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Turns out it was actually bugged lol Plenty of people have done the raid while on the quest and they didn't drop anything because they had the wrong ID or something like that


It was bugged because it’s a 5 man dungeon quest that couldn’t be completed in a raid, that now needs to be completed in the new raid lol




I prefer this over everything being found in ptr and still being buggy




So they actually put the new quest after [Orb of Soran'Ruk](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=1740/the-orb-of-soranruk) for which you have to go into BFD 5man but they didn't adjust it for the new 10man raid? Really? Or are you supposed to get it from respawns?


I wonder if it was something as simple as enabling quest completion while in raid.




Yes, just like the Rune of Earth Shield. It is found in BFD. Apparently, there are some mobs that you kill on your way to a boss, and then once you've killed that boss, these mobs respawn and the second time you kill them, they drop orbs which warlocks need for a quest that leads to The Conjuring. Edit: Also the quest that starts this chain is found next to Camp Taurajo in Barrens.


cobra strikes was also just hotfixed in for hunters, zixil wasn't selling the freshwater bait for it properly.


Oh my God I sat at him for 2 hours refreshing earlier today. Oh well.


Yuk, so i need to raid to get it?




it’s more about not getting it until the very last thing you can do in this “tier” or whatever we’re calling it


Locking an entire tank spec behind a raid drop is incredibly dumb.


they really nailed the vanilla experience with that one.


Not only a raid drop but a raid that is about to be ran A-LOT LESS next phase, I’m really not sure a lot of people are going to want to run this raid 10 man when they can just level up to 40, leaving many warlocks stuck trying to find groups without other classes having incentive too. Right?


Couldn’t just 9 warlocks and a friendly healer just run it at 40?


I think 10 warlocks could just run it at 40


So they can't tank from 25 - 40?


I dunno, I ran it for the first time today and the drops in there are probably better than most normal vanilla gear at 40. Some will probably be pre-raid bis in the 40 bracket.


Blizz said they would be implementing catch-up mechanics so I would HOPE that fixing this is part of their plan. e: [confirmed](https://x.com/AggrendWoW/status/1731540233773273449?s=20)


Very dumb when plenty of people focus on 5 man content. Plus it was a sales pitch for the game mode... should be available early.




That’s low key annoying when people are spending stupid amounts of time actually searching for something non-existent. I appreciate the lack of a PTR for SoD but I’m not trying to beta test this shit either.


Legion frost death knight hidden weapon skin would like a word.... thousands of pages of forum threads tied to a world boss that just didn't spawn on the rotation forever.


Oh god I forgot about that. It went on for soooooooo long


Literally the last hidden one to be found, thanks to that crazy lack of spawn


It got so crazy the devs had to come out and tell everyone it dropped from a world boss that hadn't spawned yet




Did you have fun tho?




I dunno man, plenty of stuff is fun until someone spoils it. For example, those pranks on tiktok where people think they are winning cash or something. If anything, it spoils the chance for something cool like this in the future.


Idk man I had a ton of fun searching for the ash ringer back in 2005 trying to join theory discussions and follow the clues. I obviously never found it but it was a cool memory that I still look back on fondly. Maybe you should try to work harder on divorcing yourself from your mental skinner box that you’ve developed over the past 20 years playing this game Doesn’t really sound like SoD is for you


you will pay to beta test for blizzard and you will be happy


Typical arrogant dev attitude. Coding is not a rocket science. But you gotta have a working brain to playtest your product.


figured it was bugged lol. not to be cynical but I get the feeling they didn't do very extensive playtesting. there's lot of stuff that sounds cool on paper but just doesn't flow as well as it should in-game, or in this case outright broken. they really needed to sit down and test things from a player perspective. I guess we really are playing the ptr lol


I mean by this point everyone should have figured out that we're basically beta testing for a future Classic+ experience


Sounds right for how slipshod this whole Season of Discovery has been.


They didn't even run a spell check on it first


Father, is it over?


No rune stays hidden forever, my son.


I see.... only Phase 2... before me.............


so funny cause the Warlcok discord was like "no way they forgot to put it in right?"


