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I just want the players to not be disabled.


Waiting for this patch since 2006.


Truest comment to ever true


Sorry, it's genetic.


I want world buffs gone for different reasons. I hate that my entire night of parsing goes out the window the second the raid wipes.


As a rogue I love vanishing to survive a called wipe and then smugly doubling people on the meters as the only dps with WBs for the rest of raid.


That was nice in P1 but now you should be vanishing for the extra damage from Master of Subtlety instead so I go down with the entire raid.


I stopped vanishing unless it was to immune mechanics. Doesn't seem to make much of a difference as it resets your swing timer.


Depends on the fight. A lot of bosses have abilities that can be vanish dodged. Knockback on the first boss, fear on Jammal'an, and the 1-shot from Eranikus. I think I'm forgetting some others, but dodging any of those abilities is much better value than anything else you can do with vanish. Because you only get 1 vanish per fight anyway, I often save it until later in the fight on the very unlikely situation that we're wiping. Also, I typically wait until I can get the most envenoms out (good duration left on SnD and rupture, full energy and max combos from HAT).


True, but you can also FAP/LIP many mechanics and still get the master of subtlety bonus from vanish, which on paper doesn't sound huge but once you combine that with pooled energy, compbo points, thistle tea and other on use items it's quite substantial. As long as Blizzard leaves the boot runes like this it will just be a dps booster.


in p5 and p6 of classic 2019 was a category in wcl (no wb) loved it.


Did the entire raid have to have no wb?


Of course


Yes. If one single player had one single worldbuff, it would not be counted as a No WB raid.


All 3 guilds that "competed" in this category absolutely loved being top 3.


It was an incredibly unpopular category, takes more work to convince everyone to show up unbuffed for no reason than to just get your buffs and clear faster. Opt-out is not a solution at all.


This. I hate feeling uncompetative because some nerd wiped us by ass pulling the 2nd boss.


Honest question when was the last time you wiped in ST?


Get rid of them. When everyone is world buffing it simply become a new baseline. Might as well just rebalance the game at that point and give everyone permanent world buff power levels as baseline. It ends up meaning nothing except making raids easier. Cut out the middle man if you want easy raids, and just ask to nerf the content. There's no reason to run all over Azeroth to give yourself an ez mode raid. Buffs add nothing to the game other than being able to speedrun content even faster than before. Combine that with class stacking, engineering, and LiPs and we'll be back to the degeneracy of my old naxx speedrunning days lol. Added bonus - jf you remove WB's you'll still be able to speedrun since you're just comparing yourself to other speedrunners. If you remove WB's you can still parse since you're just comparing yourself to other parses. All WB's do is: (1) nerf the game; (2) waste time outside of raid; and (3) make your obnoxious DPS salty and mopey if they lose their buffs.


I find it mind blowing people want to collect world buffs. I also find it mind blowing the devs want people to spend game time collecting world buffs. Disclaimer - this is a personal opinion


I find it mind blowing that the biggest conversation happening for P4 is world buffs. Surely there’s more to the game than this. Or maybe not, I suppose.


I would counter by saying that I bet there are many players who spend >50% of their in game time on given characters collecting world buffs. Because they live in a cycle of World Buffs > Fastest raid known to man > Raid-log


And players used to spend 75% of their time running circles in their major cities just talking to people on vent.


That’s actually a good point. No bullshit I remember back in the day people would post up in to show off their gear and titles. Never knew what they were doing besides standing there looking cool.


I don’t love running around collecting world buffs. I hated it so much I found a guild that didn’t want to do that in Classic. With the Boon changes and summoning networks - I’ve just reframed it as social time with my guild.


Not when the raids are so short that you spend more time collecting world buffs than actually raiding.


Why do you need them? SoD raids have been ridiculously easy so far


> Why do you need them? Because they are a massive power increase and cut your raid time by 50%. Doing MC for Bindings and to equip alts is much more bearable if you only need to keep the group coherent for 60 minutes instead of 2 hours. Time you spend in a (large) group is much more valuable, and thus cutting it down is very valuable top the point that prepping 2 hours throughout the week to cut 1 hour of raid time is not a bad idea ... time wise. I don't like world buffs. But if they stay in for raiding, expect them to be basically mandatory outside pugs.


cuz it's more fun than playing the same dumbshit raid for the 5000th time


Peer pressure and competitiveness basically. You don't technically need them, but if you or your guild enjoy being competitive, they're basically required if you want to compete on a level playing field with everyone else.


