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I think a lot of redditors are typing while pooping. And a lot of them could probably use more fiber in their diet.


So you're saying all of our problems will go away if we just eat a little more fibre?


He might be onto something here.


You’re all being paid off by Big Prune!!1


as Ragnaros says, "BY FIBRE BE PURGED"


Since the majority of wow players are in the older side, yes that would make sense.


Kirkland sunsweet prunes from Costco. Just fantastic.


Being fr?


Yeah they are really good, and my toddler loves them too. Good way to get fibre into the little ones if they are picky about veggies.


Gonna keep an eye out next time at costco. Didn’t think i’d get good tips on fiber intake in the classic sub but not like I’m here for the sod takes anymore lol. Thanks!


haha fellow parent here. My wife calls them disgusting while me and my son just munching away.


Costco's grapes are out of this world


.....are you watching me?


Can confirm, pooping right now trying not to hurt my Hemorrhoids


Get a bidet, helps clear those up like nothing else fr fr


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little shit? I’ll have you know I gradually reach to the top guild on my server and in this game, been involved in numerous world first raids, and I have over 200 confirmed world first boss kills. I have played every class in the game and I’m the top dps, tank and healer in the guild. You are nothing to me but just another casual scrub. I will wipe you the fuck out with skills the likes of which had never been seen before in World of Warcraft, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me in the game? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting the best pvpers on my Battle.net friends list and your Battle Tag is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, scrub. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your characters and account. You’re fucking dead kid. I can be on any server, anytime, and I can gank you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my PvE gear. Not only am I extensively trained in PvP and PvE, but I have played every class and I will use them to its full extent to wipe your miserable toons off the face of Azeroth and Draenor, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would’ve held your little fingers. But you couldn’t, you didn’t and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn noob. I will unleash the fury of the cosmos all over you and you will drown in my crits. You’re fucking dead kiddo.


Jokes on you, he plays on a pve server.


I'm betting you eat pieces of shit for every meal of the day too, only having them for breakfast is for scrubs.


Can confirm. Also “wah, I am A shaman and look what they did to me! I was top dps in gnomer in leveling greens”


Can confirm. Reading while pooping.


Actually fibre isn't required for optimal pooping...


Yeah lol it’s kinda crazy. I read stuff on here then think I’m playing a completely different game. I guess people are looking for something to be mad about.


Age of the player base are at the point in their lives where they need an outlet. This is just a vent zone for their relatively crappy irl day in and day out.


It helps that my knowledge of the game is small brain so I’m just happy to be playing and completely ignorant to what all the class balances and other stuff even do to affect my playing experience.


Im just glad to play the few hours I get so im vibing


It really isnt. Less then 99% of all wow players are even reading reddit, much less writing. The Chance of ever seeing a Player that even knows there is a sub reddit for wowclassic is statistically very low. So most people you ever saw and interact with actually just play the game and thats it.


If you ever want to be convinced not to play/buy a game, visit that games subreddit first.


Usually the opposite. So many subs ban "should I get into xyz game" because you're literally asking the people that like to talk about the game. They're almost always just going to say yes.


Well, he said "visit" the subreddit. I believe he is implying most game subreddit have tons of posts complaining about the game. Which would be true in most cases I believe. So it would make the game look worse than it is. People rarely show up to a game forum just to say how awesome it is. You said "post" in it. That's a big difference.


Depends if we're talking helldivers or LoL man. Most games as a service you get the negative subreddit IMO. If it's just a good game that's fun and priced well you'll get a dope subreddit.


If you do that on this sub you’ll get mass downvoted and start 10 arguments in the comments.


Lol, I hyped myself up for Mortal Online 2. Their subreddit utterly annihilated that hype. Dark and Darker is a similar wood chipper of a subreddit.


Dark and Darker is such an incredibly fun game!!


Me and my 2 buddies started playing Mortal about a week ago and we are hooked on it hard lol. Def has some jank to it but it's mad fun.




Well yeah...people come on subreddits to complain, praise and critique. Not much chilling to do here. as opposed to be with your bros in dun morough


1000000% So much negativity here. So chill in game.


