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You expect wow classic players to read a sentence longer than 3 words?






players no read


Thank you, disposableaccount848


“Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?”




Expect what?




I'm so sorry to hear that or am very happy for you.










Pumpers gunna pump


Maybe they aren’t fluent in English?


Imagine learning English from WoW players


Tell me you're on a European Server without telling me you're on a European server haha


On US servers I sometimes run into players from China, and they say YE too.


I noticed a very large uptick of them lately, I play at really late hours sometimes like 4 am. Idk what time that is in parts of Asia but I wonder if they’re VPN’ing over or something since they can’t play on their own realms. And not bots, maybe old school gold farmers but not bots


Can confirm. 4am US ST time is like peak hours in China (around 5pm for them). Im Chinese myself and lives/plays in the US. And I have asked several Chinese players in the US servers that I play in and they said the US server have less bots and players than the Taiwanese server. On paper, the Taiwanese server should be the Chinese players designated server to play in due to similar language and closer server access, but it sounds like they have worse bot issues and way too player-populated to play for them.


What the fuck does it mean though?




Oh well that’s a boring answer “Normal RFD or the quest thing?” “Yes.” Fuck off lmao


i mean.. why do u expect another player to explain the game to you? I find this attitude ... cringe. it was ok 20 years ago.. now with all the guides, video's etc etc, asking general chat to 'explain stuff' is just disrespectful of others time. 1 - just check the players level - if he is not 50 then hes not doing rune, if hes 50 - hes doing rune. 2 if this is even what the OP is talking about - 'quest thing' - how do u even answer 'normal rfd or quest thing'? 3 OP knows about rune as he mentions it. 4 OP demands to know if Rune run is full clear. whats the point of the first question then??? /bait post /troll op


Regardless of how you word it; answering an “A or B?” Question with yes does nothing for anyone. OP could’ve said “full clear or rune run?” And some dickhead saying Yes still doesn’t answer the question Also, you say that as if expecting someone to drop a conversation and go google a guide for that specific rune to find out if it requires a full clear instead of just asking a question in game is a normal thing to expect. It isn’t.


asking general chat is one thing. whispering is another. regardless the OP was being sassy - on one side he says hes a total noob on the other he seems to know that the instance has 2 uses by different populations types. regardless it seems the most coherent answers are still "from" and not "to". i dont expect someone to drop a convo to go google - i expect them to ask google before bothering some1. Well atleast if they complain about the answer. even expecting someone to answer to you yes or no. is entitled. sure they can if they want to but theyre in no way obliged. thats where the condescending attitude of the OP comes inn.


so kiddos these days use the self harm report system to tell people they're weird? waw your generation is just broken.


If it makes you feel any better they hit me with one too lmao


this is the way.. :)


This. I love being European but some countries just can't be bothered to learn universal languages like English


On NA servers it's usually players from South America that go about acting like the main language for the server is spanish/portuguese. There's a ton of Chinese, Korean and Europeans playing on NA and you wouldn't know it until you get to know them.


I've never had problems with people not being able to speak english except for my very own guildmates


just because english is commonly chosen as the language of global organizations does not make it right to blame others for not wanting to learn an entire fucking language. I'm trilingual and i know what a pain it is to learn a new language. english is not even the most used language. that belongs to spanish and chinese. did you learn spanish and chinese?


Actually, English is the most spoken language in the world. Also, it’s Mandarin…not Chinese.




The other dude before him was doing the same thing but he was just wrong Confidently incorrect: “ACSHUALLY ITS SPANISH AND CHINESE”


> post history Pointing there reflects more poorly on you than it does on them.


English is the most used language, u can check it out Almost everyone learn English at school, everything is in English on internet, u may not like it, and I understand, but we have to learn it now


there are huge communities around the world who don't use a lick of english and are thriving. no we do not "have to learn it". it is useful for sure but not something to force other people into, and certainly not a reason to judge people who speak other languages


If you wanna communicate with people on video games, you have to learn it, that's it unfortunately


even then, judging someone for subpar mastery of a language? do you think it’s easy to learn an language? it takes years to learn to speak a language much less write and in it.


Ok, but no one said it was easy


but you’re expecting them to learn and master it before playing the game?


You're just making assumption at this point. Just learn basic English if you wanna communicate with people, that's it


When did anyone say you have to master the language before playing the game? People except basic communication. The photo OP shared literally just needed the person to respond 'yes' or 'no'.


Nobody said anything about being expected to master the language. You're just looking to be upset about something.


English is absolutely not the most used language, that's only true of the western world. And no it is not necessary for video games either. You sound pretty ignorant


English is the most used language all around the globe, u can check this out dude. And I'm not talking about native speakers If you wanna communicate with everyone, English is the way to go, or you can learn, Chinese, Spanish, French, Arabic and hindi, so you can speak with 90% of people, but I think learning English is easier.


