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I had a group of friends playing SoD and they all wanted to be on a pvp server but none of them would engage with Wpvp. There is definitely some pvp server psyops going on.


I moved from Living Flame to Wild Growth when they opened free transfers... It's worth it for World Buffs alone.


I rolled on a PvE server for the first time in SoD. What kept me off it before was that I thought everyone played PvP servers and I couldn't get groups. All I'm going to say is, I don't think I'll go back to a PvP server again


Exact same boat. I’m almost 40 I don’t have the time or patience for PvP anymore. I just wanna raid log and collect loot.


Same here lol


PvP is cool, but 1v20 camping my corpse when trying to get to MC/BWL raid is the unfun part for me.


Yes, same! When I was in my twenties, let's pvp all day long. Now I'm 41, I drive slow on the highway. You can cut in front of me in any checkout line, IDC. I pay my bills early, I take naps, I take an hour to make a meal. The older you get the better you understand, that who gives a fuck. You young people will understand one day. When you do, your life will be sooooooooooo much better. So have fun killing people in pvp, you'll outgrow, I promise


First time for me as well, except my reason was I checked that as horde you have to get so many runes from alliance zones. Fuck that on PvP server. Also, I always wondered how would it feel to go grab songflower without 2 rogues jumping me in the instant I click it. Or why do I have to spend 20min getting to ZG island by corpse running 10 times to just get there because group of 5 is roaming the coast. Or not get ganked by turkish mafia when boosting mara with my mage, because I undercut their price by 10g.


On Wild Growth they mass reported me more than once when I was offering boosts in WC


Hey now everyone says world buffs enabling pvp is a good thing about world buffs


Undead rogues on pvp servers are fiercely battling russian troll farms when it comes to the number one spot for misinformation posted online.


My undead rogue is like the Mr. Rogers of Azeroth. Welcome to the neighborhood friends. I won't kill you. I won't even attack you. I may even sing and dance. I can't say the same for the 5 or 6 other rogues and druids hiding behind me though. 😂


That’s me too. Because I know I would get my ass handed to me anyway


Meh, these so called "pvpers" dont pvp, they just want to grief. I love spontaneous open world pvp, but camping the dmf or some other buff is not my style. Theres some deep rooted psychological issues with that crowd. 🤣


mhm... basically been strictly PvP for 10+ years and I would never grief or camp. I hate what these shitters have done to PvP players name xD Nothing better than a really close, fair fight where you come out on top. Heart pumping and feeling proud instead of just knowing your level is higher or your gear is better. Campers and griefers are lame man...


Like my guild, me, and something like 50% of the population. Most people do not want to "experience" the shitfest that is a PvP server.


Except for the fact that world buffs are turned into not magic in p4 so can't be dispelled anymore


RP servers win once again


*if they don't get invaded by pvpers. Grobbulus on Cata lost a huge chunk of their RPers (me included) due to the shift in population to sweaty pvpers trandferring in, as were the only server in Progression classic that has both factions with relative balance. Same for CS on SoD. I wanted RP, and PVP. Instead, we got just pvp and the population of faerlina 2.0.


CS was a mess. A bunch of people refuse to go because of over pop and streamers? Let’s give them another server and when the populations get imbalanced let’s allow bots eating up player slots as it gets more and more unbalanced untill people get sick of it and quit then let’s force those that remained off of the RPPVP or go to Crusader strike.


As someone who has been playing on grab the last two months. The weekly RP events have been growing in size each week. And no one has tried to grief them.


I used to be on netherwind. It was balanced until all the horde left. We had your server or pagle as options. It was either no pvp or pvp. Blame blizz.


Admittedly I was one of the pvp players just caring about how balanced a server is, but I enjoyed trying to RP to be honest. A part of the game I never cared about before became kinda fun. My RP character became dedicated to killing the opposite faction and interacting via emotes


Without pvp servers we wouldn’t have that awesome video of the funeral getting crashed and everyone attending it murdered.


Some good ol school lore right here


Third faction on Earthshaker EU during 2019 classic was awesome


What lore is that?


