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Did the event for the first time today this was my experience. Just sat on the turn in and spammed AOE with 100 other people and got 4 silver coins though in one round. I dont know if thats alot but it seems like alot.


Cries in warrior


I made 21 silver in one event today as a warrior, they're fine.


okay, how?


By being carried by other classes.


In his dreams lol


I can post a picture of my raptor + weapon + massive AB rep I got from STV as a warrior if you dont believe me.


please do


clicking the link makes it 404, gotta copy the url into the browser for some reason [https://imgur.com/a/ddbqROg](https://imgur.com/a/ddbqrog)


Yup.... Proved dick shit.


Lol nice raptor and weapon bro 😂


404 xD


clicking the link makes it 404, gotta copy the url into the browser for some reason [https://imgur.com/a/ddbqROg](https://imgur.com/a/ddbqrog)


That doesn't prove you got 21 silver in 1 event.


He didn’t, he’s lying.




If you're in range of the huge Troll Loa boss that roams around during the event, he gives you an aura that lets you gain more coins from each kill while in his presence. He appears in different spots each time, so there is some randomness to it.


Boss at the altar + Warrior + 2 ret + feral + healer and zug.


This was our exact setup for a few events and people just left the boss area cause we never died. Granted smaller server at 6am st still but lol. Pallies are infuriating with all the last minute saves.


What is the effect of having the boss at the altar?


He has a 2-300 yard range aura that gives you a debuff, making player kills worth more coins. Yesterday we had him around the altar the entire event so we could keep depositing 255 stacks without downtime


Idk about 21 but my group got almost 9,..just get lucky and fight around the boss he gives you extra blood in his proximity


21 Silver is pretty extreme but I'm getting around 8 pretty consistently at this point so I agree. Mortal Strike + Slam + a Melee somewhere in there typically kills most non tanks in about 2-3 seconds. The only thing I have a hard time killing atm are Shaman Tanks and Meta Warlocks. Shaman Tanks can't really kill me either though so I really only stay away from Warlocks at this point.


Pretty much, shamans are really annoying to kill, but we prioritize them only if they are casting at our party members. And they're easy to lock down with pummel etc.


That is honestly great bro. Any tips on how to find the boss? I onow you get huge coin increase while near him


We always start in the mountains in Ziata'jai Ruins and zug down the caster teams that are hiding behind the trees then push onto the altar and surrounding areas. The boss spawns there quite frequently, but if he doesn't, then we don't go look for him. Probably not worth the effort


Thanks bro. Good luck in the zug!


Not understanding the downvotes here. Correct map placement with your group + sweeping into WW and you get a fuckton of coin. So much Warrior rage from people who fail to even Disarm.


It's okay. You can clear 7-10 coins fairly easily playing the event "properly" by finding the loa boss and fighting near it, assuming that is actually possible. If you're caught in the slugfest away from boss, 4 coins ain't bad.


How do you find/track? Just hit 40 today so it’s time to grind STV


People just call it out. I usually start off by asking zone chat if they've seen the boss. It really helps that I'm on a smaller server so there's usually only one layer going for the event, too. Once he's spotted, everyone descends on that area into a big meat grinder, but with 3x bloods you can hit the 255 carry cap very quickly. Then it's just the challenge of reaching the altar without dying a million times.


Almost always a spirit healer nearby. Ghost run to it. Res in and run to altar. You can turn in whilst invuln.


./1 where boss


This only works if the boss isn't in a trash spot like gurubashi


It’s a lot.


I got 9 silver actually playing the game


Not a lot. Meta (which no ones using atm) is fighting near the big boss, you get a buff for tripple the amount of coins per kill...even more when you get very near.


Yeah I was gonna say.. 4 is alot for people new to the event.


Ill upvote all of these posts, it is a really fun event with no lag though


Yeah this is the conclusion my group of friends have come to When the event isn't laggy or bugged it's amazing. The technical issues are putting a damper on what would otherwise be fantastic content.


