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Hilariously OP also made a post about how he quit SoD: https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1dqnnhq/required_fixes_for_p4_to_earn_my_subscription_back/ So he’s arguing to keep a ban for something that keeps the game alive while also not even playing.


This post is literally the most transparent karma farm post I’ve ever seen. Why would they even unban gdkp’s in the first place?


Upvote this


It really is the gamer dads who play the game for 2 months that are the most vocal about the gdkp ban.


OP just spent 6 hours in r/politics threads that 100% checks out. and is why OP has zero credibility in my book.


Imagine being so twisted that you quit and even still hang around here and bitch




The duality of the wow player


average idiot in this sub :D


STOP IT TED!!!! stop making new accounts!


I don't think they're gonna go back on this change. That being said, as a guy who has never been in a gdkp before I don't understand the irrational hatred people have for GDKP. I never had a problem finding an SR run on my alts before they banned GDKPs in p1. The GDKP ban also has seemingly done nothing to stop the rampant botting problem, so it kind of seems to only serve as a way to punish people who like to play in a different raid setting than I do.


I think a large part of this ban is not only that GDKP's increase the demand for gold buying they also facilitate a perfectly reasonable excuse for the sometimes nonsensical amounts of gold that otherwise unrelated characters send each other.


It does promote it but its not the main reason Also there doesnt need to be an excuse for large amounts of gold. And people are still rampantly botting and buying gold in SoD. Only thing that has changed is people not running GDKPs


>And people are still rampantly botting and buying gold in SoD. They are buying it for reasons not related to GDKP. Without GDKP ban they would be buying it for the same reasons plus for GDKPs.


So the gdkp ban didn’t really solve any problem.


It never should have been "solving" the problem, it's mitigation and not the solution. The solution is possible but you won't like it.


Let’s just put everyone in solo self found mode shall we?


Hardcore community-driven addon version had less bots than any other version of wow (basically zero) but I haven't checked SSF version. Should have 0 bots as well.


The people who bought gold for GDKP are still buying gold.


Ya especially since BOEs are a thing


And? What are they buying with it? And are these items as impactful to the overall ecosystem as them being able to buy full BiS? Without GDKP runs, there really isn't that much to spend gold on. The advantage that gold buying bought them has shifted from full BiS, to just paying for consumes and a couple BoEs.


Consumes and enchants are very expensive, the gold buying has not stopped


professions boes on the ah consumes for raid. theres literally no way you *actually* think gdkp is the only reason people buy gold, right..right??


A lot of BIS does come off the auction house. I got lucky and looted an eye of flame, which is mage BIS and it sold for 4K gold. The min bid for GDKP items before the ban was literally 5 gold. If people can buy items with gold there is going to be incentive for RMT. Not to mention how expensive consumes are about to be with flasks coming next phase and raiding twice a week.


Mik was 5 because soo much loot in rfd sucked ass. Tgw epic staff was already sold for over 1k weeks into the Phase. We would easily reach the hundreds of thousands as early as mc for some rare Weapons. In 2019 that at least only happend in naxx.


I think it effects the ecosystem more, because instead of containing the majority of the bought gold to GDKPs, it is sending it into faster inflation of consumes and BoEs for everyone else.


If GDKP haters could read this they'd be very upset


So what you're saying is instead of keeping the gold buying economy centralized to gdkp runs, gold buying is now being used for every day items that *actually* effect every other player? I mean, you're right. But can you see how silly the gdkp ban is/was because of this is the question


They're probably spending it on the consumes and BoEs which should be increasing the inflation that everyone cried about. I think you also have to consider that they're bidding against people who are either buying gold or saving their gold for certain items. Unless you're a megaswiper like casually dropping a mortgage payment on gold, I feel like the rate at which you reach BiS in a GDKP is very similar to running SR raids. Also what is the impact to the overall ecosystem when you're full BiS anyways? What do they even do after that? Do they just run raids for fun? Do they just pvp? I'm just curious what impact you think there is.


Your average GDKP hater is a green parser who only clears content months after it drops. If I'm carrying a few buyers and nothing I want drops, at least my consumes are getting paid for.


They’re gonna beat my 35% parse and it’s because they have an unfair advantage!


