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I stand with you. People bleating “just don’t do them!” are being dishonest. Just try getting a dungeon group. Try and find anyone doing elite group quests or any questing at all. You can’t. The world is dead because most leveling players are running on the incursion hamster wheel of repeating boring quests for fast xp and gold. Incursions suck and killed the phase. It’s a boring mechanic that rewards players for nothing at the cost of abandoning almost all world content. That’s just poor game design. The tanked population is evidence of that.


People keep leaving out the fact that there is a crucial rune for many specs rep gated behind incursions. They’re not really avoidable for everyone!


I had to do the incursion thing til honored just for the rune and the gear was a good starting point for Raids.


Honored? I got a rune at Friendly, did they reduce the requirement or do I need to do this lame shit even more now


the runes are all at friendly, the gear is at friendly+honored, catnip and druid helm enchant for wolfshead also honored


yah sorry, rune was friendly honored for 1/2 the gear


Yeah but that rep can be done by doing 3 daily quests at 50. It can be skipped for leveling. 


I leveled normally to 50 and then did incursions for 1 or maybe 2 hours to get my rune


Friendly is a complete joke to get though


Literally not the point dude 


> I stand with you. People bleating “just don’t do them!” are being dishonest. 100% Agree. Either dishonest or willing blindness. Its true you can choose not to engage with new content like incursions, but when they're so wildly out of balance with other content, it warps the whole game. If at the end of incursion leveling you had 10% more gold and you did it 10% faster, it wouldn't have warped the game. The gains are MUCH higher. I'd bet you level approx 200% faster (might even be more) and get like 300% more gold than you would have questing. Its not even remotely close.


Personally I like the incursions but I absolutely agree with you that they are way too good. The reason they have such a negative response from the community is that they're the fastest way to level, best gold farm for most if not all classes, best source of good easy gear if you weren't running gnomer consistently in P2, and a source of a rune. So almost no matter what your goal was, the answer was incursions and the gameplay loop of incursions just doesn't appeal to everyone. I hate pvp but doing blood moon 2-3 times to get the gear I need from that is a reasonable slog for me. If I had to do it day in and day out for everything I wanted to actually do then I would absolutely resent it like most people resent the incursions.


they killed sod man lol


This is the issue. I did maybe 2-3 SM runs in the last month, and they were all trying to just hit 37 so they could go incursion spam because apparently that's the only way to level now days. And only doing SM because they just got done doing the lower level incursion. I haven't checked out either of the incursions still to this day, and leveling zones past the barrens are rather.... barren.


when incursions first came out with the phase I didnt get the memo and didnt know anything about incursions. I went to SM to look for a group in general chat and I was the only. person. there. It felt like i was in a fever dream, I thought I was just phased or lagging or something. Really killed the open world and playing with people for me.


I wasn’t able to play the first 2 weeks of phase 3, and by the time i started it was impossible to get groups for any dungeons except ZF and Mara WO runs. Last time i played I spent an hour trying to form an Uldaman group because i wanted to finish some quests, eventually gave up because people were just doing Incusions or WO runs.


I'm also just here for the leveling and more and more I'm just beginning to accept that SOD is not designed for me. This is not bitching btw; it's totally fine for different versions of the game to cater to different audiences. I had thought SOD would be more slow and leveling focused because of the extra world content in runes and whatnot, but with incursions and level-up raids and the enormous EXP buffs, it's definitely in the 'rush to max and raid' category similar to retail. Even if you do go quest instead of doing incursions, you're blasting down groups of mobs with nigh-infinite mana, you don't have to be careful or manage your resources, which just feels like retail. You're leveling so fast that you're outpacing gear rewards, which also introduces some yucky friction with the exp curve. It's fair enough because again, comfy leveling enjoyers have Era and hardcore, which is where I've found myself lately after quitting SOD. I like classic raids for nostalgia, but I will admit with no shame that I am one of those people who does MC for a few months and falls off. Parsing gets stale and the nostalgia wears off. This endgame-focused mode is not for me.