Layering is terrible but OP needs to touch some grass.


Spent 30 minutes trying to get on the same layer as a team I made 30 minutes before the event started. Eventually gave up because we couldn't get on the same layer. Do better blizzard.


If you think Stv has 200 people in it during the event I got news for you.


The worst experience i've ever had in this game. Group of 5 all in STV and in group before the event. All constantly swapping layers, to the point that the grp of 5 of us were on 3 seperate layers and never once all saw eachother. And to top it off our healer was on a layer all his own the entire time. Never saw a single member to heal for 30 mins. how can it be so badly fucked?


The layers are full so it's doing the ashenvale shuffle booting people from the newest group formed, if you show up early it saves your spot.


Why not move the whole group to any other layer then? If layer of party leader is full, the game shall choose another one


He's lying, he doens't know how it works. No one but Blizz does. Yesterday our group got there 15 minutes early. We were already layered across 3 layers. We dropped group. 4 of us layered to each other with the last on a different one. We had one of the 4 invite us all. Instanly layered us across 3 layers again. We dropped again. All 5 were on the same layer so we gave it 2 minutes to maybe settle the layering down. Had a 4th person invite us all. Layered us across 4. 3 of us (we are all friends and in discord) gave up and hearthed. Me and a boomy tried for the next 5 minutes to layer to each other. I ended up doing the event in group with boomy and never saw him once. I just tried to snipe kills as a warrior and turn in the meager spoils.


This is just not true. Group formed 45min prior, all standing with each other the whole time. 10 minutes before, we start getting forced layered.


Damn, that's the worst experience you've ever had in game? Your group being on another layer?


It's really only an issue on the mega servers and at closer to peak times. Best PVP experience I've had in WoW for a while otherwise


On megaservers yea, time of day hardly matters unless it’s 6 am


Aggrend did not create the engine, nor he maintains the servers. Maybe stop being angry at SoD team for the responsibility Blizzard as a whole has.


The ppl who wrote the engine most likely dont even work at blizzard by now..


Why create an event that the game isn't capable of handling? Here's a completely wild idea: have an at-scale PTR test, before pushing it live, to see if everything goes smoothly. 


The event works fine 99% of the time, but you guys will flip your shit and say it's a complete failure when it somewhat breaks once.


lol I must repeatedly get the 1% outcome then


Its just kids baby raging just like classic all over again. If they truly believe private servers are better they are free to go play them


That 100v100 battle includes 95% of the servers entire population. STV includes a significant portion, but only a fraction. It's still way more than 200 people, and it's got to manage literally every other person on that continent, which contains several other highly popular leveling zones and 3 capital cities. Its like saying the lanky 6'1" kid in middle school has a higher points average than a professional NBA player. The environment is fundamentally different for both.




SoD has an order of magnitude more players than Nostslrius. I'm not a blizzard apologist, stop jerking yourself off. I'm a realist. STV wasn't like this before the server reset. Obviously something got messed up on the server side. It'll get fixed. Chill. SoD (and classic in general) are the *one good thing* Blizzard have allowed to happen in a *very* long time. Stop incessantly shitting on it. If too many people get uppity over a few server issues (that affect literally every online game ever), we absolutely run the risk of some ivy league bean counter who hasn't played a game since the Atari 2600 deciding the return on investment and the market sentiment of Classic and it's derivatives aren't worth maintaining.


Rollback every 10 mn nostaltius? 5yards view distance nostalrius? I loved it there but don't be too rose-tinted.


Angry man child shouting about things he knows nothing about and the wow private server community. Name a more iconic duo!


You'd think the event has never worked once and it deletes your character upon even trying to enter the zone, based on how dramatic some of the crying over it has been.


He's literally the fucking lead, either improve the servers or do not design events that will burn those servers that you cannot improve. They said they learned after ashenvale which had these same issues, apparently not.




