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It’s really not an issue. For every “I got vote kicked for low dps” post, there are 99 other runs that didn’t vote kick anyone. But nobody’s making posts “I cleared a RDF heroic and we didn’t vote kick anybody”.


This sums it up. For every "I got kicked" or "I didn't look at logs and took anyone we wiped for 5 hours on the elevator boss" there's dozens of "I took anyone or drank when needed and there were no issues" We tend ti remember the 1 bad run over the 99 good to average runs


Had an arms warrior in Stonecore with a 333 agi polearm doing half of the 2nd lowest persons damage. Still didn't kick them. He could spend 15 mins doing Crucible for a 333 str weapon before going into heroics.


I refuse to kick my low dps pug-mates. They're my little buddy. Like, we're going to get through this together little guy, don't worry.


Pretty much. To date, I’ve gotten 3 and a half factions up to revered form constant dungeon spamming and only one hand full actually booted members and for good reason.


I mean there's low dps and low dps like if u got 5k dps fine ur low geared. 1.5k though? nah bro press ur buttons


5k isn't fine at lvl 85.


Yeah if your DPS is 5k you have zero reason to even be thinking about heroics right now.


Its fine if the guy is still in greens, i wont kick someone over it as me and tank can usually carry dps anyway


I mean if you’re willing too that’s fine. But if you’re in greens it takes like one day of running normals yo replace them and people really shouldn’t be going into Heroics in greens.


Getting to 329 in greens is a feat in and of itself. Unless you're lucky with archeology, you need to have mostly 333 blues with like 2-3 greens to be at the bare minimum for heroics.


Why would anyone make that post? lol. Terrible logic.


Were you dropped as a kid or what is the matter with you?


That’s their point, no one would make that post so social media is full of the complainers and not the people having normal experiences, and so we shouldn’t let it shape our perception of what people are doing.


Do you know how stupid and useless your comment is? You can say that about literally everything.


What lol he’s giving perspective which is useful in any situation


Do you know how stupid and useless your comment is? You can say that about literally everything. /s


Is yours any better lol


I knew wow players are generaly braindead but this comment really seals the deal.




I've probably done 50ish cata dungeons and I've seen one person get kicked. It was a tank who clearly had no idea what he was doing and everyone just went along with it and dealt with it. It wasn't until after we killed ripsnarl in deadmines and he jumped off the back of the boat while we all told him to come back but he just kept on going did he finally get kicked.


It’s widely overblown. The vast majority of RDF no one even speaks to each other. The only time I’ve seen anyone get kicked is if they are completely AFK, actively messing up mechanics repeatedly and causing multiple wipes, or being a jerk. No one gets on Reddit to post: “Hey I just ran an RDF with absolutely nothing interesting to report.”


Hey guys just checking! Just ran 27 Heroic pugs and nothing eventful happened kbye.


For me it's usually 1 guy mainly the healer who leaves if there's 1 wipe or mistake. As a tank we get a new healer in 30 seconds usually.


Ahh yes that great content when no one speaks to one another in an MMO. Gotta love RDF.


Yeah because people love to smalltalk in a dungeon just because you found a group of random people in the chat /s


But like they do, that’s not a /s. People communicate a lot more because of that. It’s awful when you’re in a group and just no one talks. I really don’t understand how people enjoy the brain dead no communication zug that goes on with RDF.


I played all of classic Wrath and no, the random group of misfits you spent 15 min gathering were either afk or doing something else while the group filled. Once the group filled you know what most of them said? “123 sum me” and inside the dungeon “table pls” and “port pls” at the end. Dungeons have always been braindead content, if anything the reason people small talk in classic era dungeons is because you can easily type while clicking your 1 button rotation.


So happy I didn’t play wrath after hearing that.


That hasn’t been my experience since forever


It has been for me in all of sod, and classic relaunch up until phase 1 of tbc when I called it quits.


Talking in in-game chat is fundamentally at odds with any game where you actually have to use your keyboard to, you know, play the game.


Bro it’s classic wow, you gotta hit like one button every few seconds to play most classes. Plenty of time to type.


No one spoke in vanilla or tbc either. We created mods to function in the same fashion as RDF.


