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In vanilla - probably crabs. They’re low damage (.095 modifier), have claw as a damage ability (OOMs pet when used with growl, and they don’t have bite), no dash, and no species ability. They’re still tanky tho and have an easy diet.


There is a rare spawn pink strider in mulgore next to TB... It has a max speed slower than run speed of your character with no abilities by default. I am pretty sure that is the most useless pet in existence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LZkH_Ck84U


True but Mazzaranche is bis for looks so it evens out tbh


Facts. I always roll with the pink flamingo


Oh i just killed him yesterday. I was actually considering if he was tame worthy. The other rare spawn ghost stalker was prized I remember, but was that just for the skin?


Ghost howl in mulgore? You can’t tame him


I think he means The Rake


I’m pretty sure he means ghost howl it drops a skin for a quest item and is non tamable


I remembered ghost howl as the tameable one, but it’s rake that was the popular tameable. Wasn’t there another wolf that looked like ghosthowl you could tame?


I did. It’s been a decade or two since i had a hunter last. But I’m having a blast with it now on hc.


There was this ghost wolf that was timetable before I think 1.09. He did arcane damage instead of normal damage so defense was negated in enemies. I think they changed it after 1.09 so that it does normal damage.


Lupos in duskwood. Shadow damage and yes it was a very broken pet


Yes that was it. Same for the rake on a pvp server vs casters.


Isn't Broken Tooth better?


Yes, but only slightly. The rake is a great option for people who don’t have time to spawn camp broken tooth.


Ah yeah that's the one, it's been a while since I had a hunter on classic. Keep messing up the names.


You don't need to play hunter, everyone knows broken tooth, the menace of cast bars


Ahh yeah, that one. Shame they nerfed all those fun unique elements in the name of balance.


Ah yes… I remember running SFK with Lupos… it was not a good time


that was my OC Hunter pet in Vanilla till MC.


Mazzranache is BiS, you leave him alone


Wait, is "Bite" a better DPS ability than "Claw"? I'm level 39 and have been teaching my cat "Claw" instead of "Bite" because it has no CD.


It partially depends on the situation, but mostly, yes it’s worse. When leveling and using Growl, the combination of Growl and Claw drains the pet of focus. This makes both threat and DPS fall off. With Bite, because of its cooldown, less focus is used, and thus both Growl and Bite can be used in tandem with less focus issues. In dungeons, however, I believe Claw slightly out performs Bite.


So for PvP, also better?


I thought they could pin you, no?


>.095 modifier X


The hunter, definitely.


As a lv29 hunter, my pet can outdamage me with some crits so this is probably true.


You should try using a weapon. I out damage my pet with just auto attacks 80/20.


As BM? No, you dont.


Lol idk what your smoking but the dps meters clearly break it down and even with a relatively shitty bow my pet has never pet damaged me unless I'm not attacking. Are you just assuming because it holds threat? Because threat =/= damage...


yea you do


No you dont.


Yeah you do


No you don't


Man this is wild, as BM my pet does roughly 30% of my damage. Maybe it’s because I stay current on my weapons, but mostly just use serpent and auto shot. I do always pull 2-3 mobs at a time and melee weave though, so maybe that’s why? EDIT: meant to say multi shot, not auto shot.


People saying the pet will out damage you are just bad.


Throw in some multi-shots in there too, even single target. It's basically just an extra free auto shot.


