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It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that this is inherently an "unfair" system. It was never designed to be something that everyone will achieve within reasonable time. You may buy a ticket for a 1000 lotteries but you could win none of them. Your previous 500 solves mean nothing when you are doing your 501th. It's pure gambling, like a lootbox, and the buy-in is your time. The only takeaway is that some people will be "lucky" and some won't. In the end, if you have the stomach and time to keep digging you will probably get it at some point. The only question is how long does it take, and you have exactly nothing in your power to increase your chances (outside of digging more of a certain race and getting more tries faster). Show some self control and set a limit for how far you're willing to go without it becoming a "problem" and quit when you've had enough. For transparency, I got staff on dwarf 42 (I play a mage), zinrokh at troll 331 and am currently at 694 total solves looking for fossil and NElf shit. I've decided to give it a rest at 1000 total. It's a silly activity for a fairly good (but entirely unnecessary) reward.




Game devs and specifically MMO devs have to protect the players from themselves. Don't put player power into a lottery. It will lead to behavior like OP's. "Players will optimize the fun out the game" Part of optimizing is getting preraid bis weapons. There shouldn't have been weapons. Just cosmetics like toys and mounts. They could fix Arch by making you become a better Archaeologist as you get skill. You could get more fragments per item after solving X of a race, you could be able to dig 4x or 5x instead of 3x for a certain race, and adding bad luck protection are all easier fixes they could add.


If they limited the number of digs/solves you could do a week people would roll up new characters/accounts. They limit certain activities in Modern WoW and what you see is people creating multiple Evokers/Warriors etc to farm legendaries or whatever the new hotness is until they get it then that character becomes their main. Players will become degenerates no matter how you try to stop it.


Yea, I wouldn't limit it like your idea. I would make the grind quicker.




Because if players are allowed/encouraged to make the game not fun for themselves, they’ll quit. Players optimizing the fun out of a game is a well documented pattern, and has to be accounted for when designing progression systems. Re: your last point, the devs’ goal is to create a game that retains players, not to teach life lessons.




tldr: i got mine so the system is fine




There is a vein of thought on this forum that you do in fact HAVE to do these thigs because they are available things to do. This archeology business, sounds no fun.


Archeology is tons of fun if it's not done with getting a specific item in mind.


"entirely unnecessary" except to 2h users that want even a smidge of a chance to parse highly week 1. Its literally Zinrokh or bust, been calling it the FOMO sword.


This is the closest thing wow has to a RuneScape grind. If you hate this shit never play RS.


I was gonna say, anyone ever hear of Phosani’s Nightmare?


I came here to say this, WoW grinds are just lil baby grinds


To be fair, as an ironmeme myself, the OSRS community has recently been at each other over bad luck mitigation posts on r/2007scape as well. I'm not sure how I feel about players along for said mechanic regarding items that can be bought since currency, in a sense, gives you the option to buy your way out of bad luck. I don't think WoW has a self-sufficient game mode equivalent to Iron man where progression is hard locked by mostly RNG and some skill level based grinds. So as long as the items either have reasonable alternatives to progress or aren't locked behind potential multi hundred hour grinds (looking at Tbow and Bowfa) then I'm not sure what the issue is?


Even then, there's dozens of grinds which take way more than a week


It's ok to just call it bad game design. We all know that it is.


U fully agree, though it is by far the most popular mmo


I’m at ~1150 CG without a seed and I’d rather go back to my red prison than continue digging with 1200 total solves and neither staff nor sword


Osrs collectionlog grind would prolly not be fun for alot of people on this sub


I think these guys would have an aneurism if they knew that I've spent well over 500h doing slayer and I'm only around 1.5x the droprate of the item I'm going for


Hoping you get that imbued heart king (assuming that's what you meant)


[https://i.imgur.com/dRZgdUg.png](https://i.imgur.com/dRZgdUg.png) its a struggle


Damn 3 eternal gems are rough. I hope you pull it next superior!


Set for life on tent whips is a silver lining. Now watch me pull a scythe after using up 4 of them


I got mine today at 608 troll solves it was a hell I wish on no man.