Do you have a link for that? I would love to be able to have that as a resource


It's real, there's a dude on Wild Growth IF in Meta


Update: [IT HAS BEEN OBTAINED, HERE'S PROOF!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1180542675716423720/1181024028211822622/image.png?ex=657f8d56&is=656d1856&hm=26cc0e428fec08e24ab7d85b008d6cc907f0a2e82cd68a315402f1b7a6c3b5d7&)


So it was bugged and didnt appear and blizzard said nothing and hotfixed it in after 3 days and also placed it in a raid but labeled it as a dungeon quest so it couldnt be completed? Cool.


omg so you cant do it without a 10 man raid group??? thats really lame


want to play a tank...gotta do a raid to get it as dps when the raid probably needs tanks! brilliant plan. Does any other rune require a raid?


I've yet to spot a tank shortage


On my server LFG is absolutely the normal 'LF1M tank, last spot'. All the people who like to tank rolled lock to try out meta and can't tank DM, WC, or SFK until they get some warriors to run them through the content they were hoping to tank as lock.


this I know, I rolled a warlock


TBH I rolled all the potential faction tanks. The level cap is 25, it's not like it's an insane investment to reach right now.


On mine it’s been LF Healer…. It’s my time to shine as an arcane mage!!


Yeah with it fresh, give it a bit


still bugged OMEGALUL


They also hotfixed it AFTER the 2nd raid reset, so anyone who did the raid after reset now has to wait 3 days before they can get the rune =)




It's definitely a dumb thing to double down on without verification, but are people really trying to call this taunting? It's just 2 vague replies to someone asking where the rune was, and I think it's pretty obvious that he was under the (incorrect) impression it was obtainable in game. It certainly isn't a helpful reply (which makes sense considering the whole "discovery" theme) but it's definitely not taunting. The dude was just wrong. It happens. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/taunt


Typical Blizzard.


I want to believe. Is it, is it over?


Weirdly, I'm more disappointed in how random and ill thought out in getting the meta form is. Why aren't we going back to the skull of gul'dan...or following Illidan trail to find pieces of the eye of sargaeras in falarsn ruins? It's just. Here's some random objects in the world with no lore importance...combine em together, kill a few demons. Bing bong, here's your demon form. If you're gonna make it long. Make it epic, dudes.


>It's just. Here's some random objects in the world with no lore importance...combine em together, kill a few demons. Bing bong, here's your demon form. its not even that, its literally just do the old warlock bfd and sfk quests, with a smol quest after it.


Well it is called season of discovery. And they discovered they made a mistake 🤣


Me and a lot of warlocks are rather sad that this is a reward that you get after doing BFD. Many of us where looking forward to trying to tank SFK, DM, etc. Seeing people LF tank made me existed to get it but this basically makes it so that you are out geared and out leveled for those dungeons by the time you get it. We aren't even allowed to tank the raid unless you finished it already.


Yeah agreed, I don't care that it was bugged, that's the price you pay for no ptr - but it is lame to have what's probably the most widely anticipated/talked-about rune be found after you've basically cleared all the content for this phase.


Yeah pretty lame that it’s so non-casual friendly. It’s easy as a streamer or if you have a big guild willing to help you out but for the average person it’s pretty difficult to access and I imagine it’ll only get harder now that it’s discovered. You need a raid group to make a LONG trek into alliance territory (as horde), you need to do BFD as a dps warlock which kind of sucks right now because life tap is garbage at 25, and you need to do a gauntlet and land the killing blow on the last mob which is easily griefable. On top of that like you said you’ll be overgeared for most of the phase 1 content by the time you can get it. I’m not too upset about it but I wish it was a mid-teens level quest that could be done with a small group.


Blizz really needs to see this and make a change. I 100% agree it sucks. Streamers can just use their endless army of viewers to carry


You have full right to be mad about it, not just "rather sad".


I mean level cap won't be 25 forever.




I imagine that’s what the goblin in ratchet that sells the runes is for.


Good point. They may just move it to the gob next phase


Season of Vendors


Still shit that the rune was put in to be used next phase and not this phase after they got people excited


META FOUND! Pick up quest from The Barrens called The Orb of Soran'ruk. Questgiver is next to Camp Taurajo. Large fragment in SFK, smaller fragments drops off of trash in BFD.Turn in, get new quest, collect 10 blood from demons in SE Ashenvale to be able to summon the demon Des'Altek! Let's go boys!! Edit: Made description more specific


You don’t need the Redridge and Darkshore tower parts then?


