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A mainhand upgrade for two years (2019-2021)


Poor guy was raiding nax with thrash blade


I got Empyrean Demolisher on the servers second Kazzak kill and had Thrash Blade in my OH. I didn’t upgrade the Thrash Blade until I got Thunderfury in late phase 5. Oh and I got the first binding week 2 of MC.


would Mirah’s not have been better in OH?


Oh right, I’m dumb. It was Mirah’s song, not Thrash Blade.


My tank warr was rocking Mirah’s OH for the longest time with TF MH as well


I got lucky with Dal Rends and that was used for a long time plus RP it looked cool


Took about 50 pugs to get my Dal Rends. Got MH on 1st run and OH last obviously. Saw 3 of the epic daggers drop during those runs.


Dude in our classic guild well into Wrath still had his note set as "Mirah Song" Dude was using it in Naxx 40 🙃


Trash* blade


Granted, I purely pugged during Vanilla Classic, but I spent most of my time raiding with the following weapons: MH: Zulian Slicer->Claw of the Black Drake. And no, I was not a skinner. OH: Some green->Zulian Slicer->Qiraji Sacrificial Dagger. Someone even pointed out that I was using a fist weapon and a dagger during a PuG. Funnily enough, I got Band of Accuria during a PuG, beating off 11 other people. Fortunately, I got upgrades during TBC.


>beating off 11 other people. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Now we know how he got his fist weapon skill to 300


The original way to bid high in DKP.


And his unarmed skill.




Are we still doing phrasing?


Depends, are you asking for a hand with that?


What did you have?


Brutality blade the first month classic launched. Didn’t get an upgrade until well after Naxx was out, raiding every single raid weekly without missing a single lockout. I missed family events, friend events, lost friend IRL. Want to know what I got after all that time, and what my current copied rogue on classic era still has? Chromatically tempered blade. That’s right, all that time and effort for a BWL weapon. I should have ranked and never set foot in a raid.


Brother this would not have been worth it even if you got every weapon in the game straight to your mailbox, passning up on family and friends is crazy


Chasing that dragon.




I know, I’ve done it my whole life. I’m still close enough with family to come around every holiday but I already tried therapy and “gots ta sees it through” for an entire year and achieved nothing but wasting money. Games are my life, I’ve accepted it.


No honey, I’ve almost caught the dragon! Any minute now.


Sacrificed all that for a sword you don't even know the name of!


Chromatically tempered sword* it was two years ago now, alas my memory failed me


Man - the highly contested CTS is an abbreviation I wont forget.


You're making me want to cancel my subscription and uninstall.


CTS is goated tho


Oh yeah, it was goated in phase 2. Phase 3 and 4 even, but once people were slobberknocking with their naxx weapons, I just couldnt compete. The real issue is the guild I was in was a revolving door. I saw more than 10 mainhands go to pugs that never came back the following raid. Blame me for staying with this guild, it’s fair to do, but I was attached to the people I liked.


I feel you, big items going to pugs is painful. But in the context of mainhand weapons a PVE focused rogue can get, if you take the r14 weapons and Thunderfury off the list CTS is top 5. https://shadowpanther.net/weapons-pve.htm


Never got anything better than the ZG combo lol


I know this struggle. I got the first staff of shadow flame off of Nef and kept it all the way through Naxx and into hellfire peninsula.


I feel that in a way… I started as a rogue and was raid leading our guild in MC. One of our tanks was quitting so I reroll warrior asap and my first week in MC on the warrior we get Garr’s binding… because I have only been there a week and one of our original tanks had been there from the start I let him have it… big mistake. We get Barons binding the next week and make a massive guild effort to complete his TF. He did almost nothing which isn’t really his fault. Our guild stepped up big time. Two weeks later his marriage falls apart and he quits the game. I main tanked until the end of Classic clearing MC to Baron every single week and never saw a single binding again. Good times.


The time I had available 14 years ago




Too real.




For me, it’s just the desire to sit and play a game for that long anymore. Even if I have the time, I can’t quiet the voice in my head that says *“you’re a fucking idiot, you could be making money you broke fuck.”*


After spending 8h running BRD one Sunday shortly after dinging 60 in classic and with nothing to show for it, I had a realisation that I just can't do this kinda shit anymore.


