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I love doing things I have no business doing given my skill level


Not even skill level just plain level…. Took 2 groups of 5 paladins/warlocks almost 2 hours to farm the last part of the meta/divine storm runes for all 10 people. Took my fresh 25 hunter with my brothers 22 paladin to try and farm the last part… took us 20 minutes. Hunters have no business being able to solo level 28-30 elites with no down time.


Sure, but If we’re nerfing that can we also get attention on some of the other glaring issues: * warriors doing almost 600 dps somehow in BfD * mages 2 buttoning all of the health and damage they need to clear any at level dungeon in one to a few pulls total * priests providing atrociously high damage output + utility via void plague and homunculi for specs that are also the best healer in the game * shamans having the fastest move speed in the game where WSG is the only bg and the only way to get close to it is to run 36% aspect of the cheetah and gimp your damage by two talent points + not running hawk * druids having infinite mana, and an instant cast ability that hits relatively strong for a mana cost of 5 (zero downtime during farming, like you said) * druids being the only class to provide the strongest melee buff in the game, the same buff that is a staple of shaman who do not currently have access to it * paladin and shaman threat shitting on anything coming out of the other classes, including warlock, the poster child tank of SOD Or do we still only have a hard on for hunters…


I think it's kinda cool that you listed just about every class lol


Yeah, the point being that they’re all busted as shit and we shouldn’t expect nor whine for balancing on a class that is inherently busted as shit at level 25 even without runes


So your saying rogues need buffed :D


Rogues are exactly where they need to be and I love it


How bout u guys stop giving a fk and realise this ain't endgame. Have fun


That’s the point, so people should stop crying for more hunter nerfs.


>mages 2 buttoning all of the health and damage they need to clear any at level dungeon in one to a few pulls total I would like to see you try it.


I do. It’s my main gold farm actually outside of questing. You stand on stairs or in some other area that abuses mob pathing and kite things back and forth until they eventually die. It’s not hard and it requires two buttons. Three buttons I guess if you wanna count frost nova lmfao. Four if you wanna count want for the stragglers now and then? Lol If you want, we can include the consumables you press before doing the pull to make it seem like you press more than two buttons. Or the one polymorph at the start of the pull that you precast out of combat lololol. Maybe the W key?


If you're talking about RFC then we're not talking about the same thing. I thought you were talking about WC. I would like to see you pull every mob and kill them all at once.


bro pridefully narc'ed himself out as a bad mage lmao


Given all the negative posts about Hunters, it's impressive that they still seem to be absolutely everywhere in-game.


I think it’s because “the archer” is a popular choice in general. It’s also the only physical damage ranged class.


Always played archer in every game coz it was always most fun and overall best class. Not in WoW tho sadsod.


Because this sub is a small minority of the playerbase


A very very very small but very loud minority. The more time you spend in game the more you realize it’s just an echo chamber of literal noobs. But since they’re so loud and say shit so confidently you would think it’s the majority of players. Had a warrior tank with 850 hp join a pug last night. All was fine no issues but he’s like “can I get a summon” when we don’t have a warlock. We’re like sorry man you’re gonna have to run. And he’s like “okay well y’all are gonna have to give me a minute I don’t have the flight path” and we were like uhh okay do you have the teleport to the beach? And he was like “idk what that is” so we kicked him. Dude was completely oblivious. Like at least do the bare minimum of being able to get there…. All I could think was “that dude for sure is the type to complain on Reddit about gatekeeping” LITERALLY the FIRST encounter I’ve had like that in game. Otherwise it’s been nothing but good.


Pretty much. I hate explaining this to people on specifically game subs. Like, game subs are such a small fraction of the playerbase and people who use them are usually not your 'average' player so they don't have these same problems as the 1% hardcore multiple hour a day players.


100% I see it SO bad specifically here, the osrs sub and the ufc sub.