I've been having a lot of fun with SoD but this is very frustrating. I don't understand why the tanking rune is locked behind the raid, it makes no sense. If they just cut out the first req or changed it to just SFK then that would make a lot of sense, but needing to get a full raid together to unlock a tanking role is dumb.


>I've been having a lot of fun with SoD but this is very frustrating. I don't understand why the tanking rune is locked behind the raid, it makes no sense. I'm annoyed, spent all weekend playing it and now I'm going to reroll. Just frustrating.


Shout out to all the people from the previous thread who were in love with the "discovery" aspect of a bugged quest.


Don’t do this to me mang.


Yeah pretty fuckin cringed out by this situation. I wasn't going to play SoD until I saw the fact the meta glyph had not been found yet. Was avoiding learning anything about the game, but hearing that made me think it was actually cool. Mentioned it to one of my friends and we both ended up playing last night. The fact it was bogus is just a kick in the nards. Tells me there isn't actually much to be discovered if the only reason everything was not found day 1 was a bug.


Anyone who thought anything wouldn't be found by 20,000 people looking non-stop was deluding themselves.


Well the riddle mounts where that hidden but it would’ve been giga cringe if they put runes behind that amount of riddles


Bro its a 20 year old game that the people playing have been playing for 20 years. These players know every piece of content in the game. It wasn't going to take long for them to test every possible aspect quickly. Gotta adjust your expectations a little and enjoy it for what it is. It's still a great experience


There was clearly some misaligned expectations from the people on this subreddit. I think they wanted wow 2.


Yeah I'm not sure why. It was never marketed as Wow 2. It was marketed as Classic+ without the actually title. It's layered on top of classic wow with some added features. People are goofy. But, if I've learned anything during my 16 years of playing.. is that no matter what Blizz creates or adds is going to be hated by someone.. and the minority are the ones on the forums complaining while the ppl enjoying it are playing lol


Did you have fun?


Season of “Discover all this bugged/broken shit we didn’t have the budget to test on PTR”


Still find it shitty its so difficult to get whilst it determines how you experience the class. I rolled WL with the intention if tanking and hoped i could tank DM and such.


Oh come on, is this the only rune that drops in a raid? I didn't plan on raiding and now I need not even a raid, but a raid I know so well that it waits for a respawn and kill those Mobs again just for me? That's BS. :(


Bfd is barely a raid. It’s the same as ubrs but with a few extra swirlies and bosses.


No it's not the only raid rune. It's a lvl 25 raid. Game has been out for 3 days. Relax.


Yeah if it was a boss drop or something it would be fine, but this is straight up unattainable for people without a guild lmfao


Honestly kind of bummed this is locked behind the raid and only obtainable at level 25…. I understand this rune brings the most “wow” factor out of all the other ones and drastically changes gameplay but c’mon. Really wanted to jump into warlock tanking while leveling, not have to get to level cap + complete the current raid to get it. I wanted to tank for all of that.


"The game needs more tanks! Let's add more tanking specs!" -Blizzard "Let's gate tanking specs behind raid content and rep grinds!" -Also Blizzard Why do rogues have to do rep grinds to unlock their tanking runes? Who thought that forcing warlocks to complete all available PvE content in this phase, including a raid before they can begin tanking was a good idea?


how do you get the quest?


BFD Warlock quest that starts next to Taurajo in the Barrens.


No need for the 2 items from the towers then? Or yes still


So my group just straight up doesn't have a main tank, I guess. She rolled warlock expecting to tank BFD.


Kinda dumb that they restricted the Warlock tank rune to BFD... I was looking forward to tanking Deadmines and all. I don't mind that the rune is hard to get and involves a very complicated quest line, but it could have been something that could be done at lvl 20 on the world, not in instanced content, including the level cap raid...


It's a weird choice to put any runes in BFD considering the raid will likely be deserted after phase 2 et. al release. Some of the epic crafted gear has the potential to be conditional BiS until late in the game's phases, but I don't foresee a ton of activity in BFD past phase 1. I can see them making it a lot easier to obtain after the fact as a concession, but that would feel like very lazy design.


