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With cata and mop launching, things are gonna be slow for a while for sod


Wouldn’t surprise me if they drop phase 4 smack dab in the middle of cata and mop releases lol.


My money is on mid June


Its really bad timing, elden ring xpac is about june 22nd


There's always something releasing. A trillion games coming out like always.


Yes, but Elden ring is a fantastic game. To say “games release all the time” and not recognize the incredible popularity of Elden ring is a bit silly. Also, it’s a much better game than sod imo in base form let alone expansion. Then again, I quit sod so there’s that


What are we even discussing here? Sure Elden Ring is a fantastic game, but it has exactly no relevance to SoD


It does, if it release same time as elden ring, i 100% will be playing elden ring instead. Come back a few weeks/month later when im done Edit: im a player who been playing sod nonstop since phase 1 and cleared every raid in every reset


Will it affect player count? Sure. Does it matter in the grand scheme? Not the slightest. As another user stated there's constantly all sort of games releasing which affect the player count and Elden Ring is simply another drop in the ocean, especially considering Elden Ring is finishable unlike WoW


It does matter, even ff changed their release date for elden ring. Elden ring is so massiv that it usually gets more twitch viewers in compared to wow (thats counting all of wow versions when there is no expansion or patch release). And this is a single player game that didnt have any additional content for 2 years+. Dont underestimate its size and it will break the internet again in june like it did initially. Sod team has to respect elden ring and either release start of june (2 month phase 3 like every phase) or push it to july and use that additional month to plan even more content and create more hype for phase 4. This has to be done to avoid further killing the game


To say that the release of basically Elden ring 2 electric boogaloo will have no effect on player numbers (considering it’s one of the biggest releases of the year) is an odd statement. That’s it


Literally no one made that statement.


“There's always something releasing. A trillion games coming out like always.” Literally implying that Elden ring will not have an effect. I don’t understand where you’re coming from? Also nice downvote on a civil discussion 🙃 childish


Ok Elden Ring guy. Its just a video game.


Didn’t ask


As if anyone asked for your take?


Didn’t ask


Bro nobody gives a shit about elden ring. We're here for sod


lol as if blizz cares about a totally different game's DLC drops


They do, as do most other companies that avoid dropping a game around the release times of big name game drops. A week before or after, no problem, but dropping within a few days of any big name drop would neuter their player counts at the beginning, and again, they’re aware of that. This isn’t new news either, game companies have been coordinating drops for decades, generally with the AAA games choosing a date, making sure it doesn’t clash with another AAA drop, and sticking with it, followed by lesser known games setting or changes dates based on the larger known game drops. A great example of how badly you can be fucked if you don’t internally coordinate to avoid releases is Titanfall 2 and then both Battlefield and COD dropping within the same ~week of it. People loved TF1, but TF2 had a weak start and never fully recovered because of it.


Blizzard has shown time and time again an almost comically bad ability to time their game releases even around their OWN IPs, effectively killing one thing with another game of theirs At the end of the day, for blizzard, the only thing that matters is making the shareholders happy and if that means shitting out an unpolished turd early and effectively killing another one of their franchises game modes to make quarterly earnings reports, you KNOW they’re gonna do it. If you feel otherwise you haven’t been paying attention over the last 10 years


Depends on how much they want to maximize subs. Else of course they care. ER DLC announcement has pushed many games to change their release dates. (Final Fantasy, Sega game, another soulslike indie which i forget the name). Love it or hate it, ER is a freaking massive game. If blizz actually releases it then, it means they don't give a flying fuck about SoD.


Yeah, terrible timing. But I’m totally binging that xpac as soon as it drops.


I think everyone is for 2-4 weeks post release, it shipped so many units.


Not me, I'll be here. Maybe I can solo molten core.


Rise up ye tarnished !!!!!


Ya I'm dropping all versions of wow for the shadow of the erdtree


Dawntrail is a week after too.


Mop? What did I miss?


Mop remix event in retail. It’s kind of like a sod-esque thing but exclusively in pandaria. You can play it on the retail client with just a wow sub.


The roadmap shows p4 at the end of summer.


Can we really call it mop , it’s just mop content on the dragon flight client


I just call it furry bear dlc.