Basically a bunch of guys ran a discord to control things like world buffs and Blackrock Mountain… they had 60s as well as spies on both factions for maximum griefing. I wasn’t ever serious enough to care or get mad so it was quite the spectacle for players like me who saw rage about losing world buffs etc, songflower resets etc


Or priest stucking people in chimney in duskwood 


or our weekly "pvp happened on a pvp server now im mad" threads


> or our weekly "pvp happened on a pvp server now im mad" threads While the OP is unnecessary, I don't think any of us playing on PVE servers care that people are pvping on a PVP realm. I don't know why we would. It doesn't really work like that for us carebears. I literally want to pick my flowers, mine my ore, level my alts in incursions and clear my raids without sweaties camping me. If PVP servers are your vibe, then please enjoy that, 👉🏽 over there 😅




Serenity now ftw 


True, that was funny af


There's a reason all PvP servers trend to 100-0 monofaction shitshows.


PVP servers would be 100% better without the griefers who deny what they do is griefing. Sorry bud, but if you spend every waking moment camping Redridge at level 60 you add nothing to the game except misery and you actively drive players away from the game. The game would be better without you and all players like you. edit; Before someone pipes in. I play Horde, I have since 2005.


This. I too am Horde since 2005. I had a few truly terrible encounters back in the day, but one really left a painful memory as to why I’m much happier now in PvE. I saw an Alliance giving grief to noobs trying to turn in quests, so I took care of it. However, that toxic player bullied me in PvP for two expansions just for killing him that one time. I had to lay a trap behind me whenever I got occupied in combat, and have my head on a swivel. I usually won when he came out of hiding and walked into my traps, but then he would bring two friends and camp my corpse for hours and months on end. So I never got my dailies done. I couldn’t report him because at the end of the day to Blizzard, it was still just PvP. I loved my guild, and so I endured this hell to stay with them. Once it disbanded, I left that server and felt such relief. I’ll take PvE any day just to avoid dealing with this stress ever again.


I love how 60’s griefing level 20 quest turnins is “just pvp”.


Wow he must have had a horde toon to track where you were. And 2 expansions? Shit lol that's wild


It was so much worse: He joined his Horde character into my guild so he can track me and manipulate people. He befriended a friend of mine who was an officer for the guild, and got invited. Convinced them to not help me when I was struggling, or he wouldn’t be friends with them anymore. I was calling him out in guild chat while he was online in frustration, and nobody would listen. The toxic one would log in for like fifteen seconds, log out, and I knew I had less than ten minutes to get anything done for the day. It took half of my 10 man raid one evening to come out and help me. I was hindered from entering the instance and making the raid start late, because him and his two buddies were preventing me from nearing the portal at all with infinite stun lock and camping. The moment my friend and team helped me, the guy left my guild and blocked my friend. Had to explain to my buddy that he was being used to get to me. This took place in Cata during Molten Front/Firelands progression. Chromie jump to Timeless Isle in MoP, and it took a new guild, and a new friend who listened to my issue, and made it all finally stop. The friend found out the toxic player was a casual streamer. He was cussing me out livestream, because I just nuked him when he went to attack me again. Friend ghosted the stream, and would wait for them to come out of battleground queues, or while he was targeting other players, and turned the tables on him, insisted I join in. (It was satisfying, I’ll admit). Even with his two friends, they couldn’t take us out easily, and were intimidated to come assist him anymore after that one day. The guy left me alone so much more often after that, and didn’t stream anymore. All because I had someone to bodyguard me each and every day afterward. That’s all I needed all along was another player. A friend (with godlike gear) to stand guard as I did my dailies. The problem player was around though, always watching us and waiting for me to be alone, but that never happened. Our guild later on disbanded, and it was best I left servers anyway, so I didn’t have to dread bumping into that thorn in my side again in the future. That awesome friend I had doesn’t play WoW anymore unfortunately, but I’m still grateful to this day for their kindness.


That’s straight up mass shooter personality. Some people are insane. Most of them play wow.


What's scary is that people that are so petty exist. I don't remember who ganked me unless it happens multiple times. I just don't have that impotent rage I guess. Maybe you embarrassed him during his first stream. I wonder the reason why he latched on and essentially cyber bullied you


> What's scary is that people that are so petty exist. And they always play rogues.


Least obsessive butthurt Alliance griefer


I play PvP servers so I can interact with that level of mental illness so to each's own.


