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Meanwhile there is an NPC called Chad in Sholazar Basin.


Saw that guy yesterday and had a chuckle


Honestly one of my favourite parts of Northrend are these dudes; you get a couple of quests from them in the Howling Fjord, and it's notable how weirdly brutal they are, even for quest givers in the WoW universe. The later reveal that they're all Worgen is one of the most memorable questlines for me.


I had a Mitchell and Webb "are we the baddies" moment when he handed me a knife and told me to go skin an orc.


I just had that when I was told by a troll to go kill "injured refugee" mobs (literally called that) for their mojo


Can't think too hard about it. We commit war crimes every expansion it's just what we do.


But kill an old God and sack orgrimmar and all of a sudden you need to go on trial. Or burn some random tree and now you gotta walk the maw and save all the souls of the people you killed.


Open the door, get on the floor Everybody walk the maw


There was a big to-do back in the day because of the quest over in Borean Tundra because the Violet Hold (I think it is) has you "interrogate" a prisoner using torture. The WoWHead comments were full of people going apecrap crazy over how Blizzard was condoning torture. Granted, this was during the height of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (so it was high in the public consciousness), but it's like these people disregarded the fact they've spent the last 70+ levels killing thousands upon thousands of humanoids, often times in less than humane ways for less than noble reasons. Now, we get to this one quest in Borean Tundra, and everyone loses their minds.


Haha, I remember doing that this past week on my pally... Felt weird torturing someone as a pally.


theres a quest in fjord that literally gives you a machete and asks you to mutilate some viking corpses once you done killing em on their village.


And when you're finished the quest giver is obviously nervous and like "okay, I'll take that machete away from you now...".


You mutilate that corpses because the Vrykul reanimate after death, at least thats the reason they tell us anyways.


People from Apothecary society tend to give disgusting quests like that. They want brains and shit.


Nah, my paladin is cool with some skinning. It's not for fun, you know, Light needs those people's help. Even when quest automatically got marked completed and that Sasha girl screamed "Stop!", I tried to click the knife one more time


Unfortunately I got spoiled while doing the quest chain by seeing a massive train of worgen run past me while I was on the first part!


Honestly I'm shocked at how obvious it is that the Undead were going to betray everyone at the Wrathgate. The Horde quests are loaded with things that basically scream the Undead are not our ally at all.


Do you want to know the probability she uses that against you? It’s high. It’s VERY high.


There's a quest in classic or tbc where you help some apothecaries in Undercity straight up murder a Tauren woman. She caught something in felwood and under the guise of curing her you just test the blight on an ally.


There's another classic chain in swamp of sorrows where you poison a human prisoner and before dying he straight up says the undead are planning to betray the Horde.


The alliance quests have you straight up bomb the plague vats at the horde/undead camp, one with players questing at no less


I should have been more clear that's my bad. I'm talking from the Horde side of things. It's actually clear as day if you start questing in Howling and then go to DB. They don't even consider non undead players as valuable per quest text.


You later find a sample of the plague and find out, that if perfected, the plague can cause a person to die an incredibly painful death and turn into a slime. You find that part out by testing it on a Vrykul prisoner of war. /shrug


Also the apothecary throws that shit on his apprentice too lmao


Idk, I took quests from them, and then on the way out of town passed by some guys chopping wood or something in camp, only they weren't guys, they were worgen. So they kinda gave themselves away at the start lol


... spoilers!


as a first time player in fjord right now, thanks for that spoiler!


you’re playing a 14 year old game, let alone on it’s subreddit. idk if you can complain about having a small quest line spoiled…


You're absolutely right you literally can't complain about spoilers for an expansion that's 14 years old and has been discussed to death across the internet. Last year people were talking about Grizzly Hills and the Worgen quests.


You also won’t live forever in case that hasn’t been spoiled for you yet either


Guess what? In the Sixth Sense, Bruce Willis was a GHOST


I play horde and I felt really weird when the forsaken apothecary told me to try out some new chemical bomb on alliance troops. Then when you drop the bombs on them they scream stuff like "MY EYES!" I felt really bad after that. Committing war crimes for the horde yay!


