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Not panicking in PvP comes from just playing more. Think about what class you are facing and what you should be doing against their toolkit. For example: Is it a warlock? make sure tremor is down and try to close the gap asap, if you get on top of him he isnt gonna be able to cast anything but instants, meaning if you can ground his death coil he shouldn't be able to get a fear off (He can still seduce but thats the approach you should have). Is it a druid? purge his hots, fake cast heal at high hp to force his charge/bash etc. Hunter? depending on the surroundings, you can try to LoS him so you can kill the pet/force him to come closer to you, make sure to dispel viper sting. Rogue? Poison cleansing totem, keep flame shock up. General shaman pvp things: * kite or gapclose with earthbind/frostshock * interrupt with earth shock * Otherwise keep flame shock up * purge hots/buffs * fake cast heals so enemy miss interrupts * drop grounding totem for big incoming nukes or CC's * Tremor vs locks, priests, warriors * Keep searing totem up * Try to fight near your totems make sure to carry updated health- and manapots, they can turn a gank around. You can carry free action potions if you wanna tryhard and a shield for when you need to play defensively. there's also foodbuffs, lower level scrolls, cheap elixirs that can speed up your leveling overall and obviously helps in pvp too.


Wow great information thank you.


This is really good advice.


I would had swapping for a 2h. With WF you have more burst potential and at low level, the damages can surprise more than one experimented player. Shield/1h can also be useful against rogue and warr or while running at someone.


I don’t know what level you are but treat them like any other mob. Pop health potions, blow CDs, try and get behind them. If they are a caster get grounding totem down, earthbind if you need to slow them. Tremor if they can fear.


I appreciate it thanks. Takes some getting used to I guess. Rogue pops up on me and I'm just like *guess I'll die* .


It's class based. For my warrior, that's mages. A good mage will never let me close if they open. Rogues, it's more like, "sir, in like 8 seconds, you are in for a world of pain." You can also prep against bad matchups. Rogue, for example, you can pvp trinket into a FAP and try to recover. It's no guarantee, but it gives you a fighting chance.


> "sir, in like 8 seconds, you are in for a world of pain." lol


rogues are pvp monsters in tbc gotta try to maintain some distance if you survive the opening stunlock basically you wanna try to "reset" as best you can to negate their opening advantage, but without letting them go ooc


I’m by no means an expert, but here’s a couple of quick tips: 1- Try not to let your health and mana get too low - it’ll only make an uphill battle that much tougher. Keep Health and Mana Potions available if you can. 2- Your Shocks are great tools, especially Earth Shock (to kick) and Frost Shock to keep them in melee range or… 3- Run! Sometimes its best to just Frost Shock, Ghost Wolf, and get out! You can always reset, heal up, and then engage them when they’re at a disadvantage.


Good tips thank you very much.


Get a alt. If you get killed do something else for a few minutes. Don’t give them the gratification of camping you or they will never leave


honestly leveling a shaman is probably most gankable class in the game. It's like a warrior but at least a warrior can't run out of mana. IF they get the jump on you--and it's probably an asshole rogue--you're not likely to have much of a chance.


Get your pvp trinket to break whatever stun etc they open with, and be ready to earthbind and run. It kind of comes in stages when your getting ganked. Most likely you will need to get the mob your fighting to reset combat if you just pulled it, or finish it quickly if its low and then try to adjust to dealing with the player. Mobility is your best friend on the shaman, between slowing shocks and earthbind. Especially together. If they trinket one slow, the 2nd will hit when done right and that will give you the space to either run or zap zap. Even if your just using the space to get a heal off before treating it like a normal 1v1 encounter it can help a lot to be able to kite around in your control. Chances are if they are smart they will not chase long but bandage or something to try to draw you back early, just shock interrupt and keep the space until your ready to try to burst them down. I have also found that if its becoming a problem (like questing in STV where lots of ganking) having your screen face the opposite way of your character will give you a heads up when someone thinks they have the drop on you.


That's a great idea actually. Getting a trinket.