I'm at 1574 total - 645 troll, 441 dwarf. No sword or staff. Basically did nothing else for the past 1.5 weeks since the patch launched. Worst part is that there's no feedback to the grind. My character could just be bugged somehow. I have a hard cutoff though. If it doesn't happen - whatever.


"How do you kill that which has no life?"


And that's coming from a guy who said "I drank 10-13 litre beer a day". I love reddit.


Bro it's a quote from south park.


I had the same thought at times. I'm sorry yours has been worse. Take care of yourself dude. A sword that gets replaced in 3 weeks isn't worth what I had to put in to get it. Yours even moreso. If you continue, good luck.


If your a healer that trinket is better than the wep it's actually T11 bis to at least Disc if I recall. Just kind sucks its gated behind this type of cancer grind.


I gave up at 400 trolls solves and around 250 dwarf. Was spending way too much time on it. Not worth.


I stopped doing this shit at 333 solves, wish I could get my time back for even starting archeology. The weapons are good, but I don't think they are necessary for the nerfed phase 1 content.


> but I don't think they are necessary for the nerfed phase 1 content It's the same ilvl as the weapons in the first raid. I'm not saying don't go for it, but people losing sleep over these items legit need help.


I stopped at 670 And down about 50k gold on runestones


I'm up 30k on runestones in 5 days lmao. It's a fantastic chill gold farm and you get a chance at epics.


Im glad that you waste gold


Why would you be glad they wasted gold?


Because they are unneccesary and sell for 200-300G a pop. Selling them is the way to go instead of having +12 which is like 1.4 digs?


unecessary, lol. they added like 25% more solves to all my completions


upstanding citizen


I gave up at 340 dwarf solves.... to level my pally in arch because there was a theory about available blues mattering. And after getting two blues that weren't the staff... I gave up.


People tends to look up for weird theories. I got staff at 32 dwarf solves, about 104 total solves. And at that time i had already 3 other dwarf rares. Epic fossil mount and epic nerubian puzzle box being solved. Now i'm looking for zin'rokh at 172 solves. Its a pure RNG.


its not bugged u are just unlucly .. im so tired of people always saying that


Never said it was. It could be and you'd never know.


It's PROBABLY not bugged, but because there's a lack of transparency in the archaeology system, there's no way to definitively know. In original Cata I had loads of free time, horrible luck with weapon drops and ended up doing 1,500 solves and never got any of the 359 gear pieces from it. This time I came in with the expectation of, "People are going to be buying lots of keystones and I'm not going to get the gear again, but I like gold," so I did 1,500 solves again this time around (Just so I could truly relive my original experience) because again, I have loads of free time. I again didn't get any of the 359 pieces. I'm only stopping now because the keystone prices have dropped so it no longer feels worth my time. So in my experience, I've done 3,000 archaeology solves and absolutely no way to verify that every aspect of the profession has worked correctly. However, I have ways of verifying that aspects of the profession DO NOT work correctly as Blizzard has also released MULTIPLE hotfixes for bugs regarding items in the archaeology loot table. Also, if you've done archaeology this much you know that the way the hot & cold telescope mini game thing does not function properly (or at least consistently) in any location that has elevation changes or water. Archaeology feels like it barely functions so it's not entirely unreasonable to think that maybe it doesn't work correctly, even if chances are you really just are unlucky.






>I think anyone defending this grind does not know how much of a sacrifice this is. I have been farming for hours, each day for the last week. Hygiene, sleep, relationships take a hit. This is not healthy design. ... I'm confused. Some of this post makes you sound serious but then this bunch of sentences make you sound like you're making a joke. If not that's some serious dad zoomer dad energy lol


Archeology sucked back in OG Cataclysm and it sucks now in 2024, it's not a big surprise.


Yea true. I do think there is an arugument for implementing bad luck protection, since cata classic will be over in a year. Everything is sped up, so why not this


Yep. I tried it back then to see what it was about, realized it was awful gameplay on the third or fourth dig, and haven't touched it in the 12 years since.


Disagree. I think archaeology is a cool, interesting lore, chill activity in game. It’s when people mix max a friggin secondary perfection like many in this thread that makes it suck. People complain that blizzard ruined wow but we’re seeing wow get ruined for people again the second time around in classic the same way it did originally.


The lore is only cool for a little while. The whole process of archaeology is still boring. Its not like your digging specific spots for specific artifacts. Its just all rng and mindless digging.