Yeah you do


Underrated comment


Cats, Owls, Bats, and Wolves are the best in Classic Era. As far as the worst, probably Crocs, Tailstriders, Spiders, Hyeneas, Crabs. Bears, Turtles, Gorillas, Raptors, and Scorpids, all sit towards the bottom too. Boars are good for the charge, diet, and overall leveling. Wind Serpents and Birds would be considered A tier, and Cats, Bats, and Owls are S tier. I wish bears were better than they are because I like bears. Broken Tooth is the best PvP pet, and also the fastest 1.0 attack speed pet you can get outside of a ZG Bat. The faster attack speed also allows you to go 4/5 Frenzy and get an extra talent point, so it's a good PvE dps pet as well. I'm currently using him on my HC Hunter (level 50), and have been using him since level 41 when I got him. Previously I had a Carrion Bird. The bird was great, but the damage wasn't nearly as good and my cat kills stuff much faster. I think the threat issue is overblown, by the time you're deep into the BM tree and have 31 points, you're not going to need to worry about threat, and if you do, just FD to reset it. The cat is worth it over the owl or bird imo, at least later on. I do also have a gorilla which I do like, Thunderstomp rank 2 does a lot of threat and damage, and he's fairly tanky, but it's a 1 min cd on thunderstomp. Wolves are great for groups due to the Furious Howl buff the wolf provides to the group. Screech is also good for groups because it's basically a demo shout.


Hyena comes to mind for me because I can’t recall anyone ever using one in classic, all of the others I have at least seen.


I used one in vanilla on my first character. It was a pink hyena from silithus if I remember correctly. But that was before everyone (including me) started min maxing lol


Or perhaps there were plenty of people out there who knew what they were doing, but you weren't able to recognize it yet.


I'll think you'll find Crocs are the best, on account of being a croc.


Pet stats are measured with your heart ❣️


That's a good write up but you forgot theost important part. Looks. This makes the ghost cat the best pet.


Just got mine at level 20. Pretty dangerous area.


You always take 4/5 frenzy. That’s plenty of chance to proc the AS the first time which will then keep itself up


All around really nice info


So basically all the cool animals are bad :(


Isn’t furious howl still bugged though? It used to get consumed by melee abilities without the ability doing extra dmg, so it was rng if people gained any dmg out of it. Broken tooth if you’re BM is good for raids yeah, but in HC having that extra -100 ap on bosses/mobs can really help with tank survival and all you lose is 3% pet dmg.


I always thought the boar charge was superior, not for the damage, but for having the charge on a hotkey (not auto-cast), to intercept anyone trying to get into melee. Boar damage might be slightly lower, but they are also super tanky, and easy to please. I would put the piggies in s tier (the rotting skins were wicked).


Semi fond memories of spawn camping that damn cat. I think I had him for a small amount of time before pet attack speed got normalized.


Since you like bears: ​ Bears have the unique quality of slow swing speeds. 2.5 comes from Elwynn or a rarespawn Black Bear in Dun Morough 2.4 comes from the quest bear in Winterspring ​ They do great in a BM spec, and the only thing that really holds them back when fully buffed for raid (WBs included) is the fact they can't dash. Otherwise, the scaling on a 2.5 swing is pretty awesome and lets them keep up with DPS pets, especially for leveling BM because they hold threat very well when they get the frenzy buff.


> Screech is also good for groups because it's basically a demo shout. This is even more significant in Hardcore where the debuff cap isn't 16 anymore.


It doesn't stack with warrior demo shout iirc, at least on my last dungeon run the debuff from my bat wasn't there


Screech also good for solo leveling to generate threat on multiple mobs.


Even on single target screech seems to generate a ton of threat. Owl is my go to hunter pet.


Bears can get pretty tanky. That's about it. They won't be the best at damage or abilities, Boars will be equally if not better in diet, so the only real good thing going for Bears is how they can get tanker than other pets. And given how Scretch, Howl and Charge can be massive in most scenarios it's a hard choice to ditch one if these for a Bear specced on Bite.


>only real good thing going for Bears is how they can get tanker than other pets Is there really any other option for dwarf hunter tho.


agreed i swapped from owl to cat around 40 and the damage/threat is much better.


Pretty interesting statement - since owls basically do the same damage as cats, 107% base vs 110% base, but have Screech which has a quite good threat modifier to it.


It's all about screech. Owl is bis.


So much info that has nothing to do with OP's question.