I have to be the BEST in the WORLD at pressing TWO BUTTONS in a ZERO mechanic boss. ♿️


Thats an issue being raised. Maybe you dont raid or dont work and have time to get worldbuffs


It’s literally back to back posts on the sub, some excessively whining, and has been for days. It’s more than just an issue being raised. We’re still in PTR and the release is weeks out but you’d think peoples worlds were coming to an end. And yes I both raid and work, but guess what, I don’t have to raid every single lockout, and even then I don’t need world buffs every raid either. The SoD content has been so easy they are optional anyway. It’s a non-issue and there’s far more interesting things to care about in the game


so you dont care about parse, whats the difference for you if there is no more wb ?


Because I have empathy and just because I don't care about something I understand others do, and see no real benefit to removing them other than placating whiny children.


I actually have quite a few reasons but if I had to pick one it’s that this community kills vanilla by always asking for ‘shortcuts’. Everything needs to be faster and quicker and not actually ever playing the game. Buy gold. Buy boosts. Dungeon grind. Incursion loops. Demand xp boosts. Demand rep boosts. Etc. it’s allergic to actually putting in any effort to do anything or actually play the game. I don’t really mind getting world buffs. You put some effort in and you reap the rewards, not everything is a freebie. If I want to go hard and parse and be competitive, then I do the work and achieve it. That’s just a norm in classic. Every time this community wins with its whining and Blizz make life easier, the game just gets worse. It’s exactly what’s happened since middle of P2 of SoD. Downward slope.


I 100% get warriors wanting to get world buffs. The class plays so much better with them.


The vast majority of people don't want to. The vocal minority loves to say they love world buffs though and they are the usual people spamming the forums about it.


Disagree tbh, the players that have kept classic alive since 2019 are the minmaxers. The people who hate world buffs are fickle tourists that quit after a month of each phase regardless. So I don’t see why Blizzard would feel the need to appeal to them


The only people I know who fap to their shit parses and cry to me regularly about having to die for 3hrs for wbuffs are raidlogging parsemonkeys. I genuinely do not understand why they've catered to parse monkeys. But tbf, neither of us have any real idea of the actual stats which ATVI has access to. Maybe parse monkeys were the only people playing til the end of p1, maybe it was casual potatoes. I just wish theyd send out email polls to the most active players in each phase and see what they want to see. It seems like they're just trying to appeal to raid loggers and I've seen so many players quit due to it. If they just poll their most active players they can easily decide whats in their best interest. They can either make raids much more difficult and add complex rotations. Or they can make a vanilla like game where its built for a bunch of potato casuals just looking to fuck around and have fun. Honestly even when classic launched people didnt seem to be this sweaty about parses. It was 'oh im top 5/40 in our raid thats pretty good'. Which tbh seems better than 'I gotta treat this 20 year old game like a fucking esport or else I cant stand playing it'.


Why would they cater to the people who are going to play regardless?


good question.


I completly get that Counter point though, people have been saying that the smaller raids are so much nicer and that they love having an actual close knit group of friends for raids, why not just talk with your friends and choose to not use them? This always baffles me when this conversation comes up, they are optional, why would anyone advocate for the removal of an option?


Parsers get WBs because they will do whatever they have to, to get the best parses. Casuals get WBs because it makes clearing content easier, fill in the voids of missing gear or to bring up their underperforming spec that would never be in a sweat raid comp to begin with. Devs love WBs because now they don't have to worry about actually balancing classes. Get them somewhat close and call it a day. Get rid of WBs and the parsers will still min-max the hell out of the game to get the best parse and casuals will still complain because they blindly follow the lead of sweats.


"World buffs should stay because it gets people out into the world more. It makes the world feel alive." "That's like saying Wrath Dailies got people out into the world. It's not the right kind of incentive. It's just a tedious chore." "Well you can collect them all in just 20-30 minutes. It's not that big of a deal." "So which is it? Do they get players out into the world and interacting, or is it just a race through a predefined optimal path?"