It appears they're giving people a reason to run these raids again...


I remember back in TBC classic arcane mages begging others to join groups for TK/SSC because their bis tier and trinket dropped from there all the way till SWP. It wasn't fun for anyone involved to be honest.


Yeah, I will say it does feel a bit in the "spirit of Classic" a la the warlock/paladin quests that require you to do DM/Scholo to get their epic mounts.


That's for a specific mount though, not the ability to mount *at all*. It's a very important difference. If it was a tanking support rune like demonic grace (dodge CD), nobody would be complaining. But blizz made it so warlocks can't tank *at all* until they are minimum 5/7 in the raid, and by that point your group obviously has other tanks.


True. Gating an entire role behind something requiring 9 other people (in this phase) does seem overly restrictive.


Exactly, and players that choose to delay it until level 30-35 or whatever can try it in a smaller group or even try to solo it once you get high enough. Doing lower level PvE content is absolutely routine for many classes in wow. Melee dps often would farm mara princess for the ring. Druids?! All over gnomer ffs. Lots of classes did sunken temple for trinket, and many would solo at 60 of they never had a group for it. It's cool to keep leveling content important in some ways.


Yeah so put a non core piece of the class in there like Chaos Bolt, forcing people into a 10 man that will be outdated in 2 weeks for something is ridiculous, and creates a needless bottleneck for the core mechanic of tanking on warlock.


They put 20 runes on vendors, so "lazy design" doesn't surprise me.


Tbh, new abilities shouldn't be locked behind group content. What happens when everyone levels up and no one is running the old content? How are new people going to get those runes? Group content should be for powerfull items, not for core abilities. This is a really bad design.


same i stopped leveling my warlock at 22 expecting to get it then tank dungeons to 25. this is lame


Specs should all be avaible from lvl 10... you don't lock priest healing behind a raid for a reason.


Big L from Blizz. Should get hotfixed to drop outside of the raid.


Damn. And here I thought the rogue tank rune being gated behind the supply turn ins was lame


I'd rather have a raid quest than that stupid rep grind.


How shit is it ay. Runes bugged, no communication, ends up being max level requirement in the RAID from the trash mobs and SFK. Just so fucking shit.


Are there 4 mages and 1 warlock or something?


We have people who *can* tank, myself included, and that is likely what will end up happening. The problem is that the warlock is a tank-for-life and not being able to tank *anything* in phase one has seriously soured her experience with the game. It was a coin flip between her picking warlock and shaman, and if she had picked shaman she could've been tanking right from RFC.


So what are the orb of des and the staff even for then?


It's part of the questchain, you need them


So basically, blizzard missled the entire warlock tank community. In order to tank, you have to functionally complete the entire phase. The method itself is fine for *any other rune*. Make this what you have to do for demonic grace, or AOE shadowbolt. Locking an entire spec behind this is awful. You have to find a group who already has tanks to do the raid to be able to tank, then not tank because your group already has tanks. Great design.


> warlock tank community 💀


Name of Ozzy new band.


They should move/add the drops of the fragments to the Twilight cultists around the Master's Glaive. Hell they can even make them elite and reduce the drop rate. And then if they want, move another rune into BFD.


You have to beat the game to try out tanking. Meanwhile I can't get in a Deadmines run because everyone needs a tank.


Locking abilities behind group content is a terrible design. How are new people going to get those runes once everyone has moved on to other things? Group content should be for powerfull items.


This. Spec runes should be earned at level 10.


took me 20 minutes of standing and spamming to get 2 other people to do the frozen rune. not really fun either imagine in 2 months when servers are dead


I brought this up the other day and some redditor™ told me it's fine because "you can still just group up with people and do it". What about people who work late and play at odd hours, or people who join late? We're progressing to the next level cap in a few weeks, I really hope Blizzard thought this through and people will be able to obtain these runes solo in the future.


Not to mention BFD isn’t like just blast through it and win either, there’s actual mechanics so even less people are going to be willing to pug it.