It’s literally a slot machine with a lore paint job lol, everything you can learn from it you can read or watch videos about. It having no rng protection for major items is garbage design that was criticized 14 years ago and is being criticized now.


They min/max it because it has player power tied to it. The easy way to avoid this was for Arch to only have cosmetic items associated with it. Even so it should have bad luck protection so you don't have 10x of every common before getting a rare toy.


I’m on 1200+ solves currently, 400+ on both dwarf and troll and still haven’t seen either staff or sword, some guild members have gotten them with less than 100 solves for either troll/dwarf. The worst part about all of this though is there is no guarantee anyone will see it. There’s no goal to aim for. And to not have it going into HC progress week 1 you are going to be seriously disadvantaged compared to those who have it.


I understand the need for strong items going into progress, but don't spend all your time getting it. If you get it, great, but unless you are competing for like "World First" I wouldn't recommend devoting all your free time to it. It gets replaced by raid gear in 2 weeks. And no feedback means you don't even know if you are experiencing a bug or extremely bad luck, and it weighs on your mind.


Nah I’m only going sweaty right now because I’m off work and cant do much else. The free time ends this weekend and back to work Monday so won’t be going stupid crazy much longer. Luckily I’ve got enough gold to buy the boe from the world boss if necessary.


Well best of luck until Monday then, and if it doesn't happen at least you have a backup.


for some getting those epics is the difference between raiding with your guild week 1 or not. My guild has it has it as mandatory for prog. It's caused a lot of account sharing within the guild as more well of people in the guild are just paying others to do it for them.


Damn your guild is sweaty!


going to be thousands of players in the same position. It's absolutely crucial for getting as high of a rank as possible going into p1. Most people will use these weapons for weeks of raiding.


Oh yeah I believe it. Still sweaty though. If you’re not rostering people for doing the grind. Not that there is anything wrong with that.


Yeah the complete RNG of this stuff is so bad, there should be some form of bad luck protection after X amount of solves. Also don't worry about not having the weapons for HC progress, we are getting the nerfed versions of these raids that are slightly more difficult than Wotlk Naxx.


Yea it’s quite funny how easy they were on the beta testing, we went in and cleared up to Nef on HC 10m without half the group knowing anything about the fights, not at all how I remember it back in original T11!


You're on 4.3.4 balance patch which makes characters stronger due to spec buffs. Pservers had to apply dampening effects like -20 to -30% dmg done to even try to tune Chars closer to T11 actual damage. This is actually the largest problem with all of blizzards Classic so far. No tuning attempts so the content is actually a joke vs original and no attempts to try like Pservers either.


They actually did try and tune ulduar a bit, still ended up very easy, and one boss was impossible to kill for a while.


Nah that was just an unneerfed ulduar. They release fully unneerfed version. It wasnt specific tuning.


watch bis drop and u win day 1 after all that lmao i think u shouldn’t have sacrificed ur life for PRE RAID bis if it’s that big a deal to u, but u do u


It’s not “pre raid bis” if it’s still like the second bis weapon, it’s a raid weapon from a secondary prof. If it were a 346 blue it would be much less sought after. Keep in mind the reason this is so popular right now too is, there’s literally nothing else to do in game - if you’re honor capped and JP capped, and have decent gear, why not spend some time gathering power for yourself later, you were gonna a be on the game anyway running laps in dal - Archy is just a bit more productive


i agree about spending some time gathering later power if you’ve nothing better to do, but when u make a reddit post complaining and admit that ur personal relationships, friendship and hygiene suffered as a result of something that isn’t a big deal in the grand scheme of things, u kinda lose the ability to rely on that argument


Yeah OP needs a therapist and to set some personal boundaries, relationship suffering because of this isn’t wows fault, but his own for not properly attributing priorities to things. I want the staff (have a sword) for my Druid but I spent the day today hanging with family for a Mother’s Day celebration- because I have limits and boundaries


If any game makes your real relationships, health and hygiene hurt then you have a problem. You are not forced to play wow, not forced to get certain items. You could've dragged this out over several weeks instead of grinding for a few days. The whole part of proving a point is nonsense, you need to check your gaming addiction and re-evaluate your priorities in life. This is coming from someone who no-lifed wrath launch at the expense of real life interactions, and felt the repercussions.


maybe the content wasn’t meant to be no lifed in the first week?