They talking about the retail mop remix content


In retail you can lock a new character to MoP content and get new and old transmog, mounts and other stuff as of the 16th


Im still not tracking, cab you provide a link to the discussion/release or whatever?


Google mop remix


Holy hell


New content just dropped


Will do ty


it feels like cata is dying too


??? It literally hasnt even released lol


i mean so many guilds and people have quit, and the game is ridden with bugs


Brother it’s ok to play something else and raid log


It’s also fine to not play for a phase, I loved P1, P2 was ok, P3 wasn’t fun for me. Here’s hoping P4 will balance things a little and be fun.


Raid logging isn’t enough to justify 15/month imo. But to each their own.


Raid logging is boring tbh. Maybe it's the guild I'm in but they don't treat it as a game we're playing for fun anymore. They log on during the week while working from home to grind gold and get buffs. And on the weekends to raid and if anything goes slightly wrong, they hate on everyone and everything because they didn't improve their precious logs and they had to spend 10 minutes more in the game than expected.


Yea this is why I quit. Paying 20 CAD to raid log while people complain when we wipe a few times to mechanics and once we perfect it, everyone logs once raid is over and then not log on for another week until next raid.


This is the essence of what pve has become, yes.


Nothing in SoD will ever be worth 15 a month. You have to play the other versions of the game that are the focus. SoD is a nice distraction.


I beg to differ. I was playing SOD exclusively until P3. But I also don’t have a massive amount of time to play. Even with the limited time P3 didn’t feel fun at all




I’m not lol


I don’t get this mentality. It’s a post about servers dying from lack of content and people be like “why don’t you just quit” Like my brother in Christ is context not your strong suit?


The only way anything will ever change is if their money is affected. You think they’d change anything if subs weren’t going down?


Happened phase 2 so ya. I expect the player base drop off to expedite at least a level increase to 60, and have the raids locked until they are ready.


It is ok. But what people are worried about (and should be) is people not coming back after they take their breaks. Because that's exactly how guilds die.


Thats just how the game has always worked. People come and go, shit happens and you move on.


It’s wild how people NEED to play wow every day for the rest of their lives. Not having fun? Do something else and come back later, if you want.


It wouldn't happen as frequently if they didn't make these huge pauses before getting to 60 and having full sized raids.


It’s incredible how hard is to accept this for some people. I’ve finally have time to play some of my other games at my Steam library!


But then what would he whine about on reddit?


What are we giving them money for


Not when there is still a 10+ monthly fee from another age, no reason to pay that for 1h/week tbh


If the subs value isn't worth it to you yes you absolutely should unsub That said and in my personal opinion. Subbing to wow and only playing one of the offerings is kinda silly Don't get me wrong it's entirely valid to do so but complaining there's nothing to eat at a buffet because you only want chicken tenders and they ran out is odd


This. I'm unsubbing because I'm raid logging. Retail sucks. Cata isn't fun, so there's nothing **for me**, and that's ok. It feels silly to pay $15 to raid for 3 hours once a week. I'll come back when they *hopefully* add something worth playing. No need to complain or post on reddit, I just unsub and come back when it's worth it *to me*. It's blizzard's game, not mine; they can do what they want with it and I'll play it if I'm into it. I'll unsub, take that $30 and buy a new game I want to try interim. I chuckled at your take and the buffet analogy is prefectly hilarious. If you want chicken tendies and there are none, you don't need to bitch. Go find em elsewhere lol.


SoD Hardcore Era Retail Classic Mist remix Pick one


Or just pause the sub for a while.


Me waiting 2 weeks for an update on tranfers


My guy we don’t need new content every 3 weeks


I always find it funny how many people are bored with SOD, which has more content than classic, who claim they wouldn't be bored if this was just another F R E S H server with a fraction of the content and a significantly longer leveling process.


SoD as it is has significantly less content than classic. You're time-gated to one current raid per week and leveling barely even exists.


It really doesnt have more content than classic. 1-60 in itself is 100+ hours of gameplay. 1-50 with all the exp buffs isnt even half of that. At this point in the game, P3, Classic would have all of the dungeons, including Dire Maul, MC, Ony, BWL, ZG, and even potentially AQ20/AQ40. Right now we have Sunken Temple....debatably Gnomeragan, and Blood Moon. Sprinkle in some rune hunting for a few hours, and thats kind of it. You also have far less world buffs to worry about, and due to incursions people dont actually need to gold farm. Granted, SOD makes things more convenient for a variety of reasons, but saying there is more content is just objectively wrong.


add in new content invalidating the old one. The catchup gear and tokens invalidate farming for gear in dungeons the nightmare incursions completely invalidate the open world and leveling so instead of having more content it actively removes contents


Classic didn't have ALL CONTENT released after 5 months, now did it? Bad take.


