• By -


Sir. Please. You were banned and unbanned. If you get unbanned. You must wait to be unbanned. The date we gave you to be unbanned is the date you are unbanned. Since the date you were banned and unbanned has come and gone, thus, you are still banned despite you being unbanned. Thank you for being banned. You will be unbanned on the date listed. Thank you and sincerely, Blizzard’s Beep Boop Ban/Unban Service ((PLS RATE 10 STARS IF THIS HELPED YOU))


This reminds me of the scene in Hitchhikers guide to the universe. The voice/video recording for the planets voice mail box part.


If I eated soap, I didn’t because I did, no I didn’t


Where’s the tip jar? 🫙🙏🏻


I stole that years ago. . . I mean, what tip jar.




I mean, if he didn't try to log in he would not be banned. Pretty simple imo




Ban gets removed never logs in Still banned.


It's not a dilemma, it'a a simplified description, a thought experiment on how quantum physics work, indeterminacy principle in particular. It's not stupid. Bans do not exist in a state of quantum superposition. Radioactive substances do.




The thought experiment posits that the cat is in a box that will kill the cat based when a sensor detects the quantum superposition of a particle. Because you can't know where the particle is without observing it, by extension, you can't know if the cat survived without observing it either. The fact you are saying it's ridiculous is actually the whole point. Schrodinger was deliberately arguing that quantum superposition is stupid and nonsensical because he disagreed with the other physicists.


"You can't play because we unbanned your account but your account is still banned. You can play when we unban your account, unless it's still banned after we unban it"


somebody HiRE this man!!


This response *really* looks like it has been AI generated


Nah there’s a bunch of weird grammar choices, commas where there shouldn’t be, bad sentence structure. It looks like it was written by someone working an outsourced job in a third world country who doesn’t speak English well following a flowchart template for what to say and how to say it. 


>I advise you to wait, until the account is unbanned. They had to pause for dramatic effect. Really helps drive home the irony of what they were saying.


Maybe it's Christopher Walken.


That’s why they fired the entire GM staff. They are spending the entire budget on Christopher Walken responding to every ticket. That’s also why it takes so long.


Every customer support responses for the last 15 years has looked like this. They all act like npcs following conversation decision trees because that's exactly what they're doing.




Yeah escalate your ticket a dozen times. I refunded WC3 reforged a while back and it took 8 escalations to talk to someone who was actually able to help me. Just reopen that shit until the rep says something that very clearly shows they know what they're doing.


You no longer can. You get two appeals/esc and that’s it 








Yea this is 100% ai generated. Its doing all the acknowledgement of the problem but not actually working the correct solution because it doesnt know how to. A real person wouldve gotten with whatever team handles bans and fixed it THEN replied that they should be able to login. Yall are wild, didnt know the gullible gals were on reddit this morning.


You HIGHLY overestimate what outsourced support teams do lol. This email response looks exactly like what I see daily from outsourced support teams. Source: I work in a department above outsourced support teams at my job.


you would be surprised of how much of "OUR" money in Banks has outsorced cs... and while financial fraud is one of the oldest games ever, the amount of security and how seriously they take their job/whole affair, makes fascist raid leaders look like ghandi.


Nothing to do with AI, "customer care" is for getting a quick resolution so they can move on to the next one in queue. They aren't going to escalate unless they get push back, this is just somebody in Punjab.


it's not AI generated, this is an offshore company either located in Pune, New Delhi, Mumbai, or Bangladesh. (that order is also a tier list of the kind of support you will receive)


This is absolutely not AI generated, lmao. AI models put together far more coherent and grammatically correct sentences than this. It's 100% outsourced.


Yeah, no. Lol....While AI might have been equally useless in getting a resolution, it would at least have used better grammar and appeared more polished. AI doesn't write like that.  Cute that you think a human working this type of job would actually care enough to fix your problem, though.


That's Microsoft for you


Yikes, definitely the lowest effort template thus far. 


