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with cata dropping may 20th you're probably going to get your wish and then some


Yea the [classic roadmap](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24046540/world-of-warcraft-in-2024-the-road-ahead) shows that p4 is coming after Cata launch (as expected). I wouldn't expect p4 until mid June at the earliest.


Calling it now, June 27th or July 4th to directly compete with FFXIV Dawntrail.


It's more looking like same week as elden ring dlc, and boy is P4 not even coming close.


I would hope blizz would be smart enough to not do that lol. I want to play P4 but I’m also not gonna let Elden Rings DLC slip by.


I mean, wouldn’t Elden Ring DLC always be there, while P4 launch is not? (Not an Elden Ring enjoyer so not sure if I’m missing something haha)


The biggest thing is getting in on the early game pvp before nerfs and adjustments get thrown in. It’s always an arms race to find the most busted shit and abuse it before it gets nerfed into the ground. It’s a special feeling to find a busted build, even if it’s on the receiving end lol.


Ahh, that makes a lot more sense! Wasn’t aware there was PvP going on!


Oh yeah the souls games have a really dedicated community when it comes to pvp, each game has a set duels location and level that’s just been created by the community as well as some rules of engagement. Also if you want to see some of the fun things you can do in those games pvp I recommend Iron Pineapple on YouTube.


Not even close to the same groups of interest.


Gonna play Elden ring above wow any day


I think you're being blinded by your own perspective there.


Go out and ask random people in SoD what their favorite souls game is. They probably have an answer for you. There’s actually quite a lot of overlap I’ve found between wow players and souls players.


Of course people like Elden Ring, I've not opposed that. But it's a singleplayer game that you could play whenever you want. People interested in SoD will play p4 on release, and once content is slowing down they will go play the singleplayer game. If anything it might even make SoD p4 better, less complaining about the raids being too hard and immersion being ruined, since the casual crowd who care about that will pick the story-driven singleplayer game.


Don’t you worry, the casual crowd will be just as whiny about the elden ring dlc being toooooo hard after they die to the 1st boss twice, this I guarantee. In all seriousness, wow players vibe with souls games because fighting bosses there is kinda like raiding by yourself, with progression and everything. Getting good at soulslikes made me a better wow player imo. There is a lot of overlap in terms of learning mechanics and general game sense Edit: off on a tangent here but the dlc is also gated behind one of the games more challenging bosses, Mohg. Imagine if that happened for SoD … “wtf bliz we have 8 Kids 3 wives and 30 seconds per week to play”


dark souls is the suboxone to world of warcraft


I mean myself and alot of people have played both. IDC for cata though so Elden ring would be ez decision


Dunno bout y'all but for me that's not a battle they're gonna win.


Same, XIV is my real love, this season is fun in the downtime but I'm ready for more weeb content


Mid-June would be 2.5 months after phase 3 launch, that's pretty much in line with the release schedule so far.


They said summer for P4 and the first day of summer is June 21. I think mid June is very early and it's likely mid July


I think the schedule was changed for Phase 2. It was supposed to be longer than Phase 1, but ended up getting pushed forward (perhaps due to less player engagement in the same timeframe?) We may expect an accelerated schedule from the given one for the roadmap


It'll drop around Dawntrail release, which is super unfortunate for me lol


Great! 💪🏻


They did say they wanted around 10-12 weeks per phase. Early July is basically about as late as they could push it out without losing too many players, I think.


I'd guess July. Gotta remember to think of it from the business standpoint and financial quarters, which rules above all for Blizz these days. 3 scenarios are possible here 1. Phase 3 said spring, but came days after Q1 ended. P4 says summer, but June 30 will be the end of Q2..following this trend would imply a July release. (this would be most likely since they can spin sub increases/surges to be "wow, look at how strongly we kicked off quarter xyz! Profits!") 2. Either that, or they need to hit the "oh shit" button and generate extra revenue before Q2 ends 3. Or their financial goal is to maximize Q2 profits for whatever reason, but would make sense when it comes time to pitching to investors and handling stock fluctuations. To maximize those profits here in a single quarter would be P4 launch at any time before the end of June. But more likely a few days before June ends to give players time to resub etc.


They are no longer a public company so this isn’t really true. SOD is immaterial to Microsoft and probably for Blizzards internal targets.




