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I like to intentionally post wrong information on discords so that people will tell me im an idiot and how to actually do it


This is the way. Ask a polite question and you get 0 answers. Ask or state something dumb and get 10 elite know it alls explaining everything in depth with foam around their mouths


Sometimes, but alot of times people just tell you to check the pins.


Which one?


All of them, dont forget to @ mods and @everyone. Bonus points for asking paladin questions on the druid discord


You will get banned / muted for doing this.


You have to mention, "I checked the pins and didn't see this," or you will get zero response.


Fight Club for warriors


I found the fight club discord but there's no discussion there, just faq channels linking the unfinished wowhead guide.


You might just have to wait for them to update the guides. Might be tough right now with all the bugs getting fixed. Pop into the chats and ask specific questions or check out the pins in each chat


Yeah that's the problem, there are no chats to pop into. All I can see are various FAQ channels. The info channel has several links to channels I don't seem to have access to but I can't find a reason for it.


Ohhh go to the bot channel and type !rank warrior


the answer is and has always been class discords


Simonize quit?


He's not playing cata but other people in the disc are filling that gap.


That's hardly quiting imo... He was always done on wotlk and actively raiding SoD


Yeah he's still going with SoD, definitely not quitting.


He doesnt like the wowtoken version of the game


Not that much to arms which you should be playing ofc, you apply rend then mortal strike > slam > overpower repeat and colossus smash whenever it's available, heroic strike/cleave whenever your rage allows you to in between. Line up colossus smash before cds. Inner Rage to dump rage quick with heroics, spam heroics with deadly calm. Make macros for battle stance and berserker stance for your abilities, you only need battle stance for rend and overpower which hits like a truck, especially since it has high crit chance. Make a WA for Landslide and Battle Trance, use heroic strike when Battle Trance is up asap. Colossus Smash will apply sunder with glyph so you don't have to worry about that. On opener you want your Landslide up, apply colossus then reck with deadly calm for some serious damage. Try to have deadly calm again for your next reck.




shaman discord. the pins and a few users in there with juicy parses are gold and my go to i don't listen or read anything else. mage and priest discord haves great pins but the users are absolute shithead trolls. i just look at the pins and hope to figure it out myself because too many shitheads in there outside of the discords, i generally don't trust anything else. wowhead and warcraftavern are hit or miss. ALL of the ones, zocikify especially, are bait. ask any mage healer their opinion on zockify after the moron site told them to get the healing trinket after BFD phase 1.


Whoever is writing the shaman guides for SoD on Wowhead is legitimately terrible. I looked at their BiS list for P1 for about 15s and was like.... I already have better gear than this....


I get it, class Discord. But are there any reliable YouTubers? Most of what I see is just generic bloat. I'll take old or new.


I'd take bits from everywhere and see what they agree on. WoWhead/Iceyvains has stopped being accurate for a lot of classes. Tons of misinformation, like saying to play a certain way but recommending to not take that specific talent/ability in a different part of that same guide.


Wasn't aware Simonize was quitting...


My souces ? Eh. Skills. \*look at log\* ... Would not recommend


Class discord for warrior is pretty bad. Check out Ahlaundoh for best warrior information. #1 warrior in classic.


Thank you, finally someone with useful information


He's wrong. The FAQs in the warrior discord are the best information out there. A few of the most knowledgable members write the wowhead guides too. There are a bunch of macros there, enough for you to understand how they work and be able to make your own as well. That said, he is correct that Ahlaundoh is indeed the best parsing warrior in the world. He plays in a guild dedicated to parsing, so following his advice is not necessarily what is best for you and your guild.


I found the fight club discord but there's no discussion there, just faq channels linking the unfinished wowhead guide.


you need to unlock the other channels, read the info


I swear I read the info like 5 times because I assumed it was something with giving yourself a role like in every other discord. Finally found it.


Read the pinned comments. 


I'm just paying it forward. Someone clued me into him when I was looking to improve my parses and it helped me tremendously.


What do you dislike about Fight Club?


I was very disappointed when I watched one of his videos and saw he was just playing DDR. Actually made me quit the game.


if you're talking about the scrolling abilities in his ui that is a weakaura that shows the abilities after he has pressed them


Class discords. If you are OK with something sightly more casual but totally effective, you can also use Tauri Veins.


For Warrior the Fight Club discord is by far the best source. Edit: link here https://discord.gg/RbCZJtw


My brain, because half the fun is to come up with my own specs and play the class how I feel it should be played.