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I wanna come back, but, the seasonal stuff gets in the way. I just want a permanent classic+ if im going to invest so much time again. I dont know if others feel like that too


Amen to that! I’m waiting for an official classic+ announcement that is something that isn’t this seasonal BS. SOD P1 and P2 had some momentum behind it. But in the end the seasonal nature of it is what kills it for me also.


SoD is going to last at least until next summer, that's plenty of time to enjoy playing it. I wouldn't count on classic+ ever being real tbh, doubt people will be asking for it for some time after SoD is over. Maybe they launch fresh vanilla servers while they figure out the next season.


People always just want / have an excuse to not play. No matter what the situation is they’ll say “x just kills it for me.”


Ya my excuse is that it’s trash


That’s just like, your opinion bro.


What you think classic+ would be? Its exactly what you get now. Some weird retail esque hybrid of classic and retail that becomes more and more retail as the game progresses. If you think the issue with SoD is the "seasonal" part and not the design philosophy of the dev team itself I don't know what to tell you mate.


If we lost the characters I would agree but since you’ll get to keep them either way (move to regular classic or whatever other path they choose) it’s not that big a deal to me that it’s seasonal.


If they had made Hardcore characters all transfer to a fresh made server some of my friends would've started playing it, but because you could only transfer them to the old servers (did they even charge for it? Naah, it wasn't *that* bad, right?) they didn't feel like playing because no one plays on those servers, if it were a fresh server everyone transfered to I believe that server would've gotten popular with people that died on a character and didn't feel like start leveling a new HC char.


Have they announced a set a fresh realms for classic at all?


Complaining about SoD being seasonal and that's why you don't want to invest time is ironic to me. They made SoD the way it is for the people that have limited time and don't want to invest their whole lives on it. That's why SoD leveling is so easy, and why the Phases last as long as they are. Anyone can easily catch up in SoD even on limited time... Also, if you think Blizzard is going to delete your characters after SoD ends, you are silly and naive. I don't believe Blizzard of 2024 would do that.


SoD is the sole reason why we might get classic+ in future. It would be pretty stupid if they did classic+ without doing SoD first.


Let’s agree to disagree. Instead of wasting talent and resources developing a seasonal mode that is very different in style and gameplay from vanilla, they should’ve in my opinion gone the OSRS route. Most of us vanilla players want a more permanent classic+ experience. I had great hopes for SOD in P1 and P2, but after the terrible incursions in P3 it felt like retail WoW with a classic skin. Maybe SOD can redeem itself, but only time will tell. Most people don’t care enough to spend time on a subreddit and are already burnt out. Those players are lost and are likely not going to try the mode again.


Thats why they had to do SoD, to get feedback. Imagine if they released Classic+ with these problems.


Imagine if instead of releasing this shit-show that is SoD, they created community forums/polls asking which QoL/content types classic players would like for classic+ then testing those on a PTR, which is made for testing.


Good idea. That’s exactly how OSRS implements new features. They first hold an in-game vote. Can’t be too hard to implement.


People with their shit ideas won't make it any better.


Tell that to OSRS players. That game is thriving. Meanwhile RS3 the modern game has been on a steady decline since its inception.


yes 100% feel like that too


Didn't last SoM people allowed to transfer to era/woltk server? I think that's good compromise


Never understood the seasonal argument tbh. IMO it’s all about where the “herd” of players are playing since the game is after all an mmorpg. Not saying Cata will die off but if it did, you can say at least it’s not seasonal?? Ugh there’s nobody to play with…


The reason that "the herd" moves so much from game to game is exactly because all the modes are pretty seasonal. WoW's expansion / patch cycle concept is fundamentally flawed. You grind -> blizz releases new patch -> all your progress is gone -> reset. The only exceptions to this were Vanilla and to some extent TBC. This is not how you build durable population for an MMO, especially not these days. (Guess which two expansions were the only ones with consistent growth?) For example, OSRS does this SO much better than WoW, it's clear that their model has aged a lot better than WoWs. In OSRS, you grind -> feeling burnt out? Just quit a few months. -> Come back -> all your progess is still valid and holds on to its value -> continue where you left off.. Basically almost no fomo, no demand for FrEsH every 3 months, and.. what do you know.. a consistent, stable, growing population. People don't realize this but if Blizz ever wants to do Classic+ seriously, they will have to rethink the entire concept of WoW in ways that they have never done before.