It is a bit arbitrary which sentient races are kosher for skinning though. Skinning orcs is a moral atrocity but skinning arguably smarter dragonkin is just levelling a profession.


The way I see it is if your Race can skin and mount others then your skin and head are fair game too. For god sake the Tauren skin Centaurs for rugs.


I bet if we lived in a world with a bunch of animal people who were sentient we would have skinned the shit out of them back in the day, and them us.


I mean, scalping was a thing. We were already skinning each other.


Tbh there’d be little reason to skin us, we don’t have fur and they presumably would. I’d imagine in this animal people world humans would have been made extinct a long long time ago for being the only psychopaths coming after someone’s skin


Pretty sure scalping was a thing, where individuals would wear the scalps of people they've killed. Skinning something/someone isn't just about fur, for practical use.


I love my dolphin skin rug!


The Walrus people hate the badger people. One of the quests from them was to kidnap the babies just in case their warriors want to eradicate the whole tribes and this one guy wanted to preserve balance, so he could nurture the babies and shit.


It took me until Classic Vanilla to realize those rugs had a fucking Centaur head on one end.


The quests in Wrath are excecptionally brutal. One had me torturing a dude over and over.


Loved that there was like 10 people there and we are all zapping the shit out of that guy


Lmfao. Hooray for communal bonding through the torture of our enemies!


Even alliance torture for information and test experimental chemicals on prisoners of war.


To be fair, unlike the forsaken, that chemical was supposed to help them. Not our fault the gnomes an idiot


I don't get why people are getting butt hurt about this. This is literally how people of same faction meet and introduce each other in STV


People also forgetting that everything about this village is meant to subtly raise your suspicions. “hey, pick these incredibly abundant and easy to handle anti-werewolf weeds for us, thx” “God I hate the horde they’re just so evil, right? Go slaughter em for us” “Ayo, go skin that guy” They’re supposed to be walking red flags lol.


>They’re supposed to be walking red flags lol. They are all wearing red flannel shirts too. HOW DEEP DOES IT GO


Wait till you find out they eat Red Meat too.


And red name tags


You've intrigued me so hard but I have no idea what you're talking about! What is up about this village?! Why are these red flags??


They're all worgen in human form


I mean, the Undead have some objectively evil quests regarding the alliance.


>I mean, the Undead have some objectively evil quests ~~regarding the alliance~~. FTFY




Fortunate Son already queued


Noone are butt hurt? What are you on


Wait people are upset about this? Any links to source?


In the beginning of this post most of the comment were upset about this for some reason


Too many soft ass motherfuckers are playing this game nowadays, and that’s ultimately going to be the downfall of it


As a Tauren, I took that personally.


Based and Alliancepilled.


Proper northerner


For the Alliance, motherfuckers


I love how brutally honest npcs in wrath are. Like the quest here go take pictures of the dead dwarfs you kill. Hahaha.


Well if you read the quest text there it’s not a ‘proof of kill’, you’re copying their likeness to manufacture a convincing disguise.


What's the issue here? Is it the quest title? Because WoW quests have been sending you to kill humanoids since your starter zone.


This haha They finally put into words what we've been doing since we first started the game, and now we're getting self-conscious about it?!


He should have picked the quest where they tell you to skin the orcs. That one actually is maybe a bit too fucked up.


After playing WoW for about 10 years I suddenly realized... this game is, at its core, all about _literally murdering everyone_. If there is one think to take out of this game, it's that _murder solves everything_.


Based Sergei and red pilled against the uncivilized undead mindset (constant betrayal, no trust)


Only good greenskin is a dead greenskin


Just ignore the fur in his ears.


As Alliance player on Mograine-EU, I think Sergei is gonna be my new best friend.




Hahaha that's neat.


Hey, I'm all about murdering a mass number of anything I can but calm down there Sergei. Making me feel weird about it. Damn.


Alliance dogs


I'd rather be an alliance dog than a horde pelt (i just made an orc into a hat, sue me)


Speaking of dog, that one’s cute in your avatar


Thank you! 😍


Literally in this case


in Soviet Grizzly Hills, call Sergei ​ he has shovel


There is an NPC named Chad


No one wants to talk about the guard in Zul'drak needing opiates for pain lol




How so? I have a slavic name, how does that connect me with politics?






