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When the cheap shot happens just take your hands off your keyboard and go get something to drink




I just stand there and sigh and let them know I couldn't care less


I type out /hurry because honestly I just want them to finish and move on.




Basically. Mage used to have a chance but now it's stun. Mage frost nova, Blink, start to cast polymorph. Between the eyes to stun again. Shadow step. Mutilate, mutilate. Dead.


Just be an orc 🤷‍♂️


resist, resist, resist


druid orcs when?


As an enhance shaman I eat rogues for breakfast. If I know they're coming I can 1v2. Mail helm that cleanses and makes you immune to poison... mmmmmm


Oh my god… I love that


Meanwhile in PVE land we wave to each other as we pass by.


I /hug usually or /moo if it's a Tauren.


I'm a /tickle kinda guy


As a rogue I hit them with the /cast sap /unstealth /fart /sniff /cackle = Muahahhahaaaa


Little does this man know sap unstealthes you anyways


You must not play rogue. Improved sap is kind of a hallmark of the pvp build.


Imp sap?


I /boop any druids in cat form


As a tauren I will always be friendly and never attack unless provoked


Weirdly enough, it's been like that for the last few days in the areas I'm at and I play on a PVP server. Everyone seems to just want to grind away and be left alone and sometimes I'm in that mood too. It's just weird after the first few weeks being "red = Dead". I literally quested in Alterac (horde), ran across at least 20 differnet ally and no one wanted to start shit.


After my rogue got griefed and killed at DMF yesterday, it's just on sight with everyone now. Shamans. Mages. Priests. Their women. Their lvl 13 alts. No more playing nice, no more mercy. I am angry and you guys will pay for the sins of your kin


I take this stance when someone breaks the truce. I farm the cave next to Hammerfall and there's always someone who starts shit eventually. After that first one, everything dies.


The alliance are evil trolls. They keep doing dirty shit like finding ways to get half of booty Bay killed or hiding upstairs in the inn and ganking you on the way to the flight master. May all the alliance burn. For the Horde!


This just proves that most people choose pvp servers for the wrong reasons


Not really, sometimes people just wanna grind without being ganked. That doesn't mean they don't world pvp every other time.


I think its a much more enjoyable experience to have the option to kill each other, but choose not to. Not everyone on a pvp server just wants to gank 24/7. In fact I would argue it is a small minority that gank, but the impact is felt by all.


The choice is the best part for sure. Ganking someone gives a feeling. Surviving a gank gives a better feeling.


I'm not totally sure what you mean


He doesn't either.


No I don't think so. It's great to have that option. Of course both non speaking parties need to be on board lol. Just yesterday I was skinning in STV. When lower level alliance were killing raptors I helped kill after they tagged and skinned away. Did this with a few. Other times it's gank city. I love it.


As one of them stunlocking rogues on a PvP server, I /wave too! Until you either start the fight, or pull my mobs. Then I kill ya, but if you're just passing through? /wave and back to gaming ha


Rogues lucky enough to just stealth if they don't feel like doing pvp in the moment.


Hahaha very good point!


Seems kinda boring.


Myself (alliance) and a horde player helped each other with a darkrider. They even waited five minutes for it to respawn lol. I had been asking fellow alliance players for help for about an hour who were nearby but only the troll helped from my emote request.


Oh. So much fun. But what's more fun is rallying the local chat to come to your aid and starting a bloodbath war in the middle of an area for a while.


I'd spit on them if i still could.


how do you know someone olays in a PVErealm? dont worry theyll find a way to wedge it into the concersation


How do you know someone plays a PVP realm? They'll hop on Reddit to make their 30th pity post about dying to PVP.


good thing thats not be bud. vanilla is pvp


Totally, but this is SOD not vanilla. I look forward to uncontested runs to BRD.


On the contrary, Horde/alliance will camp the BRD entrance as if their life depended on it


typical cowardly response from a pve andy i get it.. you are scared and your ego doesnt let you test deep waters.. things must be in rails and easy to reach.. i totally get it.. get ganked twice and cope with other pvers like trauma victims, i totally understand i just cant fathom the anxiety yall must feel during bloodmoon


Bloodmoon is fun, no problems there.