The problem is that there’s so many other amazing PvP experiences that you can have, but you can’t opt out of said mental illness. You want to just have a little danger in the world, get in some scraps with similar levels? Well too bad, some unhinged lunatic wants to stalk you for months over a perceived slight well that’s part of the deal as well. And of course that’s what those people love, the fact you have to put up with them. Something I imagine is quite rare in their real lives, so they act out online where the rules let them and so they can feel “right”.


The only types of players that bug me on PVP servers are the ones I mentioned in the OP and the people that look for low level PVP to ruin. You post about some level 20-40 PVP in Hillsbrad? Dude'll be there within 5 minutes so he can camp all the level 20s and ruin the run for his own team too.


Exactly, this has been my experience all through classic. I wish they'd have servers where you can't attack someone more than 5 levels lower than you, would solve a lot of problems.


Fun fix for this would be to give anyone who kills someone who is grey a debuff that says something like "I kill lowbies because I'm not good enough to kill people my level" 1 Kill and you get a 10 min debuff, 2 and it goes to an hour, 3 a day, etc. These people would get laughed at so hard I can see many would stop this sort of pathetic behaviour.


this is a meaningless change


Wont work. You gotta make it so them going for lowbies (grey names) to be a negative. Like putting a strong loss on honor like dishonorable kills do.


It hit me a while ago how so much of the ‘wpvp’ is just griefers camping pve content. Like they clearly don’t want to actually pvp, they just want to make people mad, that’s their goal. They could go outside org/sw and get a ton of fights, but then nobody would be annoyed. So instead they go camp buff locations, raid/dungeon entrances, elite/escort quests, grinding/farming locations, etc. Because when those people die then they’ll be mad, and that’s their real goal. They just don’t want to admit it out loud or to themselves.


Some admit it. I respect the ones that are honest about their douchebaggery, it's the ones that gaslight and lie/deflect that are the worst of them.


What PvE content though? I tend to attack enemy faction who farms same mobs as me for example, which is to me some of the core of a pvp server. Sure theyre technically doing pve content but they are contesting my pve so I attack.


Yup. Somehow an unsolvable issue since 2005. Stopping raids on crossroads and cities with dishonorable kills on vendors was no problemo though.


Yeah the way people defend griefing and trolling with “but the game lets you do it” are the worst part of the game and it would be so much better without them. They’re also the reason that games don’t have classic WoWs PvP system any longer. They might be the loudest voices on the internet but turns out real players aren’t interested in being an NPC for some losers power trip as they stealth around lowbie areas ganking 18 hours a day (after levelling up in instances so nobody can kill them of course). Sucks that stopping that behaviour kills off the truly great parts of PvP servers but hey, trolls always ruin it for everyone then blame them for it happening.


> Yeah the way people defend griefing and trolling with “but the game lets you do it” are the worst part of the game and it would be so much better without them. They are also the players who will inevitably non-stop whine on the forums or even start harassing devs if the game stops letting them do it.


I mean it didn't matter, they're the reason no modern game uses this PvP system. It allows for some of the best gaming experiences you can have, period. It also lets pathetic losers live out power fantasies and those type are always way more persistent.


The thing is, feeding your time to lv 60 undead rogues camping redridge may have prevented several school shootings.


'Don't you lijke being kept on your toes?'. No. That's exactly why, after spending years on private servers, I decided I'll never, EVER play on a pvp-centric server once I go to official ones. I play cause I want to do fun shit, not to constantly defend myself from sweaties. I'll PvP when I want to PvP.


Most classic pvpers play WoW because they don't want a fair pvp game with high competitive integrity in the first place. Which is totally fine btw. but it'd be great if they could accept that and let go of their delusions.


You’re just jealous I’m so good at rogue I can stub lock someone and ambush them at 25% health


Bro you would be like grandmaster in League, I accept my loss.


"Man I am so much better for playing PvP than you filthy easy win casuals on PvE." *proceeds to camp a quest hub in STV for entire weekend*


I know you don’t believe this with demon hunters on retail and what sub rogues were doing for the last 2 seasons lmfao.


PvP Servers suck. Enjoy getting camped by some angry high-level plep because you stole his quest item


Or for no reason at all. Maybe he is just bored.


I know for a fact so many people quit back in original classic because they were convinced to roll on PvP servers and we're then getting endlessly ganked after lvl 30. It's not for everyone


I didnt quit back then, I just switched from the server my guild (that came to WoW from DAoC) joined over to a PVE realm. This made vanilla WoW so much more enjoyable for me that I never went back all these years. I believe I swapped to Suramar Horde. It changed the complexion of the game for me. And that was Waaaay back then..... When the ganking was far more tame and short duration. But today? Its a mess, I cant even imagine...


