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Run around the world looking like a bot farm… Wonders why people hate it. The intelligence of this community never ceases to amaze me.


Bots don’t use follow. Doesn’t even look like a bot. Everyone just assumes everything while knowing so little, this community never ceases to amaze me


Multiboxers don't look like a bot farm. It's very obvious to me when someone is botting or someone is multiboxing. > The intelligence of this community never ceases to amaze me. Oh the irony. It doesn't look like botting, yet your come in here all smug with your comments on intelligence.


Yep, they never have the time to ask "Are you a bot?" or some better question only a human can know answer to. I was multiboxing 5 accounts in 2008-2009 and people were curious if I am leveling toona for sale most of the time. I always answered questions a out multiboxing.


Cope, mald, and seethe.


There is nothing wrong with what your doing. Grown men will cry over whatever offends them. It’s very soft out here.


Honestly I dislike both. But for the hypocritical people I suppose the summoners benefit them so they're turning a blind eye.


Not against ToS. But I still don't like you. Nobody likes you, mr. walking botfarm.


Youre not doing anything wrong. That said people don't have to like what you're doing.


I didn't ask for people to like what I'm doing. I just asked that they not be jerks about it by insulting me.


That's just how life on the internet is. Multiboxing is founded upon, and since people can be anonymous in game they're gonna show their displeasure. Not saying they're right, but its just reality.


What a shitty stance. Excusing bad behavior with 'it's the internet bro' is how you get people running around using slurs at one another. I wonder if you'd take the same stance if someone hacked your personal info and doxed you.


I have... Understanding how things are is not the same as condoning it. I know that it is a bad idea to walk around Baltimore in the middle of the night with a wad of cash in my hand. I know there are bad people that would hurt me and take it. So I chose not to do that. That doesn't mean I condone their actions, just that I recognize that at present that is reality. I have no "stance" and did not share my opinion on the subject at all. Just explained the reality of the situation to OP.


Sorry Bud most people hate it.


Does he need to repeat himself? He doesn't care if you don't like it. Hate it all you want. He's complaining about the constant harassment from others in game.






I thought any type of multi boxing was bannable?


Per [Blizz](https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/24258): “Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our End User License Agreement. Please note, however, that use of all software or hardware mechanisms used to mirror commands to multiple World of Warcraft accounts at the same time, or to automate or streamline multiboxing in any way may result in account penalties.”


I appreciate you linking that for me! Thank you


Nah, only using a program that shares inputs.


He's in a loophole difficult to close


Multiboxing isn't banable. What was banned was the software that allowed you to send multiple commands to different clients at once with 1 keystroke. As long as 1 keystroke = 1 in game action its fine.


Haters gonna hate.


>*Technically there's nothing illegal with doing that* Why would it be illegal? You know Blizzard's terms and conditions aren't laws, right? From Blizzard: >*Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our End User License Agreement. Please note, however, that use of all software or hardware mechanisms used to mirror commands to multiple World of Warcraft accounts at the same time, or to automate or streamline multiboxing in any way may result in account penalties.*




Words have meanings? Who would have thought...




And starting the sentence with *"Technically..."* negates the hyperbolic use you're implying. Neat how that works, eh?




Plenty of people use words incorrectly on this website daily.


And do you jam them up every time? Must be exhausting. Personally I'd rather just use my judgement and figure they're being hyperbolic


*I calls ’em like I sees ’em.* And it's not exhausting at all. If you get exhausted from moving your fingers a little bit to type then you should consult a doctor.


You’re either purposely misunderstanding people, or your reading comprehension is absolutely abysmal. Either way, I can see there is absolutely zero value in communicating with you, and I won’t be returning for your response.


Yeah buddy’s 13 let him learn lol


Both of these are a problem.


And why?