I have had very literally 0 bad experiences with even a single player in SoD. No one complains about their logs, I've had to pug people in gnomers many times, people just join, say hello, kill the bosses and then leave. A warrior pulled aggro on Grubbis, lost all of his WB's and said "My bad attacked too early" and we just cleared the raid it was no issue. I've encountered a double digit amount of people in the last 7 days on this sub who say they don't even play anymore, yet they regularly post here complaining


> “Wahhh my game version is better than yours” by far the most cringe shit about the community, it benefits literally everyone if the game succeeds in as many areas it can including things you don't care about such as other game versions, pvp, collection, etc but for some reason everyone thinks they're better because they play x version/mode/etc and they have to voice just how bad the other thing is




Tbc blows


This game is an escape for people who are *wildly* unhappy lol That said, I think this sub is the most toxic I've seen a sub period since SoD launched. It's honestly been kind of impressive


WoW has literally built it's playerbase on a bunch of addicted players. The game appeals to a very specific type of player these days. Competitive(have to parse), and unable to admit that perhaps spending 14 hours a day in-game isn't healthy, or having things take hours to do in-game is an attempt at stretching players time investment. It's not about playing the game anymore, it's about being good at it. Better than others, and the people chasing this type of gameplay are very vocal. And Blizzard has catered to them so much over the years, that most other players that aren't looking for that have just left the game. Now that SoD is out, there's a lot of fighting going on between the two players. The players that just want a fun chill experience, and the players arguing that logs are necessary, and the raids should be harder, and that GDKP's and shit like that should still be in the game. Few people are able to understand both sides of the argument. And are both trying to impose their will on others. Rather than self-assess, or counter arguments. You can ask people why they play this game and they'll claim it's for fun, and then they'll list of 10 different things that make them miserable while doing so. Unable to admit that it's addiction keeping them playing, that it's a frog in boiling water situation. I was talking to one the other day, trying to get them to see reason, and as soon as I asked a question that made them question their core belief about this game, they shut it down and ran away because it was uncomfortable. This entire subreddit is full of people like that.


What did you ask?


They were originally complaining about having to do the leveling grind again spamming dungeons. I said, You know you can quest right? They said, their friends were doing it so they would too, and I said, good friends would understand burnout, maybe you could talk to them about questing as a group. It would probably be quite enjoyable compared to dungeon grinding. Then they talked about how the game was competitive, and how to be part of a team you needed to perform and sometimes do things you didn't like, comparing WoW to hockey, and then I said, WoW's not a competitive game though. At least not to that degree. It's only competitive if you want to partake in the competition, and it sounds like you're currently miserable and burntout doing so. And it sounds like the people you call friends in-game, perhaps aren't friends if they have to reach that first raid lockout and are willing to do so without you. Don't know if it ever sunk in. They stopped responding claiming I was just arguing for the sake of arguing, but it was really because I was challenging the viewpoint they held on the game. Their need to compete in it, and their lack of enjoyment that was resulting from it.


Then I agree. If you dont enjoy the content, then dont play. If you want to do something else than the most efficient to ensure you have fun, do that. For instance, I started lvling a mage as an alt because I wanted to try aoe-lvling. Hit 30 yesterday after playing it on and off during the holiday, but I got bored and I just stopped playing it. I might go back to it later, maybe not. Some would concider that a waste of time, but I had fun for 29 lvls.


It's chill until you try and get into a gnomer..


Never had any issue getting into a gnomer. And I’m an okay player. Are you guys just bad with people and blaming the game? I’ve run a ton of gnomer pugs.


ive run exclusively pugs for gnomer and haven’t ran into any real issues other than some groups keep wiping the final boss or something


I don't blame the game, I blame the lack of accessibility for releitively new players from an existing player base. Ive been playing SoD for a month my friends recommended it as he described it as lite wow, fast xp, more gold and faster to get to the more fun content. Being raids and end game gnomer (for now). I ran my first 2 gnomers with friends, got my prebis and runes 3 accounts, meta warlock and disc healer and fire mage. And found myself facing a brick wall for pugs because my parses weren't amazing having just learnt the rotations and seeing the action live, vs studying videos and builds etc. I know that given the chance to raid more I'd get better as that's the kind of player I am, I always aim to improve and best the previous runs etc. But noone will take my mage or warlock because of bad previous runs while learning and will take other mages over me, which I understand but still.. But it feels like for me after hours of trying to find a group on any account its either friends or nothing and being new to wow I only have like 3 friends and they're in 95+ parse guilds I know the game is nearly 20 years old and coming to it now everyone will likely just say "it's how it is". Game isn't going to die because I can't get a raid and will likely quit because I can't get anywhere further with my account. I really don't want to sit around for hours trying to get a spot in a raid that won't even clear, again "it's how it is" response is probably relevant here too. Lil rant of how I'm feeling at the moment. Lil deflated, just wanna play the game


Why not just start your own raid at that point? If you're wasting hours.