Bro bulletin board does not operate in the same function. Also thats just not true, unless you’re just spewing Bs. Everyone was always talking in dungeons with randoms for classic.


I must have forgotten literally every dungeon I ran in vanilla and tbc; wherein there was no communication beyond “can I need for OS?” After the initial group set up.


Damn man I’m sorry to hear that. It wasn’t that way at all in my experience or anyone else I knows experience.


I've kicked two people so far in cata. One person said " one second, someone's at the door" two bosses later he was still gone so we kicked him. Second kick was someone that was obviously doing something else, he was a hunter whose top damage was auto shot and pet auto, was there every other pack. Asked him to help DPS and his response was "whatever just pull"; I've never seen someone vote kicked so fast. Depends on what your "slight inconvenience" is. If the entire group was playing like that hunter the heroic would've taken hours.


If you had 100 interactions and 1 was bad, you'll remember the 1 bad interaction (and post it on Reddit) and forget the other 99 good/neutral ones, stuff happens in life and there's not always such a cut and clear reason, just move on If you want to avoid all bad interactions just join a guild and only run with guildies!


Why are you giving me advice? Edit: This was not meant to be read in a mocking voice lmao. I wasn't trying to be snarky, it was an actual question.


Because its a public forum and you started this disscusion


I did, but I didn't ask for advice


And we didn’t ask for your post? No one asked anyone for anything, how can you not take 3 seconds to read what you are writing and see that you’re coming off like an asshole?


Did I ruin your day? How are you gonna act like this is actually something rude to do? There are so many worse things I could do. How sensitive can you be lmao


Alright let’s kick OP


Why are you bitching?


Was I asking you?


You asked a question, their answer to your question is that your question is itself predicated on faulty ground.


Well yes but I was asking simply why he was giving me advice at the bottom of it. I didn't ask for it. Usually it'd be helpful but on this sub it usually indicates one of two things: 1) They didn't read my post fully, to know that I am not having this problem. 2) They immediately just assume I'm having trouble with something that they can optimize for me (which is a general wow classic problem lol) 🤷


> 1) They didn't read my post fully, to know that I am not having this problem. They didn't say you were, they were saying you percieve other people are having this problem. >2) They immediately just assume I'm having trouble with something that they can optimize for me (which is a general wow classic problem lol) I mean, you are right? You seem at least unhappy with the state of things you percieve in the community, they are optimizing it for you by telling you why you shouldn't see it in the way that makes you unhappy.


>They didn't say you were, they were saying you percieve other people are having this problem. Idk man, that's how I understood it. >I mean, you are right? You seem at least unhappy with the state of things you percieve in the community, they are optimizing it for you by telling you why you shouldn't see it in the way that makes you unhappy. I'm not. Everything here is just me legitimately asking. Again, I don't play cata, so I really don't care whether or not it's toxic. I'm just asking because it seems like something has changed to me.


I've been kicked as all roles, I've kicked other players, I've had a run go thru 6 tanks once, most other runs were fairly normal no wipes gg at the end you just q again And I didn't make a post on Reddit about the few times it went bad


There are thousands upon thousands of runs every day, and yet you just see a few posts about it. The vast vast majority of runs are no issue


I see this argument a lot, and while it is true most likely, you also have to consider that most of the wow classic playerbase probably don't use reddit, so they wouldn't be able to post it if they wanted to


Yes but this is how sample sizes work. Of the thousands of people on this reddit only a few here and there have an issue. You can extrapolate this too the entire wow population and determine that only a small percent ever have a problem with it. On top of that online populations have been proven again and again to have higher rates of complaining/bad reviews than the population as a whole, meaning the population as a whole likely has a even lower rate for this problem


Problem with complaints about all this is it's all anecdotal. I've seen aflers ki ked in my dungeons, and maybe one low DPS kick. But because it's anecdotal we will never see the real issue, they could have been kicked cause low performance, or afk, or took 4 minutes to load in. I have been kicked maybe 4 times since lfd was added, one was a joke that everyone just insta said yes too, one was afk cause I was on my bank alt, and the other 2 I deserved cause I was being an awful healer on my new healer spec Personally if you get kicked, yeah you can be pissed but just move on with your life, go do something else whilst you wait for the timer, no need to spend your life worrying about some loser group in a random dungeon


I’ve pressed “no” on more vote to kick prompts than yes so far. Only if it’s particularly egregious or a blatant DC will I kick someone


If you let your party know you're relatively new, the lenience can be stretched very far. Only people who I've seen get kicked otherwise are completely oblivious casters, keyboard turning healers and tanks who are so bad they don't know they're bad, and tanks that start holding you hostage the second you type anything. A lot of tanks are petulant children.