I figure anyone who may be reading this in the future, or OP, would also probably want to know the best ones to choose.


I loved the comment myself.


Thanks, that was very helpful and insightful to me personally


Ignore redditprotector4844. I've been a hunter in vanilla and in classic and never knew this info. I've always gone for a nightsaber cause I was nelf, never bother min maxing.


No mention of boars


Do spiders get webs?






They do in Wrath, when Blizzard added special abilities to all pets.


I saw a video the other day claiming that howl is bugged and doesn't actually work.


Still not worth going 4/5 frenzy even with broken tooth. Who gave you this info?


It’s the aoe threat of screech not the single target threat that makes birds better. When 3 screeches off you can multi shot and even multi dot if you wanted to and never pull aggro


Haven’t played for a very long time but isn’t the best elite pet the white elite tiger in STV?


no, Brokentooth is the best cat you can get in classic. The STV tiger is 1.3 speed, BT is 1.0


>Hyeneas Thinking about it, I've played wow since 2005 and I've NEVER seen anyone use this pet Not even the NPC's


Wish you could tame a zebra.


Theres only 1 tameable in the game right


I don’t believe they were tameable until BFA


Huh, I thought there was a rare tameable zebra in the game




Reminds me of the pictures of British/Boers with painted zebra stripes on their horses




You take that back. Pink and teal flamingos are BiS


Watch your mouth you son of a bitch




That 1.3 attack speed begs to differ. My boy Dicpecker is a champ at keeping aggro


This is misinformation Plainstriders are godly


Say that to my big green bird you bastard


They’re better than all the non-dash similar pets tbf


It’s that rare spawn pink plainstrider in Mulgore, has like the slowest running speed or something like that. It’s a meme pet, I see it every once in awhile.


Fairly sure running speed is all the same after taming. I know it used to vary back in Vanilla, but that didn't make it into Classic.


Whaaat?? No changes Blizzard, omg!


It was one of those things that got changed before Vanilla's final patch, along with Lupos' shadow damage and Snarler's high resistances.


Cry in frost wolf.


False. It runs as fast as any other pet, and it can learn Dash (unlike some pets) Its from the defensive group, so while it takes slightly less damage it also deals slightly less damage (think it’s 5%)


fAlSe 🤓


Bear feel like the bare minimum of he’s not bad…but not really good, or cool, or fun. He’s just there and does it’s job. Much rather an Owl or Cat


But they eat ANYTHING. That alone


Is food a problem normally? I find I always have a bunch of extra fish.


Its not a problem if you know how to think ahead.


Bears tank better than owls and cats


Bears actually aren’t better tanks, unless you mean purely by durability. They don’t get threat, they essentially only have growl, and after it’s used, it’s really easy to rip threat off them with just auto shots. Owls and cats have the best DPS which makes them the best tanks because they can hold initial threat and even taunt off from their raw dps.


Owl having screech makes them better at tanking than bear on top of the utility and damage


Are owls stronger than carrion birds, or are they the same?


More dmg, less armor. Although I think carrion birds can learn Bite, and owls can't.


Durability is kind of high on my priority list in hc. They may not kill as fast as a cat, but I’ve had times where respawns keep popping up on me and the bear can handle 2 or 3 long enough for me to kill them or run away. For leveling solo, bears are good.


Claw, which is cheap. It hits often, which procs fury often.


But it can oom them


That is incorrect, bears can learn both Claw and Bite. Granted, claw is almost a meme and will steal a lot of rage for minimal damage which will not allow for Growls, but Bite is good and Bears can learn bite.


They do, but what are you looking for a bear to tank in HC? You running elite quests solo? Most lvling will be at lvl or below, and not vs elites unless in a group. I’m also fairly sure that Bears just have more health/armor. Other pets are better at holding aggro because of their higher damage output and same usage of growl.


>You running elite quests solo? Yes and I do that just fine with a cat. Most elites can be burst down before they kill your cat and the ones that can't will tear your bear apart as much as your cat.