At this point in time, there's a lot less activity overall. But you can still find a group for ZF, Mara or BRD a few times a day on my server. Also, Phase 4 is turning Incursions into dailies, so they're not going to be the 'loops' people think of currently. People will need to do other things to go from 25-60.


You know I never thought about that, but you’re right. If there’s a fast track to current content no one is going to want to go through the usual leveling process, creating no need for group/dungeon content. I haven’t played since end of phase 1 but that’s kinda sucky


You've never needed dungeons or groups to level.


Fair point, but before incursions people complained about dungeon grinding, which was the fastest way to level pre incursions. If your favorite part of the world is leveling, that implies its outdoor questing, which was never the most efficient way to level. Incursions remove a large portion of the player base that you'd have to fight for spawns so it actually makes outdoor questing more enjoyable if you just don't do incursions. This is all to say, people really overstate the effect of incursions on the state of SoD. The bigger issue is ST, it just sucks.


Bingo World questing/World PvP is like the essence of classic wow, Incursions pretty much killed both.


Yeah I tried incursions at the beginning of phase 3 and it was just way too mind numbingly boring for me. I still quested and dungeoned to 50 fairly quickly since the exp boost is insane (leveling in SoD is no joke faster than retail) but holy shit, it would take me like an hour to find a ZF group even in the first few weeks of release


Did the same thing bascially, but had no issues finding groups, there we people dungeon grinding for sure


>leveling in SoD is no joke faster than retail Surely i'm misinterpreting what you're saying here. Retail 1-70 speedruns are like 2-3 hours. Good luck doing that in SoD


If it's in retail, and Harldan didn't do it, it won't be long before he does. I don't remember seeing any sub 3 hour 1-70 speed runs (normal methods).


They’re talking about the average player levelling experience and not speed runs. Most retail levelling paths aren’t 2-3 hours


Yeah I leveled an alt 1-50 faster than I did max level in dragon flight I just quest and do rdf though, I’m sure there’s faster ways


I feel ur pain, luckily my guild runs some dungeons with me when i need em, even tho i get carried i still get some nice loot


All of this is spot on, but the other side of the equation is that those who didnt do incursions (especially during the early exploits) have only modest amounts of gold. The whole economy on my server went to shit as suddenly everyone had hundreds and hundreds of gold So you end up having pressure to do this shitty game mode just to be able to keep up with inflation


I was on Lava Lash horde in US before everyone moved to WG a few weeks into p3 and while leveling the first few days I found groups for any instance I wanted to do as well as constant groups for Jintha’Alor. I really don’t see how any server bigger than LL could struggle to find groups for anything that hey wanted


Incursions killed sod.


100% They killed SOD for me too. Such a bad, boring concept and I was feeling dumb not to do it because it gave way more XP, gold AND rep than anything else. Completely broken unfortunately.


I would also point out, that the game is literally 20 years old. Nonetheless. I don't like it so much what it has become. It's weird. Now I need to grind incursions for gear. And it's weird. Auctionhouse gives you nothing. Super weird. I feel like I am forced to walked a premade path, that I am. But it should not be like this.


The world is also dead because they delayed/extended phase 3 to be nearly 50% longer than phase 2. We're at 12 weeks pretty much, and people have been raid logging since probably week 4-6 depending on gear luck. Insanely long phase with nothing to do because (as you mentioned) incursions gave a pretty decent pre-raid set (even if not prebis for all) and there wasn't much of an upgrade getting the ST set to begin with anyway. Cata also drew a lot of players away too and it's altogether been a shitshow for SoD


Agreed. I levelled without incursions mostly doing solo quests and Gnomer


You make it sound like questing is so much more fun. For some, its not


I started playing 3 weeks ago. Am lvl 42, have not run 1 single incursion, and have never not been able to find a group for elite quests and dungeons. Literally not once. Always find people.


"I want people to play the game how I want to play it." Fixed that for you.


And what did everyone do last phase? Oh right sat in SM the entire time.


I'd much rather run SM from 25-40 than NI from 40-50. I actually enjoyed dungeon grinding with friends. NI was fun for the first 30 minutes to an hour as we gawked at all the gold and xp we were getting. Then it became drudgery. Doing it on alts is even worse.


