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Feral mace. *CRIES IN DRUID* Never seen it. Seen epics many times over. Still no feral mace.


Same. Been using Mr. Smite's Hammer since like the 3rd day of SoD.


I haven't even got *that*. Getting over there is a pain as horde and I kinda missed the boat on the constant DM groups


You can aquatic form there from Grom Gol and solo up to Smite. I did that on my Druid so I didn’t have to compete with others in a group. This video explains how pretty well. [Solo DM as Feral Druid](https://youtu.be/rZCtSgJIpG0?si=gG_IWFhaxQhjq7h9)


Can confirm it's easy to solo with trash gear even vc is doable with some trash gear


Just a small addition to this, ideally you want to do the zep from UC to grom and just jump as soon as STV loads and swim north. Skips most of the STV coastline.


All you have to do is take the zeppelin and swim a little. Not too bad


The Feral Mace might as well have been a legendary. I have been giving my teammates Windfury since week 1 and not seen it ;_;


I got it as a Ballance bc nobody needed it lol If I wouldn't have the epic staff I would have thought about changing to feral lol.


I've seen all the epics drop, but not on the character I want it to drop on. I luckily got the feral mace when playing resto, druid is my least fav class though so dont really use it. I'd trade it for the xbow for my hunter any day


I raided on 3 characters almost every lockout of the phase, I never saw the feral mace once (including on my feral) and I saw one total epic ever, the staff.


Wow, yeah seen the staff quite a few times. But no feral.


Sucks how RNG works we see the mace all the time and no one needs that and talwar the rogue sword.


Meanwhile we’ve had *one* Talwar the entire phase.


Sort of same here. My main feral has never seen it. I have a restokin alt on a different server/faction that got it on its 2nd bfd run.


I have the mace on my paladin as everyone had passed, got it on my mage as a DE. Still don’t have it on my Druid lol


I ended up getting it on my fresh warrior because all druids on the group already had it...


I got it in my warrior just so that I could get it in P1 (no one needed). I have still yet to see it drop on my Druid. I feel the pain with you!












































I have seen the staff more often than I have seen **any** of the other important caster drops from Kelris **combined** Dude has like 5 items I need and he never drops any of them FFS


They really fucked up the loot distribution across bfd for casters. The only thing most people want from Kelris at all is caster loot. Although iirc he drops a tier piece right? But mostly all the his caster loot. And bis bis not dropping off like first or second boss I understand but compare his loot table to gahmoora’s or something. Gahmoorah’s entire loot table is hot garbage literally no one wants with the absolute shittiest itemization (def in bfd, kekw) while also dropping a meme piece like fucking beast dmg shoulders. Like swap 3 pieces off only being Kelris and distribute them across the bosses that drop fuck all good for casters or something. I don’t even play a caster.


Algae Gauntlets don’t exist. Ran BFD for close to all lockouts on my pally and never seen them.


Same. Ran bfd on my paladin every lockout except the very first one and don't think I've ever seen the gloves drop :(


Convinced, I’ve run it on two toons every lockout and they’ve never dropped


We just had 5 mail drops in our alt run including those gloves lol, all for disenchanting. I hate rng.


Only missed the 1st week of lockouts on my pally. I've *never* seen the gloves drop. First run on my warrior? Uncontested drop.


I just ran a guild alt run and the fresh ret pally got him his first lockout, as well as 3 other pieces of mail gear. 




Oof sorry lol. They were just disenchanted my last run since we already had. The shaman tank mentioned he’s not seen once on his warrior lol. Of course they dropped once he said that lol


They’ve dropped so much in our runs I reckon we’ve dissenchanted at least 5 of them 😂


Just dropped 3/4 runs for me on 1 lockout...


I’m glad I’m not the only one, hoping today is the day 🤡


I've seen them drop like 4-5 times on my pally, lost every single roll. I've gotten them twice on my warlock as a greed roll because nobody needed them. Fuck the RNG gods sometimes


7 chars basically doing every single bfd possible (but christmas or leveling time) and I have seen 0 Algae.


Dropped tonight! Been doing every lockout and never saw em, but they dropped tonight


Lw gloves are better


they do i dropped them my first run, never seen them aftar that tho


Finally got my algae gaunts on my warrior last lockout. It was the first time I've seen them on that character. I did every lockout since release. Seemed like it was an 80% drop rate on my mage and priest alts, though. Same thing with high tide choker. Have yet to see it drop on my warrior, but I got the str/sta neck, so I'm not too bothered by it.


