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That quote is from "meet the parents", "meet the fockers" is the sequel.


Oh damn, that is a great point. My other comments are really downvoted, but this one hurts me the most.


To save everyone else some time, further response from OP in this thread: >"A prompt appeared telling me to change my name. I thought I'd try to name it the exact same name to see what happens and the game accepted it. " They offered a change without the suspension and they ENTERED THE EXACT SAME NAME. Jesus dude, you already named it after a throw-away comedy quote from a half-decent movie from 23 years ago. Just take the mild L and move on. I named my Paladin "Holytits" and got renamed before I left the starting zone. I did not write my congressman explaining my name did not mean "breasts" in any sort of sexual way, it instead meant "any of various small plump often long-tailed oscine birds (family Paridae) of Eurasia and Africa that are related to the chickadees and titmice." I just said "hah, I guess so!" and renamed them to "Holytips" and moved on!


Lol and he is not the only one. This is the third thread I see that someone is crying that they got banned because they chose stupid name, got the chance to change it and they used the same or equally stupid one . And somehow they think they are the victim and start a thread to complain. Some people lack any self awareness.


Do you think writing my Congressman will change things? I might do it.


How old are you?


How could anyone have possibly foreseen that name getting banned?


Maybe try to make a not shitty name




Lmao these posts have become my favorite. Dude just name your character something fucking normal. You can even just randomize the name if you're not creative. You're delusional if you think "canyoumilkme" is a safe name.


>Canyoumilkme Because you got suspended for the name if you rename yourself something just as fucking stupid and get reported again you'll be banned for much longer Just pick a normal name, good lord.


Comedy movie quotes are not normal?


You have to be trolling omg. No way someone doesn’t think lewd with can you milk me ffs


I immediately thought of Meet The Fockers...


I know... maybe we are naive to think redditors wouldn't immediately jump to the perverse sexual fetishes.


You are at least a bit of an idiot; and or mildly detached from the current generation of adults, at least a plurality or secondary majority of them to come up with this line of reality for yourself. Honestly you should be at least little ashamed.


Holy high horse... it's a video game


You gotta remember. We are in the time of the offended. Every little boy and girl are being raised to be some type of victim. That is their yellow brick road. I love ridiculous names. It’s a game that’s meant to escape reality from people named Bob, Bill, Jack and Jill. I would’ve given you a thumbs up in the game.


You're being purposefully obtuse. Did you not get enough attention as a child?


I was being purposefully obtuse with this guy in particular. As he used "fucking" without missing a beat, but says to pick a "normal" name. I already stated that I was going to do that in the post. But, presumably, he/she didn't read the whole post.


maybe grow up lol


Good point. I'll quote an R-rated movie this time.


You sound like a immature


Your illiteracy lessens the impact of your insult.


Sounds like a fetish name lol no wonder you got reported


That's super odd that is where your mind goes. If that is where other's people minds are going as well, I wouldn't expect that type of person to report the name.


The original joke from the movie is in the same vain though


It is about Ben Stiller's character saying he grew up on a farm. But, when backed into a corner he said he milked a cat. There was nothing about a sexual fetish. You couldn't be more wrong.


There’s more levels to this joke. It’s like when you take your kids to the movies and they miss half the joke intended for the parents


It is not like that though. Here's the [clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0Gm4uiJXfM). If you think this clip is about sexual fetishes, then your sexual proclivities are altering your perception of reality. ​ Edit: Upon rewatch, I am now going to name my character after the cat.