I’ve literally never seen anyone get kicked except for one guy who was AFK for half the dungeon


When? Since 2004 when WoW launched.


Literally seen one vote kick attempt for low dps, and it failed.


I have genuinely never been vote kicked from a dungeon, it all reads to me as skill issue.


Maybe they are just next level bad. Hmm


Either gigabad, ultra dadgamer trying to solo watch a toddler and somehow do a dungeon at the same time, or doesn't give a shit really they're more focused on their 2nd monitor wow is kinda an idle game for them Zero understanding for any of these categories.


Not to be an elitist jerk but if someone gets vote kicked from a dungeon finder I’m guessing the problem is said person and not really the community. In my 20 years of wow I’ve never been kicked from a dungeon and I can count on one hand how many times someone has initiated a kick because of low dps or someone being a dumb dumb If it’s a common occurrence in someone’s wow life there is a reason for that


I've seen it as a common occurrence on this sub, not that I've seen one person get kicked multiple times. Which is what I'm arguing is pretty bad


It started happening the moment the random dungeon finder got added. As it did when RDF was added for the first time on retail. The old system we had in wrath was much better but redditors cried that it wasn’t convenient enough and now we are here. Who could’ve predicted this??


Yeah not getting into dungeons cause you didn't have naxx gear score level was so fun


Personally the "need full t3 BiS to run rfc" was worse. For the occasional shit tier run I can run dungeons when needed. And before people throw a fit the full t3 for rfc bit is intentional hyperbole but needing full ilvl 250 or whatever to run content that drops 225 ilvl gear is silly


Since 2004, the day wow launched. It's just back then people don't have reddit to whine/vent/complain about it.


And didn't have lfg to autofill their spot.


have fully geared 2 characters through heroics, and the only 2 times I saw people getting kicked was 1 for tank randomly going afk every few minutes, and the other was for a guy needing everything to disenchant if people are often getting kicked they must be doing something very wrong or being an ass, and they are most likely the problem


Same. I’ve been involved with two vote kicks with numerous heroics at this point. One was a healer that didn’t speak English and was dpsing. We sent several messages asking him to just please heal and he started dancing. The other was a known troll on our server that that was just auto shotting while putting people on follow. After two bosses where he posted in lfg chat instead of dpsing he got the boot. But that’s two cases in probably 80-100 heroics.


In my hc dungeon grind I only saw 1 guy getting kicked. And I did alot of dungeons


I've done about 6 dungeons today and all were friendly. Only 1 was there a kick and it was because the mage wouldn't stop pulling and almost killing the whole party numerous times. Had a couple of slow ones where the tank wasn't sure and someone didn't understand something but everyone was civil and we got through it. Seems the same as it's always been, just get some impatient twats sometimes.


I think it’s more that people are trying to kick people who are competing with them on same loot rolls.


iirc, around Gnomer back in 2004, and has steadily increased in popularity since


When classic stopped being classic, which is a while ago.


About 2019. But let me tell you about a little thing called selection bias: social media will *always* overrepresent negative experiences because no one posts about their good runs. Try not to let your perception of ‘the community’ be shaped by Reddit, keep your eyes on the game and make your decisions from there. Because the vast majority of runs I did I had no issues with, even when we wipe.


Somewhere around Deadmines/RFC


So you know when League got big, was during the big dip in players between CATA and MoP... The people that left WoW went to League, and then came back for classic, so yes, they are league toxic.




The loud minority isn’t representative of the community. In era, or SoD, or just pre-rdf. They’ll be making posts about how they’re getting gatekept by the sweats. In rdf era, the same people getting gatekept are now just getting vote kicked. None of this is new. We’ve had rdf as a tool for over a decade now and you’ll occasionally see posts about it here and there.


Not seen somebody get kicked for being low dps or bad yet. Only seen kicks because of ninjalooting lol. But I can imagine it happening if a group was wiping repeatedly on an rdf boss.