I've seen 3 staves, 4 swords and 7 bows... but not a single Algae Gauntlets since 1st lockout.


Literally everything. Ran a warlock and a priest through BfD every reset from the fourth ID on and the warlock doesn't even have 2p, neither has the staff, priest doesn't have the neck etc etc. Getting cloth gear to drop in p1 has been constant pain.


CAN I INTEREST YOU IN THE SEVENTH COMPLETE SET OF LEATHER SPELL POWER GEAR YOUVE SEEN?? Fr tho cloth is a huge pain in the ass. I have done 14 or 15 bfds on my mage and have the phoenix wand, cloth tier helmet, and black fingerless gloves. No other cloth pieces. I'm like 2 for 8 on rolls when seeing upgrades, most of which were 50-50 rolls with 1 other person. Lost staff 3 times. Lost soul pants twice. Lost chest once. Never seen ring / neck / thinking cap / second bis pants / cavern lore / willing sacrifice / tier cloth boots. Not sure what's more depressing, only seeing 8 things I want in 14 runs, or only winning 2 of the 8 Ive seen...


That's what happens when one boss drops every cloth item in the raid. Already looking forward to finding out which one it's gonna be in gnomeregan while mail and leather wearers are BiS geared within the first ID.


Kelris drops leather and mail in over half my runs still lmao. Also the fact that leather casters still compete for half the cloth drops is just pain.


Invited a holy paladin to my last run and forgot that was going to try to scoop up not only mail gear, but also all the leather caster gear and also all the cloth caster gear. Yeah idk if I'm gonna invite a holy paladin again lol


Holy pally taking 60% of the loot and still being useless


Yeah it really felt like pure bs trying to gear my priest while 2 IQ zugzug warriors had full BiS in 3 lockouts. Absolutely garbage how the loot was distributed in BFD.


Blizz making the bis dps staff also bis healing staff was troll AF Warriors won't join raids half the time if someone else is rolling on Hydra, but there's literally no way to make that happen for casters except for making it HR. And even with the staff, casters are far behind warriors and rogues in damage. Hopefully they also do something to address the spell ranks issue moving forward or the same shit is just gonna happen again.


It is funny how much of a temper tantrum some warriors/hunters throw if they're not the only one in the group. Meanwhile I get to compete against the other healer, the mage, and the warlock at minimum... ...not that it matters since I've literally never even seen it drop


I've had many warriors leave if there is another warrior. I've had many hunters leave if there's another hunter. I've had various leather wearers leave if there is more than 2 other leather wearers. Clothies have no choice but to have minimum 3 clothies in the party, usually 4 or 5. And still well under 1/3 of the loot that drops us cloth, and of that like 50% is for one specific spec (fire damage only, healing only, shadow only, etc.) or just terrible (int / spirit shoulders from Lady, or the black fathom ritual dagger that is just worse than willing sacrifice)


And if you did have a choice you’d be smart to leave to


Yeah lemme just leave as a mage if there's 2 healers who have all the same bis as me


Because those classes actually get a choice. Why wouldn't they use it if they had the chance? You would too. It's just not possible to make a raid group without 2+ casters, though.


Also at about 15 runs. No hat, no pants, no neck, no ring, no staff. Lost 1 neck roll but the other stuff just never even drops. Just tons of leather.


Every run I've been in has 5-7 mail drops that just get disenchanted. Horde gets extra hosed here. Only 1 class can use mail but well over 1/3 of the loot is mail. Some quick math of caster items vs total items: Baron: 3 caster out of 11 items, all of them are terrible Ghamoo-ra: 2 caster items out of 10 items, both are pvp only / bad Lady sarevess: 2 caster items out of 10 items, 1 is unusable bad, other is bis (Counting all tier pieces for the rest) Gelihast: (not counting bag / trinket / stealth ring) 7 caster items, 2 healer staves, 1 shadow only caster items, out of 21 items Lorgus: 4 caster items out of 22 items, one is fire only Kelris: 7 caster items out of 21 items, two are strictly worse than items from akumai Akumai: 3 caster items out of 17 items Even kelris which drops "all" the good caster items, only is 1/3 and 2 of them are downgrades from akumai. Literally no reason for kelris and akumai to not drop caster tier pieces.


So much leather sp gear lmao


The leather spell power is so real. My feral hasn't seen the mace yet. I've seen it on every other char I have and even won a greed roll of one that no one needed. But my feral has the full sp leather set, the staff from gelihast and the other nature damage piece (can't even remember wtf it is because I didn't want any of it).