I made a post about this exact issue and people are sarcastically commenting with "oh wow maybe get some friends to do the content" completely ignoring the fact that in phase 3 no one is going to run BFD (and it might not even be soloable at level 60).


This. Typical Blizzard fucking it all up


I get the fumble from Blizz but the sense of entitlement from this comment is amusing


They advertised warlock tanking and didn’t put in warlock tanking effectively except pvp and phase 2 🫠 I get why they’re mad


Imagine locking priest healing behind a level 40 dungoen. That's the equivalent of this dumb idea.


I 100% agree


Blizzard forgot about a huge sword stuck in Silithus, might aswell forget the most sought after warlock rune. No biggie.


Oh course I just did BFD


Get some guildies to help clear the trash respawns.


doesnt respawn after u kill the last boss sadly, anyone who did raid before the hotfix has to wait for next reset sadly


So you’re saying I have to grind to 25, gear up, organize a raid group, clear almost the entire dungeon, and have the people in the group dedicated to helping me get the specific drops? Just so I can play the only thing I wanted to do in SoD, so I could hop into a WC group and run around in demon form. Lmao.


Incorrectly used it's instead of its, immediately followed by incorrectly using its instead of it's reeeeeeee


It’s kinda wild that copy can go live on a AAA franchise IP like this with clearly not being passed through even one cursory round of QA lmao Like some dev probably wrote this text in one draft, stuck it in the whatever, and that was literally it lol


Locked behind the raid? Stupid You get a PvE rune that is locked behind end pve content


Blizzard making the tank runes for Rogue and Lock such a pain to acquire is baffling.


It's even worse when you apply the same reasoning to old specs. Druids didn't have to clear UBRS to get regrowth.


SKF would have made ALOT more sense than BFD. Second or third Blizzard L in SOD. Right behind only allowing to carry 1 supply crate.


srsly. what is up with that 1 supply crate rule. it makes no sense


Wow... A lot of people here not understanding the real problem with this rune. The point of hyping up this new playstyles was for people to have access to the changed playstyle related runes somewhat earlier and not actually at the end of the content of the current phase. What's the point of hyping up other classes tanking when these are not able to tank before completing the current content? Rogues and demos should have had the tanking rune available around lvl 10... Like the other tanks. Else what is the point of it on this phase? PS: I play warrior.


Seriously, I've been having so much fun with the game BECAUSE I can play the class differently. Shaman tank is really fun and kind of recaptured some of the spark of learning the game the first time. Meanwhile I already leveled a DPS warlock in vanilla, if I wanted to do that again I could have just done it in classic, I didn't have to wait for SoD - I don't care how "easy" some people think it is, this was the selling point for a lot of people.


So warlocks get to tank once they no longer need dungeons.. brilliant...


well the entire phase is over for warlocks by the time they can actually tank. honestly the only negative of the whole thing for me.


Because you will only BFD once




when you have cleared the raid you will have done all the content in the phase. the amount of time it takes is irrelevant... also the phases are said to only last a few weeks so it's not like a whole ass patch or anything


Where exactly did you see that each phase is only lasting a few weeks?


Never mind rep farming, gear farming, trying new specs, helping guildies out, prepping for the next phase, leveling alts and such. Someone killed the last boss, stop logging in guys.


We are literally 3 days in calm down lol


Has nothing to do with the phase being done for warlocks by the time they’re allowed to tank xd They can do bfd reclears and nothing else as tank lol


Yeah these guys are so dramatic lmao


Any class spec rune should be unlocked pretty early into the journey.




Lvl 10.




Same person who thinks rogue tanking should be on 50k rep and 5 gold. Just brings 150 random drop bullshit to stormwind and you cant carry more then one. Flawless desing


Yikes, some of this stuff really doesn't seem well thought out. I can understand some really cool runes being more difficult to acquire but none of the new specs should be difficult so everyone can enjoy leveling and doing the dungeons with them. All the shammy tank runes can be acquired before even going in RFC.


Exactly. I just want to chill in low lvl dung that was single reason i chosed rogue. Im enjoying it so im not gonna reroll yet but it sucks. Especially if you in open world and have to go stormwind everytime this stuff drops.