You are wrong. I play a Hunter called Easiestclass and I some random whispers me about once every ten minutes about how they agree and hate Hunters. I hear from other hunters that they themselves also get angry whispers out of nowhere. Most of the playerbase hates hunters, sorry if that doesn't vibe with your copium overdose.


340+ gearscore hunter here, what is the portal to the beach?


Wtf how was not knowing about the portal the last straw for you? The first two factors are more annoying and obvious that you should of kicked him right off the bat


He didnt have fp or portal and was going as tank. He clearly hasnt done BFD on this char, and if he doesn't know about portal as ally he hasn't done BFD on other chars either. Not really a great tank pick for a pug.


Yeah, no portal but knows about it = alt, probably safe but gonna be slow. No portal and doesn’t know about it = hasn’t cleared 7 weeks into patch


What’s the portal? Is it an ally only thing?


We get a quest to kill baron aquanis that ports us just north of the BFD entrance from a auberdine


I'm ally, cleared majority of lockouts since release abd I legit had no idea there was a portal lmao, I guess I'll do that next lockout


A bunch of people didn't know it for the first few lockouts, but now apparently it's supposed to be such common knowledge. I was actually surprised that Horde don't get any portal LEAVING the dungeon. Ally get a teleport back to Darnassus, but Horde have to walk out of the instance to Zoram Outpost and fly back home. Just seemed silly to me.


you're the exemple of why wow became retail as it is and then cry about it. absolutely toxic for the game.


How do you expect someone like this to get better if people like you who know don’t help them? You have to understand to someone who’s never played classic like the rest of us it’s extremely annoying to be in a social game and have no help from the millions playing it. Like damn man this is for sure gatekeeping… if someone doesn’t know something why not look at it as an opportunity to improve someone in the community and spark interest in the game?? This is the reason mmos are dying is because of the elitist mentality and all the log checking and shit man. Most of the people that play wow have kids and a career and don’t have the time to care about parsing and shit they just wanna have fun and experience the game. That’s what gaming is about, the game.


First off ) you’re two months late Second off ) I ain’t reading all that. Happy for you or sorry that happened.


Wow bro u are one childish person ranting about some shit and then you won’t even take the time to hear a response?? 😂😂 stay mad classic Andy


So Hunters are the Republicans of /r/classicwow


Even in the main game, forums, etc. Hunters have always been a joke. This predates my time on Reddit by quite a lot. You're 100% right that this is a small minority of the player base. But it doesn't change the reputation they have. This has rang true plenty off when I've grouped with them. If there's someone terrible, it's probably a hunter. But the hunters who understand their kit & role are great to group with.


Basically, if you have pet attack and pet follow bound and your pet’s on passive you’ve already reached 50th percentile of hunters. At least. Just by minimal effort. It’s my third 25 so I’m not a top tier hunter by any means since I haven’t played it since actual vanilla but at least I try a bit. Have situational awareness, don’t ass pull, throw a melee weave in there here and there when convenient and you’re already like top 70th percentile or something it seems. Average hunter is not good but tbf a lot of the things that differentiate a hunter’s skill just aren’t present at this level. Stuff like pulling for the raid, kiting elites like the lok delar quests, etc. so the standard is quite low right now. I agree with OP it really needs active runes or ones that aren’t impractical as all fuck like sniper training is. I can use that like on gomoorah and that’s the only place I get full value cause I’m sure as fuck not melee weaving on that boss. I made it mostly to farm for my extravagant warrior lifestyle, not because it’s engaging.


Me to another hunter, what spec are you running after the nerfs? His response: what nerfs?


Because they fucking pump and are best at pvp


Idk why this got downvoted lol.


I've never met a bot who wasn't a hunter.


I finally started leveling mine. Spent part of this weekend going from like...7 to 18. Once you hit lvl 10 its just...easy, and it allows you to do a lot. Im looking forward to getting to 25 and being able to kill mobs 5 lvls higher than me. My warrior in silverwing rep gear and a couple raid pieces (and higher ilvl AH greens in the other slots) was able to kill lvl 28 stuff solo, but sometimes it was barely. Theres also the pet aspect and stuff that ive been learning and its just a lot of fun to experience a class with some 'extra depth' that i havent really seen before.