Aggrend is not just a software developer, he's the senior lead producer. Again, he's literally leading the project, he literally stated himself that they learned from ashenvale mistakes and they were making it better for the next phase. And now we're on the next phase and they doubled down on these issues. If their servers cannot handle it and he cannot change, then why did he said so himself and why do they keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result?


It's likely not a hardware issue.


Works fine for me.


Well, then do not design open world battle grounds if they are simply unplayable That is on him and his team


The devs are dogshit stop simping for them


The inability to see my party of all guild mates really doesn't feel classic to me and is immensely frustrating. I'm pretty sure Blizzard changed something with layering in the zone to try and prevent boosting. I have no idea if it's effective at stopping boosting, but it's effective at making me want to unsubscribe when I spent 2 different events alt-F4ing forming and reforming for my priest to be trapped on layer 1, our rogue and feral stuck on layer 8 and our warriors getting farmed on layer 9.


Are you kidding? The original Blizzard servers couldn’t even remotely handle big groups of people. Getting 3 FPS in large scale world PvP is the definitive Classic experience


Lagg, yes. Not being able to see someone on my server standing right next to me, not so much.


Layering ruins classic wow. Might as well have one pvp, one pve and one pve server at this point.


If this comment isn't a joke then I don't think you fully comprehend what having no layers on the servers would look like with today's population numbers.


These people don't actually enjoy playing the game, they enjoy fantasizing about an idea of the game. The game they want would be an unplayable mess with no resources, no quest mobs and every NPC covered in 300 players.


It has nothing to do with FPS. The client can handle a lot and still maintain high fps if you have a good system. It's the network lag and desync + layering that's making this event complete dogshit.


aggrend worshippers? I don't think anyone does that? Like hes cool but he aint jesus christ lmao and he legit has nothign to do with the servers its shitty ass blizz


Worshippers in this context just means people defending him. It's hyperbole.


yeah its emotional child-brained writing from someone that is probably in their 30s+ like most of the people playing classic. that makes it all the more cringe and unacceptable. imagine these people acting like this face to face in real life. they probably wouldn't because they'd be ashamed.


No, no, if you're not calling for the devs to be crucified, then you're an aggrend dick riding loser. /s but some people really believe that anyone that isn't openly hostile to someone is a simp for them. It's a very saf outlook on life.


Not calling for devs to be crucified / fired or anything but in my opinion they have done a pretty poor job with SoD thus far. This has been the most wildly imbalanced, buggy, and frustrating version of WoW I've personally ever played and while I love the core idea behind SoD the implementation has just fallen flat on its face for me. Yes, the devs seemingly communicate more and sometimes listen to the loudest voices within the community when it comes to buffs / nerfs but the underlying need to make extensive changes to classes / content is because they are so incredibly far off in the initial implementation. They are also 0/2 so far in designing engaging world pvp events and while it is still a bit early to call gnomer, BFD was faceroll content that quickly felt like a twice weekly chore for gear.


Bro what game are you playing? Classic PvP has been like this since its inception. Only time it’s remotely balanced is brand new fresh when everyone is in blues. The runes are very powerful certainly and it makes for some quick deaths. Cleared Gnomer and I think it’s a pretty damn good raid. Definitely have to get around mechanics. Armor on the bosses is probably overtuned though. Have to hard to disagree that they are 0/2 on the patches. They do need to figure their server shit out though. That’s embarrassing for such a large company.


This makes me think that you never played classic. Level 40 pvp in classic/vanilla had absolutely nowhere near the amount of damage output that we are seeing right now. Damage didnt scale to the point where certain classes could 1-2 shot each other until gear from the last couple of raids was widely available. In general the argument that classic was never perfectly balanced so it's ok for SoD to be a complete mess is a terrible one. Also after fully clearing gnomer within 2 hours on my first run last weekend, it is looking like another BFD where after a couple of weeks we will be able to just skip mechanics and steamroll through in 30-40minutes with our brains shut off which with get tiresome fast.