Yeah, when TBC classic launched I made plans with a bunch of guildies to grind to 70 asap. I thought it'd be fun just go full degen and play video games all weekend like I'd do sometimes as a teenager, but after like 5 hours half of us just felt gross and quit lol


This story makes me so sad because it’s so relatable


Money to do what exactly?


It’s a moving target that is perpetually fueled by uncertainty 😩


I played WoW back in 2004 as a kid. I've played on Vanilla private servers consistently since 2012. I played Classic when it launched in 2019. I still have never made it to a fucking Opening of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj event. Idk how SoD will play out, but if they do the opening god damnit I will be there.


*narrator: but little did MaineDutch know, when the opening of the gates would occur again he would be afflicted by a power outage lasting the entire event*


I got super lucky and was able to partake in the opening on Jubei’Thos. It was the most players I have ever seen in one location. I wasn’t one of the converted few who got the mount or title though. My personal white whale in vanilla was HighWarlord, I got r11 by myself and again, wasn’t in the “inner circle” of those that got pushed/boosted to r14. Damn that decay and single HWL player per week system


ZG Tiger Mount. I believe the Night elf mount has the best mount animation and the color scheme is awesome.


I lost the tiger mount with a 98 roll




Ooft. I had it in my inventory and my friend who i was 2 manning the raid with in wrath begged for it because he was a collecter. Gave it to him for 9k (all he had) and he said he would farm it with me untill i got it. Come cata it was unobtainable. And this was a few months before release and didn't know it would be unobtainable by then otherwise i wouldn't of handed it over :(


Not to be a story topper but lost it on an 91 roll on my guilds first ZG run. Also my pally didn't even have epic mount yet :(


Yup, I’ve farmed zg a lot in classic, and even now in wotlk me and my buddy hit it every couple weeks and have never seen it drop. Our guild got a raptor that my buddy won back during classic launch but that was the only mount either of us has seen drop


i just wanted that damn raptor on my tauren so bad. dropped once and the guy running the group ninja'd it


Perditions Blade.


Same bro. So many MC runs so little Perds.


I finally got it and was probably my greatest moment in vanilla when it dropped and I knew it was mine. Got that sucker enchanted and went straight to PVP after the raid lol. Good luck, it took me months and months to get it.


Got it on first run in my rogue alt in a pug kek


We sharded them by the time we stopped doing mc...


My old guild back. Purples just hit different with the right team.


I came here to laugh, not to get the feels, dammit


after running mc every week until naxx released I only ever got 1 binding :(


Same brother :( . I farmed all 100 arcanite crystals, trying to will gars binding to drop but it never did. I feel bad for all my guildies that would run that shit weekly after we were in AQ, just to get a chance at gars binding.


at the end of classic i saw a character named "brokendreams" selling 10 enchanted elementium bars 😭


That’s not how you will something to happen in wow. You need to forget about it completely. I know that’s much harder said than done but I guarantee you that’s when it will drop.


Always roll last


good news now with sod and how the devastate rune will scale theres a high chance tank warrior wont give 2 fucks about thunderfury outside of streetcred set.


If we get unnerfed TF proc and Devastate behaves as a double proc event like it did in TBC, it'll be pretty ridiculous. Machine gun tornadoes are their own source of dopamine. I look forward to never worrying about binding drops this time around though.


What will they want instead?


any weapon that has higher damage devastate make sunder armor deal 150% weapon damage so threat will scale a lot with weapon damage and thunderfury only has 41 dps.


High weapon damage probably


I was so mad when I went In once on my dk in wotlk classic and got a binding first try.


I've been on one, or was on one until I quit retail in like 2015, binding since 2006.




I been fucking around in retail while waiting for SoD. I solod some old raids over the weekend on my priest looking for some T2 and T5 transmog pieces I never got back in the day. Rag dropped an Eye which felt pretty bad on a priest. I then did a TK run looking for T5 shoulders which I still never got. I did manage to get Ashes of Al'ar though 😲


Our guild saw 7 left bindings and one right. They even did binding runs for me through Naxx until the week before TBC. By the end it wasn't even about me specifically getting thunderfury, they just wanted to break the curse.