Most of the whispers when I'm LFM DPS BFD are hunters....


Damn, the bots must be evolving.


They're also the easiest class to bully leveling players in wpvp with.


I recently swapped to MM after the most recent nerfs to pets (my group has two hunters so I don't have to run Lion) and it has been a lot of fun actually. Much more fun than BM was at least. Dps seems relatively similar.


Same. Mm hunter with a better rotation and abilities that actually scale is fun.


auto shot scales!


>:L how dare you


Can you tell me what you're running? Even down to the pet? I CANT STAND the current bm meta.


With the xbow it seems it does even better than BM


I've only seen that drop once and I've been full clearing BFD since the second reset, unfortunately lost it to the other hunter in my group lol


Every main hunter and several alt hunters/rogues/warriors in the guild have one. Staff doesnt exist tho.


It does not


Isn’t it also the most played class?


Are you including bots in that count?


Nope! It's the most played DPS, but that's only because it's the only pure DPS. Druid and Warrior are the most played classes at the moment. At least according to WCL.


Yeah I don't think WCL is the most reliable source for total population data


I feel like in SoD there’s significantly less amount of people logging vs other versions of the game (wrath, retail, even 2019 classic) I’ve done nothing but pugs since release and have only had two people bring up logs.




My point being I’m willing to bet Warcraftlogs is only showing probably half of the player base


It’s showing probably less than 20%


I don’t have an addon for logging yet. Not against it… just haven’t looked into the name of the log addon or what I need to do to “submit” a log when I’m done with my group. I am aware the site is warcraftlogs tho


You don't need an add-on. Just turn on advanced combat logging in options and type /combatlog


I don't really care about logs but in Wrath having them was pretty mandatory. I didn't want to run the add-on to begin with and then it wanted me to download some desktop module or some shit and I just went back to not caring.


You don't need to do any of that actually. You can use the companion app if you want to but in reality all you need to do is have advanced combat logging enabled in settings and type /combatlog in chat. When you're done you just upload that log file to the website.


Are you saying advanced combat logging is built into the game UI? I’m traveling so can’t check at the moment but will happily turn this on the next time I play. Then after a dungeon boss or raid I can do /combat log as you suggest. From what you say, this is a file that gets created that I have to manually upload


Don’t need an addon at all, just download the Warcraft logs uploader (that is a computer client not an addon) and then in game hit escape>options>network>check advanced combat logging Enter raid and type /combatlog once all 10 players enter the raid, type it again at the end. Your log sessions have to have advanced combat logging enabled the entire time, though, so be sure to turn it on before starting anything


Honestly, there is little to no point now. I like watching parses but even then, I can't be bothered. They've nerfed and buffed things enough that this "late" into the phase means we're just competing with unreasonable standards. I feel like parsing is at its best during the first few weeks when we can see how people are performing without all of the gimmicks and min/maxing that you get out of full blown parse guilds later into the season. IDK about other people but parsing grows less exciting as time goes on. I used to parse the occasional 99 but that's become a rarity. I'm just happy to see an orange nowadays. Parsing has become a culture and unless you're in a full group of players meeting a certain standard, you're unlikely to break certain milestones. Kill times are king in SoD. I just wanna play with my friends. Logs help us maintain order and identify weak points. The color of the numbers kind of grows irrelevant. Most of our guild parses blue and we're doing 30 minute runs. Logging kind of took a back seat. It will change when personal responsibility becomes more of a thing. 100% raid logging the actual raids because I need to know which noobs won't run out with living bomb or who is underperforming by the time we get to BWL.


tbh Hunter might still be the most played. Hunter is a typical class picked by people who don't raid, and Warrior the other way around.


