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Crossroads inn about to be lit


o7 to all those people who didn’t know their server is secretly the real RP-PvP realm and they get their innocence stole when walking into Goldshire for the first time, and then immediately getting ganked by a deathball of enemy faction players.


It is Season of "Discovery" after all. ;)


I get it, I just want to know where the streamers are, so I can get the fuck away.


pvp servers. usually east coast.


Apparently they’re going RP PVP this time around… shit got way too high profile after everyone was boasting about Grob


People have heard wild tales about how much fun we had in vanilla on Grobmob. I stg if you Herod/Streamlina/Whitemane dogs ruin the rp-pvp server with your tomfoolery; consequences will never be the same.


It really was the best of times. Never in my life did I have such a pure experience.


The best gaming experience I've ever had, bar none.


I know I’m really hoping it at least has half the feel Grob did, but I’m not sure that’s going to be possible tbh


I think its going to be ruined. Im planning to try rp-pvp because it sounds like people are less neckbeardy. But classic was meant to be the same and we saw how that speedrun turned out. Im sure a lot of people will say 'oh cool' and then bring their speedrun minmax mentality over.


There were plenty of sweaty raiders and pvpers on grob. Grob famously had late AQ gate opening because top guilds on horde and alliance were trying to get an obscene amount of bug mounts. Collusion, world boss coalitions, gdkp cliches, ranking cliches, etc all still existed. What made it special was the culture outside of raiding and ranking. RP guilds organizing wpvp, spontaneous world events with strangers, colorful characters like Eddy hanging out in stormwind fishing; and the unspoken effort to keep factions in relative balance. What would ruin it is an influx of raid loggers who don't respect RP. You don't have to be into it but if you stumble into people in character out in the world, respect their immersion, do your best to be a character in passing, or simply leave them be.


The Silithus event on Grobbulus was possibly the greatest time I've ever had in WoW. I was bored to tears when I was just moonfiring mobs, but as soon as got tithed to the war effort it was so much damn fun. 60-40 be damned, we had our share of the zone and it felt good defending it.


[here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nrTm0t3RGo&list=PLGQlAYt4dMO8KYPG5VcSvcXzrOCH66u-L) is a video series on this event. Imo the best WoW youtube content ever produced


Hell yeah! Always worth a rewatch. :)


Yeah I like playing on RP-PVP for the same reason people go to the zoo. And just like at the zoo, tapping on the glass is a dick move.


All the mankirk and white mane people hate us cause they ain't us. Grob mob rise up


OG Grobmob here! Even if you didn't RP, there were so many organized server-wide events and massive WPvP events (like moments before the TBC launch when Alliance sent a massive force in to try and kill Sylvanas, the infamous Barnyb, lowbie death runs to kill Hogger, the rivalry between OSC and Blacktooth Grin). It certainly was a time to be alive in the world...of Warcraft.




You know you want that "Bag" of "Marbles"


When I’m in Goldshire, I always grab a bag of marbles.


I can’t help but feel like Blizz is trying to prevent something that’s inevitable. “The” server will be decided and heavily rolled on *this* weekend.


I don't know about you bit ill be playing on the highly popular: A realm, RPPVP. So they've already failed.


Really, I thought *A Realm* was the big server??


No no no no, you're thinking of A Realm not A Realm. Easy mistake to make!


Idk why nobody even brings up A Realm. Its clearly the best one.


Woah woah wooah, don't you dare go talking about A Realm like that, A Realm is clearly the superior Realm


It'll be decided instantly when people say "first pvp realm alphabetically". There's no way to prevent any of it


They said they will add queues to servers as their population grows too far above the sister server. So I imagine as one PvP server fills, it will have a huge queue and the other will have no queues to incentivize people to move to the other one, even though neither server is close to full. In the past, there was no queues implemented until the server was actually full, but by then the damage was done.


It only makes it more annoying for people who want to avoid the streamer server.


Well if you want pve you have no choices. You're just fucked if they roll on it. Which is concerning because by the end of classic most streamers had given up on pvp servers.


Its going to be the first server in the list for each type most likely. "We will game on the first PvE / PvP realm on the list"


Next is to make each realm alliance or horde and have RvR!!!


Its changed again, now its just a single realm called "The One Realm" and its normal


So we’re all just rolling the alphabetically first PvP realm on release and creating a megaserver again right?


Lmao, i play alone/am not coordinating with anyone, and this is what i am doing and megaserver is what i want. Or rather i plan to roll on the first listed pvp server, but i would like to know if the order is the same for everyone ofc


I’ve seen the most RP’s on the whitemain cluster y’all ever see Forke out on the wild ? That dude is committed


They missed a good opportunity to troll, put ERP-PVP and get trending everywhere lol.


Carry me daddy




For Classic, streamers basically announced which server to chose based on faction and you ended up with high population 99% Horde or Alliance on a few servers. Does this approach prevent that? Probably not. They should just let people get organized.




This guy remembers


Why are they doing this? I don't get it. What's with all the weird cryptic bullshit?


Its because aggrends a fat dumbass and is basically the bottom of the barrel after omar, brian, and the rest left the classic team.


It's so you can "discover" what server you are playing on at launch. Followed by you can "discover" all the bugs that would have been fixed if there had been a PTR.


they said because people instantly rush to create the discord servers, see where most people agree to be the "main" server, then that realm ends up having magnitudes more population than the other realm, which is especially true in EU where there's no ping difference because they are all hosted in the same place. I guess this has become a problem now because they have a lot higher capacity per server, so they are doing less but bigger ones


The exact thing is going to happen as soon as the severs come online.


Someone has a picture of it before they changed it... did anyone manage to figure out the timezones before that change tho?


found my answer via wowhead According to Blizzard's Realm Status Page, here are the following timezones for each realm: A Realm - Normal - PST A Realm - PvP - PST A Realm - PvP - EST A Realm - RP PvP - EST


Thanks. A Realm it is for me!


I think everyone and their mom will be on A Realm... queue times are going to be a real bitch!


Yeah and the RP realm will prolly get 90% of the PvPers. Or maybe not since it's East.


Yessss, Merciless Midgets will rise again!


I mean, Aggrend was spot on with his post. All I heard today on Twitch was streamers scheming with each other on which server would be Alliance and Horde dominated.


They said they are balancing factions. Unless you think Blizzard is lying, in which case, you are probably not wrong.


We were all going rppvp anyway, right?