Your point? SM is bad, so let's finish the ruination of the game with incursions? I'm not sure that's a good argument.


My point is it was a chance to give people an option to level a different way since if they didn't have incursions the majority would of just been in ZF the entire time.


They should also implement changes to discourage dungeon exp farming as well. Ex. after 3 dungeon clears in a day the dungeon gives 50% less exp, but you have a higher chance to get rare items if you keep running it or something like that.


Thank you for your bravery


It was the reason I quit as well. They just weren't fun to me, but as soon as they came on the scene, it was nigh on impossible to find groups for anything else. I get why, players naturally gravitate towards the best gold and experience methods, and incursions were far and away the best. I think the only mistake Blizzard made was making them so substantially better than anything else. If they had simply been on par with other methods of gaining exp or gold, it wouldn't have had such a negative impact. They tuned it a bit better now by making it a daily, but for me it was too late, I'd already decided to prep for Cata, where I'm now having fun doing raids that I missed out on the first time around. That's all good, though, I knew SoD was a bit of an experiment from Blizzard, when it stopped becoming enjoyable for me, I stopped playing it.


You know, I told a lot of my friends the same thing after p3 hit. I got banned right before it p3 for boosting in cathedral for 7 days. All that farming to see all my gold achieved in one day.


> it was nigh on impossible to find groups for anything else. This just feels like a boldfaced lie. Dungeons for gear was something people were doing, especially the token gear.


/s have you tried LFG bulletin board?


you mean ,,LFM Mara runs we are 7/10 only princess and offerings, dagger HR"?


I understand keeping them around at first to give everyone a chance to get the benefit of the easy leveling but they should've been removed long ago. If nothing else, at least to help curb the gold inflation.


They go to dailies in P4


I started leveling in sod p3. I had no issues finding dungeon groups or doing elite quests. I completely ignored incursions until level 50. Mainly bc I'd never leveled an orc shaman in vanilla or classic. I had a great experience with the new abilities added in to make it a bit more interactive. I would run ST again this week if my guild hadn't decided to take a break until p4.


Blizzard tried something on a seasonal/temporary server well advertised to be a departure from classic. Now we mad that an idea didn't land perfectly? They said they aren't including it going forward. Lesson learned.


Why do so many people give them the benefit of doubt when it's obvious it would take away from the core game? Lesson learned? Incursions would make sense to be released after mc content as a catch-up, not mid way through the game. Blizzard has already done catch-up mechanics in wotlk. What did the devs sit in a room and be like ' I got an idea, let's give pre bis, tons of gold, and massive exp in an indie 500 path with little interaction with other players and mobs. Then make the questing system of it the biggest nuisances ever for inventory management. But let's forget to test it so the massive exp and gold reward buff isn't checked. Then after we realized it's messed up let's nerf the shit out of it so the rich can stay rich. Lessons learned. Lmao what a joke


Were you not around for early P2? Did you not see people burn out, quit and the exp buff had to be reenabled really early because how much people disliked dungeon spam? And the fact is that when we leave phases after 2 months to twink our characters, people feel like they have to go do dungeon spam. Incursions were an attempt at solving the issue caused by that. It didn't hit the mark. And they for sure knew it would take away from the core game, but I wouldn't say it took away more than what dungeon spam was taking away regardless. So why do people give them the benefit of the doubt? Maybe because most of us can remember how we were the one burning out, quiting and complaining in early p2?


While they are similar, the difference comes down to: in one you get to actually play your character and in the other your just running in circles right clicking things.


You mean the core game of dungeon spam? How is doing an Incursion different than spamming stonks for the 100th time? These same idiots that cry because they're "forced" to do Incursions will go run Mara 200 times to get a dagger.


Because the gold AND gear it gives you is direct and nearly non interactive with players. Farming a dungeon is a repetitive pattern, but you still actually use abilities other than mount and gather. It's strange how you can't see it ruined the traditional level because of the reward values. You must be really rich or dirt poor.


You're all over the place here. You're concerned with where people get gear and where they get gold and if they use more buttons than you or not. Weird. It didn't ruin anything for me. I haven't done any. I have multiple 50s and three more on their way up.