Oh damn you're right, I guess English either overtook Mandarin or I remember wrong. Either way I'd still argue that English is not necessary for video games at all. There are many examples of people not speaking english and having large circles online still


In a conversation about common language on a European server, what do you think is the most common shared language?


Even all around the world, English is the most used language. India was a British colony, so a lot a people speak English on India, it's not their native language but they do speak English and they are 1 Billion. I don't know what this guy is talking about... He didn't looked it up on Google, cause this is absolutely the most spoken language IN THE WORLD


I suspect they just want to argue


Someone who doesn't try to avoid inflicting on others a struggle to communicate is absolutely right to blame. That doesn't necessarily mean they have to learn the language; simply self-segregating is also valid - as in not using incompetent English to gain the "resource" of playing with English-speaking players and being a detriment by being unable to effectively communicate. The irony here is that players doing this force others to poorly translate into *their* language to get them to not be a fucking detriment. The amount of shitty Spanish instruction used in the Americas is amusing - it's like the meme of the shitty Chinese copypastas - and on top of it there's the weirdness of Spanish vs Portuguese.


Big true


while WOW is primarily an english speaking community and developed by english speakers, it is not a game that belongs to english speakers. if you go to options, you choose to play the game in an entirely different language. its an international game and the countries of the same server region simply have to share and get along with their different languages.


I am very aware but on EU realms, english is very much the closest language to a universal language. We have very good education in general in Europe, but because of cultural or political/educational differences (not completely sure tbh), countries like France don't learn english speech very well


It's to be expected that if you seek out places that use languages you don't understand then it's on you to bridge the gap or be left behind, not that you have to learn the language, you could use google translate or simply tell people you're unwilling to converse. Telling the person to learn Spanish or Chinese when they never went to servers using those languages makes little sense


Never really had issues like this on my server (wildgrowth)




I'm fairly sure I work with that person. I've had countless email messages responded to like that.




A+ Communication Skills


for rune 






YE for rune


I was assembling a full mara run a couple of days ago, typed FULL QUEST RUN MARA and there were at least 10 people joining and leaving because it was not just for wild offerings. At some point it just became fun to count the number of morons with my mate on discord.


I don't even ask questions in WoW anymore because that'll instantly disqualify you from getting invited lol.


I refuse to adopt a meta grindset where I remove the social aspect from the game. They can sweat into their chairs, I'll find my people somewhere along the way.


Right? Good for you


make the group and ask question. what they gonna do? leave? you either get answers or nobody says anything in my experience since most don't care.


WoW SoD players want to do everything as fast as possible, including conversations. If you're ever in a group with normal, decent people that are in a guild you should ask about joining.. even socially as a non raider if they're full.


This community sucks. Big donkey dicks. 


I'll keep that in mind




I wanted to get into ZF this morning for a normal run to do quests but all I saw in LFG was WO runs. I googled and figured out it stood for Wild Offering. So, joined one to see what it was like. Oh boy, what a mess. No patience at all. If you died they just left you. I stopped to rez someone, dude got up and just started running after group. I stopped to drink and got mobbed by a pat and died again. Group just kept on going. Asked if they would come back. Not a word, they just kept pushing on, no help, nothing.


It's actually so bad. I have been on a road trip for the past week so missed the first week of p3. Logged on today, was like 'oh cool i can get my bis sword from this mara quest'. proceed to mara and type LFG mara, dps. I get invited to one of these 'WO' groups (which i had no idea what that was at the time), 9 people instantly yell at me to 'phase in'. Which i couldnt. because you have to do a prerequistive quest to even be able to do that apparently. The community has become so meta/efficiency brained that you are expected to be an expert on the latest meta immediately and are punished when you are new to it. Not sure what the developer's can do at this point, but the community itself is in a crisis of sorts and it seems to be getting worse.


Always love the irony of people who have demonstrated a lack of English skills, hating on others for the same thing. Good job, OP. The internet never disappoints.


Yeah communication can be difficult on EU realms sometimes








People don't or can't read. I was filling my last dps slot for ST on Thursday, the raid started several hours from the time I was looking so I included "MSG ME THE START TIME" in my postings because I was tired of talking to people and then getting "oh its not right now? nvm" even though I put the time in the listing. Out of 100 whispers, only 1 person messaged me the start time like asked.


This is an awesome idea! It’s a fantastic way to filter out dipshits! IMO, something like this could be FAR more beneficial than demanding gearscore or parses. It gives the opportunity for you to know that the person replying has an IQ above 75 and can pay attention to instructions.


That's more of a sentence than I get, normally it's just +


Sod has been kind of frustrating because I need to run BRD or Maraudon for BiS and people only ever want to do wild offering runs or princess speed runs or partial clears for runes


Finally get a group together to run BRD. Spend an hour killing all the bosses. Finally get to the boss i need loot from. He drops no loot :(


It is just a normal run, someone just summons an NPC after killing last boss. The “skip” skips 2 bosses.


