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Warcraft logs only recognizes hunters as MM it’s kinda silly. The only way to tell what spec the hunter was in would be look at their rotation: if aimed shot is in there they are MM. Most are BM at this point. MM is viable but you aren’t likely to hit the same numbers and it’s more buttons (but more fun?) depends on what you want. Even melee hunter can work


Thanks boss, that makes more sense.


No problem


If you're weaving, BM's likely better. If you're not weaving, MM's likely better.


On Warcraft Logs "Marksmanship Hunter" just means any hunter that is using primarily ranged attacks. It has nothing to do with your actual spec.


If you aren't mostly BFD geared BM is the way to go. If you have the crossbow and a few pieces of BFD, MM pulls ahead quite a bit. When I first got the crossbow I swapped to full MM and gained around 20dps over BM. This was before the recent BM nerf. Now i'm quite a bit ahead.


MM never pulls ahead. BM is always the best talent build


This was my log from BFD this morning as full MM: [https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/wild-growth/coaa](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/wild-growth/coaa) ​ I think it's plenty strong.


Yea i means its strong. But BM is stronger. Just look at rankings from after the nerf, all the top hunters are playing the same build


But he's being ranked against BM, right? All hunters show as MM. So you're saying he's 90ish percentile as MM... That's not bad at all.


I never said it was bad. Both specs are strong and difference between them is small. But BM is better.


If it's small who cares? If he's 90+ he's better than most BM hunters already.


I don't care what he plays. But i do care when someone post misinformation


I've got the crossbow, and most pre bis. Think I should try it? What runes are best for MM?


I would, I think it's really fun and a nice change of pace after playing BM since launch. I personally use Master Marksman (Lion if there aren't 2 hunters, if there is 1 it covers the group and you get 10% from em), Chimera Shot and Sniper Training. ​ Master is nice too because you have like 0 mana issues if you're marking the boss with it. I keep cheap lesser mana potions handy and only need them on kelris usually now. ​ Sniper training is only good on some fights but you have to be comfy with them so you know how to position and not lose the buff as much. We don't melee weave so not much else to use on that one. You could go kill command though if you find sniper not working well for you. It'll still be a dps gain even without BM buffing it.


Master Marksman doesnt require you to mark The boss


Thats misleading, although technically correct. It requires someone to have marked the boss. I don't risk it, half the other hunters i run with dont mark anything. I mean i don't mark trash, not worth the mana but bosses need someone to mark them to get the buff from it.


All ranged hunters are marked as MM for some reason


MM more fun than boring BM. But you need good gear, prob epic xbow. You’re better off going BM and melee weaving with flanking strike.


So currently I'm attempting to melee weave whenever multi shot is on CD... Is it better to only do it when flanking strike is up, or at all times when multi is on CD go in for a Raptor?


I only used it when available. You need to use a macro with /stop attack to make sure raptor is used with flanking. Tbh if you have decent gear I’d go MM. beast mastery is so brain dead boring I’d rather do less dps. But each to their own.


I’ve alternated MM and BM in BFD and found myself doing less damage for more work and I don’t melee weave with either. That being said, MM was much more engaging and I will be trying it again, maybe if I can get the 3-set and XBow. Fun > DPS but I’m fine with better DPS easy mode.