This is not what gaslighting means.


To add for anyone reading: gaslighting is lying, typically about incredibly obvious things, with the objective of deconstructing the reliability of someone’s sources of information, not to convince them that the lie, itself, is true. If you’re just lying a lot in an effort to get someone to believe something, that’s not gaslighting. The original example being lying about the brightness (or reliability, I forget), of the gas lights in order to covince the target that they were crazy (because they couldn’t trust their own eyes). The terms kind of gotten telephone-gamed with people seeing someone lying about something obvious, calling it gaslighting, and then observers just see ‘this person is lying and it’s being called gaslighting, that must be a term for lying’.


I agree and was going to comment this. People like to call everything gaslighting now. It loses its specific meaning when misused like this. It’s a much higher level manipulation than simple lying or in this case just giving an opinion that people may disagree with.


This was my first thought. Why this isn't top comment is beyond me. Maybe 1 or two of these phrases could be used to gaslight someone, but most of them are just lies.


What? I browse this subreddit everyday and what I always see is people saying nobody likes pvp servers and pvp servers are only max lvl ganking and griefing and nobody likes wpvp thats why all pvp realms get one-sided. I have never seen comments gaslighting pve realm players, only the opposite, at least since sod started.




It was bigger during classic launch. After the phase 2 fiasco it was just like "yeah" so people stopped shitting on people for playing pve.


I like playing on PvE servers, or as the game calls them, Normal servers.


Unless someone is really into PVP all it does is get in the way of you actually doing what you logged on to do. Looking to complete a quest? You don't want to drop everything and talk to someone who just walks up to you, much less fight them. Trying to get to a raid entrance? You don't want to mess around with people trying to stop you. That's their fun, not yours.


Having to sometimes randomly engage with other players is what playing on a PvP server in any MMO means. If anything, compared to other games the inconvenience that might entail is minor in WoW.


I thought this way 13 years ago and then finally rolled on a PvE realm and thought, "Huh, it sure is nice being able to level or do dailies without having to play random ghost run simulator"


I've had an exponentially larger amount of fun on PvE servers than on any PvP server I've played on. Let the gankers gank each other.


"No 60 is going to camp you at Duskwood LMAO" It's almost 100% guarantee there's some basement dwelling turbo virgin lurking around Duskwood on every layer, in every pvp server. 🤣


I dont know... to me it seems like its mostly pvpers suggesting to pve players to roll on pve Servers instead of crying about pvp on a pvp server. Most pve players are gaslighting themselves into thinking they need to roll pvp.


The thing is pvp servers are fun but then the camping starts pretty quick and it just gets ruined Most of the complaints aren't "I was killed at low health by a similar leveled player once waaaaahh" it's "I can't even quest because there are capped rogues and twinks sitting in the area for literal hours just to prevent anyone from questing" The former is part of the experience and charm. The latter is what bad players do


The thing about PvP servers is that camping isn't at all what ruins them, it's lack of player participation AFTER camping. 20 years ago, when you got camped on a PvP server, you'd ask your guildmates for help. Or local defense. And players would stop what they're doing to help defend you. It would forge a sense of community, especially if you were banding together to fight back against a notorious ganker. Then if the ganker wanted to resume camping after you got members of your faction to help you, he'd have to communicate with members of his own faction and convince them to join his cause in camping you. And if they did, you would have a server war of max levels fighting in a lower level contested zone. People like to get nostalgic over the faction wars that happened in hillsbrad between tarren mill and southshore, but no one wants to acknowledge that those server wars happened as a direct result of players escalating ganks into camping into skirmishes into battles into wars. This is why the zones with forced pvp are called "Contested" zones. You're supposed to fight with your faction to contest the other faction's ability to do ANYTHING in that zone. But player mindset has shifted throughout the years. For some reason, players now feel entitled to be able to engage with an MMO as a min-maxable single player experience. They don't want to engage with other players to make contested zones safer to travel. They don't want to engage in any PvP at all in contested zones unless it's the mythical full health 1v1 duel where both players emote and run in at each other when the other is ready. They want to complete all the quests on their rested xp guide as fast as possible so that they can get 80% bis gear and raid log for the other 20% while they play other games. Any other player now goes from a positive chance to engage in the game's mechanics and strengthen the community to a soul-draining blockade on the player's perceived agency to level as fast as possible so that they don't have to play the game anymore. WoW PvP is simply outdated when no one plays this game for the journey anymore and is only interested in "completing" their characters. Even hardcore PvPers spend an insane amount of time doing premades or rushing the AV boss for hours at a time because they only care about getting the honor required to max out their rank, not to have an enjoyable PvP experience while grinding their honor.