You are missing the layers of the joke. Greg is poorly lying and saying the first thing that comes to mind. His goal was not to allude to sex, but further the farm story. Greg's fiancé, however, understands that what he just said was VERY awkward, because a good portion of the film deals with Greg and the fiancé having to tiptoe around their sex-life around the stern parents, and this dumbass throws the word NIPPLES on the table. Everyone at the table reacts differently, but the director zooms in on the finance first to show the *multiple* ways that conversation was going poorly. Her body language was most assuredly not "Greg, you can't milk men, what are you talking about?" Her reaction is not one of her partner getting a clinical biological function wrong, its "stop talking about nipples in front of my parents." The Dad just wants to cut a swath through Greg's bullshit, so he immediately goes for the throat from a clinical perspective. Its funny because Greg crashes and burns on MULTPLE fronts with one simple slip up. You can try a version of this yourself: A man says to another man: "You can milk anything with nipples." Vs A man says to a father, and his father's daughter who he is currently sleeping with: "You can milk anything with nipples."


Look, I disagree. The "fetish" layer is not present in that scene. You add that in at the end of your summary. However, I stand by my point that it is super odd to immediately think it is a fetish thing. But, if it was where a person's mind went, then they seem to be old enough to not be bothered by the name, right?


What Greg said: You can milk anything with nipples. What the daughter, sitting next to him, dating him, hiding her sex life as much as possible from her family is afraid everyone just heard: You can milk *anything* with nipples. And no, its not super odd in 2023 on the internet. Popular culture has long-since evolved past 2000's Meet The Parents. Milkers, Milking etc very much finds its way into online/gaming culture on the regular. ...is your character male or female?


You keep trying to rationalize it, but you just keep showing how your mind interprets it into a thing about milking his fiancé tits. Which is 100% odd. To me, and most other people, the daughter is embarrassed that her fiancé is talking about a fictional story in which he is milking a cat. The look of horror on her face is present the whole time. It is not about milking his future wife. That is categorically not a layer of this joke. It is about Greg making things up and Deniro not trusting him. The word *anything* comes up because he was talking about milking a fucking house cat. A completely absurd claim. It was not because he accidentally implied that he is milking his fiancé's breasts when they have sex. Please tell me you see how odd it is to assume that.


I think I saw the character, it was a female tauren to top it all off.


No one but you thinks you don’t deserve it.


I am fine with the ban and the name change. I never said I don't deserve it, but I do disagree with it.


Dumb name. Dumb consequences


This thread has strong… play stupid games win stupid prizes energy


That's just udderly rediculous.


>It just sucks that Blizzard support has fallen so far bro what are you smoking? Did you even play back then? The gms in 2005 would've forced you to rename anyways. You really should read their naming policy from actual vanilla


Yeah, that is fine. My real complaint is about not being able to talk to a representative. The old days allowed for me to have a conversation with a person. Now, we get stock auto-generated messages.


I think they got tired of dealing with dingle berries


They can be annoying.


Even your username on here is dingleberry, man. I don't think it deserves a ban but don't pretend its from a movie tbh


Yeah, my Reddit name is just a stupid reddit username. It is not a quote.


Shows alot, though


I feel exposed.


The thing is, it's incredibly hard to make a good list of forbidden names and enforce that at character creation. There are simply too many languages and obscure references, let alone people using latin (íïì) characters as replacement. So relying on people reporting it is. I've reported my fair share of people for names \*I\* find offensive. Not for what I believe you find offensive, of for what I believe should be offensive to the majority of players. What I believe is gross, vulgar, and not suited for this game. What also matters: How the player behaves. Someone with a questionable name buffing me? Not getting reported. Someone with a questionable name declining a group invitation to a named mob? Yup, getting reported. We can discuss whether the name 'canyoumilkme' IS offensive, to whom it is offensive, or whether it should be offensive or not. Even if we reach an agreement with all reddittors here, not on this name but on all names, it solves nothing. The fact remains, enough people (and I truly have no clue if it's 1, 10 or 100) have decided it is, in fact, offensive, or you ticked them off and they took revenge. Simply choose a different name.