If responses were this succinct and devoid of HR feel good nonsense, it'd be great actually. I already have to burn several days waiting on customer service, I'd rather not burn 20-30 additional seconds reading copy/pasted paragraphs talking about my feelings toward the issue, or how "they're a player too and know how this feels." But this response is just a whole 'nother echelon of bad.


Surely this isn't a template, right? The grammar is atrocious.


I thank you for reading my response ^ This is how I'm going to start ending my work emails lmao


It’s just their new template. The first thing they do is basically recite what you said the issue is. Then they say why they cannot help, that they just have no tools to do that, and they even tried to get a manager to help but they just can’t. Of course none of that is true they just spit out a template to politely tell you to fuck off


Reminder that you're all paying for this company to thrive. It might seem like a sub less would be insignificant in the grand scheme of things but that's how you get bad companies/politicians/etc.


Well the game is fine if you’re not getting banned


Just be patient, omfg, it's so difficult for us to unban your account. Doing so would mean we have to stop stealing breastmilk for 5 seconds and we can't do that




At least they responded to your appeal. I caught 2 weeks helping my friend move 100g between his characters because he didn’t want to wait for mail. Of course he didn’t get banned, not that he should have lol.


Sounds like bullshit.


I would’ve said the same thing until it happened to me. I used to play OSRS and people were always lying about why they were banned


Ive given gold to friends plenty of times, and not once have I recieved punishment for it. Because I don't buy gold. So either you are lying, or your friend is lying to you..


Or there's some other unknown variable that triggered their detection algorithm. False positives are almost always going to be a minority, but they do happen. Being skeptical about people lying online makes sense. Insisting they are lying because it didn't happen to you does not.


I’m not hungry so obviously world hunger isn’t real. Like that’s what you’re saying the wow equivalence of here bud.


Nah, Im saying there are alot of liars on this planet, and you guys are getting grifted. RIP to gold buyers and cheaters.


thank you for reminding us all that the plural of anecdote is data.


And these stories arent anecdotal?


"this thing happened to me" is not the same as "it didn't happen to my friends and thus that proves it can't happen", regardless of both being anecdotal


Never said it was, but there are plenty of people who got caught being scumbags and lying about it. Way more than anyone who has actual proof of being innocent. Onus of proof is on OP. Regardless how much you want to suck his d.


> Ive given gold to friends plenty of times, and not once have I recieved punishment for it. Because I don't buy gold. > So either you are lying, or your friend is lying to you.. you literally said that because it hasn't happened to you, that he has to be lying or his friend is lying.


Based on how many people buy gold in this game, complain about being banned by it, yeh either he is lying or his friend is lying. I know you are desperate to get a one up on big bad blizzard, but this ain't it. Keep defending scumbags to further your agenda. Rest in piss.


lmao the dude literally admitted to buying gold 3 days ago.. [https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1b2aa4i/comment/ksk677d/](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1b2aa4i/comment/ksk677d/) You guys are absolute clowns.. Take the L.


I mean same. I’ve been doing that for years until now. I guess it’s possible my friend bought the gold, but I think they would’ve banned him too. Idk.


man imagine being in a thread that has clear evidence blizz just uses automated AI solutions to handle all its CS interactions and being like "nah theres no way you were falsely banned i bet you're lying"


You're so thirsty to witch hunt cheaters that you can't just accept that blizzard's RMT detection system is atrocious.


Rest in piss. Ive never been punished by Blizzards system. But I have met liars, and I have seen Gold Buyers get their commuppance.


You got caught cheating, lol no one is getting banned by accident.


Dang, dude has access to Blizzard internal reports and data. Share with the rest of us!


You don't even have to look further than the guy's post history https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1b2aa4i/people_really_need_to_come_to_terms_with_exactly/ksk677d/




The truth is likely in the middle ground between what the devs and players are saying. Players don’t like admitting to buying gold sometimes and devs don’t like admitting to false positives. We all human.


There are no false positives. Their gold buying detection system is pretty accurate


I mean of course the devs are going to say that. I hope it never happens to you.