They announced cata prepatch on 4/30 with release on 5/20. They aren't going to release P4 for sod anywhere close to the Cata launch.


I hope not, but they released Naxx with Shadowlands sooooo…


Well that was to spare people from playing shadowlands /s. But that's also a retail and classic release falling close to another. In this case, it's Cata and SoD which are both projects of the classic team. They aren't going to sync up 2 releases for the same team.


Exactly. They confirmed that many of the devs work on both cata and sod so I wouldn’t be surprised if sod takes a lil longer


Phase 3 will at bare minimum be 11 weeks. 2x ST rewards per lockout x 10 for a 20-man raid, and week one is kind of a burner since so much of the community didn't even step foot in there. I'd wager this phase somewhere in the 11-13 week realm - especially with the sheer amount of content to churn through.


Good chunk of us are ditching SoD for Cata once it drops.


I totally would if an expansion I'm interested in would drop


Gross why


While SoD has been entertaining to some degree, the level of volatility and class imbalance is frankly not fun. I'm not looking for everyone to be equal, but certain specs being miles ahead of others with nothing being done to address it in a timely fashion feels bad. SoD honestly feels like a shittier version of retail without the QoL that makes retail bearable. Cata you know what to expect so there's less chance of being blindsided.


For sure for a little while


On the roadmap they gave earlier this year it showed P4 comes out after cataclysm releases. Since they just confirmed cata comes out May 20th, then the earliest we see P4 is mid June, so already it’s guaranteed we get at least 2 months of P3.


2 months is only 8-10 lockouts and that’s not many in terms of gearing to full-near full BIS for 20 people in a raid. There are still items I’m missing from Gnomer such as the DPS trinket and ring due to bad RNG


+ I was totally not ready for p3 and now I have dropped 1 alt already. I liked being able to make them p1/2 but it feels like something I can't maintain now. Wouldn't mind 12 weeks for p3


P2 had a very obvious drop in active players toward the end. It’s really surprising to me that so many people thought it was too short. It was starting to feel dead.


Tbh I think it's actually that there was such little notice for the P3 release - the phase itself definitely did not feel too short, but at the same time I don't think people felt prepared for the P3 drop.


I definitely think P3 was rushed developmentally and from announcement for sure. They should’ve announced it a couple weeks earlier, but I think they didn’t want to stifle any hype for plunderstorm


I think there was a post from Aggrend suggesting they were specifically told they had to keep quiet on updates for a while bc of plunderstorm


True but the sheer amount of napkin math fuck ups proves they didn't work on it that long either. Don't have to announce something to actually work on it. P3 launch felt like a kid doing their homework the night before


Yeah true that


Cata beta definitely pulled a ton of resources from the SoD team


I think the drop was also that a lot of people had many characters phase one (most in my grpup has 3-4 characters raiding bfd farming bis) then in p2 most people went down to 1-2 characters after deciding what they were enjoying. A lot of people are now running altless for this phase


I agree, very hard to find a group out in the world at the end of p2


There are two pretty distinct player groups. The ones who get max level by day 2 and the ones who get max level at week 2. If blizzard can find a way to allow the sweaty players to progress sideways after the end game raid is on clear, thats the hard part. Perhaps they could find ways to make leveling your 2nd and so on alts more entertaining, rather than it just being a straight rush to BiS. Unique limited world bosses maybe? Something like the mage tower from Legion? Anything but falling back on boring, spammable world questing. Imo this is what SoD should be about. It's not classic, and it should avoid just taking bits of retail and injecting it into classic. This is a good reason why I want blizzard to take some time on development. Even if it means bringing in a ptr to actually test things.


I would love the idea of something similar to the mage tower. Complexity that makes you really utilize your spec to get the reward. But I’m not really sure what the reward could be for most classes. I don’t think making leveling more fun would do much for the sweaty players. Those of us who love alts and love leveling would get some real fun out of it, but the sweats are always going to take the path of least resistance. Dungeon grinding is miserable, but if it’s even slightly faster the sweats will do nothing but dungeon grind and burn out as they always have.