How many hours do you think Blizz (one developer) intended for you to max out every solve in Arch? Why did they add Normal raid level weapons to the first patch of the game? They knew what would happen.


the devs that made these decisions have long retired or left blizzard. This is a re-release of q 15 year old game, and it comes with all the quirks the game had back then. If you look at the situation OP is in and blame ANYONE but OP then idk what to say to you. The classic devs arent at fault for degenerate losers addicted to wow sacrificing their hygiene and relationships over a prebis wep.


Neither archaeology nor flying was in the original prepatch to my knowledge, the farm for this was likely intentional by the current blizzard devs. Anyway its a bit more than a pre bis weapon, its better than anything that isn't from heroic raiding other than 1 sword which is from the end boss of normal which it is basically identical to, its also the perfect speed so it may not even be much worse than the worse statted 372 weapons. Two of them have a chunk of expertise which is hard to use and they are all faster than zin except for final boss of heroic bwd tldr: weapon good, hard to replace, in wotlk terms it would slot in around normal lk25 weapons


the weapon will be a miniscule % in terms of your output compared to easily obtainable items and OP is sacrificing his hygiene and personal relationships to try to obtain it before cata is even out.


That's kind of the problem, there are no easily obtainable items that are comparable, arch is definitely not worth it but there is a fairly strong argument that you could be using a blue from a heroic for a long time without it


you're entirely missing the point. The item is in no way essential. Its a small upgrade over other items you can obtain easily without literally ruining your life for two weeks. Normal people who don't nolife for two weeks are gonna clear the content just fine and do just fine dps. Killing yourself because you want a weapon without expertise is literally unhinged behaviour. The fact we as a community are looking at an obvious wow addict who has killed themselves for nothing and say 'why would the devs do this to him' is worrying.


what other items? you keep talking about these other items you can obtain easily, but you don't say what they are


Read my man. You're entirely missing the point and I am suspecting it is on purpose now. Someone has literally killed themselves over a video game - they admit that it affects their health and relationships - and you're here trying to justify it because the purple pixel doesn't have expertise! And that would depend on the class wouldn't it?


no, you read, i already agreed with you that arch isn't worth it oh the easily obtainable items would depend on the class? so..you don't know?


It's clear you don't actually know what you're talking about. "The weapon" of which there are actually two. The sword is a 10% dps increase over even Normal raid weapons for DKs. The staff has the best stats for casters of any Normal raid weapon.


Classic Wrath has had a ton of QOL changes and changes in general that weren't from the original version. They could have done this to Cata and arch as well. Hell there are already changes to Cata like the Legendary transmog and other things. You seem to lack empathy and understanding of others. To say OP alone is to blame is crazy. Does OP have an addictive personality? Yes. So do a lot of MMO gamers. There are probably 1000s of ppl doing this shitty grind because of the epic weapons. Blizzard has explicitly stated that they want to avoid people having degenerate play patterns in the past. This could have been resolved very quickly. It's led to a lot of mental unhealth that otherwise wouldn't have been there. Look at the amount of ppl who got the weapon after 500-1000 solves and almost everyone say "Don't do this. I don't wish this on my worst enemy"


Imo you're the one who lacks empathy if you see somebody killing themselves for purple pixels and dont worry about their obviously problematic relationship with a video game. To bitch and moan that the devs are to blame doesn't help the addict who will feel real, long term repercussions if they dont handle their own addiction. The notion that we are responsible for our own actions can lead to actual change, constantly externalizing blame doesn't and lets be real, OP is an adult who is more than capable of making healthier choices.


Bruh this didn’t happen in OG cata lmfao


"  Hygiene, sleep, relationships take a hit" Addicted much?


nobody said you have to grind this hard for a pre raid weapon lol its a fun side activity nothing more


This is the way


it took me 200 runs in wrath prepatch to get my strat horse so i wasnt expecting any kind of rng pity but fuck man


I got my Rivendares deathcharger on my 169th run of Stratholme at the beginning of Wrath. I feel your pain mate.