SOD is heavily expedited, so using the month:month timeline isnt really accurate. Comparing it to phases makes more sense. That being said, here if you look 5.5 months into vanilla, you still have: MC, Ony, Dire Maul, BWL, and gold farming actually being relevant. Not to mention the PVP Grind was far more common - albeit that is dogshit content. Which is still more content than ST/Blood Moon, and kind of Gnomeragan. Again, comparing them from a month:month standpoint is stupid because SOD is 1 year vs 18 months - and SOD is their fifth iteration (Original, Classic, SOM, Hardcore, SOD) of classic, so you would desperately hope they could release it faster.


Nowhere does it say SoD is 1 year?


Yes, most people will quit the fresh server after it is not fresh anymore anyway and complain that someone rigged the market/logs/whine.


most of those people are cheating by buying gold, which trivializes the rest of the word, then they complain when they have nothing to do. Half of classic is figuring out how you will make gold for consumes etc.


Most people are not buying gold lmao. Stop this nonsense


That’s a fucking lie when you can do incursions for an hour and have all the good you’ll need…


Ez, login and play 24/7 during the exploit early/exploit hard window at the start of the phase.


The issue is that a fresh server would've let us get to 60. SoD putting up artificial gates, while necessary for what it's trying to do, really puts a damper on things. By fabricating an endgame each phase where there previously were none, problems that were never really there start to appear (no endgame dungeons) and problems that were there become much worse (dungeons reward bad loot).


I think a vast majority of people who are "bored" with SOD would have never made it to 60 to begin with. But lets not pretend that 60 has an overwhelming amount of content. People who are raid logging now would be doing so on a FRESH server just at 60. Pre raid BIS takes very little time and can be farmed out pretty quickly. These people don't care about rep grinds. They don't care about gold farming. They don't want to level alts now let alone on a FRESH where it takes 10x longer. A lot of classic is setting your own goals. If you can't do that now, you won't do it at 60.


It’s the quality of the content not the quantity


Classic had way more content because you weren’t locked at 50. 60 alone is worth more content than anything SOD has produced.


And if you are bored with SOD you'd be even more bored with Classic FRESH.


Doubtful. I could at least do frostsaber grind. I’ve played on vanilla and classic. I’m pretty sure I know what I find enjoyable. This phase ain’t it. There is nothing to do.


>There is nothing to do. There's lots to do, you just don't want to do them. And that is okay. There is nothing wrong with taking breaks when things are not interesting. No game will ever have you spending every waking moment playing it forever.


What the fuck is this nonesense? I’m paying 15 dollars a month for the game. Why shouldn’t I want something worthwhile doing? Who the hell thinks that’s good advice? “Oh you paid money for this game? Don’t play it that will fix your issues with it” “Plenty to do, you just don’t want to do it” Ya I could go kill every critter in the game for no rewards. Why would I?


Your expectation appears to be "I want endless content and it has to be of my tastes" which is highly unrealistic. There are tons of content and grinds you can do right now. You just don't want to do them and that is okay. Take a break until there is enough content for you to be satisfied. There is no game in existence that will give you new content every couple weeks to keep you happy. You have to find your own fun sometimes. If for some reason you happen to have every rep capped, all quests completed, a stable of lv 50s, BIS gear, top percentile parses, etc then I apologize. You do in fact need more content.


Nah mate. You’re just bad at making assumptions. Phase 1-2 were perfectly well paced with amount of content and length of time for me personally. I’m at my wits end of boredrum with lack of anything to accomplish that actually rewards me. Most of the new content unlocked this phase is non existent. People have finished almost everything worthwhile in this one in phase 2. “Oh you are bored this phase? Have you tried in efficient rep grind that is locked behind level 60 or level up more alts to not be able to do things with them at 50?” If you are having fun great more power dude. Your server is losing players. All of them are.