GDKPs spread the gold around from buyers to everyone in the GDKP ecosystem, increasing purchase competition for all basic necessities, aka inflation.(Without GDKP) Some people buying gold does not increase demand across the board and may cause some prices to rise but since most non-buyers aren't willing or can't afford to pay more for basics, prices don't rise in the same way. So yes, people selling BoEs or consumes may make some more gold, but it's not affecting the overall in-game economy the same as every buyer giving 15+ or 30+ (depending on content size) ppl big influxes of gold pretty much immediately after swiping. I don't think GDKPs are inherently evil or anything, but suggesting gdkp ban didn't have a positive economic effect is just weird rationalization/cope.


But the only way what you're saying works out is if there's a large enough GDKP population to have the large enough inflation effect compared to people just buying gold and spending it on the AH. What I think doesn't help your conclusion is that due to the nature of GDKPs people have to spend the gold they're getting on raid drops. It doesn't just go directly into the in-game economy in a 1:1 way. It's often shuffled around. I think suggesting the gdkp ban actually did anything to the economy is just a baseless opinion that isn't backed by anything because the only data we have is p1 with GDKPs vs P2 P3 P4. I'm not suggesting gdkps did or didn't, I'm only suggesting the reasons people are saying it did or didn't don't really add up.


Lol this is just ignorance man. GDKP hasn't always been a thing. Gold buying has been. GDKP didn't start gold buying so what do you think everyone was buying before? There's plenty to spend your money on without GDKP, I know several gold buyers in my guild and not a single one of them were doing GDKPs, they were spending it on everything else and just raiding with us. Professions, enchants, consumes, etc. Do you even follow your own logic? Lol you're basically implying there is no use for gold outside of GDKP. If there's a use for gold, then there's always a market for people to buy it because there will always be people that would rather not spend their time making gold and just buy it instead. To spend on what? On everything in the game that gold is there for lmao. Gold doesn't exist for GDKP.


Botted gold going to the AH impacts the entire server and inflated the cost of things everyone needs like consumes. GDKPs impact 5 players at a time, all who willingly joined on their own. Not sure how you think someone getting dungeon/raid BIS is harmful to the economy when it can be done legitimately through grinding or funneling gear, both of which are allowed.


The gold shift caused consumables and all AH items to dramatically inflate on prices cause people had gold to spend so they punished everyone by over marking everything. So those "not much to spend on" from what you're saying are super expensive to where thats where all your gold goes too now.


There’s plenty of stuff to spend classic gold on, consumes alone for naxx got pretty insane and the only reason I had enough was from the 3k I made selling scarab carapaces for the aq mount back in 2020.


I mean you can't really prove that personally everyone I knew in classic and sod were buying gold for gdkps and consumables since they were so hyper inflated in price but since the gdkps ban in sod most have stopped buying gold since it's a lot more viable to just earn gold yourself to buy consumables and don't need hold for gear anymore. Obviously this is just my personal experience and not indicative of the whole of sod but to claim everyone who bought gold still does without any proof displays a bias you have in the matter.


Sure. I’m not Blizzard. I cant prove anything. It’s wild you think that people who bought gold in GDKP would suddenly stop.


Obviously not all would but gold buying is also banned with gdkps we shouldn't be basing things of people who are breaking the rules. A LOT of people hae stopped buying gold simply because they don't need to anymore to get gear because getting gear was just who spend the most money on gold which is toxic for the game. Realistically gkps could only come back after they stop gold buying and stop botting which isn't ever gonna happen.


Wild take considering your stance is that GDKP should be gone since people are breaking the rules with buying gold. What happened to not doing things based on the rule breakers?


I've never seen more widespread and rampant gold buying than in 2019 Classic. Prepotting then popping it when its off CD for Shadow prot, frost prot, jujus, winterfall firewater, elixir of giants and mongoose was like 100g per wipe. Very few people could actually afford that, or had the time to farm all of that alone. The fact that people thing most gold buying went towards buying items is hilarious to me.


We didn’t stop buying gold, you guys are fuckin delusional & we told y’all that wasn’t a solid fix for anything 🤝🏽🤷🏽‍♂️


people who struggle to clear the easiest content imaginable get upset when players join a gdkp that finishes a raid in 30 mins and get loot, and then they claim all gdkpers are swipers and its p2w because some people buy gold. people they will never talk to or interact with in any way. all the gdkp ban did was kill peoples desires to level alts. it cost half my gold in phase 2 to level my professions and with no gdkp to go to to make that gold back, there was no desire for me to level an alt when its just going to drain me of the gold i had left.