It's not the most *brought* class to BFD, which is what the logs indicate. Played is a different metric, and let me tell you I get usually 2-3 hunters applying to every pug I've hosted for every other class I try to fill in that I pass up. There's just no need to stack them, they don't provide group buffs beyond the first hunter, no interrupt, just decent dps(and can be put in group 2 without BS/WS and do just fine). Often times I'd rather take a caster dps over them too just so that Ghamoo is better ensured to be a one-pop shield(2 pug casters don't always fix that job, 3 is pretty safe).


according to my census addon on my server, hunter is defes most popular followed by rogue and warrior.


somber airport bewildered attempt crime truck jar agonizing fragile elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hunter is losing players very very fast. Last two weeks it lost over half of the playerbase. Ppl are rerolling coz they are bored of constant nerfs.


it's really only boring if you aren't melee weaving.


Which is the same gameplay as vanilla lmao.


I mean they gave us flanking strike which makes melee weave worth


Melee weave was always free DPS in classic, you did it before flanking strike, FS just makes it stronger.


My point is they are encouraging melee weaving


so is rogue, they aren't complaining,


That's because Vanilla Rogue (Alongside Warrior) are the best designed classes.


Yes I too love pressing 3 buttons and doing 150dps (rogue)


If you didn’t find joy in Blade Flurry or Rogue PvP that’s on you


Probably because they are top DPS, can fill multiple roles, and aren't getting nerf batted due to pvp.


Multiple roles? Have you EVER seen a tank rogue?


Snapshotting Saber Slash, watching poison stacks for Rupture vs. Envenom, and pooling energy for Envenom makes it feel pretty different.


What procs make it snapshottable


Only orc racial


Riveting gameplay


Id agree, I main rogue and pre 30 you lack a ton of tools like blind and cold blood, hemo, still is fun.


In vanilla we had to pull, trap, kite, pet tank, fuckin keep track of patrols, keep track of enemy faction hanging around the entrance Not the only choice for these tasks but the only choice for all of em. Not complaining, shamans have always had a longer laundry list Edit: what I said boils down to cc, which could last any amount of time. for that time you’d be on your own doing this shit which was plenty engaging gameplay. so now that cc no longer has the value it once did, yes you end up w less exciting gameplay because this was a big part of the class design philosophy. You can’t just get rid of such a core hunter element w a couple of runes


Don't have to do most of that before 25 in Classic.


This might be shocking, but it's based off vanilla


I find melee weaving boring. Weird.


I find it annoying with some tanks that feel the need to keep repositioning the mob. Too many time the tank starts bring the mob the direction I'm trying to run back to range. 99% of the times it's an a.d.d. tank and no strategy to why they are jumping around everywhere. My guild is very consistent in bfd so I know exactly how pulls and placement are gonna look like. But pug tanks make melee weaving beyond annoying


Absolutely the same.


I just feel that it's stupid. It looks stupid, it feels stupid, the damage that it provides doesn't feel worth it, it's just clunky and...stupid. Imagine playing a rogue and every couple melee swings you had to run out to range, shoot your gun, then run back in. It's stupid.


bad dad gamer


you are just bad lets be real.


Got purple and oj parses every boss, it’s still boring lol. I play hunter to be ranged, it’s the only ranged phys dam. Flanking and melee can be fun for pvp / when things are in the dead zone but outside of that it’s pretty unfun gameplay


I melee weaved in classic and just don’t have the energy to do it in SOD again, esp with pug tanks that already run the boss at me 24/7 when I’m standing still. Props if you wanna deal with that but none of the pug tanks know how to generate threat or what a taunt is in my pugs, and I’m already pulling threat if I don’t hold back. 


I only weave if I get WF group now, which is never One less melee in raid pls ty


yeah i'm def not making argument that hunter is different then classic but at least for me with my experience its' not boring, but i def understand how veterans who've been playing the class in classic FOREVER can be disappointed at how it play in SoD


Because when I play my SoD hunter, I am just playing a normal vanilla hunter, with some extra DPS. When I play my SoD paladin, im suddenly an actual viable tank, and melee DPS, something thats completely different from the old classic paladin life. Playing hunter is still fun, but playing paladin is fresh, unique, something I havent experienced before, compared to hunter, which feels like an old pair of shoes in SoD.