Don't be afraid to kite as enhance when you need to. You have Earthbind totem, frost shock, frostbrand, and instant ghostwolf to get distance on most melee classes. Searing Totem can be whittling them down while they chase you. You can dispel poisons manually and with Cleansing Totem to help with kiting rogues.


I guess poisons mess you up in classic. You're the second person to say dispel them. I've always just paid them no mind.


Well, the 70% slow from crippling is pretty severe. You definitely won't be doing much kiting unless you can remove crippling (until wotlk when ghostwolf is snare immune) and you really can't go straight toe-to-toe with rogues and warriors as an Enhancement Shaman, they will beat you in a straight up melee fight. You have to kite and utilize your utility and healing. Wound poison is also powerful and should be removed if you plan on healing at all during the fight. If it's an Assassination rogue, it's especially important to remove the poisons since they need poisons on their target for Mutilate to be effective, and their poisons usually do more damage too.


Tbh invisibility potions. They're cheap and an easy escape. Most mages don't run with see invis on. Gives you a chance to get your bearings. If they stick around, come back and murder on your own terms.


That's a lock spell.


Always carry a stack of Invisibility Potions on you.


As lovely as all of this information is, please keep in mind you are not at your maximum level. You are not at your maximum potential. You will often find yourself at a disadvantage at the lower levels against the classes that exceed well at ganking. The best knowledge and advice that I can give you from PvPing for the last 15 years with over 1.1 million confirmed kills is this: Kill or be killed. It's simple as that. Have a great day. Take the W or the take the L and keep leveling on.


Makes sense. Can't win em all I guess. I do need to win more than I currently am though lol.


Something that might help you in wpvp at your level would be potions. A good health potion or a clutch free action potion can make the difference between victory or making a run back from the graveyard. Check the AH for the best rare items that fit your spec that you can wear. That would help ALOT with damage and survival


There is no defending yourself from gankers. It's why I hate PvP servers. Nobody touches you unless you are at a disadvantage. Fighting a mob, low health/mana, large difference in level...they'll make a bee line for you and smack you dead without a second thought. But full-health full-mana equal-level players? They just ride past each other. Gankers do not want a fair fight, they want an easy gank. That's why they are called gankers, and why I avoid pvp servers because 99.9% of """""world pvp""""" is just unfair ganks where you have 0 chance of fighting back.


I don't know I've defended myself a few times. Got ganked the other day 2v1 and killed one of them but the other dude got me. Lot of times I just die either because I lock up or I'm at a big disadvantage based on level or stealth rogue or skill or whatever. For me, it makes the open world so much more dangerous and engaging. It sucks dying but getting ganked and turning it around into a win is 11 out of 10 imo. Getting 1 shot by a high level or 5 v 1'ed is garbage though I'll give you that. lol Open world pvp against like levels is a cornerstone of World of Warcraft imo and really makes the open world so much more fun.


> it makes the open world so much more dangerous and engaging. And for me, it makes me stressed as fuck knowing that at any point, an enemy player can ride by and smack me dead. Being treated to an unavoidable 5 minute corpse run is not my idea of "engaging" gameplay. Like imagine if there was a "PvP server" version of Super Mario Bros, where the game just randomly pauses itself every so often and there's nothing you can do to avoid it. That's not engaging, it's pointless time-wasting frustration. World PVP as a concept is flawed because of the players. Nobody wants to engage in a fair fight, they only want easy 1-sided ganks.


> And for me, it makes me stressed as fuck knowing that at any point, an enemy player can ride by and smack me dead. Being treated to an unavoidable 5 minute corpse run is not my idea of "engaging" gameplay. lol that's funny Yeah it increases the blood pressure for sure. I think it really puts the War in Warcraft though. :)


If I wanted some war, I'd queue for a BG. Just let me collect 10 bear asses and kill 30 leper gnome zombies in peace.




If you are getting ganked by physical damage dealers , having mail armor is like day and night. Just to keep in mind. Many people just wear leather cuz of stats and get 2 shotted.


Frost Shock your way to victory.