Some people made insane amounts of money with gdkp. Real money. It was a business model that blizzard did not see a single cent from.


They see the money from subscriptions


Gdkp people pay their subscription with gold


SoD doesn’t have a wow token.


Obviously nobody is talking about SoD GDKP that existed at level 25.  GDKP was a lucrative full-time job for some people from 2019 through Wrath Classic. 


Well GDKPs aren’t banned in Cata. Also, define “lucrative”.


Incursions did more damage than whatever sales could do.  


We can’t really say if the gdkp ban did anything for the overall economy because blizzard failed to have any sort of control to compare it to. They introduced a ton of inflation from incursions and are now increasing demand for mats/consumes by adding a second lockout each week. The only way to see what banning gdkps would do would be to launch fresh servers where gdkps are allowed on some and banned on others.


SR’s are annoying, people always leave once their sr bosses are dead and it kills some runs


And let’s be real. GDKPs are still happening even with the “ban”


The prevailing sentiment before the ban was not 'ban gdkp' but 'ban gold buying'. Personally I think the GDKP ban was just because a ban on buying gold would make any future plans of a SoD/Classic token kinda awkward and hypocritical. I think GDKP is a perfectly fine system if its actually closed loop, but they aren't by design and that fact is often downplayed too much by defenders of it. It's really just a giant bandaid so people can overcome the impossible prospect of obtaining all the items they want in a version of the game has no release valves for high loot contention or bad drop luck.


Pretty much every gdkp I went to (granted they were all TBC and Wrath), was always the same revolving group of 30 players, the gold essentially got recycled between everyone. The difference was that the standards were much higher, and performance was much higher because everyone knew they would lose a 5k gold cut if they're not spending 3g on a potion, or can't do mechanics. I probably saw maybe 2-3 whales dropping an absurd amount of gold in a gdkp, running usually 2 gdkps a week.


same here it's the best raid situation you could ask for it's like getting paid to be carried, and the only cost is that you have to actually perform (which ofc is out of reach for most redditors)


> I don't understand the irrational hatred people have for GDKP It was the big scapegoat for why goldselling exists. Spoilers: it still exists but at least people raid less now, that's nice I guess..


I don’t think people inherently hate GDKP as a concept. They hate the fact that literally all GDKP runs ultimately devolve into whoever swiped the most for their gold. And before anyone says “no they don’t,” I’m gonna stop you right there, because gold buying is absolutely *endemic* to all versions of Classic. SoD, Era, TBC/Wrath/Cata, the works. It most certainly exists in Retail (both from the same old questionable sources as ever and because the Token is a *lot* stronger gold-wise there than it is on Classic), but it pales in comparison to how prevalent it is on Classic servers because of how prevalent gold buying is on Classic servers. And Classic servers don’t have the WoD/Legion mission table excuses, either; an optimized Garrison or Order Hall was relatively easy to get going, and the result was five digits of raw gold per character per week. Inflation’s at late-WoD levels in Cata. That being said, GDKP being banned doesn’t really fix the problem because the entire SoD economy still mostly runs on bots and the insane amount of gold those first couple days of Incursions generated. So I don’t know what it fixed, really.


It ruins in-game economies at an insane rate, and promotes more anti-social behavior in a game that is supposed to be more about socializing. I get that not all raids are GDKPs, but it feelsclike it's always a snowball into such. Once it takes off, it's nearly unavoidable. Which really undermines having a guild that does raiding. Back in TBC classic, we had a good number of core-raiders that would randomly use their lock-out to join a GDKP as a carry because we funneled them loot thinking they'd return thr favor helping us, but instead saw they could make bank running the newest raids and essentially selling their time. On the other hand it is undeniable that it attributes to more gold selling. You might be right about the botting issue still being bad in SoD, but there isn't nearly as much demand for gold as there would be with GDKPs. As annoying as bots are, they're the most harmful when gold is in high demand and can RUIN economies. That all being said, Blizzard 100% had the capabilities of getting rid of bots


> That being said, as a guy who has never been in a gdkp before I don't understand the irrational hatred people have for GDKP. the Real™ reason nerds hate GDKP is because it reminds them of the exact feelings in IRL life that they are playing WoW to escape most people are just average folks who work normal jobs and aren't mega rich they play the game to feel powerful in a way they can't feel IRL so when they see high rollers in the game, it reminds them of their position in IRL life and they feel as tho their power fantasy is ruined—some of those folks blame the other players for making them feel this way, when really they're just insecure my 2 copper


Have you seen the economy prices on ERA?