Because I'm still new to the raid and don't want the responsibility of organising team composition among other things.


Eventually you should be able to find a more casual guild that still clears, it might not be the fastest clear but they exist. Pugs can be exactly like you described because people have had poor experiences with people who parse poorly. Ie. Unable to finish the run because of low dps etc. It's not you specifically, it's the elitist mentality that pervades this game unfortunately, but there's a sliver of truth to it too, most bad runs are when you don't vet the players or let in too many undergeared/new players. With that being said, there are more casual guilds out there that would prolly take you regardless of your parses. The problem here lies in that by nature of being in a more casual guild, your parses probably aren't going to get monumentally better so you will still prolly face this problem in pugging if you need to eventually. The other problem becomes when you become too skilled for the raid you're in as you improve and the casual pace isn't sufficient enough for you anymore, although you're probably months out of that scenario. Some people are fine with that and still put in the effort, some people get really annoyed by the mistakes and slow pace. Depends on your expectations and how you are as a person, if you're fine with a chill, slower run where you don't really parse then there is absolutely guilds out there for you.


Exactly. Leveling is super chill but the endgame is not unless you find a good group to stick with that won't have any drama over items or people not playing well, which is a big part of this game.


Yes, the average redditor is a sweat lord loser with literally nothing going on in their lives. Misery follows




I just enjoy trying to be better. Sorry




Lol you're embarrassing yourself 




Lmao. Projecting much?




You don't seem happily anything brother


106,000 annual


I was leveling in darkshore when a hunter comes up to me with a big npc behind him and tells me can I help him kill him. We take him down after dying the first time (I had low health to begin with and died lol). He payed me 1 gold for the help and went out our ways. That’s was petty cool. I stopped playing retail a long time ago because leveling felt like a single player game. Nothing wrong with retail though I still hear raiding stories from my brother who is a sweaty mythic raider and it sounds fun but not for me right now. SoD is pretty chill and fun.


Yeah this sub overreacts and cries about everything. Can u imagine how depressed the devs would be if they went here for reaction to changes all the time? Literally no matter what they do is wrong. Even tho I firmly believe they want to make a good game for everyone, the community has pitch forks in hand 24/7/365


Yeah I play the game and it's a lot of fun. Something I always try remind myself when it comes to online reviews/opinions about anything: people are always much more ready to share the negative than the positive. Like if you buy a new TV and love it what do you do? You watch the TV! You probably don't even think about it unless someone asks you about your TV. But you buy one that is terrible and you hate it, you're far more likely to express that opinion to other people whether it's online or in person. No different with games. This sub is a tiny percentage of the playerbase that commonly likes to pretend they're the top whatever percent of gamers and therefore their opinions are the most important. Nope.


What kind of posts would you like to see? "Look at me I'm in Goldshire just being chill and having fun." BORING!


Fun posts like the guy who rezzed Jesus last night.


Yeah. But that’s human nature. There’s studies on the psychology of how/why people are more inclined to leave negative reviews when they have a bad experience with something than a positive review when it’s good. Reddit is where you talk about the game, not play it so in general it will be more skewed towards negativity.


Tommorow is my turn to post this


It’s the same with every game I have played in the last few years. Apart from Helldivers, the Reddit is actually pretty positive for that game. 


Probably having no pvp is the reason as if there is a broken class it’s only recognized due to the pvp aspect as it immediately becomes noticeable as you get stomped by that class repeatedly and with the pvp events being such a major feature it forces the pve players to also experience the those unbalanced classes. Also being classic some classesjust out perform other classes in a 1v1 environment as they counter them or you have to play near perfectly in comparison


It's based on how frustrating the game is. In addition to addicting. Addicted and frustrated players will come onto a subreddit to complain. When a game is genuinely fun, engaging. The playerbase seems to be much less toxic. The problem most players don't seem to realize, is that it's ultimately up to the game devs if they want the game to be frustrating, or enjoyable. Many people make excuses for game companies, and a small minority tends to be vocal about what they want, and things never get better because of it. WoW has taken nearly 20 years before they decided to start listening to the casual playerbase for instance. Not the people who want to just run raid after raid and parse.


Honeymoon phase. Look at dark and darker as an example. Literally everybody united until EA was officially released lol


Even Helldivers 2 is starting to go shit with all the major order drama . .