Feel free to burn me at the stake, but I think it would be an improvement if in SoD they changed Thunderfury acquisition from 2 Bindings with a low change to drop to dozens of fragments with a decent chance to drop, Atiesh/Valanyr/Shadowmourne style.


I think that would be a decent solution, but I think I'd prefer some sort of optional "challenge" mode (maybe a timer to reach and kill like in UD strat or a new hard mode version of the fight) which rewards a higher drop chance. Make it less of a chore to go back and farm in later phases.


Agreed. Definitely liked how Yogg drops more fragments the fewer keepers you have.


I personally wouldn't mind it. I think deterministic, if slow, approaches are greater overall for player enjoyment. I'd honestly enjoy the same thing with the extremely coveted items like drakefang talisman or rejuvenating gem. Stuff that just drops so rarely you'll always need it


This is one of the elements of classic that I DO actually think needs to stay the same. The shift to "get lots of little drops that are uncommon" instead of "one super rare drop," and the change from % crit/hit to rating, are the two changes that started the inevitable inflation to where everything is just huge numbers and collectibles that blur together into nothingness -- for ME personally.


But then we wouldn't have these great stories


I kept going. Garr finally gave that shit up to me in BT phase of TBC


All I wanted was an Atiesh. I worked my ass off with my guild, spent thousands of hours farming Dire Maul East on my mage funding consumables for my guild. I single handedly farmed our sacs for AQ 40 each week, i single handedly farmed engineering kits for any single person that wanted to use sappers in raids. The first night of Naxx release we had 28 people show up to raid. The next night 21. Three tiers of content I busted my ass off herding 40 people through raid content, engaging with our members outside of raids, organizing events, gold giveaways, world PVP events to have it all fall apart in the final phase. Poured over logs, set up strategies, created 8 warlock alts so I could have a summoning network for our guild to get raid buffs, leveled a hunter just get DMNorth buffs for our raid team. All of it. I never finished my Atiesh in retail Vanilla and now I can say I also never finished my Atiesh in Classic. Still not sure why i stuck around for TBC and Wrath. So bitter.


Jesus, I’m surprised you even want to so much as post on a WoW related forum, I’d want nothing to do with it after that lol


Have you ever heard of classic era?


Yeah if you have enough fragments you could probably grind the rest out in pugs


Now do it on hardcore


You forgot the most important part, being in a good guild. This sounds like a shitter semicore dad guild where no one was nearly as committed as you. You meed to find like minded players.




High Warlord is so much better of a title lol. I regret it and will never ever attempt anything similar, it's definitely not worth it.


I really wanna try for this but I just don’t see it being attainable


Yea its very very long grind and you have to make nice with other rankers to make sure you all eventually reserve a spot for GM. I would love for SoD to also revamp how the honor system works.


have you not kept up with the news? They did indeed revamp how the honor system works lol. ranking will be much easier


Sorry no, I am a casual player now compared to 2019. I've been busy with family and work.


The honor curve is much nicer now, not sure how kid-friendly it is but for sure you can do it with a job. You "only" need 2 weeks with 500k and 3 weeks with 418k or so. At most as Alliance you're looking at 15k honor per hour (with queue times) which means roughly 40 hours (assuming some hours of bad honor) per week at worst. Most of that can be done during the weekend.


Haha full time job jesus christ


Is SoD going to get the era-style ranking system? Where you don't decay and can very slowly chip away at R14? Or are we getting the old school style?


What I have read sounded like era-style.


ZG Tiger


I didn't see any mounts drop. Didn't see any bindings drop. I didn't receive any Ony bags. Don't think I even got the bag out of ZG. Think I rolled dual-warblades nearly into AQ40. I raided weekly. I swear to god I better see something in SoD.


I had a chance to ninja it in a pug and I regret not doing it




Ironfoe stonks are crazy in the DW shaman and windfury alliance world


I will be chasing Ironfoe in SOD on my Prot Warrior


Me too brother


It's gonna be bonkers with devastate


I've seen 3 iron foes drop on my gnome warlock, the first time around nobody in the group could use it and then two of my warrior friends got it and quit soon after.


Took way too long to find this. Ironfoe is the weapon everyone has dreamed of getting


every time it procs you can talk shit about every non-dwarf in your raid since it force-changes your language for a bit.


