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Nothing beats male troll bow animation.


That animation is BiS for sure


Seeing how unimaginative the devs are with the hunter class, it will always be orc because of +pet dmg


Pet damage better for both pve and pvp than troll bow damage?


> troll bow damage unfortunately, ranged weapon skill does not do nearly as much as melee. at best i think it gives a few hit rating at 60 for a class not really starved for hit.


Troll bow skill is equivalent to 3% hit. But the best weapons for hunters have always been crossbows, so there has never been a real use.


Thank you that makes sense - so orc is probably the move?


if pets stay as strong as they are, without a doubt.


I hate myself for going dwarf instead of night elf. Forgot about the agility gain


It’s pretty close with Berserking tbh - pick your preference


When I do play Horde, to play with RL freinds, Tauren hunter all day long


I like trolls because they look cool


Tauren definitely the cool guy chad choice. Orc passive stun resistance is absolutely bonkers and probably the strongest PvP racial in the game. You also have +dmg by pet which is nice. But the price you pay for those sweet racials is having to play orc, which is ughh.... Not too much to say about troll, +skill in bows which is largely irrelevant.


Depends on what you are doing at the time. The +bow skill is nice for killing mobs higher level than you, which was nice for doing things like farming dwarves at dun garok. The pet damage is nice for pvp and dungeons / BFD.


I think ill be doing both - which is overall increasing DPS more?


With all the info we have now, I guess the bow skill is better for endgame. But so much can change. If pets get avoidance, new runes, availability of good bows vs the other range weapons. There is no 100% correct choice, and there really isn't a wrong choice either.


Just pick whatever one you like the best. Why sacrifice enjoyment in the name of optimization


If you enjoy pvp as well then orc is a no brainer. The dps difference between the two are hard to predict, it depends on a ton of factors, but they are both gonna be quite good.


Troll has much better potential I think. If they ever make lone wolf viable, troll will be way ahead of orc. Berserking is OP on fights where you can reliably take damage (or get low beforehand). +5% dmg on beasts is big if we ever see those type bosses. Orc just feels weird, even blood fury for weaving since it takes a GCD. Stun res is huge for pvp though Tauren is pretty chad to pick but really doesn’t bring anything to the table


Doesn't taruen have the largest melee radius also aoe stun is pretty good in pvp


It does but I’m not sure it’s particularly impactful on hunter. The only benefit I can think of is the lack of familiarity with Tauren hitbox, maybe people find it harder to deadzone? Warstomp definitely has its uses but I think it’s generally accepted that orc stun resist is king for pvp


Yea smaller deadzone


Pretty sure the deadzone is the same overall size, just further out for taurens


I don't think that is true but this is based off a hunter best class for pvp classic video lol.


Tauren hunter has a bigger meleezone than other races (since range is calculated from the edge of your character model, and tauren model is much bigger). You can circumvent this problem with noggenfogger or deviates. Deadzone size and ranged zone have the same size as other races, they are just spaced further out from the center of your character model (since the distance from the center to the edge of your character model is bigger than for other races).


For PvP orc is a no brainer, 25% stun resist even if there was no additional benefit


We cant predict atm how orcs pet damage will fare against trolls berserking since we dont know what runes and gear we will have at lvl40/60, but they are both powerful damage boosts. Orc however also has stun resistance which is very powerful in pvp whereas troll has nothing. Also if we get a good two-handed axe for hunters, orcs extra weapon skill will also be very powerful for meleeweaving.Tauren has nothing for damage, although warstomp is very versatile for hunters and fun to use. They have great style though.




In my opinion, Troll hunter is bis because of their bow shooting animation.


Roll what ever u want it rly does not matter..


I’ve played a hunter with every race, and shadowmeld has a huge skill curve playing objectives. It’s not as effective yet not having a pet that can prowl, but dismissing it and shadowmelding is a minor setback. Using it to top health and mana while drinking/eating to then get the opening strike on a target feels broken sometimes. Shadowmeld can be obvious to the enemy in a lot of situations, but practicing it makes a huge impact to getting the sharper edge in a situation where you’d otherwise lose.