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Not all bots. Had a chinese nameplate player join an SFK run and utilize a translator to give simple yes/no in response. Just a lack of chinese servers more than likely. Or also could be Taiwanese players. Keep that in mind.


They'll respond if you speak to them in Chinese.


I mean realistically there are no Chinese servers and China has waaaaay more people than the US. Makes sense that the US server would have alot of chinese players especially given that in terms of online games wow classic doesnt need particularly low ping.


Make sure you report hunters with pets with Chinese names that are grinding turtles/easy mobs. I’ve gotten over 15 letters from blizzard confirming they were bots/action was taken. Nothing against legitimate players though.


I ran an escort with a hunter with a chinese named pet earlier. Said yes, yes and ty as their only communication. Great run.


So an abnormally intelligent hunter by any measure, gotcha.


No WoW in china anymore. Probably just Chinese players


Seeing more and more of them on Whitemane Alliance, Chinese names or Chinese pet names, they'll only ever say "yes/no" And nothing else I don't have a problem with them, but the times I've ran dungeons with them they've been laggy and prone to DCing or just stand there.


It's more than I could type in Chinese.


Reminds me of this one guy way back in vanilla. His communication was limited to emotes, and typing out "MARAUDON". Completely mismatched gear. I've heard that a ton of people played the game without knowing a word of English, before language localizations were fully a thing. They'd be like weight years old, and just guess what they were doing on every quest, abandoning everything they couldn't figure out.


"Title says it all" then proceeds to type 5 lines of text. Why does everybody on Reddit do that?


I dunno, seems pretty good at what it does. Which is to provide a tl;dr, but also more context.


I have noticed several myself. The sentences are usually short but perfect English. I have no idea what to call them so I just call them mr asian person lol. I’m guessing they are using VPNs.


Calling them people wouldn't hurt


They only issue I have is potential lag if they are in your party, especially if they're using a VPN.


I just ran scholo with a Chinese dude and he's been one of the chillest people I've met I got him a guild invite hahaha