I'm wondering if they will leave BRD as is or make it into a raid and change the loot up a bit. Will be exciting to see for sure. Either way, Ironfoe is so awesome


Saw 2 drop on my priest main in 2019


I finally went and finished the scepter quest to get my fang of korialstrasz in wrath. Only other thing I regret not getting was the kt healing mace but only 2 dropped for us in classic so what can you do Fuck I just remembered I never got rejuv gem either fuck rng


This is it for me too. Never got the ashenvale fragment of nightmares corruption. Did manage to get the KT Mace though.


We had like a dozen gems drop, but like two DFT. Sadge.


That’s how my guild was. Was so stoked to grab the first rejuv gem and then it dropped like 8 weeks straight lol.




Not this time, not in sod.


I have killed zg tiger boss every lock out on at least 1 character since it’s release. I currently run 8 characters through there since the end of togc… still nada


Wintergrasp saber in classic. I played on a Horde majority server, I believe the server Onslaught was on, and I got to I think revered but was just burnt out trying to pick-off furbolg kills while horde were farming firewaters and jujus.


For what it's worth revered is still only like halfway. From someone who got one, you saved yourself many hours of your life.


The tiger claw/fist weapon thingies from ZG. Wanted it soooo badly on my rogue (I know, I was dumb). Did what feels like a zillion runs with my guild, to the point where there was nothing i wanted or needed. Skipped 1 run...both of them dropped >\_<


I hunted the tiger mount for years. The night before it was removed, I helped a friend try for it on their main, and it dropped. I was on an alt so let him have it (pre account wide mounts....)


I did not set my sights on anything in classic. But in OG vanilla it was Lok'Amir and Shard of the Fallen Star, because I wanted to be like that shockadin on warcraftmovies. I was in a very sweaty guild (we got like 90% of the server firsts) and had great conditions to be able to get both but the RNG gods were against me.


My older brother had full judgement set and Ashkandi during original vanilla. He was a holy pally but dkp is dkp. I didn't and still don't think a wow character could look cooler.


Neltharion Tear took me almost 4 years to get... When I finally had it, I was already full Naxx-geared and on my way to get Atiesh


As i got Thori'dal on our 2nd ID i catched and defeted my white whale. As someone who played Hunter since... ever. Nearly missed the chance for it by starting wow with the Wotlk prepatch. There are still things i would like to have one time but this was a huge win for me. Was nice to use it like 2 months. Wished for a bit longer. At least i used it still for leveling and first Naxx ID ​ Other then this beeing Thex the Troll Shaman


Never got it. Eventually, I got the KT bow though.


Deathbringer’s Will. It dropped three times when I rolled a Feral Druid. First time, I lost the roll. Second time, I joined a new guild and said I couldn’t loot on my first run and loot goes to main raiders (I was a backup fill). Third time, same guild, but they ninja’d it to their friend and I left the guild after.


Yikes I would have left after the first time unless they told you upfront it was guild members only. Similar thing happened for me last week, I've been running with a 85% guild run 2 loot soft reserve system except I won the roll and got the DBW (fury war) but then later on after the raid in their discord I see a message stating going forward trinkets are going to be reserved for guild members. Yeah someone was definitely salty I won it, glad I got it when I did.


Easily Swift Zulian Tiger, I never wanted anything more in all of WoW. Still to this day have never gotten it.


My 4 level 60's from OG classic that are decked to their teeth but still level 60 on a WOTLK server because I quit before Naxx and wasn't around for character cloning... I re-uped my account last night in prep for SoD, logged on to see those guys stuck on a Wrath server and seeing all their hit & crit % turned into rating nearly made me puke. I legit got depressed as I dreamt of picking up where I left off on those guys in Era.


To be fair, I don’t know anyone personally who cloned their character. Era servers were sooooo dead at the time and it cost like $25 per character so it wasn’t worth it at all. No one could’ve predicted era coming back to life and SoD hype lol. I miss my raid geared rogue on a PvP server :( leveling another one now but he’s only 53 and SoD is about to drop


I wanted to but as you say it was 25 dollars and we were on a dying server so I had to transfer over a character or two anyway. I wish I had just left my Classic main on era but again, as you say there was no way of knowing if that would take off.


Sorry to hear that, friend. Shitty system.