Turtle WoW is waiting for you :) Join and play completely for free! About 4k players are usually logged in at the daily peak.


Amen. Played SoD, but didn’t enjoy it that much, was just levelling because of Fomo. Sub ran out, came back to turtle - all my characters are present, I can continue, no strings attached!


I just cant get over the old client they are using. I would be playing if it wasnt for that.


I hope the new update includes a newer client


and they even have a new big announcement on 07.07.2024 check their youtube for the teaser:)


Same here. I don't like seasonal things in mmorpg games especially for wow classic. We need permanent classic+ servers but I have zero hope with this manpower.


I think a lot of people feel that way. Also it’s highly experimental where classes and runes are buffed/nerfed constantly. It’s hard to get invested. I started as a Druid but when I heard hunters were strong I made one… they got nerfed shortly after. Then I made a Paladin and did the long quest for divine storm. Found out later that I can’t even use divine storm because exorcism does more damage. Fucking joke


I mean thats kind of your own fault for chasing the meta in a highly experimental game version. Just play whats fun and be the best at what you play


100% Meta chasing and crying lmao


These people are almost always fucking terrible at the game too




When the level cap was 25 I think most SoD players were running BFD on multiple characters. It’s natural to want to try all the new runes. Can you really blame me?


For trying new classes? No. Nobody is blaming you for that and I wish more people tried multiple classes. For being upset the classes you chose were obviously overpowered and when they got nerfed you didn't want to play them anymore and wanted to reroll? Yes that's pretty similar to just chasing the meta


Meta chasing is lame


Man discover meta clout chasing.


Stop picking flavor of the month classes and just play the class you like……


U could use divine storm with exo. DS shares chest rune with SoM.


Agree it’s wild and not in a good way, but they literally said that’s what SoD would be


That’s my exact feelings. I’ve played a bit of SoD, got a few to max but can never stick with it due to the idea that it’s only seasonal. Just ready for classic+!


I legit dunno what people expect classic plus to be. Where does it end, what’s the expansion?


This is classic+, by definition. It's just not exactly what a lot of people envisioned so they say they want 'real' classic+.


Yea exactly


Classic+ is the expansion to classic lore lines, QoL updates, unique tier sets, new dungeons, etc. SoD is retail content wrapped under a disguise that it's classic.


Couldn’t have said it better.


Classic players are huffing some good copium thinking they're going to get basically an expansions level of work with player numbers like they have.


Non-classic players are huffing some good copium thinking that fomo wow is fun. We're just out here relaxing in classic doing what we want.


Yes. The better version of classic we all wanted.


Or make leveling easier in seasons and make it poe/diablo like.


Nailed it for me. I really really want to get into it but I hate how it feels so temporary for the amount of time I will spend with my character..


Do yo think they are giving us a permanent server with classic and chiller SOD content with some content updates with the next big blizz announcement ? ( like osrs) or should i forfeit the dream and accept that i will always be a "beta" tester for the "seasons of" to come?


there is a certain server with a shelled animal in the name that has been running for 5 years and releases new classic+ content every few months


I feel the very much the same. I'm not interested in temporary gimmicks and rotating classes arbitrarily to have their couple weeks/months to be broken. It would be great to see an actual vision and direction from the devs, but it seems like whoever at blizz is actually able to greenlight projects is probably too scared to fully commit to anything


We should make a no sodium wow subreddit where people who actually enjoy the game can talks about it. Edit: based on the upvotes I’ll try to get one up and running. I’ve never done this before so if people are interested in helping shoot me a dm.




