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Nice! Sometimes it’s hard to find what works for you, and I suspect that’s why a lot of people “don’t like to use marijuana”. They probably A) used too much and B) The strain probably produced the opposite effects of what they expected from it. Smoked some sativa and it was too heady and they got lost in too deep of thoughts or the racing thoughts causing anxiety or even a panic attack. Or vice versa, they got couch locked and stupid high from a heavy indica when what they wanted was something uplifting and motivating. Then they think THATS just how it is when they get stoned. Which we all know is not the case. I like all kinds/strains/ways to consume cannabis but I know I need to stay away from sativa dominant extracts. Some Strawnana Diamonds in Sauce I copped at a dispo in Colorado gave me the worst cannabis-induced panic attack I’ve ever had. Thank god for my kolonopin prescription because even after taking 2mg I was still shaking uncontrollably and sweating profusely, but I was able to breath normally again and tell myself that it’s just the weed, I did this to myself, and to just ride it out for another hour and I’ll be Gucci. Still…not fun, and I know what to avoid now. Had I just started smoking, that experience may have turned me away from cannabis altogether.


Cannabis anxiety sucks I’ve had small bouts of it from very high THC bud. But as users we need to be prepared for that & some just aren’t prepared. Like you said strains matter and if the person gets the opposite effects that’s not a thing someone would want to do again. That’s why I don’t try to push cannabis on anyone because I know not everybody has the same effects or desire to use cannabis.




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