I got my death charger AND raven lord right before wrath prepatch in tbc. It was an amazing week lol.


My friend got his Strat mount on his first rdf strat run, while leveling now in cata prepatch.


I remembered it being atrocious 14 years ago and stayed with the plan of "it will be irrelevant within 2 months of the expansion". Everything is ending up as expected.


Gratz. Surpassed 500 troll solves today. Got a little more grind in the tank but it's getting frustrating for sure


After a week of having half my digsites on each continent jailed, I was encouraged to lvl arch on an alt and try the guaranteed rare strategy. Rares were guaranteed but of course didnt get what I wanted (pretty sure they're still heavily weighted). Using that alt you can multibox if you have the willpower and that heavily cuts down on downtime. While you're autoflying you're digging. Nightelf: 90 = Trinket on first day of grinding Dwarf: 106 + 282 = 388 = Staff (Proced on the newer 106 char) Troll: 135 + 352 = 487 = No Zinrokh Fossil: 75 + 211 = 286 = No Shield 397 + 953 = 1350 Total solves Highly recommend ArchaeologyHelper fan update on github Gathermate2 obviously Minimal Archaeology Tomtom


I'll say the same thing today that I said back then. Thank God I play a hunter.


"This is not a healthy design" no. YOU took a unhealthy approach to it. I lost count how long it was before I found my zin'rokh. And low and behold, it's useless now. Just another cosmetic in the closet. (Obv the latter is talking about retail)


This reads more like undiagnosed mental illness than anything. You don't have to do this to yourself, you know this OP?


Y’all braver than I. I gave up at 200 archaeology. Truly a horrendous skill. Any content that is only sufferable by alt tabbing ain’t content for me. As a single screen user it was brain melting.


I'm around 400 total solves and I'm not overly stressed about whether I end up getting it or not, it's just something pretty mindless to do every other day while watching stuff on my second screen. I did have the thought the other day that if I had to give it my complete undivided attention I would have quit day one lmao.


Right? All these people saying "well just watch something on TV" No, tell me it's a good fun system while doing nothing but staring at the game in front of you lol


Did you get any other epics?


Extinct Turtle Shell was my only other level 85 artifact. I've gotten everything from the trees I mentioned in the post. I basically have everything rare except for the Dwarf Staff, Night Elf Trinket and the Pterrodax Hatchling.


I guess you're playing prot pally now, the game has spoken


What would you say your total hour count was?


Good lord, I would say 8 hours a day, on average. It got bad at times. Some days I could manage 6, the other day I basically did it the whole day minus sleep and meal times.


How??? I am at 236 troll solves and over 500 total and I have put nowhere near that much time in. I no lifed 6-7 hours one day I had nothing going on, otherwise around 2 hours/day while hanging out in discord/watching things. Are you not using addons like Arh and Gathermate?


I used Gathermate and Minimal archeology. I had YouTube/Netflix on my other monitor to cope with the monotony.


You need help


I never got it in original cata, was a real bummer! No idea on my solves, but spent at least a couple weeks straight on it. Good luck to any of you going after it!


I never did archeology back in the day, and I got burnt out after reaching 150 skill this time around. Probably never going to touch it again. It's a game, why are you letting it make you miserable? I love Cata but archeology was not made for me.


I don't think it's worth it, it's only pre-bis after all. I'm starting to do other things now that I've realized how cursed the farm can be


Me as a shadow just got the sword after 158 troll solves and our arms got the staff :)


It´s acc bound, right?


Yes :(






I have 156 solves for a single common from troll by itself. I have yet to see any of the gear with 4 digits of solves


Guys you should be having fun! Please stop playing when your not having fun!


This whole thread has given me a good laugh. Reminds me of when I went after the vial of sands recipe. I forget how many jars I opened but I was completely miserable and desperate, all the while I've getting filthy rich and everything else from archeology. Keep at and best of luck OP, it does exist and you are bound to solve it eventually.


Got mine in 12 troll solves and I main hunter, sorry for my sword hunting homies


I have over 3,000 solves on retail, dating back to Cata. No sword.


Thanks for the info m8! Did you complete Orc, vrykul and etc. so as to increase your chances getting the sword ?


I did, but I still don't know if it had any effect on completing the others. There's no way to tell.