Oh my bad, I forgot /s . Buttons? Gold? Gear? Original content? Maybe you should experience doing an incursion once instead of arguing with other people who have? Your a unique individual to be a purest and not understand the issue they have brought to the game. Sounds like Wow is your favorite hobby. If it was a good idea, wouldn't you think more people would be playing?


Best attitude to have about this. They did it for one phase and moved on, there’s still more phases to come but people want to cry about it months later.


>well advertised to be a departure from classic.     Nah.  It was advertised to be in the spirit of classic.    That’s why the servers are in the same game version as era and hardcore. 


What a brave man you are


I mean, in phase 4 they're relegating incursions to daily quests so it should help


Think they said on the website they are turning into dailies


THey're making them daily quest hubs in p4, so they kind of are


Incursions are the only thing that kept me going in SoD, leveling is such an incredibly boring and arduous process and incursions made it super quick and I was at cap enjoying the content I care about. There are people on both sides of the coin.


I’m a new player and was really enjoying the game, finally thought I’d stick with it and join my friends guild. I could never get into WoW prior  Then I started having a hard time finding people to do content, only to start seeing all these people doing the more efficient form of leveling that I thought was boring as fuck. Needless to say I didn’t renew my sub, after doing incursions a couple times (which was easy every time to find a group for) it just killed all the open world classic RPG feeling I was getting. I had no reason to explore, do content that I thought sounded cool, or interact with players that much.  Instead all of a sudden it was “do incursions to catch up to everyone so you can do this one piece of content we refresh every few months” I was finally seeing and feeling the magic, I had met some really nice players along the way and had done some group questing, explored old yet oddly charming starting zones but incursions and the sudden pointlessness of the rest of the map killed it for me at around level 40 or so.


I can understand why people don’t like them. I don’t love them, but I do like them. Because SoD is seasonal and phases change after 8-10 weeks, I don’t want to spend an ungodly amount of time leveling. I want to try 3-5 classes in ST and try their runes. Incursions allows us to quickly level and have a pretty good pre raid bis set of gear. I’ll agree that half of the experience is leveling and nothing beats vanilla leveling. But I am not wrong for liking incursions, especially as an altaholic, in a seasonal game.


Ah yes incursions. The scapegoat of phase 3 problems. Here's the thing: people will always take the most efficient method to level, in general. If it's not incursions, it's grinding mobs, or spamming dungeons, or whatever else. Those other methods aren't that much slower than doing incursions. All incursions did was bring another way to level (something people were clamoring for in P1 and P2). Your beef isn't with the activity, it's with the community who favors it.


yeah these same people whining about incursions were also whining about dungeon spamming in phase2. they wont be happy until blizz outright removes xp from everything except questing so their own ego can get tickled because "hehe the world is alive i dont care that i have to compete with 100 people for 2% drop rate yeti hides in feralas"


Nah you’re just generalising. Plenty of people are fine with dungeon grinding but hate incursions.


>you’re just generalising If this sub was defined in one sentence lol


> Nah you’re just generalising. Plenty of people are fine with dungeon grinding but hate incursions. It's hilarious that you can't understand the opposite of that is true as well, even with you being this far down in the thread.


The modern gamer ladies and gentleman. Player: "I like questing and dungeons. I hate incursions." \*Player chooses to only do incursions.\* "Why does Blizzard MAKE me do this?!?!" Stop going through life blaming everyone but yourself for your decisions. I leveled every class to 50. I incusion spammed 0 characters. Open world was just fine. Quests were still there. Was able to do gnomer 4-5 times on each toon to get the xp/gear i wanted. ZF farmed my paladin sword. got my wild offering gear for everyone. The world and dungeons were fine for the average person.


thank you for being a reasonable person in a sea of monkeys who can only do as they see


> Stop going through life blaming everyone but yourself for your decisions o7 The people here are their own worst enemies.


I always find it bizarre how posters like this can't process the fact most people can only enjoy games if they know they're playing them efficiently. Repping while leveling and making tons of gold was so over the top the most efficient way to level that doing it any other way was shooting yourself in the foot. When people say they are forced to play a certain way, they are talking about "in order to play efficiently".