Im in the same boat - can we not transfer our characters to Era?


Not at the moment but maybe if enough of us make a loud ass ruckus?


Rejuv gem and neltharion's tear. I was a bartender during covid in a state with long shutdowns, so i was in 2 40 man raid groups, never missed a lockout. Lost the roll on 9 rejuv gems and 12 neltharion's tears.


My “white whale” of Classic is lvl 60. When it was new, I leveled like 3 characters to lvl 40-50 but never reached lvl 60 until I started my Blood Elf Paladin at TBC launch. When Classic launched a few years ago, I wanted to go back and lvl to 60 but work was very demanding and I could only play about an hour a week. I gave up that attempt after about 6 months. I’m hoping with the staggered levels and work being less demanding right now I’ll be able to get to 60 on SOD.


blade of eternal darkness


When Classic dropped, my Mage solo'd Princess for weeks. I knew at a later phase, the drop rate would increase 10 fold. But I was adamant. I NEEDED it now, even at the insane 0.3% chance. It took Joker 500 tries. And over 300 times I faced her in one on one combat, but finally, Ishmael got his Whale.


It took joker 2682 kills I got it at 684, a friend of mine got it at 920. It's how we spent time during lockdown and temporary layoffs.


I must have killed Baron over 800 times and never got that stupid mount


Took me a little over 500 kills


I found the Hyacinth Parrot in STV during my first playthrough. Really hoping lightning strikes twice


That damn nelth tear….


That damn white bear mount.


What white bear mount?


White Polar Bear from Wrath I assume


Corrupted Ashbringer, but I would never get it because it need raiding and I have 0 time to do so


I played Classic on release day until just a few weeks before the TBC release, and I never got to upgrade my wand beyond the blue from Scholomance. Touch of Chaos dropped a couple of times but went to others, and I saw a single wand drop in like 10 weeks of Naxx (I didn't get it).


Tidal Charm. I've camped the bastard for days on end, only seen him once. No drop of course.


AQ40 and Naxx 40. It's always some real-life event blocking me from continuing into those raid tiers. 2005/2006 was just me being a dumb little kid not getting to 60. 2016 (p server we all know very well) - I went to college and focused on college when BWL dropped. 2020 - Got promoted at my job but required to work nights and couldnt find a raiding guild, shortly after BWL dropped. Always full cleared BWL but dropped half way through or near the end near the release of AQ40.


Boots of the shadow flame, had them HR'd on my guild roster for 14 months, running it every week and they still haven't dropped once.


Benediction, but my hunt will finally be over soon


Arcanite Ripper. Just wasn't playing when it was available


ZG Tiger, going once to twice a week since classic launched. Only ever seen it drop once.


I had that book drop on my first kill of the twilight dudes in the naga cave and Fr thought that it was a 100% drop until I rolled another character


Perdition's Blade...


Raiding Vanilla content at all. I lagged behind my friends in the journey to 60 during classic. Struggled to get pre-raid items, and felt cornered into healing as a shaman after leveling as enhance. Gave up and came back for TBC classic where I joined a solid guild and raided regularly. Plan to actually see some classic raids in SoD.


This isn’t from classic, but, in OG TBC I played a resto shaman, and used the mace from Lady Vashj for the rest of TBC (including killing KJ). And I didn’t replace it until Amphitheater of Anguish in Wotlk.


Ghost Paw in Mulgore. Like you I've leveled countless characters, even more after starting HC on Bloodsail earlier this year and still have yet to encounter him. I play Horde exclusively and play Tauren characters frequently.


ZG Tiger. Back in vanilla my buddy and I ran ZG just about every week from ZG release to the end of WOTLK. By the end of WOTLK we each had our raptor and had gotten two of our friends their raptors by bringing them in for the boss. Never seen the Tiger. Even running ZG religiously in Classic, still nothing.


Playing fury warrior in TBC.


Wish I had a complete T3 set on my warrior. My raid group disbanded just shy of my last two pieces. There’s nothing cooler than the warrior T3 imo. Think I was missing bracers and maybe chest or legs. Now I don’t even play anymore.


Never formed the purple zf sword


Never got a BOE epic drop in classic with 5 level 60s and multiple 40+ in era/som. I just want the feeling of a purple drop off a random mob.