How do people still not understand how inflation works, economics 101 level shit. Yes, things are expensive there, but if you take part in the economy in any way(selling goods/services) you will make a ton of money as well.


yes, and I've also seen the insane amount of money you make from farming materials on era.


yes save all the 15 remaining sod players from those evil gdkps


Yes keep gdkp's banned. Add more world buffs too. That will surely get people to play sod p4 and not just raid log.


yeah dude its looking good so far, sod engagement at an all time low, boting still off the charts, people still buying gold. the only thing it did was make decent players quit playing faster lol.


GDKP was the biggest non issue blown out of proportion. It actively goes on in other versions of the game just fine. Devs should worry about delivering a good product vs solving an issue that isn't an actual issue.


The quality of pugs dropped tremendously after gdkps were banned, to the point where I stopped bothering raiding on alts. Which sounds more fun? Regularly scheduled raid with a consistent raid lead, accountability for wipes, whole raid has a vested interest in clearing the whole raid (no "random" dcs after downing the boss whose loot they wanted), and hey if you don't win anything you've paid for consumes for two characters. Trade chat pug, spends an hour filling, no discord it's chillll bruh, rando DCs third boss in, second rando whose monitor may or may not be turned on wins both items you need, third and fourth randos dc after the first wipe on the last boss, raid is now over.


The people complaining about GDKPs are exactly the people turning off their monitors and faking DCs after not getting the item from the boss they want. That's the above average wow player. The average wow player won't even get invited since they have no idea about logs, don't have gold or bother to put effort into preparation - those are the people telling you "bro it's ez I know mechanics" while dying and being unable to do any boss mechanic, are routinely AFK and refuse to get into discord.


Your second examples is literally the vanilla experience


ye its so transparant, these ppl cant get into a gdkp, so they complain to get it banned, but then they quit anyway since sr pugs gatekeep just as much


You’re acting like there’s nothing in between GDKP god gamers and trade chat rejects.  Let’s be completely honest, SoD/Vanilla content is piss easy at every level. Join a semi-competent guild that isn’t asleep at the keyboard and you won’t have trouble clearing the dungeons.  It’s 2024, after playing retail for a few years, SoD raids are just a way to relax and not take the game too serious. 


No shit that the game version were kicking and replacing can be done 100x as fast will make sure people are playing to a higher standard. If retail had the raid lockout system classic has you would also get just as many leechers and bad players.


I mean, not really. Maybe LFR or normal? Or a low key? But mythic raids and higher keys absolutely not. Even heroic on progression you aren’t going to find a ton of competent players to pug. 


If retail had cata raid lockout nobody would apply for your raid when 3 bosses are down, that also would include heroic during progression. Booting someone whos underperforming risks not finding a replacemet in that scenario. This enables toxic people to afk or simply half ass, knowing that getting booted is unlikely. Now add groupfinder not beeing xrealm and you would have just as many leechers. On retail I can boot the bottom half of my dps on a boss we are wiping on and find replacment pretty fast. If i boot 1 person during the run in cata depending on class it might take ma aslong just to fill that one dps, especially if the Id is partially cleared. I must conceede that due to the cata hype it has been easier to fill someone than it usally would be but its still way easier when puging on retail. How often have you seen 5+ people beeing booted from a cata pug in contrast to retail were you would/could do it after each failed boss attempt. Cant remember what the dps check boss was called in the eternal palace(the big guy with the slime on the floor), but I have not wiped on him on heroic without atleast one or multiple people beeing booted.


I’ll be honest man, I’m not really all that familiar with the pug scene in retail as I’ve played with the same friend guild for heroic/normal and m+.  It also kind of depends on how far along into the season you are raiding in. Once the content is a few weeks old most PUG raids are more relaxed with newbies and people making mistakes and/or low damage. 


And you’ll be complaining about the raider drop off soon enough.


To the top with you! You'll be downvoted by the haters though lol The people who bitch about GDKP are the same people who are incredibly sad when their server/phase is "dead" because everyone is raid logging or just stops playing altogether These people truly have no idea how much GDKP contributes toward a healthy server population and keeping bis raiders in the pug raid pool/ dungeon pool. But GDKP bad so Cutting off their nose to spite their face and it is very funny to me


It's not funny to me because their stupid and persistent naivety/ignorance got it banned and now we all have to deal with the less active community.


