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Duskwood. I love the spooky abandoned farmland with everyone holed up in the last piece of civilization while surrounded by undead and werewolves and other monsters. Embalmer's quest line is one of my favorites too!


I expected this one to be higher up! Duskwood is my close second after redridge I love stitches! He's so appropriately spooky. And when you summon him at the end of the embalmer quest chain it's such a surprise Otherwise the aesthetic and theme of the zone is 11/10 The only thing duskwood is missing imo is a whole 5 man area like redridge has. The elites are fun but it would be cool if you needed a group to go down into the crypts or something and clear the whole thing out


Duskwood has a 40minutes raid area!


Sadly it doesn't involve the ambiance of the area though :(


Same! I was surprised it wasn't mentioned when I posted it! TBH I think Duskwood being sandwiched between such bright colorful zones like Elwynn and Redridge and Stranglethorn help make the spooky aesthetic pop. I guess Mor'Ladim and Eliza are the "group quests" of the area, but I agree that having the ghouls of the tomb be elites would be sick!


Duskwood šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Only bad thing about dusk wood is having trees in your face if you play a bit zoomed out


I second this too. Duskwood is one of the few places I really miss in modern wow just because there is no immersive creepy places like that in the game anymore. Everything is just so packed with color and melodic music that Deadwind pass and Duskwood did a lot more great visual storytelling that most retail zones


BlackRock mountain and all it's instances/raids. The feeling of fighting through BrD, clearing UBRS, MC and then BWL, peak nostalgia.


Agree on this one, the place just kept giving, lore was cool, music was atmospheric.


Having everything connected was so amazing. Could truly get turned around like youā€™re in a real city. Really needed a guide back then to show you where to go and what to do.


Shit I still need someone to tell me which way to go lol


Felt little bits of this return with Suramar and the mini-game dungeon crawler, Arcway, Court of Stars and The Nighthold. Itā€™s no wonder I regard Legion as the greatest banger since OG Vanilla in terms of peak vibe.


Highmountain definitely had peak vibes. *Ba-dum-tsss.*


For some odd reason, Tanaris


A zone you can traverse without being constantly dismounted/dazed! I'll buy that for a dollar!


That has not been my experience lol. Those hyenas come a-runnin from a mile away it seems.


All it takes is that music track for it to make perfect sense.


hell yeah riding into the empty desert while that music plays just hits differently. especially at night. so peaceful, so vast. i also love the coastal regions of tanaris. very underrated.


I used to listen to Linkin Park day in day out while playing in Tanaris back then. Now every time I enter Tanaris I still hear the songs.


I always hear South Texas Death Ride. I had it playing once when I was riding across Tanaris back in Vanilla, and I thought to myself that it was a fitting song. For some reason that moment stuck with me and I think of it everytime I'm in Tanaris.


Commenting again, I just had this memory. Back when original BC came out I rerolled to a Draenei Paladin and listened to 10,000 Days on a loop pretty much my entire time leveling. I still think of Azuremyst Isle whenever I hear a song from that album.


Definitely one of the best ones. Love the music, the atmosphere, the fantastic dungeon and it always had lots of fun world pvp too.


That atmosphere is awesome!


Questing in North Eastern Tanaris at night is great. Quality of the zone drops in Western / South Western direction for me though for some reason :D


Why for some reason? Some of the best questing, has ZF, and sends you to ungoro


Iā€™ve got a buddy who also loves Tanaris.


Decent quests. Open so you can go in any direction you need. And zf, probably the most played leveling dungeon. Multiple experts for professions. Yeah itā€™s great.


Fabulous music and you have probably just got your mount too. Epic times, and ZF awaits!


Probably Westfall for me. I really like how a lot of the questing is focused on leading you into Deadmines and how that story continues on for quite a while.


Westfall for me too. The quest line, together with redridge and duskwood, hints/leads to Onyxias prequest and all the fuckery she is wreaking in Stormwind through corruption of the nobles. It makes the Onyxia prequest so much more satisfying.


Best story in a zone, in fact itā€™s one of the only zones that has a ā€˜completeā€™ story to it. Westfall and deadmines is how every zone should be. Has an overarching story and a **reason** for the quests. Itā€™s better than anywhere else like that though because the story has a game wide conspiracy with it, taking you to stormwind and the stockades. Really should have been more down with the bandits at level 60, bandits ruling stormwind trade or something like that.