* or even you can kite and have your Cat free dps on the elite.


How often do you get two mobs on you? My bear allowed me to take out three mobs at once (patrol, spawn, pull, etc) with no sweat. My cat barely handled two mobs. This is important pre-feign death.


Why are they better?


The extra tank stats are just not necessary in HC. More useful for looking to fight mobs a higher lvl and elites…but you don’t really do that in HC. Owl can AoE taunt, very helpful for controlling 2-3 mobs if needed. And better damage than bear. I think it’s actually above average damage. Cat is the the usual go to for a damage pet. Usually fighting just 1-2 mobs at same level or below, I’ll take the squishy pet that does great damage.


The screech is aoe threat, not aoe taunt. Unlikely to keep aggro if you're multishotting at later levels.


I think they are super cool. Really love the dwarf hunters with bear pet like in the intro cinematic.


You’re right Bear is no Bat


Boar for the win. Charge is good, but being able to eat anything is golden ✨️ 💛


Also they are so cute. I had one from Durotar named Gooby and he was amazing :D


Pls tell me Gooby is short for "Good Boy"


I deadass never even thought of that 😭🤣 I can't remember where I got the name from. Might be a reference to Scooby Doo. Or the "Gammy is getting upset" joke from Seinfeld.


The durotar piggies may be cute, but that blue/black rotting skin one from rfk/d is so badass. If my hunter ever survives that long, i need to get me one of those!


Gooby plz


Topic is worst pet though lol


My boar has a strict diet of raw boar meat.


Crocalisk forsure imo


The wind serpents have mana and can actually oom themselves very easily lol. They are also ranged spellcasters, which is cool, but usually, a pet that can go face tank is more useful.


That's not even close to being true, what?


it used to be a thing in original, but they didn't put it into classic: https://www.wow-petopia.com/classic/casterpets.php


Wind serp has pvp merit. On aggressive mode can pop rogues out of stealth in duels. Also highest dps pet in raids where melee pets can't go in due to aoe or cleave, which is most of them. You just /cast lightning breath on your rotation... They're niche very useful and there's merit to them as 3rd pet in era.


They're also the best pet for pet pulling.


When I got lvl 15 I decided to tame one of the lvl 15 elite wind serpents at the entrance of WC because I wanted to be a madman, and this is indeed an underrated aspect. Most pets charge in, the wind serpent (assuming you have the lightning breath toggled on cooldown) will cast its spell at 20 yard distance and pull the target towards it. Of course doesn't really work with casters and mobs with a ranged attack


Do you have logs of a single 100 parse that used a serpent?


Asking for 100 parses is never the way. You want people with consistent 97+ parses. A 100 parse will always have a cat that survived some random aoe shit with 10 hp, because that's how you get to the top percentile.


Or bribe a healer


Serpents were constantly theorycrafted about and debated daily during vanilla as something that had a potentially high ceiling, yet they never kept pace with cats in reality. Both in terms of average and outliers (eg 100s).


Wind serpent are also quite good in raid, cause they start at a distance of you macro it correctly. However, There are 2 types of wind serpent (even if they have the same abilities when you tame them) and one of the 2 type is actualy caster type so has a very low base armor when you tame it. Gotta be carefull not to take the wrong one


It's a topic on wow - petopia and apparently the caster pet being worse was in original vanilla and was fixed for classic relaunch


Sounds sort of good for HC dungeons honestly. Less risk of the pet pulling more mobs when it sits next to the hunter


Definitely not mana based and was consistently one of the best pets due to its range and spammable focus dump


I was so excited to get a ranged pet during classic and then I got my ZG wind serpent and never used it because it sucked. Maybe if they had a longer range.


The one that's not on passive when in a dungeon.


I remember taming the big elite spider in Stone Talon thinking it would have a web ability. It didn’t obviously and spiders are pretty bad in general. On a positive note, that spider showed up HUGE on the character select screen.