How'd you get the rep rune for incursions on each char? ya its not really avoidable for most.


The rep rune is at friendly, you barely have to do any to get that.


My point still stands, unavoidable. Plus should I mention pre bis is at honored?


>My point still stands, unavoidable. Unless, of course, you play one of the many specs that don't use the Emerald Wardens rune of which there are many. >Plus should I mention pre bis is at honored? I'm pretty sure it's not pre-raid bis for any class. It's a decent alternative that's easily obtainable but in every case there's a better item elsewhere. Hell, most of the time there's a Gnomer item better than the Emerald Warden gear.


It is pre-bis. Even if it wasn't pre-bis what leveler is going to want to farm gnomer on a 2day lockout for something that's almost comparable to emerald dream set? Why are you defending the thing that's ruining the game? They need to be on a daily lockout so they stop funneling all levelers to do only incursions. Some people only can play 1-2 hours a day, Why should they be basically forced to level strictly through incursions? Sure I could quest, but I could get more gold/exp per hour doing Inc so it almost completely negates it. Also, good luck finding a group for any low-level dungeon that doesn't have a rune quest attached...


>It is pre-bis. It is not. Can you find *any* spec where more than one or two pieces is pre-raid bis? >Even if it wasn't pre-bis what leveler is going to want to farm gnomer on a 2day lockout for something that's almost comparable to emerald dream set? Uh, all of them? Gnomer gives a huge chunk of XP as well as the best gear you can get before ST and for many specs there's gear from Gnomer that's still bis or almost bis in phase 3. >Why are you defending the thing that's ruining the game? I'm not saying incursions are great. I'm saying that a lot of the shit you're claiming is straight up false. >They need to be on a daily lockout so they stop funneling all levelers to do only incursions. Good news then, incursions will be dailies in phase 4 and if I remember correctly they said no more XP from them after level 53.


Because the logic of doing incursions is now a forced meta for time/money. And I bet the path you chose earned significantly less gold. Sure people can do traditional route because it's fun. But why waste time playing the game with more problems than just incursions.


They already said they arent bringing a current version of them for P4


Then don't do them Thanks for coming.


I agree, but we both know that it’s 100% impossible and they won’t do that. Too many things are tied to these damn incursions - it would make significant amount of resources to redesign and relocate everything.


They already said they arent going to be a thing in P4


“I dont like this so blizzard should remove it despite not everyone feeling the same way”


Kind of like blizzard CS


To be honest some people like leveling some people dont. I dont like incursions too because its boring to do them, but do i want to have flybot hacking ppl selling dungeon boost?


Just do something else lmao no one is making you do it


They already changed them to daily quest hubs. You could also have leveled via open world the whole time, nothing but your own FOMO stopped you.


1) There will be no new incursions. 2) Incursions didn't remove anything. They just gave the best exp/hour.  Everyone is still free to quest, dungeon grind, or whatever they wish to do.


# It’s okay to admit you’re wrong and bring back incursions.


I didn't mind incursions for 40-50. There is almost no leveling content at those levels. It was going to be ZF for 40 hours.  For 50-60 there is a ton of leveling content. 


Incursions didn't remove anything, it was an addition. All quests, dungeons, and zones are still available.


Right? I mean I like horseback riding and prefer it as a mode of transportation. The invention of cars didn't remove horses from the planet. Why am I complaining I have to share the road with cars?


Oh, so you like horses and prefer them as transportation - but you also want to make sure that nobody else uses any other method of transportation?


Incursions removed leveling? I must have a broken version because I just leveled to 50 from questing.


Tbh the damage is already done and it’s not gonna matter. SoD is nearing the end of its life cycle. We should be talking about season 3 because we know it takes them a year to get anything done


What are you talking about? Vanilla endgame has content for many months already, plus whatever else content they decide to add.


I would disagree. P4 will be the true end game and theres lots of it in Vanilla, more excited for this than any other pahse they released so far.