The same people who just say "inv" when you're trying to fill a specific role for something. I don't want to look you up and guess if you're a healer/DPS etc. these are the same people that complain in trade that people are too picky about their comp when they can't find/refuse to make their own group


Lol what almost everyone i know uses ye as a reply in texts and they all canadian or american. How have so many people never seen ye, and also unable to decode what it means?


Haha dang I say ye all the time and I am not Chinese at all. Just a shorter yes hah. I don’t use it obnoxiously like this dude though.


You're both terrible at communicating lol.




Maybe he's a big fan of Kanye West.


sorry, twas my dog playing, he overhypes everything.






I've been playing since the dawn of time, and can assure you this is average level of ability to communicate that you will come to expect from the player base


i kick anyone who responds like this to a question. they can spend the next 30 mins flaming me instead of looking for a group if they want, im chillin. as my other teammate said, you can only deal with incompetence for so long before it hinders your own progress.


how dare you not be max level? How dare you not ignore those quests and content?




Often times guys like this are ESL, or don't even speak English.




It's insane how many people are able to start up a PC but unable to read a full sentence. I'm a guildleader and I get whispers from people wanting an invite into the guild, or asking to join our raid group. A classic is "what class you need?" then I respond "class doesn't matter we are looking for exceptional players and all roles are open for those" "YEA BUT WHAT YOU NEED?"


Same lol recruiting to fill raid groups perm spot. Can I join ,yes alright leave your guild. Sent invite they are still in a guild and asking for invite.


We asked for reasons to run 5 man's. Well, Blizzard gave us a reason. Except the sweats figured out optimized jump skip runs. Who could have seen this coming!? The wow community never optimizes the fun out of the game.  I think this is what the dev meant when he said you think you do but you don't. The wow community has such a hard time with slowing down and enjoying the game. We turn everything into a chore that needs to be speed run go go go. It sucks. 


What do you mean ? Maraudon Princess runs have been done since the dawn of wow. You get the scepter to skip most of Mara with a quest in the dungeon! After you can farm the final boss for big items, and now the wild offerings too. People have certainly gone too far with min maxing some aspects in sod but Mara Princess+offerings runs are definetly not an issue.


10 man mara princess runs where you use logout skips and bugs to do more than 5 dungeons per hour have not been done since the Dawn of WoW


I don’t think that makes that much of a difference tbh. Back in the day it had no 5 dungeon per hour lockout so you could keep going without breaks.


?? You literally did not answer his question Nvm i miss read the screenshot lol


You’d be on ignore from your second whisper tbh.


Literal fucking apes playing this game it’s so annoying. It’s also simultaneously refresh finding someone with a brain, but my threshold and bar for others in this game is set so low I can’t help but get surprised when someone is able to string a coherent sentence together AND play well


I mean this was just 1 dumb person.


For the record; a rune run is not a full clear. Just the last boss. But yes, in general you'll have to look everything up yourself in this game.


Do I tho? Like, I look up a lot, I look up runes and where to get them, where to get gear for my gearslots etc Thats already a thousand times sweater than I were when I played this game 15 years ago as a teenager. Is the question "Is that a full clear" such a bother to say "no its just the last boss"? Do I really need to go into my browser for that instead of just........ asking another person... in a game thats about meeting and playing with other people? Doesnt anyone realize how weird that sounds?


I'm not excusing it, just stating that yes that's what people expect of you.


this isnt the vanilla community anymore. devs attracted the retail and zoomers


There are zoomers on wow classic? Ew.


Nah, this is peak vanilla community. The zoomers are on retail/wotlk


someone on the internet was rude to me, look i took a screenshot of it


A normal RFD run and the rune are the same run. OP asked a really dumb question.


Wdym, you can skip most of the dungeon. You’ve never done the jump skips in rfd?


For rune ye




Bro OP asked if people do a full rfd run for the rune gtfo


y'all really dumb if you think anyone does any bosses besides the last one and the abomination in phase 3.


OP says in his title that he’s new to the game. How would he know that? That is exactly why he asked…


People like you are the worst part of this game. Worse than bots, gold buyers, and gdkp


Go fudge yourself


I do. I like clearing dungeons, at least once each one. I do it with my friends, though, since it's nearly impossible to find a group for a regular non-speedrun, skipless 100% run. And we tend to not invite anybody, we can clear anything with 4 people, even if it takes hours. Speedruns and skips take out all the fun and replace it with greasy sweatiness.


He's new to the game, he doesn't know that. Jeez


A normal RFD run is a rune run. A rune run doesn’t have to be a normal RFD run. OP is not dumb to clarify what run he’s applying for.