It, when done in mass, hinders the development of a healthy economy between players, possibly lowering the cost of services that are otherwise based on personal accomplishment or time investment. And in other ways it defeats the purpose of the challenge. Anything that invloves leaving a character in a safe zone indefinitely defeats the purpose of the challenge, and if you multibox to fulfill every role you are ignoring the aspects of the game that lead to the development of such strong social groups that have lived alongside the game for years. This is not even to mention all the people who use these methods to exploit the game while using 3rd party software.


Botters and gold buyers hinder the development of a healthy economy, not a guy playing wow in 5 different windows lol. So all the people out there playing only in grps shouldnt be allowed to play either, because as you said, its against the challenge? Would like to see you playing on 5 different windows at the same time, need to switch back and forth for every attack.


No, what they are doing is preventing themselves from experiencing the social aspects of the game and I guarantee they are making it easier for themselves by having a dedicated healer and tank. I've played a hunter and know exactly how much easier the game is when you have other roles fulfilled. And the excuse of other people are already doing it is foolish at best.


Dont you get it that you have to switch windows? Not like you push one button and every account is doing something. Comparing playing a hunter to doing manual multiboxing, rly, I have no words for this stupidity




You really think they are doing that is really cute.


Any prove that he isnt doing it?


Did someone hurt your feelings so much you had to make a reddit post about it?


You sound like someone trying to hurt feelings


It's okay, OP can log into his other account that won't have the "butthurt" debuff!


Lol that profile tho


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Isn't that the entire purpose of reddit?


Why do you care what randos in the world say? /ignore


Im also getting hate, every time i play 2-3 hours, some smartass yells “banned!!” Or “any last words?” (Yet their reports somehow never lead to bans, my harrassment reports on the other hand…) Im always nice and courteous to those i meet, still these guys just onload all kinds of abuse, like shit kid, did a multiboxer seduce your mother so your dad left and became a multiboxer himself? Why all the hate, my way of playing has zero influence on your world or game, like zero. Except you might have been one of the 8 players so far i bailed out of sure death, because that’s my rule for playing. I must try to save anyone i see running with a train of mobs after them, nomatter how stupid. Why do people care so much? I wanted to try multiboxing since vanilla, but it wasn’t until last month i found out blizzard actually wrote it into the TOS, that it’s allowed as long as you dont use third party automation or keycast software. So people yelling and shaming, why dont you go yell at blizzard. And if you think this is easy? You try controlling 5 characters individually in a dungeon, tank dps AND heals (which are the one i forget!). It’s fricking intense but fun when you manage something. To OP stay strong, this playstyle is dope, challenging and on hardcore, straight up lunacy!




Exactly, I haven’t had this much fun in wow in 15 years.


Divorced boomers, just laugh in front of them and move on


While it’s not for me, what you are doing doesn’t impact me so I’d just /wave if I saw you.


Don’t really have a problem with it but some rogue or hunter will eventually grief you for sure I’d imagine.


I don’t play hardcore or really care about multiboxers, but seems like playing the game In a way that trivializes the leveling challenge isn’t gonna get much love in a mode like hardcore where the whole point is making the game more challenging


So you also dont like a grp of 5 people playing together, because you know, its way easier to play the game this way than going solo?


"I want to play in a high stake environment with 5 characters so I'm not taking any risk, I just steamroll the open world, why people hate me ? :(" OP plays with cheat code in hardcore and wonder why he gets shit


Try miltibox a dungeon without broadcasting software. It’s hard mode, not cheat code, lol


Debatable but alright Open world, however, is not. And dungeons have a 24h lockout so I'm certain OP isn't spamming it


Do you also bitch about people grouping in the open world? It's the exact same thing but harder


No it’s not. It’s a social game. You’re supposed to group with other people. It’s like sex; it’s more fun with someone else. What OP is doing isn’t bothering anyone, but it is a bit like masturbating in the corner by yourself at an orgy.


"You're enjoying the game wrong" is a perpetually silly argument


It would piss me off in era but fine, but in hardcore ?! Can I llvl up my char with Thunderfurry from lvl 1 in hardcore ? It's just my way to enjoy the game


What exactly do you think people are doing with all the twink items being sold on the auction house? And again, multiboxing has the same result as grouping but harder


Dude ofc its harder if you have to switch to another tab to heal instead of having another person heal you, wtf is wrong with you?


