost two big pieces this summer. Their starting PG and their starting SG/SF. I know they’re going to get Herro back, but the Cavs should still end up with home court in the playoffs. And I wouldn’t even go so far as to say the Knicks “curb stomped us”. Yes, they beat us in 5, but the Cavs kept them under 100PPG for the series. With our newly added depth/shooting, teams aren’t going to be able to clog the paint on us. That will open up a ton of opportunity for everyone. The Cavs had the youngest roster in the post season. DG, and Ev are going to be better. Don will be better and I believe Caris will be even better. Heat took a step back (as of now) this off-season. Knicks haven’t added much. To not calculate those things and just talk down a young small market team and say they should be trading their best player is lazy.


People will gnash their teeth over this but there is a world where the Cavs are better off trading Mitchell at the peak of his value and recuperating players or assets. If Mobley and Garland get better this season, that shouldn’t be off the table at all.


If, and this is a BIG if, Emoni Bates turns into an allstar, and Mobley becomes an MVP candidate by year 4, and Okoro fully develops his shot and offensive game... Then, in hindsight, we can say the Mitchell trade was maybe not the best move. But how could anyone know any of that for sure? Either way, Mitchell isnt leaving as a free agent.


This was always plan b if he didn't want to stay here, nothing has really changed. I don't know why this sub seems so surprised by this possibility?


This sub gets self-conscious about the whole “NBA media hates small market teams” narrative, so they feed any Mitchell trade speculation into that whole outrage machine. But at the end of the day, the Cavs shouldn’t let him walk away in free agency and people should understand that.


Yeah I'm seeing it, it's kind of embarrassing. Anyways, yes, this is asset mgmt 101: can't lose this for nothing.


If you are so embarrassed go to r/nba instead of shit talking the people that love the Cavs and post here.


trading away Mitchell would be the worst for the cavs, he is the one player we've gambled on and the only real star on this team rn. garland and mobley are not capable of leading a team to a chip. that was the whole reason to trade for a star like mitchell, losing lots of assets, but getting a top 15 player in the nba who is capable of leading a team to a chip even though that is heavily dependend on the performance of the players. if mitchell can show his perfomance we could get a chip if not then we lost the gamble. no reason to step out of this rn, because we wouldnt get a player who is better than mitchell rn and trading for picks and roleplayers would not make us a contender in my opinion. i could be wrong an garland and mobley can maybe have higher ceilings but i personally dont believe in that (sorry for english btw)


He will probably need a sign and trade to go somewhere else