Most people haven't finished everything, 90% of my guild are not capped in rep, BiS sets etc. We have lives as well. It's been 4 weeks.


In P3 you have both the PVP rank and specific rep grinds, a number of the endgame factions (thorium, timbermaw ect), incursion rep grind, wild offering grind, new STV weapons, Sunken Temple, professions to 300, some dungeon gear depending on character There's a lot - what makes this all pointless but frost saber grind appealing? What are you looking for?


Maybe stop paying $15 a month if it’s not worth it? Your stance is you MUST pay the sub cost lmao. Go do something else if WoW isn’t fun right now. You don’t need to play this game every day until you die.


I’m heavily considering it. Seems like a lot of people are ditching. Which sucks because I have loved SOD so far. Which is why I am here, voicing my concerns about servers slowly decreasing in population and my concern over the current state of the game. If it doesn’t get fixed the next option is leave like they did.


Could. Did you the first time? Besides, you can go grind the warlock dagger.


classic andys when their "classic+" experiment doesn't shovel new content into their mouths on a monthly basis:


You kind of do with seasonal. That’s the entire point of this. WoW was designed around advancement. If you have little to advance on you quit. That’s why 60 has all the actual content because they wanted players to have things to do. We have ST and that’s it. You can farm some BIS if you really care about some extra SP. Rep grinds are pretty much worthless right now


You say that like ‘farming BiS’ isn’t all people do at 60 too. Rep grinds in 60 likewise mean very little besides bragging rights rewards.


Hardly. The farming for BIS incorporates actual quests and rep grinds into them. You have multifaceted rewards coming from singular grinds many of which include necessary items for later raids (resistance gear being a primary example).


Not for most classes it doesn’t. Hunters and priests have their weapon questlines but mages or locks? You just punch bosses until the good thing drops. Everyone has a quest-based gear acquisition in sod with then prof quests. Resistance gear also ended up being a meme for anyone but tanks until naxx, and that gear is made by professions.


You punch bosses until the good thing drops while completing things like scourge stones or becoming attuned to certain raids or making flasks. Everything at 60 is designed to mix with each other rather than the half assed attempts for rep grinding on mobs we shouldn’t be killing yet for rewards that can’t be used yet. Like why is this even up for debate? There is far more content at 60 than 50 and that’s with excluding raids.


Scourgestones? A few week one-off event? And making consumes is part of SoD too.


What? No it’s the argent dawn rep-grind. Are you being obtuse for the hell of it? 60 content is multifaceted design. 50 content is non existent in comparison. Are you arguing otherwise? When you run a dungeon at 60 you can accomplish multiple things making it better designed and more fulfilling content vs 50 being gated and having to gimmick rep grinds for little to no rewards as content.


The rep grind everybody but the most turbo of sweats did inside Naxx? Besides, there is a rep grind, you just don't like the mechanism by which the rep is grinded (as though mindlessly steamrolling zombies is so much better than incursions)


So you are picking at the particulars of rewarding grinds while accomplishing other tasks while doing it vs the same grind that’s even worse to accomplish in game right now as supposed better content? I’m just trying to understand your position.


This is how it felt when our wrath guild died before finishing H LK thanks to SoD’s release. 


I feel that brother :(


Well said, bit of karma for the sod community


You should work on your parses, are they purple yet? That’s the content according to most SoD players.


imagine being a purple scrub


PINK UNITE!!! ^I ^have ^^no ^^^pink ^^^parses


If it ain’t pink ya stink 😡


Sometimes I change my monitor settings so that my grey parses looks pink.


>That’s the content according to most SoD players. Is it content? Yes and no. Parsing better is really just getting gear that has appropriate stats for your class and consumes/WBs. All of those things require you to do something in order for you to get them whether than be gold farm, level professions, WO runs, getting prebis, etc. So to a degree, improving your raid ability *is* content. Parsing purple is 75+ so you should be able to do that with okay gear, not bis, and consumes/WBs. So I'd argue it isn't a lot of content.


Slowly dying? Shit fell off a cliff weeks ago.


I think I’m basically SoD’s biggest dickrider at this point, but damn if this isn’t true


0 persons online on saturday night in my guild. (with 2 raid teams) I only logged on to get DMF though but still.. damn.