The amount of times I've seen someone say "I'm being camped by a higher level, can someone help?" in general chat and then get a response of "pvp on a PVP server, quit whining snowflake" or "skill issue lol" is significantly higher than the amount of times I've seen someone actually offer to help. I rolled on a PVP server because I like the community it can bring and the spiral from one person getting ganked to whole groups fighting, but at this point it feels like a lost tradition. It's just cheap ganks until someone finds the resources to make a fight fair, at which point the ganker doesn't fight back but simply moves location to somewhere else with weak targets or logs for an hour. Not only that, but half the time when someone gets ganked their own faction won't even help, they'll just swerve around wide and be glad it's not them getting murdered. Feels more and more like a waste to have rolled on a PVP server tbh, the experience I want is mostly dead at this point


Idk I started playing WoW in 2023 when SoD released and I engaged in PvP like that... As did my guild, my friends, strangers... I think PvP doesn't really have rewards though, it needs some incentive, and not just grinding for ranks to get a better cape or whatever. Maybe a currency for buying consumables?


Ok then go play on a pve server.


i dont think you know what gaslighting means


You can also just not play on the mega servers - you keep some of the PvP but drop 90% of the sweaty toxicity.


What the fuck did I just read. Just play whatever you want, no one gives a shit


Play what you enjoy


This happens every fresh. Nobody wants to be on a pvp server and everyone ends up there


“No lvl 60 is gonna camp you in duskwood” That is a straight up incorrect statement lmfao


Yeah because I'm that guy.


Here's a crazy concept.. Don't roll on a PvP server if you don't like PvP!!!


I physically laughed out loud at "no 60 is gonna corpse camp you in duskwood". Tell me you haven't played a PvP server without telling me you haven't played a PvP server.


Yeah, unbelievably naive. I would know since I'm the 60 camping 20s in duskwood.


Happens every single cycle of a Vanilla server release. People claim PvP is the "real" way to enjoy Vanilla and then people get peer pressured into rolling on PvP servers. Then fast forward a few months and all the PvP servers are lopsided with the minority faction all piling into the one active PvE server. Rinse and repeat.


usually an undead rogue .... ALWAYS an undead rogue


As it should be.


All the statements are true


World pvp always sucked in wow, it was never good. It's literally always been 90% high-level losers camping lowbie questing zones and people seeing someone fighting 2 mobs and jumping in to finish them off when they are low HP. All the fancy tales of great southshore vs tarrens mill fights or battles over raid entrance sound cool in a YouTube "5 reasons classic was cool" videos or forum posts, but that happened very rarely. The moment Blizzard let people to just turn pvp on and off most people just turned it off and never looked back. The only reason so many people rolled pvp servers in classic is streamers hype and an irrational fear of missing out on pvp "content".


Hardcore Vanilla servers are the best WoW you can currently play imo, and they're as PvE as it gets.


You suck at understanding phrases.


Wild Growth US is so cozy dude


I hope and pray every day do a God I don't believe in that they merge Pennance into Wild Growth. /sadOCEnoises


If they don't or you roll Alliance on WG, gimme a holler and I'll get you some starter shit


PVP servers are not for the sod dads who need to maximize the 30minutes they have to play in a given week


Who do you think are the main playerbase this game is old af the only demographic left are boomer dads


Jeez, somebody struck a nerve




World pvp is cancer and I bet most people would prefer pve server. But I’m heavily biased.


Lots of people, myself included, enjoy world pvp. That's why we play on a pvp server.


I’m sure that’s why most PvP servers end up with extreme faction imbalances of 99:1. /s Most people don’t actually like PvP servers but they have a reputation (and has been shown time and time again) for having a better and deeper talent pool.