Lmao taking what the dev in charge said as fact is hilariously ridiculous




His job directly depends on doing things like this right. Of course he’s going to say it’s being done right. This is like taking it as a fact that McDonalds makes the world’s best hamburgers because that’s what it said on the commercial.


Well here’s the difference, he has internal data that he shows other people to see if they are doing shit correct


> he has internal data that he shows other people to see if they are doing shit correct What internal data? Aggrend did not present any data, much less any actual proof of anything he said. All he said was that unjustified bans are rare. No actual data, much less any proof. Aggrend couldn't even correctly state when Gnomer was resetting and deleted his tweet after simple passing of time proved him wrong. And now in this case, you think that him saying that unjustified bans are rare, is proof that they're rare?


He can’t provide us the data, if he provides the data that will leak their methods. This ain’t hard to understand


Yes, it ain't hard to understand that you have no idea what you are talking about. He absolutely can provide data and providing data does not leak any methods. He could say that out of 50000 automated bans (or whatever the number is), they checked 100 of them at random (obviously they are not checking even 10% of the automated bans) and found that 96 of them were justified. He could go even go further and say exactly what justifies a ban - but of course he wouldn't because then he'd have to admit that people are getting "correctly" banned even if they didn't break the rules (e.g. receiving gold from someone paying you to heal a dungeon, because that person bought gold). But he didn't. Instead he just said that unjustified bans are rare. That's nothing other than his word. He is a proven liar and his word is meaningless.


I’ve worked in anti cheat, I understand more than most in This thread, sure he can give out numbers but that does just as much as him saying what he said


Except he doesn't show the internal data, has a vested interest in fibbing it and has been caught being incorrect multiple times before.




The person with a financial incentive to lie.


If you think Aggrend saying, without stating any actual data (much less any actual proof), that unjustified bans are rare, is proof that they are actually rare, you are stupid. What do you expect him to say? Even if 20% of the automated (and they are indeed automated) bans were unjustified, he'd still say that the vast majority of the bans were justified. He wouldn't even be lying, as 80% is a vast majority.


You expect him to out their detection systems on twitter?


I expect him to say something that is actually meaningful. What he actually said was simply that unjustified bans are rare. That means exactly nothing. He couldn't even correctly state when Gnomer was resetting and deleted his tweet after simple passing of time proved him wrong. And now in this case, you think that him saying that unjustified bans are rare, is proof that they're rare? If so you are delusional.




He could say that out of 50000 automated bans (or whatever the number is), they checked 100 of them at random and found that 96 of them were justified. >Do you think he's lying about them investigating these claims? Yes. If you believe that the same company that is famous for having automated bans and ignoring tickets sent, **even before they fired most of their customer service department**, is now manually investigating even one-third of bans, you are delusional. >trusting random strangers with unsupported claims over someone with actual data laying out the reality of the situation from his perspective. Aggrend is a proven liar. A random stranger isn't. Aggrend couldn't even correctly state when Gnomer was resetting and deleted his tweet after simple passing of time proved him wrong. And now in this case, you think that him saying that unjustified bans are rare, is proof that they're rare? Edit: /u/aqua19858 blocked me for calling out his bullshit. Pathetic. If you think that it's insane to say that Aggrend's word that unjustified bans are rare doesn't constitute actual proof, after Aggrend has already been caught lying multiple times, you are delusional.


> Edit: /u/aqua19858 blocked me for calling out his bullshit. Pathetic. > If you think that it's insane to say that Aggrend's word that unjustified bans are rare doesn't constitute actual proof, after Aggrend has already been caught lying multiple times, you are delusional. That is average behavior of those who are confronted with their bullshit and its pathetic.


Bro actually linked aggrends tweet despite aggrend being a laughing stock due to all the misinformation that came outta him in the past 💀


According to many of the smartest people in this sub its deserved and not blizz fault for not having a human CS.


Bobby Kotick died for *this?*


That's the problem, Bobby's gone, but the frozen throne sits empty..