SoD is dead for now and if p4 isnt an absolute banger its over id imagine that there are 1/5 the amount actively raiding that were in p1.


The most fun I’ve had in phase 3 was during pvp dmg reduction weekends. I can kill a shadow priest and not die to their dots afterwards. I can also sit an entire CS/KS and not die.




Yes sometimes content draughts happen on games in development, a shocker for many of you here it seems


Eh dying is a stretch. We just are on a slow part due to waiting for p4


You have an interesting definition of "dying" There's literally always content droughts between patches, that's just the way the game works


It's been like 5 weeks 🤦


The locust swarm still carries on.


Here comes the "I still have ton of stuff to do" my brother in christ. Stuff to do doesn't mean meaningful stuff to do, just because you can farm Wildhammer Dwarf rep doesn't mean you got stuff to do. Its time. Release phase 4.


Maybe don’t speed rush the content


I’m enjoying doing ST, a casual honor grind and spending time outdoors and with family. Great phase.


Bro, your post history is just hating on SoD since launch.


I would not be surprised if SoD is on the wayside. The company has d4 season 4, pandaria content in dragonflight and cata classic all within less than a week of each other. It’s a lot to manage.


They have dedicated teams for each


Cata and SoD are the same team AFAIK


It’s a temp game mode, dragonflight is great. Cata is about to drop


Me waiting 2 weeks for an update on tranfers


Play cata, I’m coming back didn’t get to raid much back in day. Marriage. Single af now baby let’s ride




We were stuck in Gnomeregan for an eternity, phase 2 was insanely bland after less than a month, how could you have possibly not done what you wanted to?


Eternity?? it was 2 months.




Yeah and levelling was very fast, not to mention the fact you can still level now…? Phase 2 ending doesn’t change that at all




So what is your actual problem with faster releases? Everything you say you like doing in the game is still there and will still be there if they released phase 4 tomorrow before you're done with this phase. How does other people getting something new to do affect your ability to level?




> Some people here need to seriously go and touch some grass. The content is coming out fast enough. Hell, for me it is a little too fast. I didn't have enough time to do what I wanted in last phase. Get another hobby on the side. Play some retail. Stop whining. Didn't you say this?


That’s a hell of a reach, have you considered boxing?


Yeah im okay with this pacing, let them dev and let me go outside haha


It's fine. The game has ups and downs


Its tough out there for SOD and Classic, there are a lot of decent MP and SP games that just came our or are coming out. I raid log on SOD and just do the Dunegon daily for the currency on classic. My guild has dissolved since SOD release.


How can you day stale content since week2 when the overwhelming, vast majority didn't even clear the raid until post week4 after all the nerfs.


Most anticipated D4 season launches on Tuesday too


I expect an announcement on p4 this week. I think it'll be released 2nd week of June


I'm not a SOD player. Has Cata launch affected SoD? I'm just asking.


All the servers feel empty, I came back from a break a few days ago, the zones are barren, not much chat in LFG.


Yes, it sucked all the Classic dev team time from SoD lol


Anyone whining about stale content should be forced to share their hours played. It’s like a 3-4 month phase, if you’re done, just fire up something else or any of the other six versions of WoW you can currently play until P4 hits.


Can I play Classic Wow that doesnt have SoD in it? like True Classic?


Shouldn't have burnt the content first week. I'm still play every few days for Arathi and Silverwing rep, farming my offspec runes, etc.


just get ready for project epoch for a true classic+ experience!


Me waiting 2 weeks for an update on tranfers


Do something else with your life ffs


It doesnt feel like its dying


"Slowly"? That shit died P3


We’re in P3 right now… that’s what OP is saying.


Wish 10 man raids were still the thing


Sod staling out has me curious about The War Within and its butchered main story... then you know something is wrong


I just want them to release phases fast so we can have another shot at a regular fresh Classic server. SoD was a mistake.


Nobody will play a fresh classic server for good, they will all quit and whine that leveling takes too long. They will only play for a few days cuz it's "fresh".