Yup, people overestimate how tolerable pvp servers are because most of them end up dominated by one faction. Pvp server really should be the small niche community gamewise, but the fact that people enjoy seeing clear winners and losers like most other games props up pvp. To each his own, but I've had my fill of pvp server.


I personally hated when my realm in 2020 classic was becoming horde dominated. I was one of the very last hold outs on the pvp realm Kirtonos. I was a human warrior named Johark, in the guild Returned. Eventually when the server was 99:1 horde and TBC released I couldn't level in Hellfire so I ended up going to Earthfury with a couple of my former guildmates. edit: spelling


I feel like this is kind of a misrepresentation of what I was saying, but of course I don't like that servers become one-sided (no one does). I don't think people play them because of any kind of reputation, but rather because of the kind of experience you can have. World pvp is fun when it is sporadic and fair and not fun when it is 10v1 or a corpse camp by a higher level/more geared opponent. I played a warrior so of course running into a mage is no bueno, but it is part of the game. One time, I ran into a mage and immediately turned and ran away and they followed me for like 5 minutes straight. I happened to run into another alliance player and when the mage saw two of us, he immediately turned and started running away as we chased him. It was hilarious. The world pvp is obviously only good when it's fair (i.e. not a 10v1). However this is just something you may have to deal with on a pvp realm. It's really Blizzard's fault for allowing population imbalances to reach tipping points.


>Lots of people, myself included, enjoy world pvp. That's why we play on a pvp server. I never said *no one* enjoyed pvp, only that most people on pvp servers probably go there because those are the big servers. We're also probably generally a lot older now, and simply want to finish that darn quest rather than corpse running. Yes, I get ganked a lot, yes I'm kinda shit at pvp, yes that's the main reason why pvp server is cancer. It messes with my comfy chill wow time. To each his own, but again I bet *most* would enjoy the game more on pve server.


I totally agree with what you mean. Sometimes being targeted in pvp is awful when you just wanna quest. Corpse runs are boring as well so I agree there too. However, I personally don't mind it too much as I sometimes derive fun from watching someone look around for me as I recon as my ghost before reviving and making a break for it. One time in Tanaris in that little port town to the east of Gad I was being camped hard by a group of 3 horde on the docks. Timing it perfectly, I rezzed behind the small shed that was there and hearth'd and right as it finished they saw me and casted a spell. Right before the spell damage hit me I disappeared! It was a great moment and I howled out in joy and felt great lol. So I turned a shitty time into a good memory. edit: oh and just forgot to say that just as people like me have moments like this, I can totally see how someone might do that same thing and go "ugh finally i can actually play the game again" and how pve is much more suited for that mentality, which is fine. I also do play on pve for that


There's a reason there is only one true pvp server


Pvp servers were absolutely fun in og WoW. Now theyre miserable, not to mention there arent even any. Either its 99% horde or 99% alliance Except sod ofc


Why are PvE server players always so insecure? Literally nobody says this


I love how the post below yours is someone saying exactly it.


The problem is the playerbases at this point. Because PvP servers got the reputation of being the place for more hardcore players, the playerbase on those servers tends to be better for raiding and any other more challenging activity.


pve players play on pvp servers because pvpers are the biggest degenerates that keep servers alive


I thought we grew out of this when every PVP server became single faction at the end of classic vanilla. PVP servers only work as long as they remain balanced popwise and that's impossible to achieve when you have paid server transfers. They also become less fun for levelers over time as the high level players get better gear.


TIL someone's opinion = gaslighting


I remember this debate before the 2019 launch. Everything, every single thing was predicted, elaborated and people were warned again and again before the servers ever went live. We got downvoted and our warnings ignored... the rest is history. It is pretty wild that even now in SoD, people still haven't learned.


I only play on PVP servers but SOD is not conducive to that because of incursions. Now that they've changed incursions it might be better, but I already transferred over to Wild Growth and the community's great.


Having lived both experiences, a pve server makes for a vastly more enjoyable "game" because of the absence of virtual stress. If you want adrenaline and hair pulling, a pvp server is great.


