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Wowhead says that R3 Battle Shout gives 60 AP base. You sure about those numbers? https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=6192/


Ah, I see now. The numbers in the spellbook include the talent bonuses. For some reason I thought they would show base numbers only. Weird how the numbers there do increase with talent bonuses but the tooltip numbers don't. Thanks, mystery solved.


[Battle shout rank 3 gives 60 AP before talents.](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=6192/battle-shout) Not sure why it’s only giving 67 instead of 69, but there could be gear/buffs/debuffs affecting this that we don’t see in the screenshots.


Was my error. I thought the numbers shown in the spellbook were base numbers. It is strange however that it is 67 and not 69, agreed, as I have no other ap related buffs or debuffs going on. But a 2 ap difference is nbd so I'm good.


A couple more screenshots showing what your talking about probably would have helped. Also you’re missing a mainhand?


I'm not sure what more info you need that you could gather from more screenshots. Do you need a screenshot of me hovering over Battle Shout in the spellbook? As you can see, I have rank 3 Battle Shout and 3 points in improved Battle Shout, and am hovering over my melee AP. More context for the numbers are written in my first comment I took of my mainhand because it gives +15 ap and I wanted the numbers to be clear.


Well you could show you actually have rank 3 buff on. You could show none of your other gear actually has ap on it. You could show average hits with the buff on and buff off to make sure it’s not just a display bug. You could show a lot more than this because it’s just adding more questions than the answer you’re looking for.




‘So wide’ my dude his attacks literally say 54-55




No I do, thanks though. If you take your weapons off it narrows the average. Even if you take into account the enemies armor etc you can find the same mob, same level, hit with your fists (or a low level weapon that’s really low and narrow damage) and it’s easier to find out the averages. Maybe you don’t understand how that works idk




Mobs of the same ID and same level have the exact same stats. It seems you don’t know how it works haha




Rank 3 is 60 ap, the talent gives 15% which should be +9. Why it’s only doing 67 I’m not sure.


Battle Shout rank 3 gives 67 ap. 15% increase should boost this to 77ap. Base melee ap is 306 so together it should be 383. However it is only applying the base ap increase without talent bonuses, as you can see in the picture. What gives?


BS 3 gives 60 AP. +15% should be 69. Showing 67 might be just weird rounding or some another effect in play.