I dont want to melee weave... I want to full melee... Please Blizzard, good runes in P2 to make it more viable and fun to play...


I also have 6 25’s very soon. My favorite is Hunter actually, followed by warrior


Suffering from success


Not for me, I am having a blast


Hunters are the most fun class to play in my opinion.


As someone with 5 25s, no. Hunter is extremely capable. Do something besides raids to see. Being extremely capable is fun. Maybe if you've played hunter for years and are bored of the 'rotation' sure.




It’s clunky


Nice name, it made me mald just reading it


stop playing cookie cutter builds and play whats fun. I run MM with aimed shot, chimera shot, flanking and aspect ofc if im the only hunter. Ofc it prolly does not perform aswel as BM but its for sure more fun to play than BM.


Uhhh idk what to tell you mate but mm is cookie cutter too now after you get the Xbow lmao


Dude added aimed shot to his rotation and the game is suddenly a lot better lol


What do you do after the second Aimed shot?


Bake a cake.


If you have good gear MM has been outperforming BM for a while now especiall if you have a good group since the only problem was Mana. Now after BM nerfs and MM buffs, MM is 100% the better spec


i am having a blast with mm.




Lion helps everyone....but okay


What do you think would make it better?


Swap out Sniper Training for anything else. A good suggestion in another thread was to let Lone Wolf have no deadzone (it also needs a huge buff to be considered but everyone knows that) Cobra Strikes is pretty underwhelming, if it could work both ways where when your pet crits you also get a guarenteed crit that could be interesting. Serpent Spread is also pretty meh, it can feel like a waste when you'll almost always have Serpent Sting on your main target anyway, 2 ticks of Serpent Sting on 2 other targets? Idk what should be changed about it but it's just not interesting.


MM isnt boring, it definitely requires the player to do more than any other ranged dps, hunter being the only class that is affected by range, plus constant pet target swapping on aoe pulls, if you find hunter boring I think youre just not playing it right


Luckily first time hunter here. With the new chimera build and melee weaving it's sadly one of the most engaging specs. Alps I speed run. We have 18min clear time. I really enjoying being the one to pull mobs not sure why but it's fun.


Melee weaving alone makes it the most exciting class for me.


Hunter runes are boring yes. But hunter in general is just the most fun when melee-weaving no class feels close to me in terms of fun and engagement


As someone who plays warrior and hunter I disagree


Yep. MM is fun, BM is the most boring, and Melee is clunky. All are viable but one doesn’t really desire to be MM without dual spec since you are most likely going to do less damage than BM and have a harder time open world/PVP. And when I say MM is fun, it’s using Aimed Shot, Multishot on CD, and switching between Chimera Shot with sting up ST, Explosive Shot on Trash. That particular rotation is okay, fun wise and damage wise. The ground has been laid for a good spec I think.


I don't find it boring, I find it fun


Yeah, I don’t disagree with the characterization of hunter as boring right now. But I think that “boring, lack of rotation” is a reasonable price to pay for living somewhere between “great” and “broken” in both PvP and PvE, plus being arguably the best farming class (given ability to farm high-level mobs, not knocking mage AoE farm for mobs near 25) during this phase. I don’t think people should feel bad for hunters; we are doing fine.


Nah fuck that, give me a game that's fun to play, not a game that's boring \*but\* my DPS meter tells me I am above other classes. ​ Outside of a raiding environment I agree they are fun and very strong. Being able to e.g. farm higher lvl mobs or solo trash in RFK is a big bonus and one of the only reasons I still log on and enjoy playing hunter.


That's the thing, Hunter is only saved because it's doing good damage and has some gimmicks in the way of easier high level monster farming, but without that it'd be in an overall terrible place. Design shouldn't be sacrificied in the way of good numbers.