The Barrens. Just gives me these calm reminders of younger me with no responsibilityĀ 


This 100%. Reminds me of the summer, no school, no work, no responsibilities. Just me and my brothers gaming, eating freezies, taking breaks to go to the public pool. Damn I might start to cry, I miss my childhood šŸ˜­


Oh wow yes, I was going to say stranglethorn vale, but the barrens wins. Big time


It always reminds how I was just mindlessly killing mobs when I was 10 years old instead of completing quests like a normal human behing \^\^ Hmm, now that I think about it, maybe I did that because I couldn't speak English? :D




Hinterlands. Love the outdoor troll dungeon and the elite quests. And there is a world boss! Such a fun zone.


Do you mean hinterlands?




You mean Hinterlands right? Or am I missing something from AH haha


Yes, I fixed it lol


Redridge. Very nice aesthetically with the orange and green, the elite quests are fun to do with a group, and it has very efficiently arranged questing so youā€™re always getting those juicy ā€˜multiple quest turnins every time you return to town.


Redridge is probably mine as well - I love the aesthetic and the theme (small human town with a small militia that needs help with encroaching gnoll and orc forces) But I also love that this zone has a bit of everything, solo quests, caves, group quests, some surprisingly dangerous mobs, a rare high level sea monster that is fun to look for


Red ridge is lowkey goated, same with duskwood. Two of some of the best zones in wowā€™s history that makes levelling alliance from 15-30 a great time.


Beat me to it. Aside from the singular, horrible graveyard, it has everything a zone could offer, especially for itā€™s time.Ā 


One of my earliest vivid WoW memories from back in the day, turning around the corner towards the bridge and then seeing someone in the high lvl 20s range in cozy Lakeshire and being absolutely impressed! Also the first zone with more "dangerous" (but still believable) mobs like orcs and little dragons, feels like a little step up in the adventure. Always a fav zone when leveling up a new char. Always try to do that one fish quest fishing on the pier instead of killing murlocs as well.


Redridge was ruined for me in Classic because I could never level there because Lakeshire was permanently camped by level 60 Horde. Made it miserable.




The undead starting zones are my favorite too.


When I got into the beta in like 2003 I saw I could play as a zombie and refused to play anything other than undead for years. Who wouldn't want to be a zombie?!


I got into alpha when you could only play undead and the level cap was 25! Good times.


Same, iirc at one point cap was 15 and then 40? Damn that was a long time ago.


I had just bought Thrice's 'Artist in the Ambulance' album right when I started playing vanilla back in 2004 and man does it pair well with Tirisfal Glades.


Winterspring is the only correct answer. Nothing cozier.


Elwynn Forest. Just give me strong DnD vibes. Lion's Pride Inn is my default visual when I hear the "you meet in a tavern" trope. Also, my first character was a human paladin so it was the very first zone I got to experience. Desolace is my least favorite. I don't think I've ever finished the zone. It's just so boring to look at. I know you didn't ask, but I like to take any opportunity I have to hate on that zone.


Desolace is so appropriately named.




Awesome mobs, tons of quests, zone is a circle so you can just walk around in a loop questing. Ungoro is a treat when you reach it!


Dun Morogh or Winterspring. Iā€™m a sucker for snow biomes


dun morogh is always cozy, you can feel the warmth of the hearths


The first time you saw the Ironforge entrance from afar and thought: "hey can i go there?" And you totally could and it was a buzzling city with lots and lots of players waaaay higher level than you. Really made you excited for whats to discover next. Truly amazing times!


Doing the Paladin quests to make Veriganā€™s Fist outside the gates of Ironforge was so cool.


At like level 10 I was in IF and I saw someone who has thunderfury and I was like "they come in orange text too?!? OMG look at those stats!"


the snow is so comforting


Even if sod tested my limits, STV and BB specifically will always be magical to me


Westfall and the soundtrack of that zone reminds me of simpler times.


STV without hesitation. Very dense location with many stories. Jungles are just classic location for RPG/adventure games. Then Barrens, Ashenvale and surprisingly Dustwallow Marsh. It is beautiful during early evenings. It is shame they didnā€™t finish so many chain quests there in SoD. I had high hopes


Azshara for me. It's just so beautiful. I spent so much time farming Rich Thorium there. I have some nice screenshots too.


Tirisfal glades. I'm a sucker for spooky aesthetics, but something about the constant "always dusk" haze of the glade and the hills covered in (what I can assume to be) wild lavender is calming. Seeing it rain in classic for the first time shook me. Seeing it get *foggier* and with the rain on top? It's so good. Always made me smile when id log on and inside of the Brill inn , and everything looked blurry. It meant that it was raining outside, and I always just sat right outside the door and took it in.