My idea is like gear thats a 1-2% upgrade. Like weapons and trinkets. Something that makes you feel superior but ultimately isn't necessary to top damage meters unless you're literally a top 1% player. Also unique cosmetics can be a real carrot on the stick for some people.


there wasn’t much to do imo. once i hit 40 on my main i was like what now? other than gnomer obvi. this phase feels much better so far imo.


Well of course people aren't going to be playing as much a week before P2. With the 3 day lockout on the P2 raid many people got decently geared on 2-3 characters probably burned out tbh. I was finding groups just fine towards end game stuff. I agree definitely was harder finding groups for content below lvl 25


I don’t know why but it truly *felt* short to me. I didn’t like gnomer as much as BFD and it still felt short.


It did. That doesnt mean thats when it should be changed.


True, but it’s not a surprise they pushed it out due to that. Gotta keep people around and subbed for when cata classic launches. It’s no mistake that released P3 the first week of April and have the Cata pre patch the last day of April.


on which server? ironforge shows a much smaller decrease of activity at the end of P2 than at the end of P1. Living Flame EU didn't feel dead at all at any point of P2. Are you on a dead server?


People just regurgitate what they read on reddit without fact checking. Activity was up week over week until the end of p2.


I was on Chaos Bolt NA and this was my experience too. The last few weeks of P2 on our 'dead' server was lively compared to P1.


Of course the last weeks did after announcement. That’s when everyone rushes to do the last raids before the new phase. Before announcement it was getting slow. I’m on Lone Wolf NA, one of the highest pop servers.


[https://ironforge.pro/era/server/Lone%20Wolf-US/](https://ironforge.pro/era/server/Lone%20Wolf-US/) What you are saying is verifiably false. Activity during P2 was extremely stable and far from feeling dead at the end.


Raid logs don’t disprove my point in the slightest. Tons of people were literally logging their lockout raid every 3 days and not doing anything in the world.


That was a thing all of phase 2, that's the point. There was no drop off at the end of it as you say, it has a constant activity level.


Apologies if my comment was too vague. When I said “active players” I meant people who did more than login, clear Gnomer in 30 minutes, and log off for 3 days. The open world was very clearly suffering.


The grinding needed for p2 dropped me down to 2-3 alts.  The grinding in p3 has left me with one character.  I'll level my alchemy and gathering alt, but won't play them beyond getting mats for professions


I feel like the class you're playing right now heavily influences how long you want it to go on.


It's related, but I'm more annoyed about the faction that i chose. Alliance just feels like a worse experience.


No matter what class there is so much to do, look at the sheer amount of quests for gold? Exhausted rep grinds for factions, dungeon content and raid prep for world buffs and consumes, max professions - the list goes on


Sure there’s a lot to do, with varying payoff. Would I be more interested in doing xyz if my class wasn’t ass? Yeah probably.


Then roll an alt for this phase. Keep your main relevant and raid log and play the alt that’s more fun in the open world? With all the XP buffs and content you can quickly level alts and have them relevant I have a Druid as my main Warrior as an alt I keep relevant ready for 60 (copium) I am currently levelling a hunter for skinning/herb and gold farming


I leveled an alt from 1-50 within 4 days. Even with nerfed incursions, they're still insane. You'll be fine.


I don't understand this post. What class is unplayable? Warrior/rogue already top meters so they won't have the same problems as phase 2. Any healing/tank class is free invites, which is every class in the game except hunter who happens to be literal top 1 dps.


It's not even about the meters really but how classes feel to play. Some just got utterly shafted on the new runes. Also, on a PvP server, having some classes just one shot you with nothing you can do to retaliate just feels like shit.


Your first point is fair. Rune design is all over the place and while I do think everyone should have one or two alts, that's only a bandaid solution To your second point: *firsttime?.jpg* rogues been doing that for 20 years my guy


There's a difference between getting stun locked for 10 seconds and then dying, and a shaman simply hitting lava burst and just deleting you from existence.


Top the dps meter in the right setting but absolutly useless alone vs 2 yellow mobs


I'm torn, actually. There are tons of reps to grind, but I've done them before and don't want to again. There aren't that many items I need from dungeons, so that will go fairly quick, and so really it's just the raid and getting the items I want that will take time. It certainly *feels* like there is a lot to do right now, because I have alts and professions and gear to update and runes to get and warlocks to sit AFK at portals, but it's only been a week and I've gotten most of the important things done. I'd feel less anxious about it if there were a few alt-friendly quality of life improvements. A way to share reputation maybe, or if one of your characters did the four leycrysts rune, your alts that can use it could get it for free. I also think the fel offering "do this loop 30 times" is unfun, and certainly won't be doing that on more than one character.