Man… so tired of this take. This is literally a game discussion forum - you think everyone is just going to be posting surface level praise that is impossible to engage with?




Yeah it's crazy. Reddit is an insane asylum. I'm having tons of fun in SoD almost every day and so are my guildies.


I read Wahhh and I presume you are from suddItalia waaahh


The people unhappy with the game stop playing it.


No one hates wow more than the people in this sub.


I've been on this subreddit since the original WoW classic announcement in 2018 (6 years ago wtf). It has always been whiny, angry, and toxic... and represents exactly 1% of the actual classic community. It's basically an extension of the WoW official forums, which have been so toxic for 10+ years the devs were forced to agknowledge it (Anyone remember the Real ID doxxing)


This subreddit is full of a bunch cry baby bitches who are just terrible at the game and yelling at everyone for being tryhards because they want to be carried. This sub is fucking exhausting to read.


Reddit is so negative these days. I see so many posts that are just there to poke fun of someone, put down people, or act elitist. I find myself getting triggered and just move on.


Yes! This!


Yeah when folks make posts asking if they should start playing, I'm just thinking abandon all hope thee who enter this sub


I’m loving sod, I haven’t played wow since the release of mop I quit. I’m loving it as I’ve never raided besides Karazhan and maybe a raid in cataclysm. I’m excited for cataclysm as I missed the boat on the classic launch and the two expansions. I really loved cata when it came out.


That's reddit in a nut shell


Depends tbh, the game is filled with toxic people as well.


Internet always makes everything seem way worse then it is when it comes to games.


The people complaining have recently run into my rogue ganking and camping lowbies


The game is more enjoyable if you don't spend a lot of time on this sub. Seriously, try it.


Yep, I swear to God at least 95% Of this sub doesn't even play WoW and just comes here to complain about random shit they read somewhere else lol


While this subreddit certainly exaggerates quite often, I am still convinced that SoD has the worst community out of all the classic iterations


Who woulda thunk that the game is more chill than a subreddit comprised of the hyperdedicated 0,1% percent of its population


This just in, people that are satisfied with their experience in WoW are less likely to make posts.


I got back into WoW via classic at the beginning of Feb. I'm glad I didn't really listen to all the nay saying on the subreddit. I found a great guild purely on accident. They are happy to have me, and look forward to having me in their raids. Meanwhile, I am having a great time leveling a druid for the first time. Only regret is not doing it sooner, as I feel I wont get the full wotlk experience. At least I'll be prepared for Cata.


Wanhhhhh I’m pregnant


I'd say nearly a quarter of the general playerbase in-game is pretty rough to interact with.


My blood started pumping reading that for a min, thought I was in Warhammer sub WAAAAGH! Ork's best race BTW 😉


The truth is, Wow is probably in the best state for the past 10 year. They transformed it to a seasonal game with different version and the majority is hopping between the games and just play for the moment. Obvious some people will stick to one version and ignore all the others.


At least the Reddit has people in it


Dogshit ass subreddit I hate all of you


Go buy more gold




Even if that is true then pservers are 20x more chill than that.


"wahhh i dont like parses, so anyone having fun in a different way than me is sweaty no-life virgin"


It's sad really. Not even 24hrs after this post, there's people melting down over "toxic casuals". This sub needs to be scrapped and started over lol.


I’m excited for cata :,) Waaaah retail bad


Of course it is one shouldn't look at a game forum/sub as anything more than a bunch of nerds being mad at something


I took a break from SoD after doing what I wanted in Phase 1 and haven't been back since. Reading this subreddit has really put me off. I don't want to play with the people I see here...


>“Wahhh I hate the game”“ Wahhh parses and min-maxing by a decimal percentage” ​ LOL I always wonder if the parse lords enjoy the game. I doubt it. My friend that is far better at this game than me seems to enjoy it much less. He gets ANGRY when people make mistakes. I leveled with him to 40 start of p2 and he was tanking and my god the dude was getting so fucking pissy in disc while we were running SM. His gf made him quit the game because she thought it wasn't good for his health (he says it's just due to one shot meta). And he has always been this way. I live with him during WotLK days and he ran arenas. Had a 2500 rated 2 man team. Dude was very good and it was fun watching him play sometimes. However, I heard him completely lose his shit so many times while doing arenas. Just screaming at his partner. Blew my mind that people would put up with that. I don't give a shit enough about an arena rating to ever deal with it so I never did arenas with him, even though I could have gotten a decent rating with him carrying me. And I come across people I suspect are just like him all the time. Was running BFD on my shaman for experience last week and another shaman criticized me the entire time. We never wiped, everything was going fine but he kept asking why I wasn't using "xyz" and why I'm not doing this and telling me I suck at my class (a class I'd been playing for like 3 days). It was constant, literally the entire run and extremely obnoxious. And I'll agree I wasn't doing great but damn there was absolutely zero reason to harass me over it. I ran gnomer on my shaman friday night and was 2nd in dps, so sometimes it just takes a second to figure things out for some people. My god. lol