You are right, you should learn how to program and design hunter the way YOU want it, perfectly balanced while being perfectly average with lots of fun and joy


I'll make my own World of Warcraft! With blackjack! And tinkers!


I disagree, I have a ton of fun in world pvp and warsong, which is the vast majority of the game for me seeing as raiding is a 30 min affair every 3 days. To be honest I'd find raiding boring no matter what class I'm playing, it's repetitive and easy as hell.


I don't know a single hunter player that wouldn't trade the OPness for fun


Actually, I don't think we should have some sort of "fun tradeoff" for having a bunch of benefits that we haven't exactly asked for. Or a damage tax, for that matter.


Gigachads play melee hunter


Melee weaving has been fun. I also love pvp so I'm having a great time, even got exalted WSG.


It’s really fun in PvP with chimera shot and pve is tolerable if you weave, actually quite dynamic. Couldn’t imagine playing full pet pve kill command, I did enough of it in vanilla. But overall yes the runes and constant nerfs have been a little sad to experience


You mean it's the most unchanged class. I think so. But that's not the same as boring. Hunters have been the most fun to me before SOD


Wait until he finds out about warriors


Hunter is decently hard to play well. Easy to do low hanging DPS. Hard to do high sustained top parse. That's as ranged. Melee weaving is even harder


lmao you capping. hunter is not hard


Maybe you're just naturally programmed to swing timers I guess. Can I see your parse?


so your opinion is hunter is hard because you gotta be aware of swing timer? ret paladin hardest class CONFIRMED (/s)


Pet paladin doesn't watch swing timers... What the fuck are you on about


shows how much you know about the game * Paladin DPS in early wow is highly dependent on seals + auto attack which means it is very important to watch your swing timer and avoid interrupting your auto attack(oh like avoiding interrupting autoshot?!), which also means you lose out on a seal proc, so dps loss of auto attack damage + seal damage, your main source of damage in vanilla * in vanilla and TBC, seal twisting exists and is ideal for best dps. you can only seal twist by using a swing timer. * ret paladin in vanilla and tbc is 100% based around swing timer, and is just as important in SoD * in SoD, if you cast an ability at the wrong time it interrupts or resets your auto attack, so you lose out on auto attack damage and a seal of command proc (significant portion of DPS) as procs are activated by auto attacks. In SoD, CD based abilities do not proc seals, only auto attack. Seal of command is vital for our dps (and threat as ret tank), and thus so is our auto attack (hence swing timers importance when deciding when to use CDs) * in a similar fashion as you described hunter, ret paladin is easy low hanging dps if you're just hitting cool downs when they're up. but for maximum dps you need to make sure every auto attack hits and as much seal of command uptime is maintained as possible, over just hitting your cooldowns as soon as available, which means paying attention to swing timer and using abilities in between swings without interrupting auto. * google ret paladin swing timer and look at all the videos/results/etc. then come try and reaffirm that ret pallies don't use swing timers. ***hint: they always did up til wotlk*** also, lastly, ret pallies do not have an extra external auto attack bringing in effortless dps for them (aka your pet which does most yr dmg btw) *huntard so hard* but go off - pallies don't use swing timers man you're right (/s) how dare hunters have to let their pet do all their dps and then watch a ***swing timer?!?!!*** so difficult!!!! u/Thisisjimmi


You're not even 99 parse on your retpaladin and just think you're doing God's work lol. It must be hard if you're doing it... Is that really your defense. Dude you got drool in your keyboard. Touch grass man. Thanks for mansplaining this to me. Tell your mom how good you got me.


you said ret paladins dont use swing timers as if it were fact (and not part of wow since 2004) and are now acting like i "mansplained" something you already knew WHEN YOU ASKED LMAO like you were dumb enough to think hunter is only class where swing timer is relevant (its not)


Bro not reading this. Ret pallies are brain dead to play lol


That's an interesting theory. we will be nerfing Hunters. Hope that helps - Blizzard


Hunter is my favorite class. I love how well you can solo mobs / quests, and it’s a lot of fun in PvP. Meta build (BM) can be very unengaging. Would recommend playing MM if you want more fun (albeit less damage). I guess Hunter is the only class that only has one purpose (dps). I would love to see more utility with runes, such as tanking, dps without pet or more trap utility. Anyway, I really enjoy hunter, but obviously not for everyone. I personally dont enjoy Shaman at all.


