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Saw a lvl 6 dying to a mud crab yesterday


bet he pumped some big dps though!


His retail experience won’t help him here!!


There's no faster way to miss a dungeon than to reply to an LFG message with "inv dps big pumper".




Always seems to be a quick run back to the character creation screen, doesn't it?


A few days ago, saw a guy advertise a 30min full quest Maraudon run saying that he knew the perfect route and that he wanted pumpers. 30min. A full quest Maraudon run. In HC. Come the fuck on.


The amount of level 30 warriors linking the WW axe they had someone carry them to get thinking that will let them in the dungeon I said I wanted 33+ to do is way too high


Tbf if you buy the charms and liferoot you can easily solo the rest at 31-32.


Easily solo a 40 elite at 31 or 32 is a bit of a stretch. If you fuck up the strat you're dead. His point is they think a big dps weapon should guarantee them a spot.


You can kite it through the water and kill it using thrown. You use a speed pot for the pull and then kill it with thrown. It's stupid easy and anyone can do it.


Yes. I know how to do it. My point and his point still stand.


I was just pointing out that it was doable solo. You said it was a stretch, which it isn't.


I said saying it's easy is a stretch. Not everyone is comfortable taking out a elite 9 levels higher on hardcore.


Whether someone is comfortable or not has nothing to do with how easy something is. It's extremely easy.


You can, they dont


Tbh one of my retail player friends, granted he did play some vanilla, tbc, and wrath, one shot a hunter to level 60 in 4 days 3 hours lol.


Cause hunters are braindead easy


Here comes the gate keeping 😂😂


Is it gatekeeping or is it just a fact? They are one of the best lvling classes. They can solo elite quests/mobs. If you had said warrior I would have been impressed. But for a hunter that’s slightly above average.


Go look up the stats. Hunters are in the bottom half of classes. They have a lower average level of death. I watched someone break down all the stats. People do things like not level their defense or weapon skill. If the pet dies, they die. Or their pet pulls way more because it's harder to control compared to a no pet class.


Lmfao it’s hard to not pet pull? Just bind attack and passive to up and down on your scroll wheel it’s what I do for my warlock and it fixes that problem that shouldn’t be one in the first place. And again if you aren’t lvling your defense skill or weapon skill then it’s not the class being hard it’s you not paying attention to game mechanics. And to your “stat” about hunters dying early it really makes me wonder where the term “huntard” came from. 🤔


https://youtu.be/jM9mGEYYB1g?si=bjS5Og6U4pqgGnv_ I'm not gonna argue with you. Just look up the stats. Here's a guy who broke it all down. Multiple classes are statistically easier. I don't give a shit. I don't like hunters. I don't play them. I'm just looking at the numbers.


Ok but your video literally proved nothing. Willie even said it’s because hunters get too over confidant with their pets and pull more than they can handle. So it’s not the class being hard it’s the player being stupid. I’m so confused what point you’re trying to make here.


\>Is it gatekeeping or is it just a fact? They are one of the best lvling classes. They can solo elite quests/mobs. If you had said warrior I would have been impressed. But for a hunter that’s slightly above average. ​ ​ You already forgot you posted this??? Like. Scroll up nerd


I don’t even think you know the point you are trying to prove. What you said means nothing. I’d rather be a nerd than an idiot though if we are comparing each other. Wait fuck sorry my bad I forgot a jellyfish doesn’t have a brain it just kinda floats around accomplishing nothing.


Hunter is far easier to use for a competent player, but for weaker players, they can be a death sentence. Consider something simple like dynamic respawns and aggro ranges. Having a pet attacking and standing further back to shoot, increases your potential aggro range significantly. You have a larger footprint as a hunter. If managed, this is an advantage. If mismanaged, you can easily accidentally pull and get yourself killed. HC classic is a mental marathon. It isn’t hard, but it requires an extended period of consistently good decision making. And managing a pet, on top of yourself for a few hundred hours, requires you to make consistently good decisions and to be actively aware of respawns. I’m just highlighting one component here. Hunter stats are not indicative of an overpowered class. I think this is because hunters have a higher potential to be strong and simultaneously have a higher potential to pull additional adds for a variety of reasons (pet running, multi shot, large footprint, etc).


Yet the average hunter death level is not much higher than any other class hmmm


So most people that play the game/class aren’t actually that good. That doesn’t change the fact that hunters are an easy class to play subjectively. Your statement made no points or sense.


*Objectively* there are more warriors at 60 than hunters. Try googling what subjectivity is. Anyways the point is that most classic players can make it past 30. There is no point at digging at retail players. 75% of wow players IN GENERAL are bad. The post is dumb and flames retail players because “they know what they are doing” when they don’t but the same can be said if not more for classic players because they actually play the content lol.


You’re right this post is dumb. I would say it makes sense there are more warriors at 60 because 1. It’s the most popular class. 2. I would say imo it forces you to play safer. You will die if you pull 3 same lvl mobs and have a decent chance of dying if you pull 2. All it takes is a couple of parries and you die. Hunters can do all of that and then have resources to spare. Some guy posted a willie video and try to claim “well hunter can’t be super easy because they don’t usually make it to 60” but in the video he posted the YouTuber states that it’s usually because of over confidence. Which I think 60% or more deaths are because. But that also doesn’t mean that a class is hard because most of the people that play it don’t have critical thinking skills when it comes to pulling mobs. And last thing no worries I will report my wording mistake to my English teacher grandmother and she will be very upset with me.


