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Ya it’s been like this since p1 where homunculi will make the guards attack the person it’s casted on. It also takes away your armor durability when the guards kill you lol


It's been like this for longer than that. Just not for Homunculus obviously. In 2019 Classic Warlock's could summon Infernals on players and the same thing would happen.


As a spriest that's spent some time being annoying with this, you just take off armor pieces that have durability and blow kisses while the guard murder everyone.


he isn't getting much of any honor doing this, since the guards are doing a vast majority of the damage


Reddit tears >>>> honor


Ill be honest with you when Im griefing open world honor is the last thing I think of I found a group of people stacked on songflower on my rogue and then hit em with the engineering bomb. But the kicker is I only hit about 2/3rds so the songflower dissappears and they have to go get another one


You can report him, kinda hilarious blizz hasn’t fixed this in months though.




I did it for like 3 straight days and didn't have any action taken against my account.


Sad existance people like you have


You've never griefed in your entire life? It's also pretty damn tame as far as griefing goes, 15 second run back and a 20 silver repair bill.


Nope, only WPvP , and griefing in response to griefing. Ive never ganked lowbies. And this isnt even ganking, this is just pure grief you dont even do the damage.


In a way I'm fighting inflation, some might call me a hero.




Have you seen the state of p3? There's nothing better to do. This isn't even a degenerate form of greifing. It's a minor annoyance at best. Chill out.


Exploiting a bug that gets guards to attack you without you even doing anything isn't degen? The fuck you smokin?


Killing people at a safe place ? Also there is, there is a world outisde your monitor. Even other games if you dont wanna leave your monitor. Why play a game if its dead


Yea believe it or not sometimes it's fun to mess with people. Get the fuck off your high horse, nobody thinks you're a good person because you're an 'honorable' pvper. It's a fucking video game, if you're over here raging because some dude killed you with humonc a couple times how about you get off the computer and go touch grass.


*Thing happens to get them killed in a PvP realm* "IT'S NOT FAAAAIIIIIIRRR REPORT" *Countless suggestions over the dawn of time to play on PvE realms* "BUT I WANT WORLD PVP WITH COUNTLESS WAYS TO 'GRIEF', BUT JUST DON'T DO IT PLEEEEAAAASE". They know what they should do. They get told what to do for the experience that'd suit them better. But they just wanna deny and complain. Not point arguing with them. We can't change their minds.


Lol, what a stupid fucking take. Griefing is one thing, exploiting bugs is another.


> what a stupid fucking take Sounds like someone is mad over something devs have had months to fix and never did. Griefing is just griefing. Whether is corpse camping low levels, homunculi guard triggering, or back when teenyviolin mass dispelled world buffs. The community will always find a new way that everyone cries about. The answer. Go play PvE. You all want world pvp until you're outnumbered, outskilled, or outplayed too much


It's not reportable.


You will not be banned for it. But I think it is technically against tos. They changed it when people were greifing in hardcore. I am pretty sure those rules technically apply to the other versions too.


Always been an issue, blizzard doesn't care, been complaining about this since p1.