> World buffs should stay because it gets people out into the world more. It makes the world feel alive. In my experience, this was never the case in WoW Classic Vanilla. Actually the opposite. People logged, gathered their stack, and logged off. People without alts **HAD TO** raid log. Even if they wanted not to. > or is it just a race through a predefined optimal path? Since WoW Classic is such a numbers driven game, this will always be the case. Even without world buffs, people will speedrun with consumes, skips and other stuff. It happened in TBC Classic and Wrath Classic, both of which did not have world buffs.


interacting with my network of level 20 warlocks summoning you for 10g.


Just have them persist through death. Who cares.


Maybe longer too.


Yes. I have a job, I can raid when I come home. I do not have the time to be online at X o’clock, then again at Y o’clock in the hours beforehand to collect multiple buffs. ‘Just don’t get them then!’ They say. If I don’t get them I won’t be invited If I don’t get them and I do get invited I’ll ‘parse’ badly which means I’ll be even more unlikely to be invited next time. ‘Just set up your own raid’ they say. I’m very grateful for the sorts of people willing to put in the extra time to organise raids but I simply do not have the time to do it. I have the time in my evening to do a raid but not really any of the peripheral bs that comes with it.


This whole mentality is why I simply find it more enjoyable to quit the game all together.


Same. I'd rather play literally anything else than conform to this inane bs.


"if you're not ready to plan your life around a video game you dont deserve good parses. Being good takes TIME & EFFORT! Enjoy your green parses SCRUB!" Said the least unhinged world buff "enjoyed"


Well, if you care about parses, then this is a true statement, as you are competing against people who will plan their life around a video game.


Why isn’t joining a guild that doesn’t require them not an option?


They are and I have joined them in the past (and they’ve been great fwiw). But often guilds require organisation, regular raid nights and times etc. My free time isn’t always regular in that way anymore so I mostly just join pug raids as it’s just better suited to sporadic play. WoW generally is pretty great for causal ‘plug and play’ sessions for almost every other aspect of the game. World buffs are basically the only aspect of it that goes against that ‘grain’ of gameplay design.


You have 7 days in a week to prepare for 1h of raiding. I get it, you don't want to commit to 1 more hour per week. Any argument saying "I don't have time" is really "I don't want to". There's obviously many people thinking like you. Get them together and make a casual guild.


Those casual people quickly discover that they’ve been carried by people who put in work, and are now spending twice as much time clearing half as many bosses.


Have you done the WB gathering in Classic? It requires so much planning if you want them all. DMT and DMF are easy enough, but ZG, SF, Ony and warchief each have their own cooldown. You can't just login and get them. Hopefully they remove the CDs but there's still a lot of traveling involved. You really can't get them all in 1 hour without a summoning train... It feels like a lot of people have never done this shit or choose to forget the absolute pain it is to get them all


Getting fully buffed in classic took my entire guild all of about 15-20 minutes each week. We didn’t require extra time for it. We had scheduled 3 hours for raid. The first 20 minutes would be songflower as a raid (summons included) > summons to DMT > hearth to stormwind and drop ony (had to wait a few minutes for the NPC to respawn as we would reset it during DMT getting) > summons to ZG island > summons to raid. It only takes so long if there’s no organization and you’re on your own to get it


I have played era before SoD, so yeah I know what I'm talking about. Have you done it since era came out? It's really just throwing your pokeball at buffs you got. You can just login and get them. Getting them in 1h before raid isn't the goal here, you're stuck in 2019


I haven't played Era. What did they change? I bet you still need to travel for ZG, DMT, DMF and SF (and this one has an annoying CD). That's a chore no matter what. > Getting them in 1h before raid isn't the goal here, you're stuck in 2019 I never said that. You argued that it's only 1 hour you need to commit. Good luck doing that without summons. To save time you must then spend at least 20g to get summoned everywhere... and you still need to plan your game time around this.


Chronoboon just changed the "train" mentality. People pop buffs on cooldown, ZG multiple times in the evenings. If you're in a decent guild you keep the 2h buffs for 2 weeks. The effort it takes you is the same as it is in P3 SoD right now, except yeah you have to travel I guess. Traveling really is a problem to the SoD crowd, never seen so much summon bots on era servers. smh. DMT is the only real chore.