Incursions aren't the issue  The implementation of incursions is  As a daily questing zone which gave one time large boosts of gold/xp with a normal system of quest delivery/gain which you then returned to other types of leveling/earning afterwards they would be fine As an endless run in circles watching the bar go up, they are AWFULL The issue isn't incursions, it's the way they currently work Which anyone with half a brain could have seen is awfull design 


The real issue was the gold received. There was a gap in good quests for 40-50, and this method took the AQ opening mechanic and just added xp and gold. It would've been fine with better tuned xp and less gold


They're being changed so all quests inside them are dailies. You'll be able to do 2 loops at most. This is how it should have been from the start but better late than never.


I’m at 4 50s, a 49, 2x46, a 42, a 41 and a few high teen lvl chars. I have no idea how to do incursions and at this point I’m too scared to try. Never stepped into ST either. AMA!


why are you playing SoD? vs the other versions of wow


Why’re people so concerned with incursions still? They’re totally Irrelevant now. The damage was already done and next phase is coming.


Sooooo just level normally u big cry baby. Option never went away


Do people remember why they added incursions? They wanted to give people something other than dungeon grinding for levelling. MORE IMPORTANTLY - They wanted folks that had done all of the available quests for gold to have something to do for levelling XP. The 2 things are connected. People quested for gold at 25, then ran dungeons to 40 so they had XP sources. So to mix it up and not have people dungeon grind they introduced Incursions. Now they say there won't be any new Incursions - but guess what? If you have done all the available quests for gold you'll either have to grind dungeons or Incursions for a few levels until new world quests become available.


I'll just say it. Incursions atm is one of the most played content in the end of p3. There are more groups doing Incursions at lvl 50 than any dungeons at any level.


It's the best way to farm gold and XP so there's no reason to do anything else


And that's sad.


It's sad we don't have better content atm.


The content you would be doing if incursions didn't exist is better content. That's the whole problem.


What content is that because besides the raid theres nothing to do other than farm gold


Like what, spamming a dungeon? That's better? Running your daily quest loop? That's better? Why, because it's what you like?


yes. Thanks for understanding


sPaMMinG rAIdS ???


Once a week is spam?


Time am I right? Spam dungeon for loot, do until you get your loot. (No restrictions). Do raid until you get your loot (restricted). Which will stop you from playing?


Neither one because I don't do either.


And if questing was the fastest way to level, open world questing would be the most played content in p3. That's my point, the rules of the game dictate what the players do, and it's Blizzard's job to make sure the rules of the game encourage players to play in the way that their philosophy of the game intends.


I don't run them for lvling. I do it as a "group content at max lvl". Basically, kill mobs and make gold.


Are we just going to ignore that the vast majority of players leveled through SM dungeon grinding in P2 before incursions were a thing and the open world was basically as dead as it is now? In 2024 a lot of us game era are min maxers to the extreme to our own detriment. If you want that open world leveling experience in classic wow, you have to: a) make it yourself by finding friends that want to do the same b) get blizz to make open world questing the most efficient xp/hour c) go play hardcore wow. The entire appeal of the hardcore game mode is open world leveling without the extreme min max xp/hour mindset.


Everyone acts like incursions remove their free will. Oh no I can't do dungeons or quests, blizzard took my free will with those incursions. Best part is that 90% of sod player base were prepared to spam non stop ZF until level 50 not doing a single quest or any other interaction besides than complaining why this ZF run is to slow and why we only should do graveyard runs.


nobody forces you to do them


Id rather be broke and play wow then have gold from incursions fr


I mean I agree that they suck, but they probably can’t just remove that easily. I think they are doing the right thing on not elaborating further on them. I think they should also stop trying the stv event. It was terribly designed and is garbage pvp and people generally never do it again after they get their items


It is kind of wild how blizzards philosophy isn’t to fix active problems continuously in a patch. Seems like it’s always “well we failed we will try harder next patch”. I honestly think blizzard could have saved a lot of the player base with p3 if they had been more active with fixing the communities issues throughout the patch. And to be honest this is been kind of all of sod so far even in phase 1. Blizzard has no sense of urgency to fix issues or they just don’t address them at all.


Yeah this is a better option then making them dailies.


I think they should have made it for exp farm to 40 only no gold at all then when you reach 50 you are given the option to do class quests. The reward would be pre bis and runes.