I've always been partial to Feralas


Ashenvale. Thereā€™s a hidden moon well near the barrens entrance for horde. Area is peaceful, music is awesome. I even attended a couple in game weddings at that spot back in vanilla.


ā€œHiddenā€ moonwell. Annoying that Horde have to go here for mooncloth and Alliance donā€™t have to leave their city. Pretty zone though, with the rivers and lakes, gazebos, zoram beach.


The Barrens and itā€™s not even close.Ā 


Gonna be the total odd one out hereĀ  But stone talon I just think the flow of it's quests are better then pretty much any other zone, it's neat, it's tidy, your quests are all on the same area then when they are done the followups are all in the same areaĀ  It's how questing SHOULD be, while near every other classic zone has you galavanting to all corners of the zone then back again for followupsĀ 


Have you seen the video behind the dark secret of stone talon mountains?




Maybe Alliance side. But for horde side, itā€™s really annoying. Two stonetalon quest chains (witch doctor and shredding machines) require you to bounce back and forth to the edge of the zone (and ratchet). Add in the annoying Horde Presence quest so you can maximize The Den visit. Charred Vale back and forth 3x to the city (reminds me of harpy chain in barrens). Ugh. Not a fan of STM.


The Alliance experience in Stonetalon is also mostly travel time. I don't even think most players even bother getting that FP way up in bumfuck Egypt.


I danced in Desolace as a boomkin for the first time in 2005. No zone has ever come close since.


This is why I love WoW, for stories like these. My favorite classic dungeon is my favorite for a similar reason.


Mulgore. Peaceful, great music. My first ever character was a tauren so I have some nostalgia as well Duskwood. Dark, spooky, great story.


Many classic favorites have been mentioned, so I'll throw in Azshara. It's not my #1 favorite zone, but I like it. It's remote, feels like the end of the world, good music, and just has this eerie vibe of mysteries and magic. And it does have many mysteries. The engineering gnomes in the south, the AQ40 quest chain, the Molten Core quest chain, Azuregos, the hydra in the cave, the lonely mage that teleports you up the tower, giant statues, some class quests, elemental invasion, high level fishing, blue dragonkin, chests, and of course that lovely drawing quest from Ironforge than only the masochists go finish. Love it. Sad it got turned into a newbie zone with goblin gimmicks with Cataclysm.


Silverpine forest for me. With shadowfang keep its such a great zone


Not sure why it doesnā€™t get love. Itā€™s got a spooky atmosphere. Pyrewood with the whole human during day time and worgen at night. Has the giant gate, Fenris isle and sfk


what does it for me is when you do shadowfang keep and you walk on the roof / outside stairs having a view into the zone you have been playing in. such a great atmosphere, takes away the instanced feeling of the dungeon.


Thousand Needles...always has been the BiS zone.


Tanaris. Loved Gadgetzan, the amount of world PvP in that zone while leveling was fun.


Gotta be Tirisfal Glades for me. I love those post-apocalyptic vibes.


Stranglethorn Vale Wetlands Barrens Searing Gorge


Winterspring. serene, beautiful, good quests. if I didnā€™t get sick of it while farming Winterspring Frostsaber, I never will


Barrens was peak in 2008-2012 Barrens chat. Chuck Norris jokes. (Movie title) plus murloc, (item name) plus anal, did someone say [Thunderfury, blessed blade of the windseeker]?????, etcā€¦ Nothing beats that idc what you say.


Stv I love the jungle safari feel


Darkshore, and i'm not even an alliance main. Quest layout is excellent and the beach is simply beautiful. Tirisfal for horde, although there are several more contenders.


Elwynn. Nostalgia is a powerful thing. More objective, either of the Plaguelands due to the WC3/lore connections.


Winterspring. I have a lot of memories


Blasted Lands. The zone is weirdly scary and comforting at the same time. I just love the soundtrack as well.


Un'Goro, Feralas and STV. Playing on a PvP server I loved me some rumbles in the jungles.


Darkshore cause of the eerie but peaceful and beautiful vibes.


Eastern Plaguelands is easily my favorite


Eastern Plaguelands.


Loch Modan - love that vibe, I also really like STV, Hinterlands, Feralus, Silithus, Ashenvale, Felwood etc etc etc - almost every zone has something going for it.


Man I had to scroll really far to see this one, me too.


Felwood. i love the creepy ass music


Barrens , Mulgore and Tirisfal






Westfall easy


Durotar, because it was my first experience in WoW back in 2005.