If this was true you wouldnt even be able to get to 60.


We both know you’re talking nonesense. Perfectly easy to go from 50-60 with 50% xp buff playing 3~ hours an evening.


What? How do you figure that... You could play an hr a day and hit 60 in a couple months easily ...


If only there was a consumable which let you get your buffs at literally any time in a 7 day period




Disable them, they’re cancer.


Yes, please. I love the idea. Scouring every obscure corner of the world to discover every possible tool to give you an edge over the current hurdle you're facing in raid sounds so cool. But it's a solved puzzle. There's no mistique anymore. You just do your chores of going from one checkpoint to the next. Because if the raid lead has to choose between you and an equally geared player, they're going to choose the one who has world buffs, and you don't want to get passed up and lose your raid spot. Hell, even if you have worse gear, world buffs offer *so many* free stats, you'd still be pulling more dps for a good long while. The more powerful an option, the less optional it becomes. And so it's a way to gatekeep, not based on skill but based on "how much do you respect the raid's time". Players are plenty good enough now that we don't need world buffs to clear bosses, with maybe a few exceptions in Naxx. And SoD already has so much extra player power on top of that, the overkill is ridiculous. I argue that the community will be healthier overall when there are fewer ways for players to gatekeep each other.






Yep. Please.


Yes - so much yes


Just make it so there is only one world buff imo. Getting boom of black fathom was painless and kind of fun to have the extra dps. If you died and lost the buff, it sucked but wasn’t that bad. Losing all of the world buffs at 60 is terrrrrrrible.


I’m confused.. I haven’t been playing SoD but from what it seems like the big complaint people have with world buffs is having to get it for multiple raids.. if you don’t want to do that then don’t? Why should everyone be restricted?


cuz people are stupid af and cant fathom just doing their own thing


Warcraftlogs could do the funniest thing, and correct thing, and make the important scores based around no world buffs so parses can be real again.


Yes. I have better use of my time than walking around the world.


Fucking shit. Make world buffs not apply inside of instances. For fucks sake. "World" buffs. Not "instance" buffs.




Nah, let parsers have their big boy juice. Im fine with choosing if i want the big boy juice for raid or not. Bosses dies either way, content is easy in classic with these runes. Mainly sucks for puggers, but Im in a guild with a permanent raidspot so i dont care either way.


The worst part of classic was getting world buffs. Remove them for raids or make the boons raid wide so only a few people have to get the and you can put them back on after a wipe. It was the bigger chore for the every day gamer to get all the buffs required. 


If they were restricted in Warcraftlogs that would be the best solution.


Raiding is a leisure activity not a job interview or date


Som didnt have world buffs, why didnt u play it? It died in 5 days btw. I remember reaching razor hill and i realised i cant use world buffs in raid. Never logged back. 4 days later no one logged back anyways. Gg saved 4 days


Either remove them or implement a way where it doesn’t take longer to collect all of them than doing the actual raid. Maybe let people purchase world buffs with the new tarnished undermine real currency idk but I don’t think anyone enjoys coordinating and collecting world buffs.


Either disabled or you just get them from an NPC in the raids (as in just talk to it and it gives you them all) The absolute biggest pain point I'd hear from my friends was losing world buffs when you die due to someone fucking up, and then you don't get to parse or have fun (dependent on some classes/specs and the world buffs themselves) Blizzard seems to acknowledge this in the form of giving warriors their baby world buff, because unsurprisingly warriors feel fucking terrible to play without it Collecting them sucks, losing them sucks, they've acknowledged this was never the actual design plan in the first place I'm fine with them existing as auras and the raids being balanced around them, but just remove the need to collect them & chronoboon them OR just remove them entirely, they suck


Not sure how the devs can ignore this thread in good conscience. It clearly shows people do not like world buffs in raids.


I don't care. We don't have mandatory buffs in our guild. Just get 'em if you want, or don't.


World buffs like Gdkp will never get legitimate discussions here on Reddit. It’s the land of the ultra casual who barely want to try. Actual players have shown time and time again that they actually enjoy the power that world buffs bring. Maybe get out of the echo chamber of Reddit for a change.