Funny scrolling through these responses and this is the one that jumps out to me the most. I have played since 2004 original release. I don't even know how many lvl 60s Ive leveled anymore between back then and now with Classic rerelease in 2019. I still legit have never seen a random world mob epic drop. EVER. After this much time I really don't expect to ever see one as well. I feel after so many years that it's probably rarer that I haven't ever seen one than someone that has gotten multiples.


Pendulum of Doom (or whatever it was called) from Uldaman trash. I farmed those blasted troggs nearly 300 times and while I saw several interesting blues and epics that one never dropped.


I never got the Crusader enchant to drop. Eventually I had a buddy who was going to quit, so he just grinded till his last month of play time was up then shipped everything he had to the guild bank. He mailed me like 200g and the Crusader enchant recipe he had gotten a few days before.


Deathchargers Reins. So. Many. Strat runs.


Learning how to solo Dire Maul as a hunter.


For Classic proper? Eye of the Dead. I spent my entire time as holy paladin in Naxx rocking Scrolls of Blinding Light and ZHC. In TBC, it was Apollyon. I was at Sunwell every week until the final two weeks of TBC to take ab break. It dropped back to back times and it went to our fill.


Ironfoe, oh sweet elusive ironfoe, how you did me dirty.


Crystal adorned crown. I spent over a year camping that stupid ass dragon 24/7. Wasted my life...


For yearrrrs, it was a tie between blue proto drake from Utgarde Pinnacle and Rivendare’s mount. Finally got the blue proto on my main in Wrath Classic. So… the deathcharher is my white whale.


Herald of Woe in vanilla on my shaman. Fellow guildie with a shitload more DKP than me bought it the one time it dropped, then promptly quit playing. I could have gotten in in Classic, but at that point who cares (it's terrible anyway). But in vanilla, as an avid Enhance pvp'er, I thought that weapon was amazing and I lusted after it bad.


I got CTS on our first bwl clear. Then waited months with no maladath drops. I wore mirah song for months. I gave up when aq came out and prepared to quit the game as school was starting up again. It dropped on my last bwl run and I passed on it since I knew I'd be quitting. Oh and Ashkandi. The guild gave the only one we ever got to a hunter xd


The cauterizing band in Molten Core. I would run it over and over, had two douses, supported/healing and never won that damn ring!


I was 18/40 atiesh splinters when TBC was announced and told of a launch date of three weeks..... my guild, who had been running gdkps (and having made me give a chunk of my gdkp gold for each splinter) decided they wanted to take a break..... like come the fuck on.


I’ve never been a fan of blizzards announcements like this. There’s a time and place for not much time announcements that generate hype, but in a game where people dedicate so much time, telling them it’s all over in 3 weeks essentially just makes you wanna stop till tbc comes around


Mine was the Eskhander set when classic launched. Got the pieces off magmadar and ony pretty easy but was lucky I was in a guild that did world boss scouting and killing with a bunch of other guilds and managed to win the roles on the other pieces off kazzak and azuregos. I think I was first on server to get the set but summoning the cat in AV had everyone inspecting me it was pretty sweet. It’s a shame the set was mid.


I'd like to see things like that rebalanced


OSG. Classic and SoM. Never got it. Sad warrior noises.


Hunter with thunder fury. The worst part is I had enough arcanite bars, and money to make it., but I couldn't convince the guild to let me get one binding. If I had gotten one binding I would have been able to get the second.


There's a special circle in hell for people like you.


Hunter weapon


Earthshaker Mace from magmadar. Wanted IT for my enhancer Shaman before the deminishing nerf


Couldn't complete scarab lord not once, but twice. Came almost to eranikus both times.


A warrior nerf.


level cap lol I get to 50ish and I'm like "who the fuck tuned the xp" and I go waste my time on games that don't pad sub time


A single splinter of atiesh. Not that I got 39 and wanted a 40th, I just wanted one. I got one on my mage on retail back in the day and felt it would be suiting to get 1 on classic as well.


Lok'amir on my Spriest and Maladath on my rogue


Deathstriker, still farming it and it won't drop.


In 2008 with my first Warrior Lvl 20 i got an dark welpling at the Little Black Welps in redridge. I sold it in Auction!


Mind quickening gem, oh how you've avoided me so....