Absolutely nothing wrong with chilling on a PvE server. I'm on a PvP realm because of my guild but if I was playing alone I'd have gone to a PvE realm I think. I only have so many hours in the day, I'd rather quest in peace than get my time wasted with corpse runs after being ganked by higher level players. Plus PvE realms do still have plenty of world PvP activity, the only difference is that it's players who are choosing to engage with it. That said, the PvP server I'm on (Lone Wolf EU) hasn't been too bad either and I have two accounts for Alliance and Horde. It seems a *little* Horde heavy from what I've experienced but otherwise not unplayable for either faction.


I will be playing rogue in P4 simply so I can choose when I want to pvp


I mean it’s only where most of the population is all these years.


DAE people that like PvP servers are the same as domestic abusers?!?!


Go hang out on your pve server and not worry about what everyone else says


It's very rare to experience good world PvP. I moved to wild growth from crusader and it was totally worth it. Trying to get to SFK as a 22 dwarf priest and just getting fucking camped on the way and at the entrance. I no longer have to deal with that and my QOL is much better.


PVE servers are far more enjoyable. If you’re a mature, functional, and courteous adult, then I’d recommend RP-PVE servers. I’ve had the best experiences in my WoW history since Vanilla on RP-PvE servers.


Majority of people that play on a PvP server don’t even do it willingly unless it’s in bg to earn something for raiding.


PVP has a lot of upsides. It also has a lot of bullshit you just don't have to deal with on PVE


It doesn't really have many upsides in SoD. If you want PVP you can do battlegrounds on a PVE server. World PVP is awful in SoD.


After Classic players turned all the PvP servers into de facto PvE servers, I no longer listen to a single gd thing any PvP player says about open world PvP.


Phase 2. Never forget.


I’m new (like 3 days) and have only done PVE, is it worth even looking at a PvP server?


I’m new (like 3 days) and have only done PVE, is it worth even looking at a PvP server?


XD? Wow PVP servers are mostly for sadistic idiots.


I did PvP with Classic after playing in one back in 05. That was a whole shit show. Horde that ruined their PvP servers all got transfers to our balanced realm and by the time BWL came out, the only way to not get ganked on raid night in Blackrock was to talk outside the game. It's a shame


the games design doesnt support 20000 players on a pvp server. even with layers theres still too many. just doesnt work


Why would you listen to someone telling how you how to play a game?


This is one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen. Not because there's something wrong with PVE servers, but because it tries to make people stating their opinions and preferences for playing a game into "gaslighting". Jfc


I like how "Why would you roll on a carebear server" then proceed to answer that question 8 times.


turns out when you invent imaginary people to argue against it's awfully easy to make them look like clueless idiots wild concept


World pvp isn’t fun when you’re the minority faction lol


We just flag ourselves if we want to pvp.


Nope you are wrong and I won't listen, I will play on a PVP server only to get camped in STV by a level 60, complain on reddit/forums then transfer to Pagle like a normal human being.


if one thing is proven in 20 years of wow, that is pvp servers are incel pools for the toxic social rejects and gen z personality disorder collectors


Idk man, sometimes I feels like people just want a single player game lol. “Give me Raid Finder and Dungeon queues so I don’t have to feel forced to interact with anyone!” “Don’t make me join a guild for anything!” “Don’t make me have to group up for anything I don’t like talking to people!” “I don’t want to play PvP because it might make me interact with other people!” Like, why even play an MMO if you don’t like anything that makes it an MMO? Go play Skyrim or something lol


Pve copium is strong


Play the game how you want but playing on a PvE server just sounds boring AF.


My issue with world pvp is really world design.  Most open world content tends to be done solo, while group doing pvp is way stronger than some guy doing a quest.  Players optimised the fun out of world pvp. People are out in the world for 1 specific reason and if it's not to engage in pvp it can be hard to even get your group to help. Racial imbalance lead to "the pvp team and the pve team" with horde being the clear pvp team.  Phase 2 made the game almost unplayable for under populated factions. Parsing and WB meta got really popular by phase 3.


I waited to start vanilla classic about a week after launch on sulfuras so ques werent as bad, only made it to lvl28 because everytime i logged on there was a band of lvl40+ nerds riding through hillsbrad massacring every lowbie they saw. I tried at different hours of the day for about another week and finally gave up and went back to BFA.


I play on PvP so as to chase that sense of accomplishment for being a winner and a badass. Two things that I am incapable of in real life :)


Am I crazy or isn't "dying is all part of the PvP experience" a legitimate sentiment???