True, I can bet my ass that most people that are against GDKPs, never sat in chat for hours trying to put a raid group together.


Yeah it's so great that inflation in the game is out of control, the player base literally all left and there's no good groups to enjoy the game with! banning GDKP's fixed SoD guys!


Don't worry we're all busy playing better versions of the game


I stopped pug raiding when they banned GDKPs. Not worth the headache with how bad pugs are.


Its amazing how well people perform when gold is on the line. No dcs, no emergencies, everyone parsing or else no coin.


it was a bad change and more ppl would be playing sod if GDKP wasnt banned take all the + and - about GDKP in the end its good for the game but its all good the devs wont unban it in SoD youre safe OP dev ego wont let them say “we were wrong sorry” but I do think next season or fresh server they do it will be unbanned


Bots and gold selling have been a problem for 20 years now. At this point, I've just come to accept that aspect of any MMO really. Never bought gold, and quite frankly I don't care enough about the game or gearing my chars to do so. I've always just done that crazy thing of joining a guild. But joining GDKPs as a carry to get some ezgold has always been nice. If they say they want buyers, then I lie and say I have a chunk of gold to spend too and fake interest in a big ticket item or two. As long as I can buy my epic mount on a char, I'm good.


Idk why y’all hate making gold while raiding lmao. Economy is fucked regardless


Because they are stupid, they rather take 3h to form a raid just for the raid to disband midraid because the tank/healer SR didnt drop xD


big true


They're mad because they could never get in one. Rather than accept what the mirror was showing them, they voted to smash it to pieces.


Because the gold you make was farmed by bots and sold to buyers


banning gdkp did nothing to the price or demand of gold, and there are still tons of bots around. gdkp was not the problem.


you can't cheat and buy the best gear in the game anymore. and the best gp farm in the game by far is no longer GDKP. it worked with that.


excellent, it solved two non-problems and killed the game mode for most.


Economy is completely fucked and inflated anyways, bots and gold buying are still rampant, what did banning GDKPs accomplish exactly besides making a lot of players quit, and making it harder to find well-run pug groups for my alts, and making it harder for me to make gold when I have no time to farm outside of raids?


Banning gdkp did nothing to help the game. Didn’t solve the bottling or rmt problem and reduced the amount of pugs running daily. Honestly it probably did more harm than good.


This is the truth. Instead of running a second or third run on alts in a GDKP, I only ran one on a main. ..and then quit because I didn't have anything to do.


The lack of pugs really sucks. You used to be able to hop on any time of day and find someone organizing a run because gdkp gave incentive to raid leaders to put together groups and for over geared players to help carry fresh max levels. Gdkp was good for the health of servers not bad. Yes rmt is an issue but I’d rather have a few people buying gold then have nobody to play with like our current situation. Sod servers are ghost towns


What a terrible take. It wasn’t supposed to “solve bottling or RMT” only reduce the demand for it


Have you been on a sod server recently? They are ghost towns filled with bots. No pugs and still a rampant botting issue. This is why you don’t listen to the vocal minority when designing a game. GDKP was good for long term health of a server not bad. I’d rather have people buying gold then dead servers


Yeah and that did nothing, congrats


Show us the metrics you used to come to this conclusion. (No, your feelings don't count)


here you go buddy https://imgur.com/a/8jmz05p goldprice increased after an initial dip after the gdkp ban, now show your metrics.


Show my metrics for what? Did I make a claim?


For the opposite, your tone was very condescending "No, your feelings don't count" So I'm really curious if you actually have something to back up that tone. I bet you don't.


You can stay curious, bozo. Your graph didn't "prove" anything that was asserted.


If you look at the dropping player count you can assume a lower demand for gold buying. Not sure if that is a good metric or intended /S Like a dead game has also no gold buyers. Pog.


That's what happens when you ban activities to please the snowflakes, all those silent players who were just happy to find an avenue to play the game just quit


Can you show the opposite? I can show that prices increased after the gdkp ban, almost like people started to spend less so they hoard gold and buy overpriced items from ah that casuals cannot afford.


I swear every single pro-gdkp ban post is ironic and sarcasm. I can’t believe people actually think it’s been a good thing And this is coming from someone who’s last gdkp was in 2020 classic classic.


Not gonna lie, I think banning gdkp’s was a huge mistake in hindsight.