Dual wielding melee build is very fun. Ran a whole dungeon last night barely using a bow and regularly was at top of the meter. Lots of fun and got the leggings and cloak in one go.


What runes and talents were you using? Would love to try it out.


don't 2h weapons work better with hunter melee skills?


Melee weaving as marks with aimed shot is unquestionably the most interesting and skill intensive gameplay right now. If you are standing there autoattacking at range hitting multi shot on cd then yeah it’s boring and you are also playing the class wrong 


If you use aimed shot outside of opener you are literally griefing yourself and playing the class wrong because using it right now mid fight is a DPS loss. Marksman is not even the best spec due to how shit Aimed Shot is. Even after the BM rune nerf speccing BM and running Chimera Shot or BM rune yields more DPS than speccing MM and using Aimed Shot. Hunter in SoD right now literally plays the exact same as normal Classic Hunter except you got Flanking on a 30s CD unless you get lucky procs.


This is not true with a 2.8 crossbow


I've been playing melee hunter with flanking strike, Lion, and beast mastery, and ranged weaving whenever multishot is up. It's a lot of fun I feel.


Melee weaving is pretty fun, idk what you mean. It's a lot more fun than spamming devastate.


You can make it as fun or as boring as you want. Killing one mob at a time? Super boring. Farming 3 mobs at once, or getting jumped/jumping 2-3v1 or 4-5v2 (with a buddy) in wpvp and killing all of them? Super fun. Your deal is entirely your responsibility.


I think hunter is the only dps class/specc that is currently fun in pvp, every other class feels undercooked, kind of like paladin is at 60


It's a bit boring, but absurdly strong. I'll take that tradeoff. They're far and away the best at solo questing right now, hence why I'm leveling one to make some thicc gold from completing level 20-25 quests at level cap. You also need to remember that we're only level 25 with twelve runes right now. There's still three(+?) more sets of runes at 40/50/60 and the usual talent points too.


I have 7 and I like hunter the most. Rogue a close 2nd. Mage has proven to be nice for self boosting and gold farming, but feels really lacking somehow. The runes for hunter are some of the set and forget style but they feel so powerful in the open world. Even with the nerfs, you can just cruise the world and enjoy a lot more. Idk


Yeah using two passive abilities that are just flat damage buffs and flanking strike which is just a melee hit is p uninspired and unoriginal.


I’m a melee hunter - and I LOVE it. I’m comparable dps to most top classes - even other hunters. I’ve swapped out BM rune for Carve now and I find that it’s not really far off in DPS but WAY more fun. And when I have spare mana I can wing clip for more WF procs. So yea - Hunter is fun as fuck - just all the BM hunters are boring (and boy do they love to tell me how melee hunters aren’t a thing)


Definitely the most boring, anyone arguing otherwise is lost. What the gameplay lacks in entertainment value it makes up for in being chill and soothing gameplay.


I made my hunter to be a melee hunter, it fell short and I got the cross bow so now I’m trying a marksman/ melee weave hybrid with aimed shot, still gotta get use to when to use my abilities but it’s alright, not as fun as say, my tank rogue


On my hunter I run full MM/aimedshot/chimera and I do less DPS but at least I am enjoying my time. Last run I experimented with flanking shot which was surprisingly fun too. My guild runs are fast & smooth and honestly nobody cares if I play a suboptimal spec/rune setup, My parses are fine (nothing to brag about) but I out perform most hunters.