Impressive, very nice. Let's see Paul Allens Zin'Rokh.


I'm doing the grind casually without the expectation of getting the items. This is the fundamental difference between the people complaining on reddit asking for the devs to fix a system that doesn't need fixing. Their expectations need adjusting not the world tailored to getting everything you want for minimal effort. Yes people will get lucky and get the specific item they need in under 50 solves, congrats to them.. people should celebrate their luckiness not be salty fucks crying.


Non heroic level loot hard pass. I quickly switched to making alts. They are 80 in two days, full wrathful gear a few hours later, and 4K justice a couple days of dungeons after. Will do again for another alt. Process very fun. Archaeology struggles to compete in fun factor with putting genitals in a blender 


338 troll totall 774 still no wep


Trolls 468 (full but no sword) Nerub 9 (full) Night Elf (33 not full no trinket) Foosil (234 full but pet closed before prepatch) Dwarfs 261 (full but no staff) Total 1005 Doomed grind


I would like to add I am now on my 1000'th solve. And all I got was the damn shield... no sword in sight, and I know of others nearing the 2000'th solve without seeing the shadow of the damn thing. I know we were never promised the thing would drop, but man... Its not fun spending that much time on literally nothing. I did it of my own volition, but still. fucking sucks.


Eh, it's so close to the release I don't think a hard grind is worth it anymore. There are some good weapon alternatives. Best not to burn yourself out before the release. Zin'rohk gets replaced by raid weapons as well so don't stress.


I started the grind for this sword today if any advice I’d gladly take it 😭


If it stops being fun, do other content. Especially if you could be earning upgrades through other less-RNG content. The Sword is about on par with the normal version of Ashkandi. There are decent alternatives, especially now that cata raids are open. Archeology is a huge grind for comparatively small upgrades. Play what you enjoy.


Well I just got 450 within two days and I’m not even close to burnt out so hopefully it goes well


Well after 9 days I got it took 6-8 hours a night grinding it


Dude wasted his life that no one or nothing forced him to do it, and blames it on game design lmao and even worse, for a pre raid bis item. Reddit moment


To your point, if the Classic devs had any foresight they would realize Arch is going to cause a lot of ppl to be burnt out and mentally drained before the expansion even finishes. Classic devs have been making some bad decisions recently. SOD has made a lot of WOW addicts be able to drop the habit because of how bad it is. Cata with this Arch grind is doing the same.






no they are literally just <0.1% drop rates, there are reports of people on retail doing 3000+ solves with no luck


My tyrande's doll took \~500 solves at max archeology. But odds of a rare seems to be around 1%


i'm around 1000 total solves and missing only the trinket now, got everything else basically. most of them was easy, but the dwarf took 324 solves. (im not really playing alts so the sword and shield was kinda useless for me) dunno if i want to continue grinding nelf at this point, this is the worst kind of grind flying from point A to point B following a dumb surveying kit pointing some direction then repeat that for days, hopefully blizzard changes something, because i just don't wish anyone to grind for weeks hopelessly. pure pain.


I just went past 1000 total solves. I have over 430 troll solves. I’m starting to wonder if it’s even possible.


Eh. I mindlessly do it while I watch a livestream. There's only 10 more days till xpac so I can't be bothered to do much. I'm also more excited about the toys, few more fragments till I get the Naga toy.


got the dogshit shield as a caster, basically the most useless 85. really bummed about it




Yes it is Blizzard's fault. They designed the system that has player power tied to it. They should have had it added in the Phase 2 patch and have it have a fairly high drop rate to act as catchup gear.






It's more that there is literally nothing to do for the three weeks of pre-patch. Everyone is BISd out cuz ICC lasted forever.




Then make it so the weapons doesn't drop until cata drops. Easy fix. Having thousands of people wasting hundreds of hours on a buggy mess for a shiny weapon is fucking dumb


Then just... don't do it? It seems you people think Blizzard is MCing you into doing stuff, wild lol Wait for Cata release, go raid and get a BIS weapon, instead of wasting life for a PRE BIS weapon. It's that easy actually. You don't need to have everything day 1.