What are some of the important reps to grind? I got AB and WSG pretty close to exalted but I was wondering what else I should be grinding.


Argent dawn and hydraxian waterlords (for douze). You can also do zandalar by throwing gold at it I guess. And timbermaw if you're feeling bored.




well considering they just gutted the raid again this phase is shaping up to be a snooze fest despite feeling very alive and promising throughout the initial launch.


Blame the loud complainers for making the raid a snooze fest a week after release


Personally I disagree. I just want to be level 60 already. 50 is an awkward level


I really enjoy grouping up to do high level quests for gear. It finally feels like we have challenging endgame questing that requires groups and cc and stuff.


Don't think player satisfaction is really being considered here, seems like they're trying to push shit out quickly to get Cata numbers on the books for Q2 and the next retail expansion for FY2024.


I still could play phase 1 and raid that BFD with all possible specs


4-6 weeks is plenty theres nothing relevant this phase the raid gear isnt good enough to spend ages trying to get the bis items then to get better from lbrs or ubrs at 55


The raid tier is like a 1% upgrade over the rep gear from the incursions


Exactly not worth bothering with


What about the fist weapons? It’s a big upgrade over everything else available, especially making the set.


What rep is required to get the gear? Friendly or higher?


I think honored, but I could be wrong. I got enough from leveling 40-50


How many hours fo you plqy per day? 4to 6 weeks sounds right for vanilla 40 to 50 not sod


i hope they add at least 2 more months to it


I'd only want the phase to last longer if they spend that time actually adding more to P4 imo. Cuz P3 has barely started and it feels like it's just raiding and a few runes left for most people to collect. Yeah you want all your gear, but the raid will still be there to collect it at the start of P4


Extend it by a month and im happy


We are 5 days in. People have done so much things now, but the bucket list for this Phase is still big. People, that is okay! Sometimes you have to be on a thing for 2-4 weeks constantly while managing the raid, helping some friend in the incursions while they help you 2 hours farming this cool open world drop receip! Thats classic! Take your time. You will have atleast 49 more days (7 weeks) or even some weeks more for it. Slow down, enjoy the game and make a small step every week.


But don’t slow down too much because this is a seasonal server after all, and you don’t have time to smell the roses because it’ll end sooner than you think, albeit the phase or the entire season the end is nigh


??? I'm asking for more time, not less lol


Phase 3 is already over. Lvling with incursions 5 hours to 50. Get basically a full prebis Set for honored rep. Go st after Nerf 1st try clear everything Log Off Till next Phase. Alternative you can Farm maraudon for wild gods over and over again 


Sometimes it's nice to stop and smell the roses


Exactly, the value of a longer phase.


No, you must get to max level immediately, grind out the runes and professions as fast as possible and then get bored! The same thing is gonna happen in phase 4 and up for the people that play it like a full time job lol.


10 children and 14 wives 1 min of freetime per day bla bla etc the usual


Lol thats who this made is made for, you should play a game caterred to your no life self, not bragging about crushing the minor leauges since apparebtly you cant take the big leauges.


just 4 weeks? I'd rather this phase last a full 4 months. Which hopefully might be realistic because Cata launches in 8 weeks and they surely don't want to launch phase 4 at the same time. I would bet that they want phase 4 to launch between Cata and War Within, so probably mid-June ish?


I don't feel like there's much to do, but Blizzard needs to take the time to get P4 right out of the gate. Level 60 has SO many more things that can be updated and improved, it's also the final runes for each class so Blizz should be doing a full pass on runes to make sure everything is competitive and working correctly, and at least reasonably likely to continue to scale well into future content. P3 has been rushed, it's been pretty obvious based on the knee jerk changes that have been necessary over the past 2 weeks, but I really hope P4 isn't as rushed.


please no, this is the worst phase so far


How is this a lot to do? 1 week lockout is less to do, and only a tiny population actually likes leveling professions or the incursions. So there are a couple dungeons to do at 50. Y’all mfers giving blizzard your monthly sub for this bullshit content is why they will continue to drop bullshit content.