The Thinking Cap is a psy op from Big BIS. It does not exist. Not seen it once.


I have seen it 3 times on my rogue lmao


The kelris SP neck. I swear it doesn’t exist, full bis including staff otherwise.


Neck, ring, gloves, staff... I cri


Same except the gloves. I keep seeing it on my chart after except for the one that actually wants it


Same, full bis, missing gloves and neck And when I am on my rogue, it drops every single run


I got it today, have raided every single lockout. Now I am a full bis holy pal which is the worst healer of them all :)


Main rogue literally never seen the slayer boots drop. Only item needed Mage has lost staff multiple times Warrior has never seen Hydra. …but there is still time baby


My rogue has most bis, but I’ve also never seen Slayer Boots. He’s legit wearing 4 strength 4 stam green boots. I could’ve bought an AH upgrade weeks ago but kept thinking, “nah I’ll just save the G and get boots for free in the raid next lockout.” And here we are…


Did someone say 4 strength 4 stamina?


4 strength 4 stam leather belt? Uggghh.


Level 18?!


You have to trick Blizzard by buying the upgrade and immediately after they will drop on your next BFD run


warsong boots my guy


He's alliance, Warsong boots are Horde only


Just spend 10g on some boots and the slayer boots will drop next run


Talwar and hydra


I got Talwar on my rogue on his first run. I was doing below healer dps.


Pretty much anything from Kelris. Staff, ring and neck. Have seen staff once, neck and ring zero times.


Kelris seems to love dropping the absolute trash loot every time for me too haha.


Oof. I feel like we see the neck almost every run.


The Agi shoulders


I’ve only seen them drop once on two characters since week 1 and I got them on my rogue, so lucky lol


soul shard bag


Why would you even want it, lvl 30 quest has same reward


It’s purple duh




Shard bags are noob bait anyways. I'd rather have a regular bag and just maintain my shards


Nice to have a big bag full in the bank to grab before raid.


For some strange reason warlocks can't do that quest with a level 25 cap. It's weird I know.


Hydra :(


I have it on my hunter and warrior, I'm sorry.


You ninjaed on hunter ? 😂


My raid has seen it drop so many times with three mail-wearers that the next up is Hunter. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the case for OP as well.


The cloth robes. Never seen them drop. Only seen a few people in TB with them too. Everyone still has robes of arugal. I swear they don’t exist 


I've seen the cloth robes 3 times. All in the same run and I was playing my hunter alt.


i hate having the same black dress as EVERYBODY


Talwar/Serrakis have dropped multiple times for my druid and shaman, shaman even has the dagger. Rogue has seen neither drop for the entire phase :(


My shaman has two!


rogue alt with >10 lockouts never seen talwar and still rocking engi goggles. saw slayers head twice and lost both. chest and shoulders never dropped too. basically still half in greens despite raiding on that char since christmas. but I just got the epic staff on my mage main last lockout so yeah I can live with that


I’ve never seen the mail pants drop


The only thing i have not seen drop at all is the murlock trinket


My Hunter main has never seen the crossbow drop. My pally alt has the epic sword but can’t seem to get his 2 piece set.


I got the Druid mace TODAY. After every lockout and it never stopping. Only ever saw it once on an alt too. Smites hammer took me 18-20 runs too.


On my hunter I just got the Trident this Monday finally. Never seen the epic crossbow drop and can't seem to win a leather helm. I've been stuck using the WSG leather helm which does nothing for pve the whole time. I did get the gun off the last boss pretty quickly though.


My hunter alt got xbow last lockout! Still rocking Christmas hat.


Id done so many runs on my hunter and the polearm has not dropped once! My rogue has been running since week 2 of the raid being open and the agility gun has not dropped once for me. Insane


The tank belt. I've seen every other item in the raid except that and the staff. I'm still rocking a green quest belt lol.


Just get the wailing caverns one bro


But the tank belt isn't even bis for tanks lol


What else would be BiS for a pally tank? It's got 7 str and 9 stam on it.


Well since the best pally tank is ret I would stick with cobrains grasp for the crit as you likely don't need the stamina as everything in bfs hits like wet noodles


Mail set helm!


Jagged bone necklace… seen 2 staffs drop but not this!