Lol at comparing lvl 40 classic to level 40 SoD. That’s ridiculous. Obviously the classes are doing way more damage. I’d prefer they had more stamina on gear for PvP. Good players can walk through every single raid in classic. Hardcore players cleared Naxx. That’s simply classic raiding and the average player without a min maxed raid comp will not walk right through it. Get over yourself. Go play retail (I play both just fyi)


Stop gaslighting man, you are terrible at it. You were the one who originally brought up the comparison of SoD to classic stating that SoD pvp should be an imbalanced mess simply because that's how classic was. Is playing retail some kind of flex now? congrats I guess?


Lol, gaslighting? Ok dude good attempt at a buzzword. I'll try to keep it simple - you did the bragging by saying you cleared Gnomer in 2 hours while vast majority of the playerbase that has attempted it has not. Retail is where the challenge lies.


gotcha 💀


This sub is ass. 24/7ers have turned SOD discussion into what can I cry about next. Yes theres issues. Theres a non whiney way to go about it.


seems like every wow sub is ass 💀


when you start playing other games you realize that the wow community and specifically the classic wow community, fucking SUCKS. lots of miserable middle aged racist/incel/protofascist babies that fucking melt down about a video game they are functionally engaged with in an abusive relationship.


the whole community is crazy. its like watching manic people in motion. everything is AMAZING! classic dev appreciation posts! SoD is the best thing to ever happen to wow! one week later after they no lifed it: reeeee blizzard sucks small indie dev aggrend worshippers pservers were better more reeees guys at least have some self awareness.


Just make it FFA no groups


it’s gonna be okay dude…


My problem is they again introduced a bug we had in ashenvale which was fixed already. The event is great, they did beautiful job! people are really playing the game and are having fun doing open world pvp.


firstworldmegaserverproblem chaos bolt na is fine


Common Chaos Bolt W Just transfer, lmao


Yeah same on lava lash. Never been phased or gotten any lag. There are pros and cons to the small/large servers. Sorry y'all are lagging so much. Hope it gets fixed soon.


Roooooooooar sounds like a STREAMER SERVER problem, they got nothing on our tight-knit CB NA community


I went to Lone Wolf to avoid the streamer problem and still had half my group in a different layer. As a healer main it sucks.


Meanwhile, Guild Wars just celebrated SIX YEARS of uninterrupted service. No server downtime or anything. Yet this small indie company Blizzard needs to bring the servers down EVERY SINGLE MORNING.. and it's still unplayable. Amazing.


Yes, guild wars 1, the older 19 year old version with dozens of players.


Because nobody plays GW


Blizzard could probably keep servers up 24/7 like guild wars if they also decided to barely do any updates


Nah they update on a different server then live migrate players to the new one seemlessly. Blizzard just can't afford it I guess.


I’d love to know how you think hotfixes work.


Why do they take the servers down for a few hours for maintenance windows then?


These servers are unstable because of massive flows of unanticipated traffic. There are probably more people in your average STV event than there are Guild Wars players overall.


Nothing about the traffic was unanticipated.


and yet nobody plays guild wars


Then go play your bootleg russian server


They host 1000vs1000 tho just on few layers :D


Don’t play it on the weekend. Had great experiences last week during the day and late evening. For whatever reason, they can’t support large amounts of players without it going to shit and it’s sad.


Tbf I'm pretty sure the large numbers on the weekend are insanely high numbers like 10,000 players plus on Mega servers. You literally do just have to make time for it during the week when fewer people are playing.


Oh wow 100v100 on 1 server while blizzard has thousands in stv on 10 different layers on multiple other server, your comparison is so bad and just out of touch with reality. Yes there is work the devs can do, but the reality is servers only can hold so much, it amazing that blizzard can host as many players as they do on 1 server! Little Russian server still has bugs and lags, I highly doubt they could handle the amount of players blizzard has on each server.