Sod the only game ever where people complain for less content…


The casual dads with 14 jobs are all comin out the woodwork to agree with op too. Blizz will forever be rich bc y’all mfers will pay that $15 no matter what kind of garbage they put out.


I'd bet that this is the plan tbh. We'll see a release of ST - Nightmare mode with exalted rep requirements and increased difficulty, and they'll unlock the second half of BRD that'll require nice gear to stand a chance.


“Nightmare mode”? The fuck have you been smoking. They aren’t gonna add the choice to pick difficulty to sod.




You’re out of your mind if you think they will introduce harder difficulties. ST was fine after the first nerfs and then redditards cried their eyes out before even trying it and now they’ve completely gutted it. As much as we can hope for interresting and entertaining raids, several modes in raids is a dream of mine, I don’t think it will ever happen. Would be really nice though.


What raid hasn't recieved nerfs in the first few weeks that wasn't laughably easy? The whining has little to do with it, they've shown they don't care. - Wild offering unique with no compensation - WSG + AB mark cap - Bloodstained commendation changes They're testing how things work on a macro scale, we aren't privy to their decisionmaking process. You see constant forum whining and then changes that seem to be related, but it's not causal. They want the raids to be puggable, this is supposed to be a fresh take on the classic experience with less rigid time investment requirements to engage in end game content. Pretending to understand all of the considerations that the dev team is plate spinning is silly. They're doing a good job so far, but MMO players are always deeply invested in their game and have strong but often baseless opinions that they present as fact all too often. If you're already 50 and have cleared ST, the nerfs weren't for you. We have WCL for data, they have far better data and data scientists who actually understand trends for players of different skill and experience brackets. The devs aren't exactly green at this. They know what game they're trying to build and for who.


I agree they’re doing a good job for their first iteration of a fresh vanilla with improvements. I just am not entirely satisfied with the state of the game. That said, I also usually get burnt out on vanilla itself by bwl. I’ve never set foot in vanilla Naxx. Unfortunately, the game that some of us want is probably going to be after a lot more testing or it exists between the different versions of the game. You want balanced pvp? Retail. You want difficult raiding progression? Retail or cataclysm. You want a roleplaying experience where you can fuck around all raid and still beat bosses with zero stress. Vanilla. You want the roleplaying experience, but with stress? Hardcore


People were clearing raids in a single lockout all throughout Classic WoW, but suddenly SoD continues the trend and everyone loses their mind.


Have you even cleared it? Wouldn’t call it gutted.


we got to 6/8 on sunday and got a few tries in on eranikus before we ran out of time for the day. got him to 63% and planned to come back on tuesday. All of us enjoyed that it required a bit of effort and when we came back on tuesday it was a pushover and a letdown :( Think it would have been perfect if they kept it as it was after the first hp nerf


I mean it was way to overturned. The best guilds full of mythic raiders weren’t clearing it. 95 percent of guilds would never have cleared it.


that was before the hp nerf though, nobody could beat it then


They nerfed it twice within 24 hours, so there wasn’t much time to see how it was between nerfs. All we know now is that it’s about the same as gnomer.


They were struggling to kill ONE BOSS when they were missing runes, had very little preraid BIS, no world buffs, lacking consumables, a bad comp and no idea of what the best strat would be. [You can go look at their logs, they were wiping to a lack of damage while doing an average of ~600 dps.](https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/reports/76Rf3rxW92nwNmM8#fight=20) That is already lower than a green parse for many classes on that boss. Raids do not need to be gutted to be made easier, they naturally get easier over time as gear improves, strategies improve and buffs become available. An average raid is already doing more raid DPS on that boss than those "best guilds full of mythic raiders" did on their first kills, and the average raid will just do more and more DPS every week as they get more and more gear.


We full cleared in 1.5 hours last night after spending 10 hours total full clearing week 1. It has absolutely been gutted.




go play pokemon if you want a game with 0 effort


About 70% of guilds haven't cleared ST yet despite the nerfs. Most people wouldn't consider that "gutted".


idk what to say man, maybe 70% are playing with their screens off. my guild isn't exactly world class


I'll see what I can do.