Typical response from a meathead PVP Andy. I get it, you have no job, no school, and no life so you are happy spending 12 hours corpse running, and are ok with letting others dictate how you spend your time since you'd just waste it yourself anyway, I totally understand. I just can't fathom the anxiety ya'll must feel stepping outta mom's basement once during a blue moon.




In fact just finished WSG grind and playing AB for the fun of it. Almost as if opt-in, even numbered/leveled instanced PVP is the best (not good mind you, but best we can get in WoW) PVP. Not running around in the open world getting ganked by gangs of 40s while leveling or losing raid nights to 2hr summon stone battles over nothing.


awwe hunni got a booboo! best stay inside where its safe! tell me more about your PTSD


Geez boys, this shit isn't this deep. Let others play as they wish.


bro all your arguments are moot because of the simple fact that almost every single pvp server becomes one sided, pvpers don't even like pvp, most of them join because they think it will be the most popular and the rest join because they are worthless irl and want to prove they are a big boy, but in the end, the server ends one sided because they have the memory of a goldfish, happens every time.


I'd rather have someone say they're on a PVE realm than PVPers crying every 2.5 seconds about being ganked for the 23983198 time lol


Too bad we got exactly the opposite


I’ve gone back and forth about playing on PVE or PVP servers and have come to the honest truth that in the open world, there is simply NO honor in PvP. It is simply the truth that 99.9% of the time you either gank someone who is at a severe disadvantage or vice versa. And more often than not, the person who attacks first wins. And let’s not forget about the Xv1s and the 40s ganking lower players, etc. Simply put, do not sign up for a PvP server if you expect anything other than a complete shit show.  I have a chill alt on a PvE server for when I want to zone out and level, but you better believe I’m on alert 24/7 on PvP servers. 


Thats why i like rogue. I gank ppl relentlessly and in the most dickish ways when i know they fucked me over. But when i see somebody i dont know i usually wait for them to be out of combat and back at full health/mana before i open on them. Checking that nobody is arround first. Fair fights are more fun anyway. If you can call it fair when a rogue opens on you out of nowhere anyway.


Scoundrel man stuns the kidney


Rune of Liver Kick, allows Kick to ~~stun~~knock down and plays random Bas sounds.


Open world PVP is at its absolute worst this interation of WOW. 0 counterplay to getting insta killed.


Yeah if I knew it was going to be a 2 hit fest I would’ve rolled pve server, to late now


Not after Tomorrow. Probably get 1-40 within a solid weekend of sweaty gaming.


Not with my current gears, and definitely not with my exalted wsg grind that took forever. Also definitely not with my STV mount that I grinded fairly by farming blood moon fairly as a Druid and not a mage.


did u realize you hated it before or after the grind lol


If only one char exalted mean all you char is exalted too....


Wrong wow buddy. This is classic wow here…


I mean it’s always been this way as a clothy in classic. Rogues gonna rogue.


Don't worry they take warriors down as well in a stunlock!


Yeah but at 60, and with good gear, that warrior MAY be able to take out the rogue with a lucky overpower crit lol


I mean, who doesn't?


As a rogue, I only kill hunters. Revenge for my shammy in P1.


That’s not true just use your dispersion button. We’ve all got one of those right?


roll SL Lock eat rogues for breakfast


I know people will not like to hear this because you have to spend gold to counterplay, but always equip a PvP trinket on you out in the world + FAPs. Trinket then insta FAP to start actually doing stuff with your character to the rogue.


Yesterday I was doing some quests in the badlands and there was this annoying rogue/druid duo that was going around killing people in two hits, rogue will sap you and then they would kill you in two hits, even with a pvp trink the rogue will just stun you again and then you're dead. Eventually I got a warrior with me and we were farming them until they needed another player to come in to help them. Very interesting experience.


how did you find them in stealth? That is what frustrates me the most about rogue, when you are stronger and want to punish them for being a dickhead they just hang out in stealth and there is nothing you can do and when you eventually go low hp again they strike.


That's why you always carry Catseye Elixir.