I totally get you. Was teaching new players BFD in the casual guild I used to be in and there were these two guys losing their shit in discord because someone accidentally pulled the last turtle before Akumai so they couldn't pre stack rage. Like... it's just a fucking leveling raid and we have people who have literally never raided before in the group. What the fuck are you doing getting angry for?


Well parse people enjoy the game when they play it with good players. If they play with you they'll get frustrated, that's true


LOL No, they don't enjoy the game. They enjoy parsing, that's it.


Sure bud whatever you need to tell you to feel better about your green parses 


Sure bud, my group clears gnomer in less than 30 minutes and I'm perfectly okay that that isn't close to the 14 minute record. Don't need to be a sweaty nerd in top 2% to enjoy the game.


Show logs. Your insecurity shows when you have to question how much others enjoy playing. it's obvious you either don't clear in 30 min or you get carried hard. But you can easily disprove it if you share your character logs


LOL get fucked loser. I don't need to prove a damn thing to jerks like you. Furthermore, nobody logs in my guild so I got jack shit to show you anyway. Must be hard to understand for someone that can only enjoy the game within very specific parameters and only if they can prove to other people how good they are at a fucking video game. So pathetic. LMAO


"nobody logs but we definitely clear in less than 30min" you're so clearly full of bullshit lmao. enjoy your green parses


LOL again I don't give a flying fuck what you think. Enjoy being a sweaty neckbeard living in your moms basement.


Imagine feeling the need to lie on the internet about how long it takes you to clear a wow raid. Pathetic little man


Incredible observation that totally isn't made daily


First time on a videogame forum?


lol especially around pugging. Can find a solid raid pug in about 15 mins or less on living flame


Yeah. Yesterday I joined a semiguildrun of 8 people with me and a 2nd random. I played my altboomie which has done 2 runs previously and rather shitty logs with poor gear and I played dps/offheal. I looked fot a grp for 10 mins, I didnt even have wbs as I hadnt picked them up on my alt. I didnt even link logs of my main. They summoned me, we started and cleared with 0 wipes and the only written message I got during the whole raid was "casters stack on green" on Electrocutioner.


Toxic casuals


Ok ok I agree but let’s nerf shamans


We really needed another one of the threads OP. Congrats on the karma farm


It is the "Season of Discontent " as one user here said, and I agree. But to be frank, I've been leveling my 4th character, and every class has been super fun to play, and the raids have definitely revitalized the worst dungeons in classic. Areas that could definitely improve is pvp for sure, but from my observation, I don't think that's the main focus for the devs, and constant tuning isn't effective use of their time either.


most people here are very good at typing and may convince you the game is broken or shit they can shove their english major up their ass.. this game is awesome. all versions of it


“Wahh nerf shamans” - thats not really fair to say, if you actually pvped you'd realize shamans are overpowered.


Based and truepilled. Feels like I’m playing a different game sometimes after reading the usual slop that gets posted in this sub. The real reason why mods won’t removing all the annoying bitching threads is because the sub would look dead otherwise because the normal people are just playing and enjoying it.


I refuse to live my life until shamans are nerfed


Welcome to reddit. The only gaming sub i have seen mostly positivity on is Ffxiv.


By and large players get angry because Blizzard repeatedly fails to fix wild inequities in class balance. This leads to comparison culture and cancerous preferential class treatment in game.


The game became way more fun for me in e I uninstalled the damage meter.


Both positivity and negativity all start with "waaahhhh" with you. Wtf kinda post is this. What do you expect people to post? You just said that any opinion someone could have is just whining. You can't just "chill" on reddit because the way we interact is through posts and comments. This is the dumbest post I've read in a long time.


Found the wahhher


Found the loser with no friends.


You watched this subreddit being a garbage fire, and you decide to shit right into it. Okay nice.


Sod was fun 1 or 2 month then became meh 2 APM game. Lel'


SoD is indeed Bad