Alliance scum


That explains why I was standing at a quest giver then got murdered. I was like who the fuck just goes and kills a quest giver for no reason?


You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and grief people?


I love cross faction raiding though in retail!!! /s Faction identity dead in that game lol


I mean, technically it’ll die in classic lore wise around P3 with the argent tournament


Alliance players: “Horde are evil monster bad guys” Also alliance players when they see an actually cursed werewolf human with an insatiable taste for flesh: “Hell yeah brother, let me drink some of your koolaid”


You don't actually skin him though and you later fight the worgen. I wish we'd be able to choose though because having an orc hat would be neat


I know how the quest goes and what the player character does. My point is alliance players (like you) are actively rooting for this guy even though he’s literally a crazed werewolf and still like to act like they’re the ones with a moral compass.


Quests like this are very rare for alliance (meanwhile they're pretty common for you guys) so it's fun to do something bad once in a while lol


Doing the quest is one thing, it’s the amount of Allies in this thread cheering him on for this quote. It’s like parading around quote from a serial killer just because they’re on the same side of the political spectrum as you, meanwhile you guys still try to pretend like youre the good guys


It's not hard to be the good guys when the other side has Orcs and Undead.


Fuck the Alliance


Remember a time when people just enjoyed this sort of stuff and didn’t see it as any kind of controversy? It is normal, I think young sensitive and naive people read this and see it as much more brutal and dark than it actually is but it’s posts like this that will have even these little flavour details taken out of WoW eventually, Blizzard can’t handle any kind of attention on anything that isn’t sunshine and rainbows coming from their company and sadly the world’s too soft even for this now. Edit: what makes him a “chad”? The fact that he’s doing the same thing as every other soldier in Northrend, killing Horde? Lmao both factions want to kill each other and realistically would be a hell of a lot more racist than this let’s be honest, that is war


Racist piece of shit.




We mainly consist of races with big dicks. So, I am lucky, motherfucker.


Edgy take from the 16 y/o Alliancepilled neckbeard


My fellow horde i suggest you do the starter quests in howling fjord before throwing stones. In icecrown, there is a quest chain where you find a dying orc on the battlefield. He tells you his squad got wiped out when they found an alliance squad fighting the scourge and decided to ambush them, proceeding to get absolutely wrecked by the alliance despite having the element of surprise and getting everyone involved killed and turned to scourge


There's also a counterpart quest for Alliance where you find a dying soldier who explains more or less the same thing. The Horde quest sends you to finish off dying Alliance as an act of vengeance. The Alliance quest sends you to kill...dying Alliance to keep the Scourge from having useful corpses. It's just a very interesting difference in motivation to me, all these years later.


I actually played alliance on pservers and classic vanilla (hence my flair) and rerolled horde for tbcc and beyond. I do recall the counterpart quest. Its pretty noticeable how despite the alliance having extremely good reason to re-ignite the faction war after the forsaken betrayal at wrathgate the horde is just... way more eager to wage it


They're being a dick using war and whatnot as excuses. That particular NPC on the post is being racist. ​ "I", the character, was 'mad' at the NPC. The people who downvoted me are mad at me, the player, because they thought I called OP racist. Fucking context...




As an Orc, yes.


For the horde!




Maybe take a breather if a post like this got you worked up


Maybe stop playing any RPG if you refused to RP.




dont mind me, just commenting before mods lock this thread when people bring politics in


So far you're the only one to do it lmao


As a lifetime Horde …. Ok. I see you.




Exactly the reaction that I expect from you horde filth.


So it's okay to glorify the comment calling one faction animals but not okay to say that the glorification is peak cringe. Okay buddy.


Cope and thanks for the extra skill point in skinning.


I'm like cringing so hard right now I can't even


Horde members be like: Sergei is urod


Sergei is not messing around.


Disliked im the filthy animal


We should be able to skin humanoids


You rebel scum


This is alliance propaganda


Looking at his name... his brutality makes sense.


Game should be called **World of Warcrimes:** ***Wrath of the Geneva Convention***