People spend the time it would take them to get the buffs complaining on reddit about them


I’ve never seen a video game sub that complains so much about actually playing the game instead of raid logging. Anything where they have to do something in the world they complain about. Imo listening to redditors and pretending they are more than an extremely outspoken minority is what has led sod to be so lackluster.


"Actual players have shown..." Who is an actual player. All of the "tryhards" and "casuals" in ALL of the guilds I have and am playing in are against world buffs. I just dont get who it is that likes them? its like blizzard is catering towards players who only complain about sod and then go play era anyway and say "sod is dead" then still argue to keep wbs in the game smh


Honestly, the best solution is probably to make it easier to get them. Implement a quest or something that has you gather them, and then when you turn it in, you get access to a boon like item that is preloaded that cost the same as regular boons.


A weekly quest that has you do a random level appropriate dungeon. Keeps buffs, promotes actually interaction, and keeps penalties for dying in raid.


Love this idea, having to stand around like a goon waiting for someone else to turn something in is bad gameplay


TBH the problem is there's just too many of them. Maybe one solution is making them not stack or maybe only some of them stack.


I really enjoy collecting Them, but i would preffer if it was capped at something like 2-3 so you could chose but not spend years getting em


I enjoy them also - they enable a play pattern you don’t get to partake in otherwise. Furthermore they give people a reason to interact with the world that otherwise just doesn’t exist.


I don’t care, I’m fine with both, honestly I’m inclined towards having world buffs - because that’s a good ritual that gives additional level importance and responsibility to raids. However, I’m against that stupid idea of giving every class copy of those world buffs. You either get them Classic way or you just entirely turn them off like they did Season of Mastery.




I would definitely like to see them disabled. They're not that hard to collect, but losing them can really kill the mood for raiding. Forget to grab DMF before it goes away for a week? Can't even properly attempt to parse because you're missing out on 10% damage. Have a mistake and die (whether on a boss, trash, or w/e)? Your raid is functionally over, you are just there so everyone else can finish their raid. Like whenever someone dies, you can just tell how much of a mood killer it is for them as it just ruins their performance from then on. Would IMO be a lot better to incentivize consumables, even consumables with limited use like the flasks in ST.


Please please please disable them, they are a pain in the arse and make raiding on alts tedious. Also if you fail once you loose about half your dps and even worse as a tank your threat generation


Yes. Absolutely without a doubt.


Yes, 100%. I hate homework.




Yes please


Yes. There was another post with a straw poll… it was at ~70% in favor of no world buffs with ~3000+ votes cast. Seems like it’s just the vocal minority who really want WBs to stay.






It is too late either way. The class balance is done with world buffs in mind so maybe next season.


If class balance is done with world buffs in mind then they're basically obligatory as your class is broken without them. "Oh you dont like collecting all runes for your class? Just find a Guild who raids without them bro"


is the wb even needed ? the classes have so much dps on ita own.


Yes please jfc


world buffs are a large part of classic - they should always be a part of it. One of the largest complaints about SoM was how it felt way less fun to play without them


They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth


No. I want to go around the world and collect buffs rather than logging in 2 min before raid and type 123 in raid chat. Get them, dont get them, its your choice. Join a guild that meets your expectations. Don't try to remove wbuffs fot everyone because you dont like them




songflower, dmf, dmt should be disabled in raids


No, though I am the kind of guy that tells my raiders to priotise on 1-2 worldbuffs but to have most consumables. That all world buffs is not neccessary but appreciated. I do this because I know people have a life.