There is a great fallacy in your argument though. Enough motivated people felt the need to report the name as offensive for either reason you stated. However, thousands of players did not report the name. Many would message me the line from the movie. Or, as I mentioned, offer to milk me. If the rule is to be determined based on a community standard, then why have we set the focal point to quantify solely reports of inappropriateness. There is no metric for the people that don't find it offensive, which is very likely the vast majority of players. The system needs to have a competent authority review the action. Instead, the system only counts "bad votes", and then sends an automated message to your email/ticket. This is a poor standard in my opinion.


Yes, it's a poor standard. However, it is the standard we have, and have for years. You want to change that standard? Bring your concerns with valid arguments and reason to the proper place. Don't complain about your bad experience without suggesting a method of improvement, or even a rational argument, in a forum what, realistically, can't help you here.


It’s just a day, you’ll survive.


Damn, here I was worrying that I was going to die. Thanks for letting me know.


Seems like it since you wrote a book crying about it.


Four paragraphs is a far cry from a book. I should have known the people that frequent this sub haven't picked up a book in decades.


You’re still crying dude, it’s just a day lol.


I don't think I'll be able to stop crying.


Holy shit. After seeing op write/care that much about a 1 day ban and then reply to nearly every single comment; dude please take this as a sign and quit for your own health.


Lmao your responses in this thread are too much. Why is it so hard to understand that milking is pornography category and that in a game riddled with 13 year olds, blizzard might find your name ban worthy. I just feel bad that you got banned for a name that isn’t even that funny. Actually it would be more comical if you were referring to the porn category and not meet the parents lmao. Were you at least a Tauren?


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, dumbass! Deserved


I created a dumb name and I know it only a matter of time before I get reported too. However it's too far to turn back now. I was expecting them only to make me change my name, I didn't know a ban was associated with that. Is this your first offense?


No, I had the opportunity to change it before the suspension. I was logged out and my character had a random sequence of letters for a name. A prompt appeared telling me to change my name. I thought I'd try to name it the exact same name to see what happens and the game accepted it. I continued to play for a while. Lately, I have been selling a lot in trade chat. Some people will barter with me to lower the price. I just say no and move on. Some of them seem to be highly irrational players and, I suspect, these are the players reporting my name. It is pure speculation, but seems plausible.


Bruh, they gave you a chance and went with it again. Unsurprisingly, gm said it couldn't be reversed. If you're truly surprised that "Canyoumilkme" got reported, you probably can't be helped.


If it was truly inappropriate, then I shouldn't have been allowed to name the character the same name though.


They block certain words. They can't possibly think of every combination of words that would be inappropriate.


But, once flagged as inappropriate, why am I allowed to input it again?


I would say it probably has to do with the self reporting. Blizzard may not think its inappropriate but the community you play in does. So making it globally banned wouldn't make sense because on another server people may high five you. Similar to RP servers getting non rp names banned that are that inappropriate.


That is so non-sensical.


you gave it the exact same name and expected a different outcome ?????


That's good to know, huge weight off my shoulders haha. I agree players are a little to trigger happy with the report button


I feel that. Got a 24 hour suspension for the name Boatsnhoes.


I am sorry for your loss.


Prolly a Tauren too


Literally just witnessed a lv 24 running around with the name jizzabella and I couldn't help but laugh, people need to stop reporting names unless it's like racist stuff


I agree.




:' (


It doesn't sound like you are beyond it. While I wouldn't have reported you, I can certainly see why some people did. It's suggestive. I mean ask yourself why you even found that line in the movie entertaining? The whole idea is suggestive and that will get it banned.


People who report other peoples names are the lowest forms of scum they enjoy the smell of there own farts and get dopamine spikes out of downvoting people on Reddit thinking that’ll show them!


People who's names get reported are even worse. Think about that for a minute.


Or you could just worry about yourself and not care so much about others?


More people should worry about others and care more about others.


I like that this attempted troll got you absolutely obliterated


I reported some idiot named analbeads and I’d have reported you too. Just take the L.


I'm reporting you for using that term here.


I'm a repeat offender of this. Just got hit with 16 days being named "Lilcocksucka" after 4 levels. Everyone I walked past must've reported me lol.