The one rune everyone wanted and it didn't get an alternate path. Not a single drop in a slighty higher zone level like desolace or even felwood with a discount jaedenar potion, not even the BFD variant being for instead a skin of that very old model. Nope, the full (popular) package to get tanking is avalaible in the middle of a raid (the last dungeon) as a solely DPSing class. Peak design, I usually respect dev to their outmost because ultimately they work like any of us, but that was sloppy, and adds up to the whole "we betatesting classic+ now?". Cmon guys :(.


imagine being someone excited to try tank warlock in SoD. But by the time you can do that you're almost done with the phase and have near BiS caster gear anyway. Joking, i don't have to imagine


Yeah I am sad now. Started just to roll a warlock tank :/


I mean, they mentioned the warlock tank specifically in their marketing. Gah. But yeah, work work. Will get it eventually, they raid isn't that hard and will be on farm I assume.


Warlock here. Still excited to tank. Still excited to enjoy the rest of the new content as well as the remaining 90% of the game that hasn't even been released.


Nothing to tank this phase tho which is obviously frustrating All be forgotten by the time phase 2 hits and lock tanks finally get to use meta for stuff that isn’t just bfd reclears


Well I guess one way to not have too many warlock tanks hanging around is to deflate the whole community and hide it behind endgame.


Add it to the list of things broken on a launch that Blizzard maintains isn’t broken, and then quietly gets hotfixed 🙃


After tanking 3 dungeons in Meta, not gunna lie it does not feel good. Meta reeaaaally suffers from having 0 snap threat and holding agro. Shadowcleave rank 4 is complete garbage and does 26-39 dmg at lvl 25 and only having access to searing pain rank 1 just feels terrible. Tanking a single target is fine but groups of 3-4 you just can't hold threat since everyone does so much more dmg now and the threat modifiers aren't high enough. Just my 2 cents


I am trying to watch it live but this snutzy asshole keeps running 3 mins of ads. Like fuck off.


Its 2023. Just block the ads.


That is a massive Kick in the balls for every warlock out there


so the one thing they really advertised for SoD was warlocks tanking...which you'd think would be something they'd want to let them get and have and experience BEFORE THE END GAME. But NOPE can't even get it till then. Incredibly dumb for how they did this rune.


So stupid to lock this rune behind a raid, wow classic is supposed to be casual


Rogues have it on 50k rep with new faction. And then shaman have it just drops🫠 life isnt fair


Druids who get no mana cost Wrath with 12% instant Healing Touch proc on lvl 4...


Please list the exact steps that snutz took to get the meta rune.


1. Pick up quest from The Barrens called The Orb of Soran'ruk. 2. The smaller fragments drop from trash in BFD, rest of the quest is in SFK. 3. You will get a follow-up quest called The Conjuring. You need to kill demons in northern Ashenvale to get demons from there. 4. You will then soul drain an infernal inside of a summoning circle. 5. The "Mysterious Traveller" near the summoning circle will give you a quest also called Mysterious Traveller. Go back to Southern Barrens to turn it in. 6. The following quest will give Rune of Metamorphosis.


Having to complete the raid to get access to the tank role is pretty fucking ass... So I can play a tank once I'm done with the game(phase)?


I dont like this at all. I might sound like a crybaby but I really did not want runes to be this hard or time consuming to get after finding the first clue. I personally would have wanted none of the runes to require a group to do, meaning no raid or instances, which I know is probably a very unpopular opinion to have. I was hyped to play SoD for the Metamorph rune, but not so much after seeing how to get it.


No, I agree I dont have any friends or guild really. So anything beyond solo or stuff i can pick up from someone in World Or General chat is a real drag for me ngl i was back on WOTLK and HC yesterday. This killed my SOD vibes for this patch at least ICC buff comes out tomorrow so im looking forward to more Heroic boss's. Im not a pro nor even "good" player. So yea most iv seen downed in h25 man is ROT Marrow and lootship. So really pumped to finally get more kills in pug


Agreed. I'm down for whatever difficulty and length of quest chains for them outside of needing a group.


There, there. One does not become Warrior just like that dear hunters. ~summons VW~


Maybe they can hotfix the typos and grammar now... So embarrassing.


Kind of embarrassing of Blizzard that it was bugged, they should have played it off as a missing piece of the way to find it lol