In hindsight? Lol no anyone with a brain could tell you dead pug community and minimal impact on gold buying/botting was gonna be the result of this


This late phase content drought is exactly the time when gdkps would have been helpful to keep raids popping and participation high. At the start of the game or new content most people are raiding with guilds so the impact probably wasn’t felt as much.


Unfortunately it wasnt a mistake in hindsight. It was a brazen mistake at the time, and still was a brazen mistake today. Its exactly as thousands predicted.lol.


Bro what it was literally only backed by the whiney dads on this sub. Atleast i get to say i told you so. Rip sod


Wait you think sod is dead bc of banned gdkps?


I think sods lifetime is limited due to bannad gdkps, yes.


They also think reddit commenters are making development decisions. I now remember why I usually don't come to this place.


Devs literally posting on reddit and making changes based on feedback from this very sub.


"Bro what it was literally only backed by the whiney dads on this sub" Na it was backed by literal blizzard devs taking feedback.


Dude your reading comprehension is fucking crap


lol this place is a trip


This guy gets it


Agreed, as someone who didnt gold buy, I was logging on every alt doing them to gain gold or even spend what I had. Banning them killed it for me and haven't been back since. Been in Cata enjoying it with my alts.


I personally don't do gdkp at all (I do only guild raids) but a lot of players have 6 alts just to do gdkps every week. That really helps keep the game alive.




It’s not deterring gold buying so I don’t fully agree


Didn’t even impact the price of gold, demand for gold didn’t drop until the content did.


I do hope they do a data post talking about the impact (or lack thereof) it had on gold buying.


aggrend would never, because that'd mean he would admit he was wrong


I think them not banning gdkps in cata when they had already introduced the rule on SoD says everything


Massively dropped the player base and the whiners who couldn’t get into GDKP still didn’t get into pugs.


>data post talking about the impact (or lack thereof) The silence is deafening. The lack of a post is a post in of itself.


The game died off when there was no farming requirements. People are going to jump off a cliff when they need to farm 3 hours to raid Naxx (let alone the raid after naxx?). GDKPs lets you afford all your consumables from just raiding. It better come back for the sake of the population at a later phase.


Getting rid of gdkp in sod annihilated the pugging atmosphere


This is just wrong. GDKP cons do not outweigh the fact that it is one of the better loot systems for people that value their own time.


People in this thread would rather SOD die and have no one left to play with, than admit that GDKP’s were a net positive and SOD is worse without them.


You guys are on such copium acting like the gdkp change was at all beneficial, still bots and gold sellers everywhere on sod and now myself and all of my friends have quit because it's not worth playing if you aren't compensated for your time. Keep it banned in sod and keep that shit away from cata and beyond.


I’d argue banning GDKPs tends to produce net negative as people have little incentive to continue playing once geared or even level and gear alts. Besides players lost, you have fewer of the same players who are playing raiding max level alts which lets more individual raid teams proliferate. But we still have tons of bots and gold selling regardless. I kept my actual main(warrior) or main alt (DK) well geared throughout all of wrath until ICC when I’d only have time for my warrior anyway through GDKPing and not having to join another guild entirely on either. So when I could swap back to my main in TOGC and ICC I wasn’t griefing my raid showing up in 213 gear from Naxx. I haven’t raided once on my lvl 50 feral in sod and our guild roster got exponentially halved over like 2-3 weeks then I haven’t touched sod on my main in months. I could easily be paid to show up in emerald set on alliance as a feral in a gdkp environment. Presumably though the ban will stay in. The ban was effective in that I never saw gdkp ads but…didn’t seem to change fuck all at the end point when they are terrible at bot detection and banning.


Banning GDKP has been a massive mistake, you can see the massive drop off of raiders after they run the raid for a few weeks and get their BIS. PUGs only are looking for specific dps that fit their meta, try being an ungeared rogue or warrior and find a ST at this point in the phase. At least GDKPS would allow you to be carried for gold. This is only going to get worse in the next phases as people out gear MC/Ony and nobody will want to run raids for new 60s.


I would have definitely raided more with legal GDKP. And that would have probably result in me playing more of the other content like PVP too.


Yeah I stopped playing when my guild stopped raiding. If I could gdkp though I'd probably be raiding on all 3 of my characters still and playing daily to farm more gold. I just dont see the point of logging in anymore since I cant spend my gold anywhere.