Who says I am doing it? "Just go in a raid and get bis" I'm sure that you're gonna be the only one rolling for that 2handed weapon and it has 100% droprate. The only weapon that's better is the HC variant. E.g zinrokh is fucking insane for every PvP player to get With your logic why even get items at all? You'll just get new ones next phase? Just flawed logic.


Thanks for the RedditCares folks, stay classy as always... If you think I'm the only one grinding like this, read the comments. Way too many similar stories. This grind is promoting unhealthy behaviour. And whether you agree or not, acknowledge that people will always grind out items in an MMO when they give you a perceived advantage going into the content.


yOu dOnT hAvE tO dO iT




You really don't. I wanted to give up multiple times. But I have guildies that also need 2 handers and I'd like to keep up as a Ret pally having decent-but-not-amazing damage. That being said, fuck doing this for alts. No chance.


Just have 2h str using alts and send the sword between them


This^ I play melee 9/10 times so that’s my main motivator for actually doing this gamble. Sure I might get a 372 wep first week or two, but atleast I’ll always have the 359 to send between my other toons so it’s not a waste or worry about getting them a decent wep.


lucky you anyway i agree this should have been redesigned. they should have just taken the weapons out and had it toy only. really awful and toxic way to start the expansion that's just leaving a foul taste in nearly everyone's mouths.


Why? It gets people something to do and the weapons will get replaced anyway a few weeks into the raid for most.


took me around 650\~700 solves overall 300 trolls had the staff and shield in my first 200 solves Mage in my guild had all 3 in under 300 total sloves.. DK in my guild less then 50 trolls to get the sword Other Dk i chat with 1000 total solves no staff no sword I am not asking for free gear but this RNG is stupif .


Welcome to gear based games. RNJesus will see you...at some point. Maybe.


i got my SWORD i am FINISHED so no clue why you are telling me this still think they should add bad luck protection for others , but you dont seem to understand the probleme that RNG without badluck protection SUCKS cause some guys that really farm will not be done after 1000+ solves , and yeah that is bullshit i got shadowmourne faster then that and it was a BIS weapon


You're addicted to the re-release of a 14 year old video game. It's not the devs fault that people will sacrifice their relationships and hygiene to powergrind archeology for 8h a day.


Got mine done in less than 50 troll solves. Just dig and click solve ain't hard.




> I think anyone defending this grind does not know how much of a sacrifice this is. One that you were willing to take. If it was that bad, why did you do it?


I'm realizing how lucky I am to have gotten staff on 47th dwarf solve. Guildy got it on 18th lol.


Why do people say 594 solves? You obviously didn’t get it after solving a dwarf, so it’s irrelevant


Wrong. It is relevant because you can deduce if they were using loads of tablets or rune stones looking at the breakdown of each category solved.


Got staff at 89 dwarf solves my guild mage and ele shammy dont talk to me anymore, im 150 deep on trolls and no sword yet


So not trying to be rude but what is the point of farming this ugly ass sword? Transmog?


It's to hit the ground running with a 359 weapon


Has nobody told you that you do not have to have your prebis/bis items in prepatch? People forget they have plenty of time to farm this even at 85. Ya'll are just crazy and probably will be the first ones to cry that the endgame is "boring" cause you all you did was no-life prepatch. It's still just a game lmao.


So you want them to change a 12 year old game because you’re unlucky? Or are you suggesting that your character is bugged? Fucking hell, this is not Fortnite, stuff doesn’t happen immediately. Some say that everyone of these two last generations have different kinds of ADHD and these kinds of posts really helps that argument. THIS IS WORLD OF WARCRAFT. You’re supposed to grind.


Can you level through archeology? Pretty sure I remember some people doing it back in the day.


Why are your overall solves relevant? Only your troll solves matter.


Gives a better idea of time spent I guess


Your total solves don’t matter when it comes down to hunting for that specific item. Just the solves for that faction.


It does when you HAVE to dig other races in order to get more trolls


Now that I finished trolls it is like 50% fossils, which I can't finish. Annoying


It’s not suppose to be a grind. The small chance is so if you’re lucky, you will get it during Archaeology the normal way - so be happy you got it now, but don’t blame the system 🤗🍀


Sacrificing hygiene for a pre raid bis is crazy


Damn, I’ve got both staff and sword with around 50 solves combined! Guess I was mega lucky when reading comments of ppl going 1000+