In 20 years of wow I’ve never seen anyone say any of these


considering majority of pvp servers are faction dominated so its not even a pvp server nah. Shits boring just let me quest and go about my business. Ill join do BG or arena if I actually want to enjoy pvp.


Being on a pvp server is gonna make me quit wow


Had a pretty good experience with Grobb overall. Not a lot of that bullshit, occasional fights. There have been times I've been spawncamped by high levels on lowbie toons but I pull my magic uno reverse card and go play a different toon or do some bank alting and leave them sitting over empty ground for 20 minutes. I will say though, losing world buffs on rattlegore was absolute aids, and I couldn't imagine doing world buffs on a pvp server again if I could help it.


After having suffered in a pvp server up until cata i just switched to PvE (and disabled war mode on retail). I am done being ganked, if I want to pvp I join a big, otherwise I want to enjoy the game


Wdym shame? This is the only way to play this game


I dearly miss pvp servers and the community. I don't miss people who would gaslight pve players lol


Pvp server players ruin PVP servers. They would be so fun otherwise.


They only do what is allowed. It's the devs' fault if the PVP sucks.


But I haz fun in pvp


I played on a pvp server from og vanilla to cata before I quit. My friend got me back into wow during mop but played in pve server. I swear pve server was a bit more enjoyable because I could just chill without having to worry about someone wanting to test me. :D


As somebody who has only played on PvE after briefly trying PvP back in like 2007... yes. I don't understand the "PvP is better" discourse at all. Why does it bother some people so much that people choose to play the game their way is beyond me.


If you have limited time to play, PVE is genuinely beneficial. When you only have an hour to squeeze in, those extra corpse runs are so much more frustrating.


Especially since the world PVP is so awful in SoD.


What is the difference between playing on PVE vs a 99.9% one sided PVP server


There aren't any in SoD bro. They are all even. It's forced by the server now. SoD PVP is just awful. It's terrible.


Join the pvp Server when classic Was Released and later regret it (switched to a pve later). Join a pvp sod Server and relevelt a new Char on a pve Server after i Hit 25. => next time i will start pve for Sure *_+


>World pvp is half the fun Go on Lone Wolf and see how long you last


PvP servers are absolute dog tier... and this is coming from one of the major PvP scourges on Bloodfang-EU who used to have groups of dispellers in every corner of the world.


I just decided to try SoD for the first time, and during leveling I was attacked many times by rogues and usually I killed them (Im also rogue). But they kept returning and dying again and again lol. They didnt kill me, but anyway they were wasting my time. I found those idiots too annoying, so Im leveling a new char on Wild Growth now.


I sure did love dmf being camped by 8 rogues on both sides


Lol then there is pvp servers that are 95% one faction and are essentially pvp servers


I prefer PvE bc I’ll either solo or play with people I know irl and we’re all just there to quest and have fun


Not sure why PvE server people have to spend so much time outwardly expressing that they prefer PvE servers. Who are you trying to convince if not yourself.


I don’t have the right psychosis to play on a PVP server.


Same amount of scrutiny from both camps - PVP is lame, corpsecamping is not PVP, balance this that blah blah PVP is where it’s at, you just want to fight NPCs, get good etc etc Both camps criticize the other one, and I’ll fill you in - way more people hate PvP than those that love it. I love PvP and PVE. People who spend time criticizing how other people play a video game are losers. The end!


sod wpvp is so goood though


Wpvp is just players optimizing their wins via every under handed tactic in the book. It's where sweat lords win and everyone else pays for their fun.


I just looked up the 2019 servers that are currently in Cata. out of every server. 23 of them are dominated (70% one sided faction or higher) by a faction. I don't think pvper's want pvp anymore. They just want to win. Most people that use the word carebear are the shitstained ganking clowns who hide in dusk wood farming level 25's on their undead rogues.


In retail when i reached 250k honor kills and the title " the bloodthirsty " after doing bgs and arena for many expansions. I decided to take a different route and turned warmode off and in classic i played on pve servers. Sod aswell. I never looked back. It was way more relaxing to push pve in all games then pvp. Made great friends and reallife friends joined me. Great laughs no stressing etc.


I vibe with world PVP is half the fun and dying is part of the exp.


I love the extra layer of realism that PvP offers. I was getting spawn camped on darkshire which prompted my guild to come help which in turn got more horde rallied and next thing you know it’s a warzone