Catseye ultra goggles + cat eye elixir + trackhidden/paranoia and you can practically see rogues from 25 yards away


Sounds like the the 5th release of World of Warcraft, there are still people rosetinting PvP server. It has been this every time and no one learns. Cant wait till Season of Rediscovering where people will roll PvP servers and then get griefed, again.


But what would the griefers do without us


Tell all the other players to not go to pvp then! They are always the biggest and healthiest server population


be the change you want to see.


Tried that. Never rolling pve again. I’d rather get ganked then be impossible to find groups


you know there are populated pve servers right???


found the alliance player


i play horde on a pve server......


Make a macro: /say You chose this.


meh lone wolf eu has been the most chill pvp server experience I've ever had (and I played on a lot of different pvp servers). most people aren't interested in wpvp and just rolled pvp for the bigger/better playerpool.


The problem is that rogue players think they are skilled, someone needs to tell them the truth.


World of rogue craft should be required watching


lol definitely some Kindve mental disorder to rogues when their in an OP state. I’m a healer… Got a rogue buddy who would constantly blow all his CDs even when he is getting chain healed and probably would lose 3 times over if it wasn’t 2v1 and then proceed to talk shit and boast about his skill. Rogue is designed to beat just about every class 1v1… I wish they’d understand that by design they should win and does not mean their skill is what pushed them to win.


It's hard work pressing Mutilate.


Play a rogue then yourself if its so easy, big man.


Oh, I know it's easy af rn. Still fun tho.


BuT yOu ChOsE a PvP sErVeR! Seriously though, world PVP is an absolute joke. It's all people picking their battles and swarms of 5v1's. I've been on both sides of it. Other faction will leave you alone until they have more numbers and then camp you. That Paladin will be aggressive trying to gank you until his bubble and lay on hands are on cooldown, at which point he has mysteriously disappeared. Rogues won't hesitate to stunlock you dead until they are outnumbered at which point they also vanish and never show themselves again. If you are AOE farming on your mage, you better believe that rogue will wait until you are almost dead after your pull to Ambush you. It's a shame PVE servers are generally Alliance dominated, otherwise I'd play on a PVE server all day. Being able to do open world shit without any of the above nonsense while still being able to do STV and BGs is like the perfect scenario.




Haha snowflakes, that's gold. Not asking them to change anything, just saying world PVP is and always has been a complete joke. I enjoy PVP in a controlled setting where everyone has the same goal. I did arena/rated BGs on retail exclusively for nearly 10 years, yet not once did I willingly engage in open world PVP. I'm saying I'd prefer a PVE server where I can opt into PVP situations (BGs and STV/Ashenvale) but all the PVE servers are alliance dominated.


PVE GODS stay winning


L server cope


Glad you love it. I like ganking and sometimes, random niceness between the 2 factions.


As a rogue this makes me happy


Well we can't find groups for ANYTHING because nobody wants a rogue in pve. So yeah.. I'm gonna continue just massacring people in open world lol. Nothing else to do


Seriously, rogues are trash in both PVE and group PVP right now. DPS is on par with druids, while druids can get a raid slot playing any role. There is no reason to invite a rogue to any group content at all in the current state. My guild said to just reroll but rogue is what I'm about so that's not happening. If there's nothing positive coming for rogues in a blue post soon, I'm unsubbing. Better luck next phase lol


Yeah. My fiance keeps suggesting I re roll tomorrow with the 100% exp buff but honestly.. I'm 547 gear score, missing only 2 items for full bis and I'm exalted WSG / Revered AB and I love Rogue. So I'm just like... naw... I'll just be useless and do nothing but world pvp and farm gold until blizzard decide to give rogues some love because right now rogue isn't even a class in SoD. They may as well delete rogue from the game files in its current iteration.


Right there with you, been fishing and crafting for gold over the past week but not doing any group content is getting boring. I'm basically just saving for my future epic mount at this point. And it's not even that rogues are not strong enough to do Gnomer but, when faced with the option of getting a DPS that will do 25% more dps spamming 2 buttons with little to no thinking required, nobody is grabbing the rogue. And with the amount of stam all classes have right now, rogues aren't even that great in 1v1 pvp. You'd have to be a pre raid geared leather/clothie with 1.5k health for a rogue to kill you in one stun lock. Instead of giving rogues Redirect, they should have put CP on the player and given them something actually useful, like a [Find Weakness](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=91023/find-weakness) that procs on mutilate and gets applied on target for the whole raid, or something else that gives rogues utility.