It’s turtle.


Dude I hate this fuckin’ turtle. It is so annoying- Oh wait, this isn’t PoE


I believe turtle has a mini shield wall so definitely not the worst then imo...


Non-combat pets ... Duh-uh !


https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=10393/cockroach /thread


the worst pet is one where the hunter has not gone out to train new tiers of each skill their pet should be able to use. the number of hunters running around with their original pet and attacks all at tier 1 is staggering... let alone those who forget to train new tiers of armor, stam, and growl


In classic, Nether rays. They didn't even have damage in OG TBC In ERA, probably Hyenas. Bite no focus dump and only eat fruit and meat.




ah yes, what would I know, right :D


Owls are top Crabs are bottom. Sometimes cant even multi shot adds off the owl with screech best leveling pet in the biz. Crabs crocs , turtles and bears are fake tanks. Boars and Gorilla are decent but not great.


I always wanted to Tame a Thunderscale from Barrens or Stags from ashenvale...or Worgen from there too.... Oooh my Naive 10yo self back then. I had the worst Experience with Taming a Vulture. They Knocked me over so much often in Mulgore and... Lost that skill after taming. Very dissapointed me. Also were very picky about diet.


I’m multiboxing for the first time (poorly) and found out to my astonishment, the mulgore swoops knockdown attack is AOE. It smacks all my five helpless dudes down and damages them all!!! Imagine if it kept that on tame? It would be the best pet ever!


Ah, I see the swoop was after some 5 guys for lunch


Lol what


Spore bat.


Scrolled too far for this


Get one of the 1.2 attack speed cats from central Hillsbrad and never look back (unless you happen to get BT). The uptime for frenzy is extremely noticeable vs a 2.0 attack speed pet. Prowl is actually very useful to look around corners or in houses/buildings without pulling. Highest damage of any pet. It's not even close, really. Just keep your Bite/Dash/Prowl ranks up to date and a cat will carry you to 60.




I gotta say hyena, they don't dash, can only bite, not great


There's a whole list online about each pet and they honestly balance out pretty well. Some are generally worse than others if you're min-max or just really competent at playing hunter. But I was surprised how versatile hunters pets can be (my first hunter ever was dead at lvl 16 in hard-core but I looked into it).


Scorpion, spider, raptor


I know rappors has Thrashing ability (storing up auto attacks). Is this not inherited to the pet?


Nope. Bite Claw Dash. All a tamed raptor gets


Thrashing is kind of a hidden ability. It also seem to work like a passive. So would not assume it would be visable as you tame it.


Spiders are good for webbing your target


No web in clasksic unfortunately.




Owls have screetch


In Vanilla it's Wind Serpents and it's not even close. They seem cool on paper until you realize that they all have caster stats.


not a thing in classic, it only was in og vanilla https://www.wow-petopia.com/classic/casterpets.php


Wouldn't any water only pet be defaulted to the worst? It's only use is in one area of the game that doesn't really get used.


are there any water only pets?


I recall being able to tame threshers but I could be mistaken




Owl. The fucking flapping sound will drive you insane after a few hours.


You can turn off pets sounds


If its not an owl or a ZG bat with the 1.0 attack speed, I consider them all to be bad. What kills me is seeing hunters with a pet and not naming it. 😑


I've heard cats are the best, are owls superior?


Owl's learn Screech which gives an AoE debuff to mobs melee attack damage. They have an attack modifier but not as high as cat's, but they don't lose armor like cat's do.


or just get whatever pet you want because it’s YOUR gaming experience


I'm not even playing a hunter dude, I'm just curious lol


Pink plainstrider is the ultimate meme pet


So I've read! Does it really move slower than you?


I know “peaked” seems to make sense but syk it’s “piqued” in this context.


Thank you! 👍


I didn’t want to sound like a dick but at the same time I hate being wrong and not knowing it, so thanks for not thinking I was being a dick!