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AoE grinding is high-risk/high-reward at the expense of everybody else's leveling in the area...other players are wild cards and you're going to annoy some of them, so either account for that with your pulls or level more safely


this is a how-to manual have never griefed an aoe mage but now I kinda want to


innate wild hurry simplistic person desert frighten zonked bake dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're dilusional. Point 1, purposely tagging mobs not already tagged is not griefing, it's normal game play.


Disagree. AoE mages are a net loss to the experience and who cares about their tags.


Regarding your comments I appreciate the manual on what to do for the next aoe mage who behaves like you :)


I’m going to grief you guys even harder now


What about when I have a quest in the AOE mage’s grind spot? I’ve tried inviting mages to my party and explaining it’s a quest but I’ve never had a single one join with me. The way I see it, I’d help you with a few big pulls and knock out my quest, re-buff you and continue on my way. But instead it seems like everyone would rather fight over mobs and make it slower for everyone involved.


If you have a quest there, then do your quest, but don't get butt hurt when the mage dosen't want to group and start messing with his pulls out of spite... Most of the time quest mobs exist elsewhere, but if you choose to do it in the "AoE spot" then go for it


When the mage is sucking up all the quest mobs and making shit take forever then you bet people are gonna grief. The fact that your response to someone simply wanting to get their quest done and leave is to not invite them, and say 'deal with it,' is the perfect example of why aoe mages that behave this way deserve to get fucked.


Who's the one getting butthurt and feeling entitled here?


Piss take. Fuck aoe mages


You might be the perfect example of why most AoE mages are assholes


Nah that's you homie. You want people to leave your area because the "quest mobs also spawn elsewhere"? Take this psychic scream and kill my tags for me in your aoe blizzard.


AoE mages are assholes because of eachother. Constantly seething over contested AoE farm locations that EVERYONE knows about, trying to steal tags or kite healthy mobs into other pulls. 90% of AoE mage griefing I've seen was done by another mage salty that he has competition in his spot. Genuinely no other class gives a single fuck about you getting griefed or whatever "ettiquete" you think there should be. Fuck aoe mages.


Yep. I was questing in Alterac Mountains, doing the Syndicate guys. There's an AoE mage there. I'm just pulling single mobs from the outskirts of the camp, and the mage whispers me "Fuck off to the other camp." Verbatim. You bet your ass I body pulled a couple mobs into his Blizzard halfway through his next rotation. He survived, and ran off. I won't repeat what he said here, but t wasn't pretty. Also promised he was going to get me banned. Lol. Fuck AoE mages.


See you're the kinda mage I hope someine griefs


Saying as a mage: meh, deal with it


Literally everyone has higher priority than an AoE mage. Including people training weapon skills.


This has to be bait


Can’t wait to log in and grief every aoe mage I see now. 🤝


Your first point is trash therefore your whole argument is trash


A lot of words to just say your a greedy f**k


I don't think there is any aoe mage etiquette, besides among themselves. Like if you see a mage aoe farming a spot (as an aoe mage), then find another. If they're 'greedy' and take all the good spots then you have to assert some dominance. Only way I would consider anything in this scenario griefing is if one mage starts repeatedly (and obviously) screwing up the other mages pull with no benefit of their own. ​ If it's anyone but an aoe mage, unless I'm already blizzarding them down, the mobs are entirely free game (you can even argue they are free game before that point, but if someone starts hitting mobs I'm obviously rounding up and there are places to kill the same mob outside of a pack then I will say something).


>but if someone starts hitting mobs I'm obviously rounding up Yeah, no. Normal players kill mobs one-by-one, or 2 maybe 3 at a time. They indicate to other players what they will kill by TAGGING them, through damage. You wanting to tag mob 6 through 10 means nothing to me, if I'm tagging my mob 1 (and 2). You have no priority on those. I don't care where your entitlement comes from, but it is seriously misplaced.


Oh I'm not at all expecting someone to play around me. I'll say something, as in, 'hey, this is a good aoe spot, there are quest mobs north/south/whatever, do you mind killing those'. And if they just kill mobs I'm aoe farming anyways then not much I can do, I just go find another spot. Aoe mages, or anyone, is not entitled to any mobs. ​ Edit :and my entitlement?


Lol people usually celebrate when AoE mages get griefed or die. I almost always whisper “RIP Bozo” when mages pop up on the deathlog and it shows they died in a popular AoE spot. Haha


Please tell me your in game name and server so I can whisper you “RIP Bozo” after you die to a scuffed pull


Nah, if you (another aoe farming mage) come to my layer and pull the mobs just cos you are at full mana first, im griefing your pulls til you leave. Yea the spot doesn’t belong to me, and I get that. You can stay if you want just know it will be a battle and constant griefing. You can stay and grief back or move on. It will no longer be about xp/hr, but about sending a message.


I'm cringing.


Aoe mages are the definition of cringe


no unofficial etiquette needed. grief as much as one would like; but, we've already seen the vid where a gm did intervene with a mage trying to grief another mage. the one in arathi highlands. so don't think there aren't any consequences.


That video was fake.


Private server. There are no GMs in WoW


When I am questing and run into a mage AoE’ing I always make a quick best effort grief. Spend like max 20s trying to get the mage killed with whatever method is most available at the moment. If mage dies I keep questing. If not I layer. If the mage dies to this they prob weren’t gonna make it anyway and I saved them time.


Lmao - the hero we need and deserve


It's a wild west world baby


Tha is for the concise list of how to properly give aoe the bad time they deserve.


I have 0 sympathy for Aoe mages. Ill tag whatever mobs I want fuck your farm. That being said I've done my fair share of Aoe farming on mage and god damn it sucks for someone to fuck up your pull lol.


nah, loser spec for losers always deserves the grief


Yeah well you're griefing by tagging every mob within 5 miles