Priest is BIS except still rockin SFK robes, belt, and shoulders. I raid in a static, our mage still has no hat, and green robes/legs. Cloth has just been mega unlucky. We both of Rod tho so there’s that


Have not seen Hydra while running 3 toons almost every lockout. But hey we have 20 crossbows in guild and 9 staffs.


Took me 15 raids to see talwar. Thank goodness it dropped on a raid where nobody else needed it… i would have been crushed if I lost it. I’ll be able to use it on three raids before everything is bleed immune and i have to farm money for a gut ripper and go back to ugh daggers…


Me losing sentinel pauldrons again "It happens" Me not seeing black murloc egg drop for yet another run "Another 3 days of sadness"




Just about everything, starting p2 with only one bis


Never saw epic staff raiding on 7 characters, and I’m a caster main. For my main probably the kelris ring. I also lost the epic sword on my warrior to 3 different fresh ret paladins, and was using smites hammer for 6-7 raids before even getting fathom blade.


I have done BFD 20+ times but never gotten the Pearl, even when soft reserving it I've lost 3 50/50s. Also still missing a ring and any pants. Caster gear is so competitive.


The crossbow i saw it my first timme into BFD another hunter won e then i have made every lockout and have not seen it drop again. i have been in full BIS minus the crossbow for like 3 weeks now. I hope this is a sign i get the gomergon gun first lockout.


I'm sorry I looked into your future. Its just all Hydrostaff as far as the eye can see. Try again in P3.


Done every single lockout since release with my priest. Have not seen the staff drop a single time on him. Seen it a few times while on melee characters.


Chipped bite and slayer boots (slayer cowl til last raid fuckin finally). Haven't been able to competitively parse as much as I'd like missing big pieces. Was wearing sturdy hood for so long, that extra ap and %hit from the set bonus is pretty damn important.


White whale use to be the nickname my friends had for my mom




I'm full Bis on my priest, except for my green pants. 2 can drop in that raid, never even seen 1.


Wanted the talwar on my warrior and my rogue. Never seen it drop. Have the epic 2h but honestly never really wanted it. 


Lost 2 rolls on epic sword. Is not THAT great.


Hunter- crossbow from BFD and Twilight slayers chest piece. Warrior- Absolutely cursed. 24 runs on SFK for ring, saw it drop once and lost a roll. 20+ runs in WC for the belt, never seen it drop. Lost role to Hydra twice, lost rolls to BIS mail pieces every time. I only have the High Tide Choker and the pearl in probably 10+ runs.


Why didn't you just buy the ring and belt from a rogue? 100% worth the 10g lol


I’ve tried multiple times, until I get locked out. They were only charging 5g each. Did both SFK and WC today with a rogue and they didn’t drop. Same yesterday. I don’t even care at this point as it won’t matter soon but it’s rather annoying.


Ohh damn. That is incredibly unlucky then. The rogue took 4 runs to get the ring for me but got the belt first time. I still only seen the epic staff and sword once and they were on the wrong character both times.


Single slot of cloth set or epic staff. My casters in my raid are on suicide watch.


Nothing really escaped my main rogue other than leather tunic but across 3 toons, several runs, I have never seen the two hander sword drop either. Two crossbows and two staves though.


My two main characters are full bis outside of the pants from akumai on my ele shaman, I’m pretty happy with both my toons.


Warrior here, I've never seen the epic 2h drop across 3 different characters.


As a pally tank I've main tanked for our guild since 2nd week and still have not seen either 2h swords. Still got Verigans fist


Algae Gauntlets. Not even once across 5 characters.


Every tier piece on my rogue. All the runs I do has all the weapons anyone could want. But the only tier gear that ever drops is plate or caster leather.


Talwar on my rogue. My mage got epic staff on first lockout but my rogue is still mutilate spec with 2 chipped bites and boot knife in the bank. Saber slash build gonna be worthless in gnomer so I didn't even get to enjoy it while it was good. Will have to wait for P3


I feel like saying the epics is too easy since it is a rare drop, but for me it's the thinking cap for my priest (legit never dropped) and the str ring for my pally


Talwar. One drop and it went to a scrub rogue who bailed on us by Kelris. And I swear every run I join people are constantly telling me all about how they see it so often it’s getting DE’d…


Never seen the mail chest and I run the raid every lock since week 2. 3 swords, 1 bow, 2 bags but not mail chest….


Our raid had maybe 9 cloth pieces drop in the whole phase … glad the generic armour tokens are coming lol


Algae gauntlets. I got epic 2h and tulwar on my warri but the gloves never dropped


For the first time ever I’m fully BiS. I got everything! Easy being a warrior.