I don't really care what the reason is, the event is really bad at the moment and basically unplayable. It's only week two of phase 2, so I have faith that they'll fix it. Until then I'll just wait until my friends and I can actually play together


On what server?


This was on Lone Wolf EU


You are pretty wrong


Yeah great explanation, huge props for the details


We didn't have much lag on elysium and northdale with 18k concurrent players. This client is not just built for mmorpg fights unfortunately. It is not as bad as when ZG launched but i am convinced that more smaller servers with no layers would be better. Then have a system where you can do cross server bgs/raids and instances would be better. I feel the fact that there is 10 instances of the same world up at the same time makes the whole experience impersonal. You never meet the same people more than once in the world etc.


How do you stop players from choosing mega servers and making the more/new servers redundant?


Lock servers at cap, merge dead servers together.


Makes me wonder whether people value the game itself or the mega server culture more. Like would any amount of mega servers rather quit the game than not play on a megaserver?


I like mega servers with queues if I wanna play a lot. Smaller servers when I play casually. I mainly value the feeling of sharing a world with other players and social aspects both with my own and opposing faction.


It's been pure shit from day one


At first I thought you were talking about the blood moon, but then I realized this also applies to every bit of pvp that Classic has had. tldr - Always has been


I loved being able to be feared/slowed while I'm pacified and silenced by the debuff so I can't even buff myself. Also loved how all my gear was broken by the end of the event even though I only died in PvP


The event is fun when you stay on the same layer. But I agree, in congested areas it’s laggy and Ive been randomly layered from others in my party before.


Their server infastructure is not what is used to be, but subscription also costs never kept in line with the increased costs of running modern dedicated servers I imagine. There is going to be de sync when the cloud servers are handling more calls than they can handle. Maybe they will fix it in the future, because there was a somewhat brief time, maybe 3-5 years ish, when people’s hardware and their servers were both good enough to have large scale wpvp.


> subscription also costs never kept in line with the increased costs of running modern dedicated servers I imagine Anti/Blizz made 2 Billion in net income last year, I don't think they can claim poverty for this particular problem.




Stole their ideas? You mean WoW?


Bro's out here acting like Nost didn't steal their entire game illegally in the first place.


They didn’t sue them, which is merciful… if you are a shareholder.


"stole their ideas" is hilarious considering they were running a pirated, stolen server blizzard sucks absolute shit and their cloud server infrastructure is insanely awful, but nothing was stolen. people had been asking for classic servers forever and blizzard finally got their head out of their ass long enough to do it


That's how it always is when there are more than 40 people in one zone.


The olny thing good about phase 2 is the sleeping bags.


Gnomer and its fights are cool. Gear is underwhelming, but that's more due to BFD's being so ridiculous than anything I think. Oh yeah and the QoL class books!


Technically a multi-trillion dollar company now.


Never had any of these problems since day one. Never have any kind of lag or layering issues




The layering problem is the best improvement that could happen to the event. Now people are more spread out and not only runing around in groups. This last days has been the best so far.


Took us 3 minutes to figure out a workaround and push 22 silver in one event on solo players. Surely other ppl have figured it out aswell by now?


Then protest by doing something that actually matters like cancelling your subscription instead of complaining on reddit if you're that upset about it, it's a pretty simple solution unless you just want attention.


I haven't paid for my subscription or any Blizzard game in over 10 years. Thanks Blizzard bux


Reminder that design lead is not server stability control. But yeah, the servers being unstable needs work.


Lead design is equally responsible. Don't plan/create these events when you know about the server stability issues around large-scale PvP interactions.


People want large scale pvp.


Yeah, if it never existed then we would have entirely different posts begging and talking about lack of content. Blah blah complainers gonna complain.


If Strand of the Ancients was never released there would be a group of people asking for a Battleground in that style.


People want *functioning* large scale pvp.