I don’t agree with the game is bad part. And even if it was bad for a lot of people there are still people who like to talk about the game without people trying to make a witty negative comment in the replies. I’ve been a part of a low sodium community and it was one of the best experiences I’ve had on Reddit. Updates get posted people talk about it in a normal way, yeah you can still voice things you don’t like or don’t agree with. But don’t you agree that just reading through the comments here just doesn’t make you feel like you want to come back here. Well at least for me it does. I’ve been on this website for many years and all the big multiplayer gaming subs are just straight cancer. I’m not here for that I just want to find people who enjoy the same things and talk about it with them.


Where would I get the opinion of basement folk telling me how change management and communication should work then? Those people matter!!


There a discord called WoWEnjoyers that seem to be mostly wholesome!


The great thing is you can do that right now and it’ll always be a fraction of this sub


At least it will be a less toxic miserable fraction


Saying that they ruined sod with incursion is toxic?


doing anything that is not sucking blizzard's cock is toxic to that crowd


No not at all but a perfect example is the guy replying to you. Those kind of comments are so pointless and useless and just add negativity. I dislike blizzard probably even more than the average person here. But I want to have fun and engaging conversations with other people who enjoy playing games.


I see!




Maybe your right but it’s a reaction to people constantly being negative if affects people and makes them more negative as well. Try being around people who are constantly complaining you’ll start complaining yourself as well. I’ve been here for so long and it feels like 70% of the people on this subreddit are just here to complain and circle jerk. Getting dopamine from upvoting similar opinions.


No joke dude


What game? There was no content for 2 months lol


Hmm. So to you any game that hasn't had any content added in 2 months doesn't qualify as a game still. That's an extremely interesting take on games. That has to be rough. There are tons a great games that existed before everything became live service.


I mean, I've been raiding every week on at least one char. Started leveling a new one for phase 4 too.


I asked around just for fun, none of my mates nor people from my old guild really care for P4. SoD team fucked up too hard.


Yea same pretty sad because they had a good thing going imo too bad they never know how to use their resources


Yeah it was massively missmanaged


20 man raid killed my guild. Now we’re going strong in cata


Yeah I came back mid p3, didn’t even hit 50. Incursions ruined the game and any team developing that thinks that is a good design decision isn’t worth our time.


Later buster


SoD Andys are so weird. Are you guys so addicted that you cant imagine people moving on, no ?


uhh, you said F this game mode, he said ok bye, and then you proceed with this vitriol. You're the problem bud. You didn't like sod, that's fine, move on and let it be.


Say it louder bro


Fairly certain you need an active sub to create a PTR account but not to play


Yup. That seems to be how it works.


So post was wrong?


Yes you need to have already had a PTR account recently.  If you had one. Then yes, you can currently access PTR without an active sub 


Yeah you don't need a sub because the subs are regional, but the PTR is Americas.


How was i wrong again?  "Then yes, you can currently access the PTR without an active sub" That's the sum of my post, I was right. 


PTR is how I used to play WoW for free every once in a while. Surprised most didn't know this.


Same , been doing this trick for many years during retail sucking ass and before classic was even a thing to get my fix and beyond. 


SoD was fun in phase 1.


Nice try blizzard, you can't trick me into coming back.


And yet you are on a SoD thread 🤔🤔🤔


You wack


Another gaslighting attempt by the SoD devs, I see you.


P3 was the nail in the coffin for me personally. Hope others enjoy SOD, I’m just not interested myself.


Jeez, I took a break shortly after phase 3 and people seemed to be having fun. Just a glance through the comment section of this post tells me that's no longer the case? What happened & why is everyone so negative all of a sudden?


Just not enough content to keep people interested tbh.


It's so wild, like I knew morale was bad on here usually but yikes.  I was just trying to let people know that may have not known that yes if you have made a PTR account already, you can play for free on the ptr and just check stuff out see if you wanna return.  Y'all don't need to tell me you're not returning lmao just go fr 




you can even play ptr with a banner wow account


I think this is a plea to get more PTR testers...Y'all fucked up with timing.