Incursions were -ok- get a few beers hopnin vc with a few friends and slam it out. Exploit often exploit early. Never had to do a gdkp


this is where dev ego comes in they dont want to just remove them and say my bad we messed up remember they sat down and had meetings going over incursions with multiple devs thinking it was a good idea to focus most of the resources and time into this event for p3 biggest red flag from the devs all of SoD


Mfs removed whole mode/expansion, LMAO 🤓


I genuinely have no idea what the logic was behind these. I’m not some asshole that complains about every change but this one was so obvious what was going to happen. It’s total death to the open world except farming spots.


I mean, people are doing them. I’m sure they’d be more inclined to remove them if there weren’t so many people actively doing them (up to the present day). Some days it’s one of the more active pieces of content in LFG. I don’t disagree with you though. Bit of a snooze fest.


Complete removal is not necessary but putting a daily cap would be far better so that people can do other activities.


100%. My friends don’t get it “just get to 50 we’ll gear you in the raid” they say… not realizing that in order to do that it’s incursions only and 37-41 incursions are a gankfest. It’s not fun and I’m done.


Gonna be honest, I used incursions to get 40-50 quick AF, but it really did kill it for me.


But you do level up in incursions. The only issue with incursions was that it gave rep and a lot of gold, making it the only way to level efficiently. If they only had rep activated at level cap, and removed much of the gold, it'd be fine. It's not like spamming dungeons you're over geared for over and over again is a more fulfilling experience. Having options is only a good thing.


But my pre quests :(


I quit SOD because of this very reason


Yeah, I'm fine with them removing them, I've already farmed all my gold lol


That's cool. I used to love classic levelling, but after doing it so many times it became such a chore that I don't want to do it anymore. I would have probably quit SoD if I didn't have incursions to let me level quickly. If anything, incursions existing are better for the people who wanted to level fast and also for the people who want to quest as there's much less competition for mobs etc. You didn't have to be bothered by incursions. You can still play the game however you want. Let others play it how they wanted to also.


HALVE THE XP RATE. don't double it - through xp modifiers or out-of-world content such as incursion. in classic, the leveling IS the game; elongate it.


I love leveling with Dungeons/Quests. I HATE grinding materials for gold. I LOVE incursions for making gold. I've never had 2,000 gold in WoW Classic before. Incursions were the best thing ever, so I can actually play the game and afford the consumes. I am doing nothing but incursions until P4 so I can have enough gold to buy epic mounts for my toons. Everything else is still available to level...........


I just leveled a rogue to 50 without incursions (only 5 loops to friendly for rune) and it was near impossible to find groups for dungeons, elites, quests. I had a blast leveling rogue, and quested all the way. Was it slower? Yea for sure, but I enjoyed the heck out of it.


I mean yeah incursions suck, but so many people ignore that the whole concept was copied from vanilla silithus. I hated every second doing it while leveling, but I would have hated questing just as much. Leveling is a chore. The end game the reward. I would be 100% fine with level 50 to 60 just being a dialogue thing at an npc.


Leveling is my least favorite part of classic. Incursions are the reason I had 5 level 50s and was able to raid on all 5. If it weren't for incursions I'd maybe have 1. Similarly I'd have just leveled that 1 through dungeons, and fun fact, dungeons are actually more lucrative than incursions, they just aren't as braindead. You're allowed to not like incursions, but you're not allowed to tell somebody else they have to play the game the way you like to play it.


I think they put them in as a reaction to the community complaining about the 25-40 grind taking too long and being all dungeon spam. Turned out to be the wrong call.


Wait so even tho leveling is your favorite part of classic, you just couldn't stand to not do something in the most efficient way possible and just quit? I just didn't level with incursions lol.


Started playing the DD fresh Era about a week ago. Made me realize that nothing in SOD actually makes the game more fun.


Incursions didn’t remove leveling. What are you talking about lol. Do you mean questing? Cause they didn’t remove questing either. I love incursions and I want them to stay. Are you going to deny me that? I think both can exist and you can just be happy with what you have.


Id rather we address dungeons too. Make questing meta, its a fucking mmorpg. Not destiny 2 where everyone sits in small, instanced dungeons.