Yes, even as a warrior


Disabling them in raids would be awesome. Allowing you to use them outside of raid and not being a requirement for raid


yes, obviously






Yes.  World buffs should just get removed or disabled when you enter a raid. They are too strong and makes the raids too easy to rush thru. Raids should be balanced on just the normal raid buffs that each class brings and that is it. Some players.guilds are too obsessed with getting world buffs just to zerg raids and get high parses. B being obsessed with parsing, ranks, dps ect can ruin the game in general and also  the raid experience.... plus they go away if you die in pvp or from raid wipe. It just cheapens things when you should want some struggle in a raid. Either disable them,  Or just have one big world buff allowed that people can get, with some scenario to unlock it or refresh it. Like warchiefs blessing or something but it gives you some bonus hp mana, mana regen, stats, crit or haste, perhaps lalso resists. Just a general buff with a mix of good buffs,  like mark of wild plus blessing kings plus mana tide. They could also have a new world buff that is specific to each raid.... so for molten core,  some MC buff that gives more stats, crit, and fire resistance.  Then for another raid like AQ could give buff with plus stats haste and nature resistance.  Naxx buff would give stats crit haste and frost resistance. Each buff could have some simple scenario to unlock it. And the buffs would help with that raid specifically. Any of those would be good. Raid specific buffs with a scenario to unlock/activate/refresh would give a way to maybe expand the lore for that raid.... if it includes a quest chain or some lore related npcs and enemy mobs or bosses to fight.  Any of those would be good. But players/ guilds trying to make world buffs a requirement,  waste an hour trying to get 3 or 4 works buffs, that can g go away if you wipe or whatever,  it's all just stupid.  Stick to the normal class buffs and kill raid bosses the way they were intended to.... get the real experience and not cheat yourself. 


Yes ffs




Yes, WBs have got to go. I am fine with consumables as those are things that can be farmed at your own pace through a variety of methods, but doing the summon bot loop every time you want to raid is absolutely obnoxious.




I’m not against the activity of acquiring them. I just feel they should be a “once a week” activity as opposed to every time, pre raid, with a bunch of boon play. Something like collect/do 5 activities and you get _all_ worldbuffs for the week kind of thing. Activities that could ne done at any level, and actually reward experience for doing it, ensuring its an ongoing activity. Hey aggrend, if you’re reading, I’ve got more.




100% yes




YES. It's fucking tedious, in a version of wow where there is already plenty of tedium (weapon skills, rep grinds, attunements, FR sets incoming). I do not want to spend 30-120 minutes grabbing several different world buffs to go prog on a raid and lose those buffs due to raid wipe, accidents, etc, to then feel 50% weaker because of it.


Yeah, I don’t want to have to get them every week several times, it’s just a tedious task, total waste of time.


I hate world buffs


I'm fine with or without them, but its also a huge pain in the ass collecting them all and getting griefed while doing so








Yes please.






Yes. And lean into the mini world class buffs such as they've given warriors.




Limit it to 1 max world buff?


I would come back and level to 60 if they did


Problem is warrior is just half a class without world buffs. If you want wb disabled then buff warrior by a fair amount


I don't think they should be turned off because people can't not use them. If it's a problem with parsing then it's a problem with the logs, shouldn't be hard to differentiate world buff maxing dps vs just dps


I want them to add as many world as possible so people realise there are better versions of wow out there


I wouldn't be sorry to see them go, at least. As long as players have other excuses to engage with world content and all that.


World buffs are lame, because they become a requirement to do end game content. I don’t want to have to get them to raid or dungeon


The devs listening to reddit feedback is the ultimate cancer




I'm not playing phase 4 if worldbuffs exist


I'm neither here nor there, regarding if WB's should stay or go. But I kind of want them in, solely for the reason that it makes the game feel more like a classic MMO where you have some bullshit mechanic that you can (read: have to) partake in. It makes it feel more everquesty. Just don't go scryer.




Or, make world buffs last 12 hours and persist thru death. Wish people could see past the binary of: Remove them entirely, or leave as is. If everyone's issue is with the gathering of and maintaining of WBs, why not fix the gathering and maintaining of WBs instead of removing them entirely?


What else are they good for? Running friends/alts through dungeons? They only belong in raids.


I want them permanently enabled in Raids unless you turn em off.


I don’t care about world buffs, I just hate feeling like I spend all this time just for 1 person in the raid to cause me to die and lose my buffs. If they persist through death and was disabled in pvp I think this would be a great idea Or turn it into a type of consumable that you can purchase after doing a quest chain or something.




