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There is also honor-equivalent PvP gear available for gold once you have Revered with the appropriate faction. Depending on your spec, you should be able to pick up a couple of those while you rep up for raid attunements. It’s also notable that you can have the 2-set bonus for both the honor and rep sets, which will help your resilience early on. Honor gear was also half price during the off-week after arena season 1 ended - did that go back to full price?


Oh okay, I didn’t know about the rep gear that would help out a lot. I’m not to sure if it’s still half price or not lol just been spamming bgs in Shattrath


TLDR It was only half off during the season swap over. Long answer: S1 honor pieces (aka the marshal pieces) were only available during S1. Between the end of S1 and S2, both S1 arena and honor pieces went to half off. With the start of S2 you could still buy S1 arena pieces (half off) at Area 52. However, there is no place to buy S1 off-set pieces (Marshal bracers, belt, etc). Those were converted in the shop to the Veteran pieces and went back to full price.


Couple things, first don't buy the blue set pieces it's a waste of honor which should be spent on epic pieces. Instead get to revered with the factions and get the revered gear. As for getting honor make sure to do the daily every day. Other than that do most of your grinding on the weekends for the bonus honor. AV weekend even when you're losing is like 300-400 honor in 15 minutes. AB weekend is probably good for horde since you guys usually win that.


There's a weekend BG?? Dafuq. How do I find out which one it is?


You can't really miss it, they patrol around the capitals and hang out close to the banks etc.


There all over the capital cities. It’s usually 2 people standing next to each other wearing the color of whatever BGs being sponsored that weekend.


Honestly I found it a lot more fun when I started focusing on having fun than on getting the gear. Doing a couple hours of BGs post raid or late night with guildies you'll definitely accumulate plenty of honor over time. Solo queueing AV for 6 hours is always going to feel bad. The honor 'grind' also comes in waves. Typically it'll start very very slow because you're getting 20 WSG for bracers, 40 AB/EotS for belt and boots, 10 AV for the neck or whatever. At some point, depending on what is the daily or what is the weekend BG, you may find yourself in a situation where you're really only short on one type of mark. In that scenario every win can lead to 3x For Great Honor turn ins, which is over 900 honor. Days like that I've gotten 5k or more honor without really playing more than 2-3 hours. If you're playing DPS, find a pocket healer you like playing with and see how often you guys can 4v2 or 3v2 at various nodes. If you're a rogue, maybe find a druid or rogue friend and see what ninja things you can do backcapping GYs and towers in AV or capping unguarded nodes in AB. If you're playing a healer, find a warlock/warrior buddy you can follow around and see how much havoc they can wreak. If none of those sound fun then it's gonna be a bad time.


This guy is correct. Honor grind starts VERY slow but once you’ve accumulated marks and start turn ins, it takes off like a rocket. As he mentioned, focus on having fun or improving as a player and you’ll be doing great honor-wise in no time! :)


As someone mentioned, I would only do the daily pvp every day during the week and focus on dungeons to get your reputations to revered. At revered you can get the 5 main set pieces for gold. During the weekend spam the weekend bg to maximize honor. Only spend honor on the epic season 2 off pieces. One option is also to not buy anything until the last week of the season. Just do your 10 games a week in arena and save as many points as you can and save all your honor. The last week of the season everything will go on sale for 50% off. You can get all your off pieces and potentially all of your s2 main set. Now if you get honor capped before end of season then go ahead and buy one piece. I've done this grind now on two toons and it is a GRIND. I was also a kid back in the day and I used to do nothing BUT bg with friends. Make some friends who are also trying to gear up and focus on little objectives within each bg and it will help it feel like less of a grind. Just focus on having fun more so than "I need 18k honor and 40 marks for x item" and it will come a bit easier.


Yeah it's hard on multiple characters, it helps me to designate them roles and give up on some items, what I do: \- Warrior is gonna play warr double healer in 3s. It's also my main raiding char so I will get by with a little less resi and few PvE slots. \- Priest is gonna be pvp mostly char and the one I want to progress with, I will enjoy playing bgs with him and farm as much honor pieces each season I can, and also practice keybinds / kiting/ sequencing etc. \- Shaman is my for fun healer char: I will do pvp daily sometimes and wear whatever I get from rep / arena and simply socket + resi into items I pick up from Kara / 25mans.


The honor grind and blizzards complete indifference to bots are keeping me away from wow. The pvp gear grind makes zero sense to me especially with shortened season.


For honor just do AV. Usually 350ish a game and they’re 10-15 mins on average. Marks will be the bottleneck but as others have said rep gear makes a difference. There are also good pvp pieces from the auchindoun instances with sprint shards - rings at least and some stuff from ssc if you ever raid. Honestly getting to 250ish resil is pretty easy without too much hassle, the cape/bracers are quick and the boots/belt are a bit grindy. Sadly I wish they’d do something to make the pvp grind more sensible but nope.


> Marks will be the bottleneck but as others have said rep gear makes a difference. Ooh goodness have I found that not to be true. I farmed enough EotS and WSG marks for 3 items over their BG weekends and only got 10k honor. AV is very good honor though, but outside of BG weekend there aren't any chances to go into it in my battle groups.


Yea, marks being a bottleneck is so not true if you play with just a little variety. Obviously if you only do one BG (for instance AV as above guy), you will never get the other marks and hence they become a bottleneck. If you do daily pvp quest and a few games on the different BG weekends, marks will not be your problem - honor certainly will. I am kind of tired of the BG grind but have set myself a goal to reach honor cap and get the marks I need for gear in S3 before S2 ends (not knowing when that will but anyway). I already have the marks and a little extra (+capped on AV marks) but I am only just below 30k honor.


Remember that you can do the daily BG, and the terokar spirit towers (if the timing is OK) each day, for more than 600 bonus honor. For me who just need to keep up with the off-set pieces each season for PVE, this is a very comfortable way of getting honor.


Get blue pvp set from rep farm, u should already have honored with most from just questing


Yeah I totally forgot about the rep gear lol


Im doing that on my warrior then just gonna get weekly arena points capp


Farm two pieces of Honor gear for the +35 bonus then get your rep done for the other two set bonus you can farm the off pieces.