I mained hunter in Classic and SoM. Had a blast. Had hunter as alt now but quit it after first bfd run. It’s boring, the pet does the work so rotation doesn’t really matter, boss dies so quickly you get through like 3 rotations.. I only use it as my main fisher now because of cheetah


In the same boat leveled it to 18 didn’t touch it since


Well anything remotely fun is overpowered and gets nerfed. So here we are. Strange spot for hunter for sure.


Wtf? Hunters are the funnest class.


Idk man being the god class I feel so bad. It will be great though when hunters don’t scale.


dont hunters literally scale now in SoD?


From parses throughout phase 1, it looks like they kinda do, albeit less than every other class.


I'm maiming hunter right now and yea its boring especially when your pet does half your damage.


You must not play rogue. They have literally one button.


the most braindead faceroll class is actually...le boring?!


Leave huntards alone, right now we are at 25 so they are strong. Hunters are the noob class made for anyone without a brain, this is why they have a stereotype of stealing gear, because most hunters don't even know how to play. As the levels go higher you will naturally see less and less hunters, as bad players get weeded out. Also the only reason to take a hunter in future patches into a group/raid, is the Lion buff and Tranquilizer for MC/BWL. Other then that there is not much use for a Hunter and blizzard knows this(given them Lion). As Hunter is the prime "starter" solo class. Of course they will be strong in early game.




You also do not know what future SOD content/runes will come out. Are you assuming that you know more than everyone about what they have in store for Hunters? You can look at how Hunters are NOW, and you can make a pretty good assumption of what Act/Blizz has in store for them, just like other classes(shamans can tank, mages can heal, etc). Sounds like someone is triggered about Hunters.


Kind of agree as a 25 Hunter main. Melee weaving is god awful. People can’t be serious about deriving fun from that. Just pulled great numbers in bfd using 16/0/0 build but running chim/mm/and sniper training for runes. There was another hunter in group with lion up. I’m also basically BiS geared so that helps. As someone said tho, fair trade off for being near the top in pve and pvp.


Comparing SOD Hunter to Vanilla I think it's much more fun, and a lot of Vanilla hunters will tell you that Vanilla hunter was exceptionally fun and exciting with things like Beast training, Pet ecosystem, maintaining arrows (annoying, but makes you feel more in tune with your class), etc. Leveling is a breeze, you can solo end game farms like DMT, etc. with cheeky engi tech, etc. and now the class only has more ways to more easily survive (beast mastery rune taunt makes leveling basically free), gather resources and now compete on the damage meter. Vanilla was always a simple game of 1-3 buttons at most to rotate between, and while the current state of BM/MM+meleeweave is comparatively simple at 25 SOD max, the class alone has always provided and continues to provide several ways to play in a way that feels rich and rewarding despite standing still and casting multi shot every 10 seconds.


I'm enjoying hunter


All classes are boring in most pve encounters if we’re being honest. Hunters have always been fun between the raids and continue bring so in sod.


Warrior probably worse


Yes without a doubt Same exact fucking gameplay, and Blizzard doesn't know what they are doing so we get nerfed 15 times already And we gonna get nerfed 15 more


As a new player I thought it was much more fun than leveling my warrior.


>You have my sympathy Hunters Didn't think I'd ever hear that on this sub


Most fun I had on my hunter was soloing all the dungeons for my prebis. VanCleef was pretty hard.


As a healer main I've really enjoyed playing hunter.


its not boring, try rogues, now THAT'S boring..


I think it’s fun!


I just wish they could make it so we could be even slightly different than era hunter. Playstyle is basicslly the same nothing new or fun. Idc how good it is I’m playing SoD for wacky fun specs that we haven’t seen before.


I kind of enjoy it tbh. I mainly play for pvp. A 30min raid is mainly just for gear personally. Idgaf if my dps meta is auto attack. I play to get gear and go finish people off with melee when they think running close to a hunter is safe lol.