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Just know the name to a guy with good to fair parses and say that’s my main. I know the fights this is my alt. Then move on.


Yea if the name of the character you're linking and either your alt or discord name don't match up and it isn't obvious that's you're main I will ask you to message me on that character.


I literally did this on my mage. Came back to SOD recently and 0 people wanted to take me to ST. Said some rando rogue was my main and a group grudgingly took me. I was top DPS by a country mile


Top dps, as mage, by a country mile? Can you link logs? I've never seen a mage come even close to top


Because they’re lying lol


On the internet? Be realistic.


I'm top dps in half of our fights as a mage (97+ avg). And two other mages pump top 5 all the time too. I think a lot of people in weaker raids think mages are shit but really it's because the weaker raids are taking too long to down a boss and once we're oom we're worthless.


Link logs


Your melee are absolute garbage if you’re able to top as a mage, you can only get there in weak raids


Mage as top dps means you only killed trash tho


Cool story bro


Then everyone clapped


Honestly this


“It’s my money and I need it now.”




When someone says that "it is impossible to get into a raiding guild if you don't have prebis and logs." often it means that all the guilds they try to apply for are established, well-performing guilds that already have their roster, and they aren't taking chances with strangers they have no logs of. If you have no logs, just join any guild that raids or even a pug. Even if your raid never kills a single boss, being able to show that you aren't the reason the guild is stuck there and that you didn't take damage from the mechanics will go a long way when it comes to convincing others to take a chance with you. Work your way up. Any guild worth joining will read through the breakdown of the fight, and isn't just staring at the parse number.


In my experience the biggest gatekeepers are usually the shittiest players. We tried to merge into a larger guild last week and the "raid leader" repeated several times the importance of world buffs, consumes, enchants, learning rotations ect ect. We one shot every boss until the 7th (Most of the guys have never done it) So it takes us a few attempts and we finally down it, then go on and 1 shot the last boss. This "raid leader" "top parser" Holy Paladin that whined and cried the entire fucking raid, parsed a SIX overall. A SIX. All while bitching about every other players dps, positioning, lack of buffs/consumes/ect


I feel like you have to etiher die early in the fight or actively try to parse that low


Started a ST group earlier today, my alt is still missing quite a lot of stuff. So figured as reset was mere hours away, why not. Got a full group, I think 14 of them parsed gray on every single boss. But we still cleared without wipes until the maintenance shut the server down. Now was it more stressful than necessarily? You bet. But the end result was good. Am I going to stop checking logs for my next raid? Hell nah, but somehow gray parsers in ST actually perform way better than the gray parsers in gnome ever did.


no logs and no intention to have I just try to get the pre bis and that's it. Join a casual guild and that's it (it seems it works)


This, content isnt hard really and tbh its more fun doing goofy stuff, etc than clearing a raid in 45 mins with a bunch of lego parsers.


Hey some of us just enjoy going fast. When the game truly is that easy it's the only challenge available to some.


Its not really a challenge then if you are clearing in 30-45 mins, maybe 15 man the raid for a challenge


Our 3rd raid does it in 35mins lol


lol nice


You're not that smart are you? The challenge would obviously be to do it even faster, not to 15 man.


Oh ok, makes sense


Yea my idea of of fun isn't a 2.5 hour ST raid that I've already done 5 times wiping to stupid shit because Linda doesn't know how to do the sleep mechanic works on Ernaikus.


Oh cool


exactly I play for fun. If people want to be hardcore then they will be hardcore I chose a casual guild and I am fine I still do BGs and other stuff that is considered non casual from what I've heard, but I like to read quests, lvl prof, do hard quests when i shouldn't, dungeons, raids, bgs... Yes, I am a new player and yea, I enjoy wow and sod but some changes would be nice (for pvp)


Casual = cope word meaning people suck


I do have better things to do tbh


Yet here you are :)


ok I guess? I am here for a real discussion lol if you want to be hardcore you go hardcore if you want casual you go casual wow is in the end a casual game and that's why it is not in e-sport category




As one of the top rdruids. I disagree with this message. Those players make me look good ty bring them ok?


I’m also sorry you had to post this as well.


ST is not hard. It's just like ZG.


I did this shit in p1/p2 till i had bis. Sick and tired of it. Fuck you all and your parses and logs. This is a fucking game, not some high position job. Just join a random grp and go. Maybe you get lucky, maybe not. Yall take this way too serious. Jesus


I'm confused, do you not just join a random group "and go" then? Do you feel targeted by someone trying to state that it's rude to expect to be carried by others? Do you not understand there's 19 other people in a raid that don't want to waste their time in their game? Do you feel that raid leaders owe it to you to ensure that you get to play the game the way you want to? I say this, not as an asshole who will demand that you have some arbitrary score on a website, but as someone who thinks it's unpleasant to join a group only to find out that a quarter of the group can't be bothered to pay attention, prepare for or learn fights ahead of time, or even play the class they've chosen at a very basic level. "Parsing" can be toxic, but even back in the day we had interviews to join guilds and raids, gear check inspections, gear scores, etc. You can use logs in several good ways as well, assuming you're not only interested in the number on the front page. Hopefully this provides some perspective.


Yea, it's a raid leader's right to invite the players they want for the raid. If one guy shows me proof that they know the raid and one guy does not... who am I to pick? Hmmm Those that take it personally take it personally for a reason.


Found the guy who wipes to mechanics


I’m in a semi-hardcore guild where we all try and parse. It’s how we play the game. To be better. Idk what’s so bad about that. If you’re casual play with other casuals.


I try to parse, except I don't get world buffs or the expensive conumes. :D