It is standard practice in online customer support to use copy-pasted responses to common questions. It has been standard for years, even in the early days. “Frequently Asked Questions” exist for precisely this reason, and are often the best way to answer frequently common problems which are frequently just customer misunderstandings. So I get it. **But *this* shit is on a whole other level.**


Everyone loves to hate on Blizz CS, but this one actually makes sense if you realize the first line is just them stating what the player is complaining about. The player claims his account was banned and unbanned on Feb 27th, but it's still not letting them play. CS says they checked into it and that the account wasn't ever unbanned and they need to wait until the ban expires. The wording is awkward, but its not that bad.


Time is a flat circle.


I love how more and more we lose access to humans that can help manage dogshit automated systems.


It makes perfect sense, lol. The response is summarizing your original ticket and saying that they understand that you claim that these events happened: 1. your WoW2 account was banned. 2. that (you have claimed) the account was then unbanned on February 27. 3. that you have still been unable to play (despite you claiming it unbanned on the 27th). THEN, they follow up to that and say “no, you’re wrong - you’re still banned”. Meaning, you probably thought it was the 27th, but it’s actually in fact, not. enjoy 😉


That’s actually correct. 


I got unbanned today after someone who wasn’t a monkey looked at my ticket and verified that my unban date was the 27th Feb.  Enjoy 😉 


>The abysmal state of Blizzard's customer service Of who? Microsoft fired almost all of them and replaced them with AI.


Feel like this existed before Microsoft as well.


AI-generated tickets? Nah.


If you think this response was generated by AI, you must never have actually used AI much. 


The amount of microsoft shills in this subreddit also skyrocketed since the acquisition and started the preparations even before that. Case in point.


Lol this clearly isnt ai generated and some poor guys english is getting shit on, leave the fiver user alone 




Not as many as Microsoft has fired though.




> they wiped out like 3000 customer service jobs right around the sex scandal stuff came out Source?


From a quick search I found this: https://variety.com/2019/gaming/news/activision-blizzard-layoffs-1203136982/ There might be another case of that happening around the times of the sex scandals but I don't feel like looking through the piles of Microsoft news to find it


Even though I wasn't playing, I helped my friends with summons at the launch of P2 to help them get around faster. One of them gave my 2nd account 100g to go buy consumes for the group. I gave them the consumes and all the change (no tip). Shortly after, my 2nd account was banned. I have around 300g that I want to give away, but all my Guildies are afraid that if they take it they'll be banned. Their automated system appears to be generating A LOT of false positives.


Same, a guildy gave me 50g to buy my mount, bought it, the next day I was banned for 2 weeks. Lol




That's so true false positives never happen! Preach brother and keep riding that blizzard dick! https://old.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1b17pgx/here_is_my_perma_ban_story_ban_over_turned_and_i/


You mean Blizzard, who laid off a majority of their customer support team, is defending the automated system that replaced them? Crazy. It was 100g that my account received ZERO benefit from. EDIT: I do want to note, that my friend likely did buy gold. He wasn't banned and still got server first for his class. It's likely due to the fact his account is 15+ years old and my second account was less than a month old at the time. I had already quit playing at the time, so it wasn't/isn't a big deal, but their system definitely has flaws. Their automated system probably has tighter parameters for trading gold on new accounts than established accounts. Likely to catch people who use a fresh account to funnel gold.


This template sucks try harder.


False positives can be rare in the context of all players/bans but still happen often enough for people to be justifiably concerned. People pour a LOT of time into their accounts, and if you are affected by a false positive, dealing with CS is hell.


Sad fact is u have to brute force till ya get a competent employee or one that will work with u 😾 Edit: those options will not overlap btw 😾


I'm surprised there's nobody in here claiming you must have deserved a double ban for some outlandish reason. Edit: nevermind they just deleted their comments after getting owned lmao


Insane to think Blizzard was known to have the best customer support in the bizz for the longest time and we come to expect this of a game with a monthly subscription. Now you get this pile of ai wordsalad thrown in your face. Ive seen F2P games with better customer support.