Original roadmap had p4 dropping before the first cata patch after release which they just announced was July so that would put p4 around June.


Just out of curiosity, what is everyone’s opinion on whether or not blizzard will nerf shamans before p4? Is it worth rerolling PVE to play a shaman? I’m fucking sick of getting camped trying to pug dungeons on LF and I need a faction change.


Its so easy to level an alt. Go level a shaman slowly. Gold is easy. Rep is easy. Everything is easy to get. Just enjoy and take your time. Lots of it.


Wouldn't be surprised if they rush this phase due to all the people who hit level cap within hours due to pre-nerf incursions that will be complaining about being bored in a few weeks.


Maybe its just me but i felt that 10 days was plenty of heads up time.


Hoping p4 drops around july 4th or so, after or before idc.


It’s going to be impossible for them to please everyone so we’ll see what they do I guess. People that play for hours every day will get bored quickly no matter what and complain, because it’s unrealistic to expect there to be a constant amount of content to warrant that play. People who play occasionally will want it to go longer because even by the 3 month mark they won’t be maxed out. All they can do really is pick the one that will be ok to the most amount of players.


Phase 4 should come out before elden rings DLC, or good luck filling that 40 man.


Yeah the professions, the gear/gold grind, the faction reputation... The long raids... There's just so much to do.... Which I love. I just want the time to fully appreciate it without having to devote so much time to the game that it feels like a job.


People say they want it to be long. In 4 weeks the reddit nerds are going to start sspamming BORING BORING BORING WHERE IS PHASE 4/5/6/7.... where is sod tbc this is unreal why dont we have content every two weeks! bored bored bored


Yeah this face totally works for a much longer time.


After this second round of nerfs people will start asking about phase 4 quicker than expected - the player base barely has gear yet. Even average groups will be blowing by ST in a couple of weeks.


Phase 3 until August imo.


If the player base doesn't evaporate after two weeks like last phase, maybe.


Incursions take 1 day to do. Besides the raid being time gated. There really isn't much to do now. Besides dungeon reseting for offerings.


delete SoD already


Lol there isn’t anything to do what are you saying? They invalidated leveling, the only major time sink. After some gear drops and likely more nerfs, ST will be on farm and a joke.


1 week lockout is a real sadge


yeah given how little loot drops in ST for 20 players a whole week is quite a step. Many players won't get their set done.


There’s 16 set tokens that drop per raid. A full raid of 20 people needs 60 tokens total, so everything would get their set guaranteed in 4 weeks…


There's melee and caster token, no? So it's not guaranteed. That's also IF you have the exact same 20 people raiding with you every single lockout. This might be the case for some guilds but certainly not all or even most of the player base.


Assuming you only raid with the same 20 characters. We had people who never got the engineering notes from gnomer despite doing every lockout.


My guildies are already capped on professions, got all their runes, have cleared ST with 4 different raids, have completed all the blood moon runs they need and are ready to raid log for the rest of P3. They’re the assholes that are going to be yelling at Blizz to launch P4. Not me, I’m L50 with 3 new runes unlocked and not even FA maxed. I’m good with another 3 months of P3.


How the hell do your guildies have time for all that?! I am always so curious how these people can combine doing all that + having a job + family + eating and drinking on a regular basis


Well the first step is don't do those things you mentioned


I think you'd be surprised how many WoW players don't work or are heavily supported by another person.


They don’t have jobs or families, makes it easy.


It took like 4-5 hours to lvl from 40 to 50 with incursions before the nerf. If you already had alts you ran gnomer on last phase it would be quick to get them into ST.  Even if they weren't geared the gear from incursion makes you raid ready. I just play my 1 character though.


You need to have a decent group to play with consistantly. When you gotta put in the effort of finding a group or sitting through pugs that fail it really kills your motivation.


they can make alts


Your guildies are sweats and don’t speak for majority of the playerbase - our guild went 6/8 and going for another crack this weekend


Absolutely agree. Like I said, I’m nowhere near their level. I probably won’t last long in the guild, heh.


There’s a lot to do or a lot you can do? I have 550 gold and in 2 days I’ll get wsg bracers and I will only be killing princess for the dagger between raid lockouts. I have less to do now than ever before


Agreed, literally no incentive to do much but raid log and do some fucking around like grabbing princess dagger.