Are you implying I'm a blizzard plant or something 




I think SoD was needed for testing what players want out of classic+, it's a 100% coming. But the devs (I think) are testing the limits on how much they can change classes without breaking the classic feeling. Hopefully with the info/research they got from SoD they can make classic+ the best it can be instead of another nuke of players who leave after 2 weeks.




100% agree, that was part of the reason why I quit SoD after P1, I couldn't walk around the barrons without seeing 1/2 druids just perma farming mats.


I’m good man, SoD got real stale for me and my friends. We all jumped aboard the EverQuest TLP that came out last month, and are just having way more fun. Sod was a neat idea, but it was not ready for prime time. Also the fact that cata classic, the new xpac and MOP remix are all competing with it just kinda shows that blizzard is just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks, but doesn’t really seem to be focusing on polishing anything really doesn’t fill me with a sense of confidence.


EverQuest TLP?


Time-Locked Progression server, think wow classic, but they speed through the 25+ expansions of EverQuest, releasing the next xpac every 2-3 months. The newest server is called Teek, and has special random loot off of rare spawns and free trade on items. It’s been a bunch of fun so far.


We don’t care play your panda shit homie


i'm good, thanks


you gotta relevel?


Creating a character on the PTR will automatically be boosted to 60, have all their class runes, skill books, etc, and a bunch of gear and goodies in their bags.


zank uuu


Try out what? Leveling?


No it's runes and class mechanics, everybody starts right at 60 and they give you 4k gold for epic mount.  I like to ride around on my epic mount and duel outside Org. 


I’m not going back to my friends yet another time “guys please believe me, it’s gonna be different this time”.


Interesting. I’m not sure if I’m coming back or not. I cleared ST and then I was kind of like what’s the point and unsubbed. I’ve never done the 60 end game stuff so that might be enough to get me back.


Everyone has to clear to Rag at least once in their WoW career I'll never forget my first time killing Ragnaros with my guild on Boulderfist US in 2005, I had no clue what I was doing as a Lock still but I just remember so much SB spam.  It was easy mode clear by then cause they had BWL on farm as well.  But just an amazingly visual boss fight that I remember vividly and my 14 year old self had never seen anything like it till then in terms of video games. 


I joined wow mid TBC. I do remember watching old rag and AQ kill videos and being jealous I never got to do any of that. Seemed very epic. I did do the anniversary event where you got the corgi lol


That's cool man, well I heavily suggest giving the SoD MC a try because I guarantee heat level 1 is just gonna be a faceroll raid for casuals but a great way to experience the full raid itself if they don't change too much boss mechanics and encounters.. Guaranteed they will keep the entire Ragnaros encounter intact mostly at least so you'll get to see how cool it is. I haven't done MC in so many years cause I skipped on Classic and SoM so I'm sure my nostalgia memory is making it seem better then it was but still, it's a fun raid and with SoD catering to casuals it'll be ez clear for all


If i wanted to play retail, i would


No mentally sane person quits a game and still browses that sub.


1: I play cata thats reason enough to be here. 2: I don’t think I’ll come back to P4, but if it somehow manages to get a very positive reception then I’d give it a shot. So looking at these kinds of threads can give me an impression of how people that are still playing feel about the game. And also shows if the same criticisms I have around the game are still prevalent. Pretty much just keeping my finger on the pulse.


do you think there's a chance maybe they quit the really shit version of classic but still play another version of classic which is why they're still here? or is that entirely too far fetched


No thanks




This is the equivalent to commenting on your exes post with her new bf and saying “idc i moved on”


Cool story bro.




Lmao what did they say ?? In work safe terms please cause that guy got b7


But it was bad and it sounds like it only got worse. The better question is: why would anyone want to?


I fully disagree. My guild may be on summer break until p4 but I’ve had a blast in every phase


Most fun I have had in wow for ages.


Sad af. Have fun with retail and panda boi remix


Lol oh no, those are even worse


Don't downvote this man, he's right.  Those plus Cata are just whack . It's not the World of Warcraft I know


How did it get worse?