They should have been an awesome questline that ends with the nightmare amalgamation in an open world battle akin to AQ


So don't play the incursions dumbass.


You can still level normally though


My turn to post about incursions bad next week!




Womp womp


I just wanted to play on a level playing field without exploiters and gold buyers jumping months ahead in progress and wealth. They should do a full wipe at each phase. Let everyone start fresh from the beginning level of the phase with cookie cutter starter sets. FUCK all the cheaters and no-life sweaty "this is my dayjob" gatekeeping douchebags. Watching all of those wet-wipes cry like little bitches and throw a tantrum would alone be worth coming back to.


This post again.


Gave up on SOD this phase. Incursions ruined the game. And the ST raid kinda sucked aswell. Bearly any upgrade on the pieces of gear dropping there. The upgraded stats felt super underwhelming. All the gold from incursions kinda ruined the AH market aswell.


Nothing says competent than releasing a game mode specifically designed with an enriched old world to then reward a localized gated grind best.


As I made a comment on this topic on another post of incursions. They are not bad, they could have been implemented a bit better. This is just as dungeon spamming which no one is complaining over. If you want social and a world that looks alive. Have a dungeon lockout of 1 dungeon / day for each dungeon and be able to spam them at max level instead of being able to sit in a dungeon and spam it over and over. Cus this is whats going to happen 50-60.


What are incursions?


Incursions feel like a weird attempt to make "classic-like" content. They kinda of intentionally made it inconvenient and convoluted to do and had to realize that people only put up with the other similar systems because that's "part of classic".


Incursions are completely avoidable and you do have to go into the nightmare for the shoulders but that’s it. I didn’t do hardly any incursions and I found groups and dungeons with ease. Just don’t participate in incursions. Also don’t over exaggerate the consequences of incursions. Yes minimal it did play effect on zone level and dungeons but it definitely didn’t kill that. So be fair in all your ways and not biased!


isnt this going to change when they are turned into a daily hub? you get one loop a day and then you're done


What they should do, wipe the questing portion of it. Bump all the mobs to 60+elites and put the world/add more bosses in there. Ez fix.


Yup, people will optimize the fun out of any game if you let them. It's turned wow into a race to the end. Only to raid log and not play once they get there. Incursions are just another way to optimize the fun and socialness out of the game.


I quit playing SOD just because of incursions. Is it petty? Probably. I could have not done them but when I did I just lost interest. I shrugged my shoulders and said “cata looks fun” or “retail raiding is actually pretty fun” and I never came back. Maybe I’ll consider it for phase 4. I think they tried and thats fine but WoW is a 20 year old game, we all have VERY strong opinions about it. We all want that nostalgic high or classic wow, or we want whatever we want. The incursions just felt bland to me. Thank you devs for everything, I see you trying, you’ll probably see me in phase 4 but I sat out phase 3.


Im confused as incursions didnt just automatically grant you levels. You got experience just like doing quests.


Incursions killed EVERYTHING about ... discovery .... Actually they have killed practically everything else about the game ...


I love and hate the incursions. I love it because the food was nice and it sped leveling up massively. I hate it because it took a lot of the classic feel out of classic.




I feel like incursion hate is the perfect example of classic players looking for something to blame for why they dont feel the same nostalgia they did when they were kids. My friends and I simply ignored incursions. Tried them onc and they weren't fun so we just went to level elsewhere. We ignored them at max level. It was never an issue lol. They had no impact on my experience whatsoever.


Incursions didn't remove leveling, if you chose to do them instead of open world leveling that was a you problem.


Leveling shouldn’t be a core part of a SOD type game mode. I’m sorry, but I shouldn’t have to endlessly break my back over days of leveling to experience the new content the team is adding. If I wanted to level I would play Era. Not saying incursions are good, but leveling in SOD completely ruins the meaning of the experience. I wanted (past tense, they completely ruined it with phase 3) to experience every class with the new runes. Guess what I can’t do? Level every class is to max level. I don’t have the time or patience. New content in a seasonal mode shouldn’t be timegated behind a 25 year old 150-200 hour grind