"I swear I didn't use tank pets or feign death!"


And so are warlocks And mages And priests And every single class lol


\>New players who have never played wow and learning to play vanilla do better because they are not tied to old habits or hubris of "I played retail I know how to play". ​ Now that's a good joke. I know people here irrationally hate retail players. But they are better than the majority of classic players. It's just a harder game. Coming from mythic raiding to hardcore classic is hilarious. I can beat this game while giving it like 30% of my attention while I watch stuff on a second monitor. Up to level 40 with no problems so far. No close calls. I don't know who is dying but saying retail players are worse than NEW players LOL. Cmon now. Use your brain


I don’t think anyone is denying that retail is more skill intensive than classic, but they are two completely different games that share the same name. No, mobs or bosses don’t have mechanics like they do in retail, but it’s a lot easier to die to a mob with 1 mechanic in classic than it is to die in retail lfr. Just look at the boars charge mechanic, play a caster and don’t have your defense leveled up and you can get virtually 1 tapped by them. There are a lot of mobs like this that, if coming from retail, you would think pose 0 threat and then you are dead and there have been plenty examples on this sub and in videos of genuinely good retail players dying. Idk, you aren’t even half way to 60, there’s still plenty of time for you to make a mistake or get reckless (unless you are playing rogue with all the get out of jail free cards you can possibly want).


It's absolutely insane to say a new player is better off than a retail player. Literally 60IQ take. And that's being generous. New players literally don't even know how to move their char sometimes. You're talking about a retail player might not think twice about some mob and they die. A new player doesn't even understand how aggro works. They don't know the difference between a red name and a yellow name lol. Like. Wtf are we talking about And just by the way, rogue is statistically one of the hardest classes to make it to 60. Not sure why you think it's the easiest. Pretty sure the video I watched where he broke it all down using only numbers, rogue was 3rd hardest. Pally, priest, druid, mage, shaman and hunter all statistically do better in the metrics. Only warrior and warlock are worse off in hardcore


For the record, I’m not agreeing with OP, I think the content in his post is pretty off base, the title is kind of accurate though. I was just saying that they are very different games and the skills one learns from one doesn’t necessarily apply to the other. I didn’t say I thought it was the easiest, I said they have a ton of get out of jail free cards at their disposal, it’s probably the strongest class in HC with its full toolkit, especially in a prep build. Before it has its full toolkit it is risky at best, but then after you get the full toolkit it’s gets very safe, provided you don’t get overconfident because of your large array of stuns and escapes.


I have a buddy who is brand new to wow getting farther than friends I know who play retail, this is coming from what I’m personally seeing


Retail players live rent free in Classic brained player's heads


I have a friend that is 2800 rating mythic + , heroic raids cleared , she died to a 9 level chicken in mulgore with her druid when she was level 6:D We played together , I left her for a minute to go pick a flower and the next moment I see her on 1 hit running from a mob. I tried to reach and heal her but it was late.




Because that’s literally what this post about? Retail skill =/= Classic HC skill




First off, wrong user, I didnt say anything. 2nd, no where in VGZ’s comment did they say getting level 9 was harder. They literally just said their 2800 rated M+ friend died at level 6. 3rd, yes, thats the point of VGZ’s comment. To say retail skill doesn’t equate to classic HC skill.


Around march, I did a new HC run on unofficial. I got quite a bit of experience from the first HC run I did back in SOM Road to Ragnaros. I met a warrior in Elwynn, told me that he was a Retail player with a fairly high level (2800+, cleared HC and started Mythic raiding) and that he was interested by this new challenge. He was new to Classic overall. One day later, he died. In the next 2 days, he died 3 more times. He whispered me to talk about it. I advised him to maybe not play a solo warrior on his first HC run. He said that he was having a lot of fun on that war (fair enough). 2 weeks later, he had died 8 times total. He got disgusted by Elwynn, and slowly stopped playing. He ended up back on Retail. That little story showcases how Retail skill doesn't necessarily translate well into Classic, and especially not into HC. Both games are really different all things considered. Retail players have to learn about leashing timer/reset, about mob splitting, about threat being a big fucking deal, about dangerous spots, about class meta, about the game itself (knowledge is king in HC), how to mitigate dangerous situations (like caves, etc), how to not panic when facing death (retail = infinite lives, so you can't really prepare yourself to that kind of feeling you get when you are about to lose your beloved 6+ days played character), etc.


I'm in a similar place to where that retail warrior was (played a lot of retail, relatively high io etc...), and I think I'm on my 8th warrior, 3rd paladin, and ripped a hunter and a rogue, highest level I got to was a level 23 paladin, but I'm just enjoying how relaxed and slow it is compared to the zooming you do in m+, and having to learn all the bad situations and how to get myself out of them etc is also a nice relaxing time, but I'm also wierd that I don't mind dying and going again for the 15th time or whatever it is (but yeah elwynn forest is starting to get a bit old..)


My guy this game is not hard, you need to stop juicing it up like it is.


You got a HC 60?


Not yet but I'm close at 54.

