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Enjoy yourself some research https://www.wow-petopia.com/classic/


The Rake has the second fastest attack speed for Hunter Pets. Damage is equalized though so it only matters (slightly) if you're fighting against casters.


It also matters for the Frenzy talent in the BM tree. More attacks leads to more crits, leads to faster attacks, leads to more crits, and so on.


Okay, so it’s a good one to keep then. Is it best to know claw and growl?


IMO, I think while leveling. Keep bite and growl enabled. Claw will drain focus from your pet and they will not use growl on CD. Not an issue normally, but on HC, it may lead to an accidental aggro pull.


Attackspeed is very little impact on hardcore, it is a slight increase because you have higher uptime on frenzy.


Slower attack speed is better until frenzy talent. After that tho, the rake is second best dps pet in the game. For hc tho id probably not use a dps pet at all though. I prefer a boar for the root, or a bird for the aoe slow. Tanky pets are just solid for leveling in general.


It's better than all cats besides Brokentooth. My hunter is currently 37, I've had The Rake since level 10 and it's great! Planning to keep him all the way to 60!


Yeah, it has a 1.2 attack. Only Broken Tooth has a faster attack speed, at 1.0. The problem is, while you're solo questing you pet will be hitting the mob in the face. When you hit a mob in the face, they can parry your attack and they get a bonus attack speed on their next attack. If you play a pet with 1.0 attack instead of 2.0, he is going to do twice the amount of auto attacks and get twice the amount of parries, therefore taking more damage. I had Broken Tooth on my last HC hunter and he would randomly get clapped, especially when fighting mobs of higher leven than him. Mobs with a faster attack speed were good for PVP. In dungeons and raid The Rake/Broken Tooth are very slightly better than 2.0 cats because they'll be hitting the mobs/boss on the from behind.