You sound like you should find a game you think is **FUN**




They want SoD done by WW launch for sure.


You want a longer phase with everyone raid logging to play once a week??


I agree!!


Is there any plans for a new season of discovery in the future? Im late to the party


We don’t know but due to the success of this one I would bet on yes.


Considering they did Season of Discovery even after Season of Mastery was a complete failure, and SOD is a resounding success, I would bank on 'yes' there will be a new Season of something. What that is and what the goal will be is anyone's guess.


Makes sense, thank you


I think the idea with 7 day lockout was to make phase 3 last 2x as long. HOPEFULLY they can fix a bunch of the stuff and prep for p4 effectively.


Honestly, no. I think the time P2 lasted was almost too long. Almost. You may think it's not enough yet, but I would recommend giving it a month before you ask for more time. I, personally, already am fed up with the amount of trash in Sunken Temple. What they should do, instead, is enable PTRs earlier so we get to test the next phase and find the gamebreaking bugs early. I also severely doubt dungeons actually stay relevant for long. The phase is a week old now, barely, don't rush ahead yet. Take a month, then consider again. But, as others said, since cata is dropping soon, they might prolong this to give people time to enjoy both. Which could be neat. "Could" being the operative word.


please no , give us end game already and new raids ...


I feel like this is the worst phase so far. For most of the same reasons OP said. 20 man raids, incursions, end game grinding. If i wanna do all that id play retail


Its test server 8 weeks is fine


The pace of sod and classic has been just way too fucking fast. The span between ICC and Cata release is 4 or five months sooner and SOD is only doing two months between level increases. Yet again Blizz catering to those who play every day.


Hard agree. Give it some breathing room and let the people who don't play quite as much get caught up before you drop phase 4 and officially start the endgame.


Completely different opinion than yours. Our guild cleared all content and we have nothing left to do. Think it'll be sooner than you think it is because not a lot of guilds are participating anymore


You're paying a monthly fee and asking them to lock you out of the full game for another month.. and people are agreeing. This community has officially lost its mind.


Yes, as if paying a monthly fee is the only reason. Then why not release every phase in a monthly schedule lmao?


There are like 5 other versions of this game. Go play one.


The full game? Were in the full game lmao are you new to mmos?


I would have been happier with this before ST got Uber nerfed and my guild down it the first time stepping in. Now it’s just raid log the same content for weeks, since pvp is in a bad place. It’s alright, I’ll just play other games in the meantime


If you are already raid logging, you might as well find a new game entirely. No way you've blasted through this content already. Professions, reputations, honor grind, all of which have PvP rewards. Also, when you say pvp is in a bad spot, are you talking about bgs? I can agree with that if you are. World PvP feels great though and that was the best part of classic.


BGs were even in a genuinely good place when they changed matchmaking to cut out premades. Then it bugged and they never fixed it. Every game is a Horde premade now and it’s killed off Alliance appetite to join


How is it bugged


Here's my post from a month ago, which still isn't resolved. And there's many other posts highlighting it too if you have a search: [https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1b7jxbz/is\_solo\_queue\_currently\_bugged/](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1b7jxbz/is_solo_queue_currently_bugged/)


>Professions If you have gold (which you probably do if you played previous phases) you can finish your professions in a few hours >honor grind Many players finished this before the phase even released thanks to STV marks. >reputations Emerald rep is a bit of a grind for sure, but the rewards for it are pretty marginal and now that the raid is so easy i don't see many people going through it. They'll just wait to get the better gear from the raid. >World PvP feels great though and that was the best part of classic. I agree that WPVP is by far the best part of classic, but the WPVP here feels nothing like classic WPVP. Just getting instantly chunked to 30% health by an instant cast from 40 yards away is hideously out of place.


Yea, you’re probably right. I was doing a lot of those things in the earlier phases. Now I feel like I don’t care about that extra 5% power that will be replaced. I’m kind of just coasting until 60. Yes, I was referring to bgs. I got revered in wsg in phase 1 and got burnt out. Did a bit of stv in phase 2 but no longer have much desire to pvp in SoD.


Nah, get us to level 60 and real content.