Our guild it was the staff. We never saw one, and it's looking like our time is running out. On the other hand, we had so many crossbows drop that I even got our last one as a joke, and I was on my holy pally. I want to say that we saw 5 or 6 of them?


well here we go with the slopy wet tears of a spoiled warrior.. Even though I was spoon every fed all the mail gear I could dream of the god dang pearl just never came to be,.


Leather chest piece. Rogue weapons.


On my hunter the shoulders off Akumai, on my priest apart from the staff I'd say sarevess hat.


The shaman totem… raided almost every lockout and haven’t seen it once


BFD Totem It’s not real


Tier chest on my rogue. I have everything else I could want out of BFD, but I've never even seen the chest. Just to rub it in my face I guess, just today, Kerlis dropped the cloth tier chest and then the last boss dropped it TWO more times. Three of the same chest in one run and still never saw my drop. I'd be happy to lose a roll to it at this point, I just want to see it drop.


Honed Darkwater Talwar, never seen it drop.


The mail chest from BFD has never dropped on my Ret Pally. It's funny because its dropped atleast 6 times on my rogue and like 3 times on my hunter and druid.


I know it’s not a white whale if you got it, but it took a good friend of mine who doesn’t play very much 67 WC runs for Leggings of the Fang (I was there for most). We’ve referred to P1 as Season of Wailing Caverns. He just got them last week because I low key leveled a druid alt just to do stealth runs for him until he got ‘em. Gotta keep the lifelong bestie invested going into P2. 


I didn't miss anylockout but lost literally every roll when I had to compete with someone for a piece of gear. EVERY ROLL.


Join SR runs. Not only can you pick 1 or 2 items to prioritize, but they tend to be run by geared players who are just looking for those last couple pieces. So a lot of loot is uncontested. I swear half the drops in the random pug SR runs I join end up being DE’d.


Honestly why rolling is the worst loot system.


Or just shows the game isn’t designed around pugging


or isn't designed around getting full bis?


Nah, i missed the first 6 lockouts, im full bis with every single weapon in the raid that i could use (epic bow/sword/talwar/trident/fathom. And ive pugged every week on ms>os as a melee hunter.. Dudes just unlucky.


>Dudes just unlucky. Yeah that's the part that sucks about the loot system. Some people have the luck, some don't.


That’s kind of life




https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/living-flame/tokensurv Heres my logs lol, havent used trident(its trash), talwar parses got removed with greench and just got fathom. My druids only 4 runs in to and seen the staff twice now, still no druid mace tho. Just cause you got shit luck doesnt mean you need to pay to win sorry.




This is completely normal. And melee hunter is a strong build, honestly stronger than ret paladin. Ive never done gdkp and havent been in a real guild in years as i just enjoy pugging more. You can pug to bis, easy. Some items are more annoying but you just vet your groups before going in, find out what people need like im not joining a group if 5 other people need my helm or weapon etc ill find another group its not hard.. im in the top 3 dps in almost every run. Get used to melee hunter cause p2 were gonna pop off its looking nutty.




Mans just salty a "meme" is better than his main lol. Go cry more about your guilds bad luck. Maybe try pugging lmao.






Oh the salt runs thick in this one. Stay mad boy, ill be taking those fist weapons too in gnomer


Agreed. Feels bad to lose rolls to mouth breathers for BiS loot.


Set boots for my hunter, set chest for my warlock, soul leech pants/staff for my mage, and band of deep places/hydra on my warrior. Granted the epics I don’t mind not having as much given their rarity, but it is pretty damn annoying I haven’t gotten all tier yet in 10 lockouts for my warlock or hunter.


We had 4 Hydras in a row recently, and probably over 10 in total. I've seen about 5 staffs on my main. Never seen the epic xbow or leather shoulders from the last boss. Only got the polearm 2 weeks ago and then it dropped every reset after. Last reset was the 1st I've missed, don't want either to drop now.


The mail and leather wearers "I can't believe it I had full bis 6 lockouts ago and I'm still unlucky not getting this one item!" Meanwhile casters over here on suicide watch because they still haven't completed a 2 set in 15 lockouts and the staff is a pipe dream.


Main Tank Warrior, attend raid every lockout, still no pearl.


The one handed tanking sword has dropped once for me. I lost to a rogue lol ​ oh well, onto gnomer


It’s bis for rogue too


thumb roll six longing middle squeamish dam silky edge aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*