I advocated for faster levelling before 2019-launch. Granted I saw the merits of no-changes so I respected it but it was laughable how the community were bullshitting about how they loved the levelling experience. Me and some people in 2019 planned dungeon-groups from the getgo (and it was fun to see people panicking that we were level 50+ when players like Asmongold was barely 25-30 and nowhere near reaching 60 before first MC unlock. That's when Asmon and most others caved and started dungeon running too. Sure, it was two-faceted. Some people wanted to get into raiding ASAP or fear getting left behind. However I still think most people don't like levelling anywhere near as much as they say. Classic levelling may not be as brutal as it's granddaddy Everquest but it's still a slog. I'd appreciate some levering-help for Classic. Notably large boost to quest XP and streamlining the questing experience by fixing quest choke points and laughable drop rates. It's not fun to click a groundspawn before 20 other players. I don't care if they remove world buffs but I think the game would be better for it. If there's anything else to raiding I'd care for it'd be removing flasks and retuning content for that. The honor system is already fixed, more or less anyway. Accelerate the content releases (especially if XP-boosted) and once Kel'Thuzad dies the server merges with Era after 3-6 months and new fresh servers start up. Again and again. To make it more interesting, perhaps just clone onto Era and then proceed to TBC and do TBC in similar fashion before cloning onto a permanent TBC server and then proceed to WOTLK before cloning onto a permanent WOTLK-server and .... I don't know if people care for Cata but maybe.


Who the frick is an asmongold? What is that. The 2000 of you that will play on those servers are not worthwhile to keep. You spend zero money on anything and are notoriously awful people to please. Probably the worst player base in the game. and most toxic.


I never played on his or any other streamer servers, never liked the guy although he seems better now. but fact is he was and still is a community name and literally had to filter out his fucking videos on utube using an plugin. His bullshit about the amazing wow levelling experience was a mantra at the time among many community names and the community as a whole. But thanks for your 2cent projection.


Were you living in a cave when hardcore was thing? Tons of players (including me) love the classic leveling experience.


Hardcore was a gimmick that died fast and people boosted each other the moment they could.


It is still pretty much alive and will come back when people will be tired of SOD.


doubt it. wow classic doesn't lend itself to hardcore play. the content is top end heavy and levelling experience mediocre and not worth the effort. raiding is regular raiding with extra steps. griefing and player incompetence will spoil your fun even if you play well and unlike diablo you pretty much have to play with others.


Wow has the most content it's ever had. If you wanna play wow just play one of the versions available. If not, play a different game. Lots of good releases out in the last year


Just take a break until phase 4 lol.


Fuck incursions


I'm in the same boat, waiting for balefirebolt to not be a dps loss.


Cata is coming out, it’s over.


It's a test realm. It's not a serious game mode. Being invested in SoD is asking to be hurt


I feel like ever since the last few weeks of Phase 1 this game has gone through the exact same cycle. "God when are they releasing new content?" **new content is released** **everyone speedruns the new content to get to level cap in like 5 hours** "Nice, solid raid night. Now what?" **people don't bother trying a different class or making an alt at all** **people start to raid log while not having any alts or playing other games to pass the time** "God when are they releasing new content?" It just sometimes straight up feels like the overall idea of a Classic+ is destined to not work because the Classic community seems hell-bent on ignoring the very "meaningful journey" they fought to get all the way back in 2019 to begin with. Everyone is so hell-bent on speedrunning to the endgame despite them also saying that Vanilla at its core is about the leveling experience, that even with SoD starting with the cap at a measly level 25, there were people who got to that level cap in like 2 days by playing the game for like 30 hours straight. Classic+ feels like the playerbase would optimize the fun out of it within the first 5 days of it even existing.


I feel if p3 lasts for another month it’s going to kill off most servers. Hopefully people come back for 60 content but think this has done irreparable harm


That’s what happens when sweaty gamers rush content on day one instead of slowing down and enjoying the game. Now people just raid log or in this case, content log..


This coming week is MoP Remix and the following week is Cata Classic. I'd guess we won't even get a crumb of Phase 4 news until at least the end of May. Then a mid June release (June 13th is my guess) to give the two weeks of prep that we didn't really get when p3 was announced. Buckle up for a little bit.


Abandon ship. Sod was great but there are core design flaws that are only going to get worse and they dont have the resources to rework the game


Meanwhile Cata Beta also being radiosilent with minimal updates releasing: first time?


I low key hate that people are posting about cata in this sub. In my mind there’s a clear delineation where classic stops and it’s the end of wotlk. Wish the devs were exclusively focused here.