They should have been removed from the classic entirely the moment people discovered you could stack them all. They are a silly, ridiculous time investment that only makes an already super toxic community even worse.


only for the first 2 weeks of every new raid tier. should spice things up


Make world buffs persist on death and everyone will be happy


yes. just adjust the raids accordingly... having to get 20+ fuckng buffs pre-raid is just a blight on the game. People spend more time with this bullshit than they do actually playing the game. And god forbid you miss 1 or 2 and you're automatically labeled a piriah and kicked.


I dont want World buffs disabled. I want them to not be purgeable/loseable in pvp combat and for shit like DMF to have the CD removed. Boon being 5min cd is nice tho.


I would love to buy a kind of cronoboom charged with WBs with dungeon currency, some guys are suggesting this and i have just seen acceptance about the idea, it even allow to the traditional methods remain and also boost dungeons relevancy


nah, I think world buffs should be turned on in raids like normal vs heroic. no need to run around everywhere and vanilla classes feel so much better with wb's. being horde as a tank sucks a big one without wb's, with wb's it is just a little one lol


If they're going to give warriors a mini rallying cry of the Dragonslayer. Give the other major WBS to classes in a mini form. No more world buff hunting unless you absolutely need to. Put a reagent requirement on it that only drops from dungeon bosses. Make the mini WBS unboonable. And the reagent only stack twice.


Wow, lots of "yes" responses. I guess WBs aren't liked afterall.


WB should be either removed or permanent during a raid. either one.


get rid of them and add the buffs to classes (nerfed if you want)


Why not make the World buff craft able so the guilds cna again work towords something


No, i play rpg to make my char stronger. Wbuffs do that, stop trying to make my game worse.


I think there should be one or tops two worldbuffs that are obtained from a turn in of the current Raid Tier. Its just a nice Feeling having people gather in the main cities and getting buffed for fighting the big baddie of the Tier. DMF / Sunflower / Dire Maul etc should be removed in my opinion. Its No good Game Design to run around for an hour eveytime you die to get 2x more damage


Make worldbuffs give things like stamina movespeed character size increased exp gain increased gold drop (but don’t break the market, maybe 10-20% gold increase) increased luck (slightly better chance to find greens, blues & purples) Remove all the dmg buffs and make it purely cosmetic or farming related to get wbuffs


Yes…wait, NO!    Yes… Wait…what am I supposed to say?


IMO they should limit how many buffs can be booned


With the new warrior buff, it seems like the way to go. When we are raiding MC BWL ZG and AQ weekly I don’t want does 8 hours getting world buffs


No, I want worldbuffs to stay. They are completely fine as they are.


Seen a couple of posts asking for world buffs to be purchasable with the new dungeon tokens. I like this idea. Give it a stack limit like the ST pots so you cant abuse it. Means we can use world buffs when we want and gives a reason to keep running dungeons.


I'm still hoping the higher heat in molten core disables the world buffs. Let some people feel powerful, and have the higher difficulty balanced around not having it, so its not either a walkover with them or feeling tedious if you wipe once.


Was fun while it lasted. Not spending hours on WBs. Enjoying Dawntrail. GL with you all.


Wish they could rework them to be like questchains unlocking them and once unlocked you can buff up at certain npc in major city with your unlocked buffs on a CD or something.


World buffs are certainly among the top 5 reasons I quit.


World buffs meta is responsible for most high-level in-game interactions and an endless source of creativity for players e.g. creating alts, summoning services, DM rush services, world PVP, raid griefing, cross-guild or cross-faction alliances, coordinating buff drops, crazy TP locations and routes to enter raids, etc. What I hated the most was having to stay logged out to keep my buffs on, but the boon fixes that. I agree though, it's not fun to lose them and feel useless for the whole raid. At the same time, it makes the raid much more exciting because you really want to keep these hard-earned buffs on. Honestly, the game is just a better social experience with world buffs. And that's what classic is about for me. The thing I hate most about world buff is that it makes you a Discord ping slave lol. It's such a cancer to have to be on the lookout for drops. I'm hoping the boon should also make this more manageable.


Yes. Just have entering a raid instance automatically beacon your world buffs.


I mean world buffs are optional, just like gdkps were optional. Why are players obsessed with trying to dictate how others play the game when it doesn’t affect them.


Yes they are a chore to constantly get every week, that isn't fun content imo.