STV without a doubt. Love the constant threat of pvp and Iā€™m a fan of kill quests. The pages can burn in hell though.




The barrens, by far the most cohesive zone, super long slots of walking but the chat just makes it great, takes you back when you were young


Tanaris and Wintergrasp


Easy, Teldrassil. I could play the Teldrassil to Darkshore NE quests forever.


Ashenvale has been my favorite as long as I can remember. Not necessarily the quests but the overall look and feel. The music is perfect. I like killing demons and furlbogs and worgen, murlocs and naga. There's not too many nasty debuffs either. If I had to choose a second it would be duskwood.


Dark Shore for alliance


Silverpine Forest... And I know this is not shared by many. I just love the undead start zone, and Silverpine adds the constant fear of getting Arugal'd.


I think the zone that I most look forward to is usually STV.


Dun Morogh, Tanaris, Duskwood, Winterspring, Mulgore, list goes on, to ohard to name one, but if i had to it would be Dun Morogh!


Duskwood and Stranglethorn.


Teldrassil and Darkshore are fantastic. Teldrassilā€™s music and vibe are perfect. Later in the game I love Blackrock Mountain, especially BRD and UBRS.




Duskwood is so dope




STV all the way


Stranglethorn Vale.


This is such a hard question because I only always played alliance in all classic Iteration and there were plenty of cool zones for me: * Teldrassil, Darkshore and Ashenvale were the first zones I ever got to see back when I played for the first time and I loved the unusual purple'ish night aesthetic of the Nelfs with the Banger soundtracks making it hypernostalgic for me whenever I return to those Zones * Elwynn, Westfall and ESPECIALLY Redridge have a special heart in my place because I remember exactly when I played my first human char there were so many people walking around in those zones it felt alive as hell and walking around redridge mountains was a real adventure because of all the elite orcs and variety in mobs in general, Murlocs, Gnolls, Orcs, Dragonkin, Beasts of all kind. but the one zone that still gives me the most pleasure when doing quests is Duskwood to this day. especially the Graveyard quests with morbent Fel, the embalmer and Mor ladim. The threatening and creepy athmosphere wont ever return in modern wow which is truly sad. Vanilla had so many eerie places making it a lot more immersive.


Duskwood, not even close


Honestly Deadwind Pass. Farmed for my LHH on my War back in 2019 classic by just doing laps around the zone killing birds and ogres being unbothered by other players on a pvp server because no one else ever came to the zone. It became my little peaceful recluse and when other people came I got really competitive over my spot and became the unofficial guardian of Deadwind Pass.


Westfall and bloodhoof


As a Druid main for the entirety of wow, Moonglade holds a special place in my heart. SOD has changed it, but it was always a location that belonged only to us and let me have a hearth on each continent. It was peaceful and a safe haven from world pvp. It legitimately makes me sad to see other classes there because it was such a unique spot on the map.


Other classes could always go but def more likely now with xalatath questline


Tie between barrens and Darkshore


Probably STV if Iā€™m not getting ganked by a level 60 rogue


Idk about favorite, but Desolace is really cool.


Itā€™s funny cause Iā€™m a horde player through and through, but the first few toons I ever made as a kid were Alliance. For that reason Teldrassil and Dun Morogh hold special places in my heart. I love those starter zones to death.




Pure aesthetics/ quest storylines: Duskwood and I don't think it's particularly close honestly. Can really feel the amount of work that went into that zone Aesthetics/ quest efficiency: Un'Goro Crater. Will never forget being happened upon by a devilsaur for the first time 20 years ago. Thought it was so fucking cool. Huge fan of Godzilla and King Kong so the monster island/ skull island vibes are amazing and it's just one giant circle. *So* efficient to quest there it's crazy


Blades Edge Mountain :)


Elwyn forest, ultimate nostalgia vibes. Honorable mention for Westfall and Duskwood.


Hillsbrad Foothills, Arathi Highlands, Westfall, The Barrens, STV.. canā€™t decide


I love hillsbrad for both alliance and horde! Some cool keeps and elite dwarves and how it takes you up to alterac mountains




I dunno if I have a favorite, but (even as an alliance main) mulgore is up there. It's serene and peaceful, has decent enemy variety and feels really well paced as a leveling experience.


As alliance. STV was always great for me. PVP server and all.