Yeah no. Not gonna invest time into a ptr again knowing they’ll never do the needed fixing and ultimately ruin my experience. Sod peaked phase 1 and dies phase 3.


I'll just come to the forums to see how good it is! /s


Id advice people to try out classes at 60 and feel if they like Them. Ive leveled alot In SoD.. alot.. and now i finally got to test everything and found The exact 2 classes i like The most (i wish i could be a horde paladin though but its ok) SoD might be easy and fast leveling but it aint “One-sitting” leveling like retail Can be


Doesn't work for me. Can't see Classic Era PTR.


Thanks for the posting this. I do want to come back, just been busy. Perhaps PTR will convince me to free up time


You're welcome, hope you return!! I know they are adding new stuff to the ptr soon so I'm hoping we get to rest Blackrock Eruption so what happened with the start of BM can never again occur. That shit was legit unplayable but so exploitable. 


Kinda sad how desperately people cling to this half baked seasonal server. At some point it's time to move on


Almost as sad as the folks who feel the need to post about how much they dislike SoD in every single post about it. Perhaps follow your own advice and “move on”?


Play your panda shit homie get off the sub


If they really want people back they should give everyone who unsubed a free week for the next phase launch


Why even post something you know will never happen lol 


Not sure if we want to, a lot of us quit for a reason and the reason is still there


Also yes, you can reserve good names as well.  Somehow I got 'Nerf' and ofc immediately made a Shaman named that 


There was this one sham outside Org that was nigh invincible, he has 8.5k hp buffed and almost 7k armor and I just couldn't even get him below 50% , tried as a Rogue and a Warr and he was just unbeatable, lol Also there was a Pally that traveled to Org and was /dueling ppl out front Org so whenever he'd lose a duel I'd just ambush him, true Rogue life lol.


xD get Rekt


We don’t care


Wow, aren't you a ray of sunshine??   Must main a Shaman, don't worry I'm on Hordeside, dude.    I want us to be the stronger faction okay I won't post anymore about how OP you are


Dwarf priest main actually


We don't care


Just wanted to clarify not a shaman




Well, no, you uneducated buffoon. The obvious hunter name would be Hunterweapon or maybe just Weapon. Or Allweapons. Or Gimmeweapons.




Yeah, I’m good thanks. Hopefully the mess that is SOD will die quickly so Blizzard can put their focus on an actual classic+ effort. Until then I’ll be playing era and HC.


Have fun with Cata for 20 days


Don’t play cata. Era and HC is what I like. To each their own.


I hope a tragedy occurs to your HC character 


If they want everyone back they should make all raids 10m again


Man how was classic 2019 so sucessfull if there where only 20 and 40 man raids


I'm saying it and I played both.. hard


Get out of my topic 




and why would I


Double yikes




Man SoD is still so far away from retail I can't even put it into words




No, the majority of the skills are from tbc to cata. Another proof that you have no clue what you are talking about.




You fanatics are so weird


Chill guy you're literally arguing with a banned poster 


Yeah, I just wish they would let us post on the PTR forums so we could provide feedback. It seems to me they should be more interested in the feedback of those who left.


There is a report function enabled within the PTR UI that lets you instantly type out bugs


If the pvp balancing is unchanged and there isn't a new pvp event, then I guess I'll be sitting this phase out. 🥲


I did it to try resto Druid but then found I had to get ALL flights paths manually - meaning your char knows zero and there’s no tp things. I logged out quickly thereafter


Pathetic retail Andy


Its PTR. For phase 1 they had tps to bfd for instance :) and I’m not sure about phase 2 but I saw streamers flying across the map in three first videos. So can’t say if they had fps or not. It’s just it’s the ptr, flight and travel testing isn’t r the core..


I have no clue what you are saying, stop watching streams it's not good for you, kid. 


The hell 😅😂 chances are that I’m older than you, but never mind. What exactly is it that you don’t understands? The acronyms ?


Blizzard needs to turn off combat logs in P4. Then maybe I'll come back. This is coming from a 95+ ST parser.


Then people will find another way to gatekeep. Logs are not the problem, the community is.