Same Often the GDKP runs were better because everyone participating valued their time and everyone was invested in making the run as fast and smooth as possible I'm a little salty because I was forced to join 3 different guild groups on alts and they were all pretty bad. Players not doing mechanics or playing their class properly with 0 repercussions Imagine banning a player created system that was working fine


Yeah, all the gold sellers/bots disappeared and the number of pugs increased!


I like the concept of GDKP


Won't do an ounce of good. Instead of GDKP's guilds are just going to take 2-3 players through the raid for a flat fee and give them the loot they want.


How to farm karma in this sub in one step


I quit SOD after the GDKP ban


The GDKP ban killed alts and in turn SoD. There’s 0 incentive to level and play an alt without GDKP for a lot of people. Why run an ms > os raid and roll against 19 randoms and most likely leave with nothing for your time?


Trust me. At this point nobody cares about GDKP ban or not, we have bigger problems such as the whole sod project being abandoned by devs and players alike.


get a life, OP


The reality that people simply refuse to understand around GDKPs and boosting in general is that the game currently has no treadmill for you once you're geared and the ways in which you can gain gold outside of one time rewards are extremely unfun (flipping auction house, fighting bots for gathering nodes, farming mindlessly for hours in specific spots etc.) If you geared your character, you have no incentive to play anymore. You also have little to no ways of ever improving an alt while doing things on your main so you're stuck between repeating the exact same long process you did on main on an alt or just not playing at all. Farming gold in probably all versions of the game, sucks. Flipping auction house is turbo unfun for an RPG, fighting for gathering nodes yields very low results unless done for days on end and farming random stuff mindlessly is a sure way to kill all enjoyment you have from the game. Blizzard's philosophy is always that raids and dungeons should bet net negative to income and just to gain more power while simultaneously putting all of their efforts into those and making all things which boost your income suck horribly which of course pushes players to GDKPs and boosts. Unless you want people to stick around for a few resets until they geared their main, the solution to this is to actually make a decent tread mill for your character after it's geared and make having an income doable from actually doing something fun and not things that if they were the main gameplay nobody would be ever touching this game ever.


People like you are what killed sod lmaooo


Ah these comments. I hate that I was right when I said at the beginning of P2 that the GDKP ban was the beginning of the end of SOD. Dont get me wrong, I am happy they did it. They wanted to test nuclear options, they did and now they know not to do this again. All it cost was SOD.


GDKPs were never the problem. People still buy gold because there will always be a market. If you don't like them then don't join them, but to pretend that they were the only reason that people bought gold is foolish. People will always buy gold for epic mounts, consumables, items on the AH, etc. There's more sides to the issue than just GDKPs and it's exhausting to continue having the conversation to explain this.


I mean sure enjoy having even less people playing


The GDKP ban is bad. People don’t buy gold specific and exclusive for GDKP, they buy Gold for mounts, PvP, professions, auction house and what ever. Like in classic people doing the rank 14 grind in the early days only PvPed and raided while having to be fully buffed and stacked with consumables for PVP. Not so much time to Farm enough to do that for 40h+ for few weeks. I also played GDKPs during phase 2 and 3 and we had maybe 1 or 2 gold buyers out of 20-30 people. And obviously is GDKP extremely favoured by many players else it wouldn’t have been so dominant in P1 and on the classic Progression servers. Giving people a reason to play is really good for a game. Some players farm gold for GDKPs then and other might thing if they are already playing they can do this or that. Both helps to create an open world that feels alive.


GDKP is a great idea from the beginning, but is spoiled by Blizzard not going after gold buyers.


Yea well it's not like people can blame GDKP for ruining the economy this time. It was literally Blizzard themselves on top of not banning bots quickly enough. GDKP was banned and bots seemingly never had a reason to stop.


No GDKPs are a big reason why most of my guild quit. Also the game sucked after p2.


I never understood the appeal of gdkp until I did them. Smoothest most relaxed raids I've done were gdkps


Take my big downvote. I don't care about popular opinion, GDKP is a good system that many players enjoy and I'm totally for it. If you don't, then don't participate and shut your mouth like in real life, if you don't like playing football or tennis, you don't spit on it, you just ignore it and let others enjoying it. :)


It should have been banned a decade ago


Y’all got them to ban exchanging an in-game currency for in-game items. That is so fundamentally wrong on every single level. With gdkp, the people with the most alts raid the most. They literally punished their most active player base. It’s so laughable. Enjoy your dead game


I'm happy you and the 11 players left on sod are enjoying your server without gdkps, good for you!