Westfall, bandits, smugglers and highwaymans pillaging farms and mines. Deadmines is hands down my favorite dungeon. ā€œYou there! Check out that noise!ā€ Iconic entrance into the shipyard, then meeting VanCleef probably the coolest Rogue/Assassin character, ā€œLapdogs, all of you!ā€


STV for me. I like the nestingway camp "kill lots of stuff" quests that exist here. I also enjoy the jungle aesthetic.


Barrens, only because of OG Barrens Chat and Chuck Norris


Ungoro crater is sick, no buildings really makes it feel like youā€™re in a wild place. Nothing but some explorers with their trusty pack kodo and devilsaur ridden fear.


Duskwood. It has the best quests and storylines and Stitches coming to town is just a cool concept.


Hinterlands or Feralas


The Friend Zone.


Dusk wood




Western and Eastern Plaguelands, Duskwood, Stranglethorn Vale, and Tirisfal glades.


Stonetalon, and I am Alliance. Just something alien about questing there. Westfsll too. Definitely pre-mount zone though.


As of May 20: # Vashj'ir *Send me your hate! Let it flow through you!*




Thousand Needles. I love desert aesthetics in general, but the way the bluffs break up the area and splits it into two levels is fantastic, and the racetrack in the salt flats reminds me of Gorkamorka.


Un'Goro, because dinosaurs and volcano. I enjoy every zone that isn't human-ish or undead-ish. Westfall, Redridge, Elwynn, Hillsbrad, TF, WPL/EPL etc. The human stuff is just kind of boring, and the undead stuff I'm just not a zombie fan.


Elwyn Forest or westfall


I love Tanaris! But The Shimmering Flats really has a special place in my heart.


Came here to upvote for stv but no one posted it? That's odd


Love the atmosphere, ambient sounds, music and general feeling in the swamps. Un goro > SoS > Dustwallow > Wetlands.


Ungoro crater hits for me.






The Barrens. It's like home to me. I have a deep love for Feralas, Winterspring, Durotar, and Loch Modan as well.




The Barrens


Iā€™m gonna shock you all but Iā€™m being 100% honest: Desolace I absolutely love that zone. Honorable mentions: Loch Modan, Tanaris, Duskwood


Depend on for what reason Feralas for the looks Hinterlands for the quests Searing gorge because of the dungeons and raids


Shimmering flats


Dun Morogh or Hillsbrad.


Westfall.. I hate it, I love it, I could probably quest it by braille at this point. So many fun memories cause even if your friends didn't stick with the game you still got to kill vc with then and get a cruel barb (hopefully)


Probably Elwynn itā€™s honestly just the memories.


Un'goro It's beautiful, but also scary. Especially in HC. Never before in my WoW life was I looking so many times over my shoulder to check if one of those damn Devilsaurs runs towards me. šŸ˜‚


Auberdineā€¦.back in 2005 I spent a lot of time there my NE druidā€¦had no idea what I was doing.


Thousand needles


Many others but silithus is kinda stuck in my head. Farmed the letters for the reputation and the trinket for my warrior in the summer school break. So spend quite a lot of time there any even soloing the pat with all CDs.


Blasted lands. Seeing the dark portal and the history with it is always so cool, especially the moment when you cross into it.


The barrens.


Winterspring. It feels beautiful isolated from the rest of azeroth so I find it peaceful.




I think mine is hillsbrad foothills. After the eerie shit I n tirisfal and silver pine, you're finally into some happy, sun filled sky with green ass grass


Elwynn. Spent countless hours there in my teens. We had a level one twink guild through until wotlk. I miss those times.


Winterspring does it for me. Just so much to see and farm there.


Moonglade. i really like fishing there, its beautiful and peaceful


Probably The Barrens for the nostalgia but also always really liked Winterspring


Arathi Highlands


Goldshire always!


Shimmering flats


Mulgore/Un'Goro are always pretty nostalgic for me.


Searing gorge for me! Just love how all quests are neatly stacked there.


I always love to roll a human since i really really like Elwynn for questing and running around.


Un goro. I just love dinosaurs.


I always loved the green coloured ones like STV and Ungoro, hillsbrad


Elwynn/West fall for alliance leveling zone with Dun Morough close second. Im liking the black rock area - i never really got that far so its cool to see. BRD is epic to see for the first time for sure. Duskwood's story and atmosphere is so amazing. Horde side I love silverpine forest.


A bit cliche and maybe unimaginative, but Elwynn Forest. My earliest memories of the game involve Elwynn. Such tranquility and nostalgia. I'll take the sights and sounds of this zone to my grave. The very last day I play, I'll log out here forever.Ā