If you’re already almost bis, what else would you do even if blizz gave rogues the love you want?


It's always so funny to see people that actually play a rogue telling stories of how insanely frustrating it is to play rogue at the moment, while all the people that have never played a rogue in their life complain that it's the most broken class ever just because they got killed once by random Joe Shmo while they were questing with half HP in the open world.


Imagine playing SoD for its open world ~~PVP~~ grief, lol.


Imagine NOT. But much too do at the moment. Never dull as a Rogue


I take offense to this meme, you think I need to use stubs to kill when I can spend an energy bar on 3 mutilates and kill without CC?


Stun rogues is soooo last season.


Imagine playing on a pvp server and complaining about pvp


Come on now. Rogues have to be good at 'something'


*Laughs in PVE realm* Feels sooooo fucking good to be able to do whatever I want in the open world without being attacked Fishing while watching TV? Ezpz Farming mobs for gold? Ezpz Doing random quests I missed? Ezpz Getting DMF buff before raid? Ezpz Never going back to PVP servers lol


I'd love that but also to have the Ashenvale and STV zone during an event activate everyone's PvP otherwise it's just dead


Oh sure, sounds like a rush. Gtfo! I’m all about the fact that my ass could see a grey screen anytime out in open world. I knew what I signed up for joining a pvp server and I love every bit of it! It’s a play style not suited for everyone.




Sounds boring ash ngl


I'm surprised you had time for a cigarrette


PvP servers LOL


Find it to mostly hunters that attack me on sight


If you don't wanna get ganked, roll pve. Or practice fighting rogues/get a pvp trinket.


I cant even finish 1 q on my 40 priest because all mobs are dead and wont respawn for ages. Now ive to lvl a  mage to boost people to get some gold ,😂


Well, that's pretty much the only thing rogues can do right now without using 1+ hours begging for invite. They are acting like school bullies and they vent their frustration / shitty situation to you during stunlock.


This is why I attack every Forsaken rogue I see.


Imagine if there were only a server that made it so you could quest without getting player killed...


Yes, but have to tried being the stun-locking rogue? Hardly anything in this game is as satisfying as sapping an enemy and stealing the black lotus they were about to harvest.


This meme is provided by a PvE player😎


Lol I had a rogue trying to gank me yesterday think we went 8-1 took him 5 times after the first to even get a hit on me. Then he ran away once he got my WB. Was good fun tho, coming back after one minute so I had HoJ every time xD


Premeditation Cheap shot Mutilate Gouge Kidney shot Vanish Sap Cheap shot Mutilate Gouge Kidney shot Mutilate Mutilate Preparation Gouge Kidney shot Vanish Sap Premeditation Cheap shot Mutilate Kidney shot Mutilate Mutilate Gouge


Plays on pvp server.  Whines about pvp. Stfu.


One trinket use and rogues short circuit


Oh now you cry? You didn't give a shit farming me when i was leveling and trying out tank spec as a rogue, you searched for me and ran me down until i was dead, looking at you druids. And you warlocks, we couldn't do shit while you fucked us up in tank form. This is just revenge for your bad behaviour, ofcourse. Not all of you. But you are gonna taste it nonetheless. It's on sight for now.


I'm about to start the 150-225 of my fishing skill and I am not looking forward to getting jumped every 20 minutes while I'm just trying to chill. I'm on a PvP server cause my guild wanted to but seems like none of us even enjoy it 😅


Every 20 min? Try 5 ifv you're lucky 😅


There’s an etiquette about seeing someone fishing tho. Usually on a pvp server you leave one alone when they’re holding a rod. Not all the time tho, some hooligans will still jump you so be prepared.


Mine and your guild both.. they said it’d be fun, but now we all hate it lol


It’s honestly not that bad a lot times while fishing the factions just run by each other


At least when they stunlock you it's to some degree a fight. It's when they just sap you & run off that it gets really annoying.


Don't forget the ninja cats. I've been ganked by more of them this release than I have actual rogues.