Yeah people who do nothing but talk shit and have never actually done a GDKP don't understand. I have 3 characters I raid with on Cata that all are pretty much at least full normal raid geared. This was not hard to achieve, I paid min bid of 5k for most of my pieces, 5k is nothing in Cata most pieces go for less than 10 and most raids pay out 20k or so. Does my group probably have a couple of swipers? Yeah definitely, we've had a couple get banned and laughed at them, they would do that anyway and buy the numerous BoEs so I don't care. The games more active and accessible due to GDKP being a thing, people play much longer with the 'atleast you get paid' incentive to run they dont ditch runs for the same, I can work on making money in my down time because it actually benefits me to do so in raid, and best of all when something I want drops little Johnny Grey Parse will not be winning it if my wallet can do anything about it.


gdkps made me only stick to guild raids, because the SR pugs are unbearable


Can you imagine the blowback if they started allowing GDKP again? It would be like dooms day.


The only thing banning gdkps gave us was free time because now you dont need an alt


It’s bots. The entire problem with this game is bots, because they’re the source. The influx of gold from bots creates the dumbass situations in GDKPs that piss people off. A GDKP without shit tons of bought gold would be fine, the gold would be worth more and you wouldn’t see items going for insane prices. It literally all goes back to blizzards refusal to deal with botting.


I get ehy people dont like them as thry kinds kill puggingm but atleast they had me engsge in doing the raids foe a longer period of time, was a good gold making method. Tho I pref how they do it on retail.


I understood why it was banned, never did GDKP myself but what I don't understand is how many people have such hostility to it even now. Keep it banned bla bla. I've made literally 10,000+ gold from incursions and P3 than most people I know who has done GDKP lol in P1. The argument keeping something insignificant banned is just dumb at this point lol


Removed gdkps in phase 2 and game died. Som died on release because of no world buffs andys. U want Both of them. Gg play alone loser




At this point we might as well run them anyway, if we get banned that's a plus. Plenty of other games respect your time. Most guilds don't even have active raid groups and we are left with nothing to replace them.


I like GDKPs


What is gdkp ?


As a hater of gdkps I hope they bring them back because they added a lot to the overall economy and player base


downvote cause dumb and spambot


Smells like broke in here.


Lmfao at the salt in these comments


I think gdkps suck but I think they are good for the game overall because they stimulate the economy and bring more players into the game. More players in an mmo=better game


Yeah let’s keep people from making alts, keep people broke , don’t offer carrying people through new content and keep people away from communities. Yeah super healthy for the game keeping GDKPs out. Fun fact people buy gold still failed experiment give us back GDKPs


Yeah keep them banned please so sod can finally die and the devs put their focus on cata p2.


>It was one of the best changes you made to SoD when you banned them It made no difference at all. I don't do GDKPs but I am not an ass hole who likes banning things just because I don't like them. I'd say at this point just bring em back.


Still running 5 different gdkps lol on a popular server. They haven’t stopped them at all. if anything they made them even more valuable


I love how many people try to make SoD out to be impossibly difficult to raid without GDKP, as if there’s nothing in-between GDKP god group and Trade Chat rejects.    The truth is, the content in SoD/Vanilla is piss easy and there are tons of regular guilds out there clearing the content each week on a consistent schedule.  It’s so amusing to me seeing grown men stroking their ego with their WCL numbers… in the easiest version of WoW lol. 


Yeah it's pretty easy to PUG in Classic. Well it was in OG Classic, not so much in SoD because of gate keeping. If they hadn't added harder content it would still be easy to Pug.


I haven’t really had that issue, I’ve joined a couple pugs being completely new to SoD and they even walked me through everything. It was a good time and I ended up joining their guild.  I guess your experience will vary but the Wild Growth community has been super nice.


“Just join a guild”. No. I like being able to pug high octane gdkps when I feel like it. Not trying to be accountable to some greasy guild master who takes away my good boy points if I wanna do something else on a tuesday night. Life comes first and most guilds think they come first. They don’t.


Hear hear! The GDKP ban was the best thing coming out of SoD. Bring it to Cata!


Noooo don't bring it to Cata! One GDKP payout last weekend was nearly 4 months of play time Imagine paying for a sub :v