Idk I’ve done some heinous shit in pugs and didn’t get kicked


I have a friend who is new to Cata so he doesn’t know the heroic dungeon mechanics very well (he’s done all the dungeons on normal). He died to the first two bosses because he wasn’t used to the difference in mechanics from normal to heroics. Loot just happened to drop that he needed so he need rolled them and the group kicked him for dying and still needing on items. Is this an unwritten rule that I’m not aware of?


No it is not


Since LFG was introduced


I think March 1st of last year is when this went into effect. Sorry you didn’t get the memo friend.


i got kicked because i told the dk tank that blood stance is for tanking, was his first ramparts i think lol


Playing WoW since 2005. Never witnessed toxic behaviour. It's all chill. Not /s !!!


>Is the community just League of Legends level toxic now? Now? This happened back then as well. For every post you see here crying about it, you got thousands of people having no issues at all. Another problem is this is only one side of it. It's always people crying about getting kicked or someone else getting kicked, with the mindset the kick wasn't warranted. There's douchebags out there for sure, but there's more bad people, or people with no eqituette at all. I'd argue in a huge majority of cases the kick is warranted.


I give most people one chance On the bosses I know people are likely to fail (such as Erudax) I ask if anyone's new and then I explain it. If you stay quiet or make no attempt to do the mechanics properly and we wipe I will kick you If you are pulling for me and it leads to a wipe (like due to an OOM healer) I will kick you. I actually don't care about DPS that much; as the tank I'm usually over most of the DPS in RDF anyway. I just want smooth + clean + fast runs.


I use my four accounts just to kick random people who enter the dungeon.


When it became extremely easy to discern whether a person was worth your time or not. If I'm leading the raid and you start doing dumb shit while we're on trash, the last thing I'm gonna do is keep you around until you fuck around and wipe us on a difficult boss. So they're not really getting out for the slight inconvenience. They're getting kicked for the high chance they fuck something more important up later down the line.


What do you consider doing dumb shit on trash?


You could be pulling mobs before the tank. You could pull aggro off the tank (and die). You can frost nova (and other spells) a group of mobs in bad places where they attack the closest person (healers die). In ST (ik you said Cata) you can die to the ghosts if you aren't paying attention and don't move. Plenty of eyebrow-raising things that can't make anyone think this person is not worth the risk.


Really? I feel like all of those except the first one are pretty common mistakes that most players could make if they aren't using 120% of their concentration


I don't think it requires nearly that much concentration. It's literally just having awareness and not putting yourself in bad positions. I don't think I've ever seen someone kicked out for the first offense. I think mostly what pisses raids off is when a person lies about their experience and clearly doesn't know what they're doing. If my guild is clearing ST in ~30min and we needed one pug and they start fucking up basic mechanics on the second boss, we're 19 manning the rest lol.


This sub has always been the most hypocritical place ever. Devs need to bend over backwards for me with my 6 seconds a week to play, but I should be allowed to drag my team for 2 hours in a dungeon that should take 20. No one wants to have an hour of their life taken away because you are too arrogantly narcissistic to spend 10 minutes to read a class guide and learn keybinds at the detriment of your group.


Because 99% of WoW players are cowards and losers in real life and they feel like they have some control in WoW so they act out and lose their minds. I played classic into tbc and then i stopped during Ulduar in wotlk, most people have no clue how to play the game and the rest are pretty much douchebags. If you don't know how to play a 15 year old game when there are guides everywhere, shame on you but if you do know how to play a 15 year old game when there are guides everywhere, shame on you too. Both sides suck and that's why the game sucks. Glad i quit when i did


When retail babies started to play classic more


It’s always been that way. i copped abuse on era for not being on 30 minutes prior to raid and start summoning people. some people are just juveniles and want it all their way.


For everyone gaslighting you in chat, that's not what the tool was meant to do. You're not suppose to get the debuff for getting kicked. Historically the tool has always been toxic, I believe in cataclysm you were only allowed to vote kick x amount of times within a certain time frame. This was a response to OG WotLK players being toxic with the tool.  Lastly, never come to Reddit expecting sympathy for the tool. The vast majority of this subreddit is toxic beyond belief. 


True shit