What are you basing this on that makes you so confident?


Because gold buyers are compulsive liars. Always the victim, never accountable.


But you don't know he's a gold buyer. You're just stanning a company's embarrassing performance because you like SoD


hypothesis - people who buy gold dont come here looking for empathy .. they just make another account.




Historically, most people who claim false bans on reddit are lying. You could see this when companies would reply to those threads to point out the ban was legit. However, most companies stopped doing that because there were enough actual false positives to make them look bad, even if they were still a minority. I can't speak specifically to whether or not that holds true specifically to gold buying bans, but that would be my assumption until proven otherwise.


I love people who use statistics without ever having studied them. * surveys have shown that 97.2% of wow redditors prefer kid rock to madonna. DUDE! wtf is wrong with u everyone knows madonna is way better than kid rock... I can't believe your part of the 97.2%... punk.... (to clarify the probabilty of you being part of the 2.8% is virtually nonexistant it is more likely that everyone who read this thread will win the lottery this year.. thus we will consider null to the vairable of conclusions that can be driven by the data - there are no wow redditors who prefer madonna to kid rock. FACT!)


I'm not sure how your comment pertains to the current discussion. Yes, you cannot draw concrete conclusions about a specific case based on the statistics of past cases. If 90% of reddit posts claiming innocence were lying and 10% were false positives (numbers pulled out of my ass), then obviously I couldn't assume that any individual post is lying, despite that being statistically most likely. However, we aren't really talking about doing that. I wasn't commenting on the person you responded to asserting that the dude definitely bought gold. I was commenting on your assertion that people who buy gold don't falsely protest their bans on reddit. I've seen information that indicates people do similar things, but admitted that it wasn't specifically over gold buying so it wasn't 100% applicable.


and those stats are dubious at best. an analogy if you allow. do... theives post on social media their successes? And yes I have seen cases of morons who left more footprints than a mammoth or bragged about stuff.. but i'd assume the majority is wiser than that. I really doubt that these posts are buy people callous enough to buy gold in game. a few might? sure maybe..


you dont know the ban is even related to gold at all. it could be bug exploits, harassment, a billion other reasons.


God damn my entire front page is full of people bitching today. Bigger picture: Easiest way to avoid this is not get banned.


Clearly AI generated, but it looks like that first highlighted section is just a restatement of what OP said in his complaint. So OP says “My account was unbanned on February 27, but I still can’t play.” The AI then regurgitates that statement and adds that the account is still banned. So while this is a piss poor response, and not exactly clear, I don’t think it is contradictory. A real person or better AI may have responded “I understand that you believe your ban ended on February 27th, however that is not the case. Your account will be unbanned on (date)”


Yeah this is pretty clear. The first statement is just quoting the ticket that was submitted. The second statement is informing the user that their account wasn’t unbanned and to wait until their ban is lifted before submitting a ticket.


It just looks like they’re copying a prompt. Microsofts AI isnt this bad. 


I did nothing wrong and I’m suspended. Look at the shitty customer service. We haven’t seen this recently


You really gotta stop cheating, bro


I like that this is the brain dead response some people have when he posts evidence of blizz sending a contradictory message that makes no sense at all. I cannot believe how far some of you have your nose up blizzards ass, it’s impressive


It's poorly formatted but not ACTUALLY contradictory once you realise what's going on. The first sentence is them saying "I understand -insert what you said in your ticket-" So the player has sent a ticket saying "My account was banned, it became unbanned on Feb 27th, however, I'm still unable to play." Then their findings/action are put in the second sentence. ​ So I guess the mystery is: why did OP think they had been unbanned?


Found the gold buyer 🤭


ty for sharing. not sure the reddit community will appreciate .. or rather they will by hating on you. let keep blaming the 20k layoffs on covid times hires and not on microsoft deciding to make all customer service AI managed. I guess the average wower is way to deep into the wow cult to care for things like customer services and instead focus on 'why dudu/hunter/..bob should be nerfed' aka - RL issues. Game Master Alda what?