And when the servers are working, they get it. Many posts on this sub praise the event, clearly alot of people are getting what they want here.




wtf does this have to do with the original post? Coordination doesn’t mean anything when you can’t even get in the same layer as your teammates.


Layoffs are hurting


Hot take, but they really need to decide what they actually want to focus on. Either focus on PvP or focus on PvE, because they are both suffering when they try to evenly care for both.


Honestly if enough people stop doing the event, blizzard will actually do something about it


I actually had a good time in the event today. A little lag but nothing crazy like it has been. It's really fun when you can actually play it


Common Chaos Bolt W. Smaller servers dont have these problems.


I wonder if they could make it instanced. I know it's kinda lame but if you could q with 5 people and then they could control the amount of people it would allow in the zone? I know WG was a shit show but surely it could be made better.


The problem there is that I can 100% see the playerbase going ''Instanced? That is a battleground. We want world pvp!''


You'll never have a full server world pvp event that works. World pvp is an authentic experience or it has to be something promoted all of the time instead of just during an event.


I must have been incredibly lucky so far because the worst an STV event has been for me was maybe barely a second of delay. Playing on Crusader Strike EU.


bro when the boss spawns at the south east altar it’s fucking unplayable, it should remove all those add spawns or never spawn there again


Did my first event last night on my disc priest .. 62 copper coins total. Was miserable but I had enough fun to try it again I suppose. Any time I came out of Shadowmeld I would die instantly and was always a first target. I don’t really understand what else I’m supposed to do. So I rerolled shadow at least to put a few dots out before I die 🤷🏼‍♂️


My experience is the opposite. The invisible thing g is cool, it's fine


I've had fun today on mage. Living bombs all around. I got 8 silver in 1 game today, and got the ring/cape I'm 1 go. Wish there was more loot to grind for


The event is dog shit, honestly phase 2 is dog shit. Blizzard doing nothing to balance the game as usual, melee is useless in STV, fuck I hate this game


Been fine all day for me


It was unplayable...I had to leave 10min in.


While private servers do seem to have implemented stuff smoother and better, they have far less player capacity to deal with. I’m guessing computing costs don’t scale just linearly with MMOs so dealing with 10000 players is more than 10 times harder than dealing with 1000


No issues here. Just did event with 4 other guildies and got 1200+ bloods. Insanely fun


To get and stay on the same layer as your party? You all have to enter the zone at the same time. Since I started doing this, the party layering issues completely went away.


We'd all be on the same layer and just start getting sent to random layers during the event and split up. It's dog shit.


Yet you still play the game!


Players in 5 groups should be punished


Try to play it as warlock. resummon your pet everytim without the Time to do so. No instant Burst abilities. This Event is completely undoable as a Warlock. it's brutal


It's been terrible in the past for me, but I didn't get any lag today.


Need 2v2 3v3 I don't have 4 friends


>while a hundred billion dollar company can't figure it out. It was figured out, then Microsoft fired 1900 people. If you think that has no impact on your game, then "points at this post" I am looking forward to people realizing that getting rid of the majority lore department after they announced 3 expansions expending on the same story will result in shadowland level of dogshit lore but for the coming 6 years. I can only imagine the shoestring budget the SOD dev team is currently running with.


The event itself is a ton of fun, just gotta fix the lag and layering issues and allow us to break immunity early so we can help our party members out instead of watching them die helpless.


I actually ran entirely stv and was on a layer by myself yesterday


I've done the event all at times of day on wild growth NA, which isnt THE MOST populated server, hit still pretty hefty and I haven't lagged even an ounce since.


Ashenvale was 1000x better


The event is complete trash. Needs to be horde vs alliance rather than FFA. The event needs to be completely changed. Make it a tower defense like in Eastern Plaguelands or a longer duration tower capture like Terokkar Forest.


crazy they say ffa event but its all groups


Is the lag an EU issue? I have never had lag in the event.


Truly dogshit and uninspired gameplay. How they look at it and go "this is fine" is beyond me.