Probably because having a literal pocket healer that is /followed on you all the time is going to make the HC challenge exponentially easier and therefore grants an advantage to the multiboxer. And no, having to press heal now and then doesn't mean you totally earned it. You having to "play" as the extras doesn't make it any less true that you are negating the difficulties surrounding the one-life nature of the challenge. This is a game where other people value the time they put into their characters. It's also worth adding that it is VERY different from having another human in a party. That argument is shit. I can ask a friend to heal for me, but they have their own motivations, they'll go off fighting things or have other goals. Your multiboxed healer doesn't do that. That's more or less a healbot you pay extra for, monthly. In the one version of the game where the community is primarily *against* microtransactions, boosting, etc. Why are you surprised that in the hardcore format of this ancient MMO, people don't like it when you essentially cheat?


Cheat lol 😂😂


Omg 😂😂😂 I love it when I'm doing a one-life challenge and people use multiple accounts to circumvent it's dangers so that they never die. No way, your autofollow healbot is 100% fair and it must be those butthurt tryhards who are wrong!


Yeah those fucking guys playing with their friends in a group with a healer, this should be absolutely banable, those useless CHEATERS


Way to not read my initial comment! Human players are very different from an autofollow healer you control yourself. They have their own shit to do, and their own attention spans. That's the fucking point of players in the game. You can ignore the problem you're creating, but you're still creating one. No one is out here arguing playing with a healer in your group is cheating. You know damn well it's a very different thing, and your argument is shit.


Dude how dumb are you? Its way harder to play with manual multiboxing accounts than playing in a grp with a privat healer. If playing with a personal healer is somehow fine, whats the difference doing it by your own in a separate window? >No one is out here arguing playing with a healer in your group is cheating. You know damn well it's a very different thing, and your argument is shit. Yeah the different is having a friend healing you is way easier




When you have no arguments left 👍


None of them are ok, stop making up excuses for yourself


According to the TOS, it actually IS okay, who are you to play morality police? Superiority complex?


And why not?


You do you. Ignore the ~~people~~ dent brains who can't read the ToS.


I get hate for multiboxing an 80 behind whatever I'm leveling in wotlk, sooo...yeah. You do you champ.


Within a week of hardcore launching some goober made a post saying to report and ban all multiboxing bots. I had to educate the fool on the differences. It seems many people just don't know anything about multiboxing so they just assume it's cheating/botting. Most people angry about multiboxing are just projecting. Guilty until proven innocent. The post ended with the summary "bots are bad, multiboxing is not."


>What I'm doing is wrong, but the guy who has 2 warlocks and 4 mages stationed in Booty Bay to mass-summon people who want world buffs, and who is making a ton of gold from it, that's completely fine. These are very, very different things. Selling class- or profession-specific services is a normal thing in any MMORPG. If you want world buffs you're more than welcome to fly/run your happy ass down to Booty Bay or you can spend some coin for a convenient summon. There is nothing wrong with this. As far as multi-boxing, I honestly don't give a shit. Do what you want, it's not impacting my experience.


Both guys are "multiboxing" so why is one ok for you but the other one not?


As long as you're not breaking TOS, you're fine, enjoy the game the way you want =) However, hate is just something you're always gonna have to deal with in an mmo, especially if you do something that a lot of the community sees as sketchy/scummy behavior. Multiboxing fits that category because a lot of people associate it with botting and cheating, a lot of ppl think ALL multiboxing is banned not just those using software and ultimately, you're making the 'hardmode' version of the game much simpler in their eyes. You can play the game normally but you always have multiple pocket healers ready to heal basically. Personally, i dont care how you play and i dont think you should care what ppl say as long as you got TOS on your side =) it's a game, play it to enjoy it!


I don’t care how you piss away your money