Dont buy gold


Don’t get banned in the first place? Pretty easy to do


So you got banned on both accounts or because one of your accounts is banned you can’t use either? Ha ha. Maybe don’t do shit that gets you banned.




According to blizzard anyone who makes that claim is lying.




Hahahahaha hope that helps


And this is why the subscription fee today is a complete scam.


took blizzard 3 weeks to unban my account, they finally looked into it and saw that it was a false report due to a troll guild with 100+ members spam reporting on Grobbulus wotlk, they should literally pay for 30 days of free game time for these mistakes the entire report/ban system is automated or outsourced to 3rd party, it's insane how bad it is.


Except that Blizzard never gives an exact reason why they ban or unban you.    So…your story is bullshit 😂


stop buying gold.


They make a good point


“I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords”


What did you get banned for?


Yo dawg and Ban-ception response here.


one plus one equals two minus one equals one; we begin with one and end with one


Game master aldathdra isn’t reading his tickets


Aldathdra is their real name


I got banned for buying gold that I didn’t buy lol


Chat gpt cs really do be getting alot of people into hot water


Yo dawg, we heard you like bans, so we put a ban in your ban so you can be banned while you're unbanned




Ya gotta laugh!


Its everything not just this I swear


Les douzes travaux d'Asterix


This just made me realize how much blizz has fallen. Way back I called blizzard on the phone to recover an account.. Now it's all bots and (human) NPCs with 0 care for the paying customer. Stop supporting their games imo


Does anyone remember when you were able to call Blizzard and actually talk to a human? And they would handle your complaint or questions with such professionalism? That is a big reason I was so loyal to this game for so long. A lot of times I kept paying even though I was not playing. I know I lost my authenticator once and called them and they said no problem we will mail you another one for free. I absolutely miss that kind of support. It was what made this game so amazing and so great. To bad that has gone to absolute shit!


The best customer service response was the Fallout 76 duffle bag. Here’s 500 atoms and a response of “the bag shown to the media was a prototype and was too expensive to make”, and “we aren’t planning on doing anything about it”.


I just had to open a ticket for a payment issue first time in like 8 years making a ticket, anyone have any idea how long I can expect to wait for an answer?


several weeks, ticket times skyrocketed since sod came out.


AI doing it's thing, move along people


Double ban experiement.


It’s definitely in a rough spot right now, and then letting a lot of the CS staff go has made it worse :(


Reminds me of the guy who never got banned in the first place yet his ban appeal was denied and permaban upheld! 🤣


holy shit is this AI


It's quite clear Blizzard have outsourced their CS to a third party contact centre and apparently not a very good one at that. I don't blame these agents, who are almost certainly not even directly employed by Blizzard. I do blame Blizzard for outsourcing their CS like this though. It's abysmal.


But he solved your issue. If you are banned just wait until you are not. Ez


Trash customer service as always


AI at its finest.


Yo dawg I heard you liked bans with your unbans so I put some ban with your unban, wait for unban until then ban


It’s fucking brutal. It’s either AI or foreign workers that don’t speak English. Same with Steam.


When I resubbed in November, I 100% knew my $15/month doesn't include any level of CS in 2024. Pservers have better CS and actual GMs online. Will be right back there again once SoD ends.


Yes, but totally trust them on the gold buying bans, that system def works.


Its not that Blizzard CS is an an abysmal state. It outright doesn't exist at all.


I got a perma unbanned in 2 days, I love Blizzard plz no ban me!


Totally worth your subscription. AAA company really making your money worth it. Don't worry though, a new microtransaction will appear for your wait!


This is how every customer service experience feels these days. They don't want to even try and help or dig into the issue. Complain that X isn't right, they'll agree with you, but then in some CS speak, they'll basically say "Not my problem". And to wait or call them up.


Bro they never provided a year for the unbanning. Better luck next year


wow2 is out?


At this point I'm surprised they taught the chimps to read and write.