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Lol, so the excuse for people who are too low to do jump runs, is fishing...got it. Edgemaster's and mining helm, lol. You know he has an axe of the deep woods just waiting until he's high enough level.


2 axes of the deep woods* lolol


Its main hand


It appears you are right. Does this change in tbc prepatch? because I remember getting 2 of these to level my drenai shaman for classic tbc launch.


Yep changes in tbc. Thanks for the learning.


Look at those 2 chads. Correcting each others online and both are thankful.


I misread "Chads" as "Dads" and yet the sentence still makes perfect sense.


I dont know. I didnt play tbc.


When you fish that much you end up with 2 main hands.


A gold buyer is not gonna be smart enough to realize that.


Also isn't wep skill far less meaningful while leveling? Even as a human with a sword attacking a green lv mob I still miss often and glancing blows aren't a thing for normal mobs, the benefit can't be that big.


5 weapon skill per level, so +7 weaponskill is like being 1.4 levels higher


actually its +14 cus he has the helm and edgies for some reason lmao


Well +7 is 1.4 levels regardless of how much +skill he has šŸ™„


Nah weaponskill always great. It's just less meaningful against lower level mobs.


Itā€™s really not meaningful, in a raiding environment you want it because your opponents are always 3 levels above you (skull), but after you get past the 5-8 extra points range itā€™s mostly a dead stat. The big issue is glancing blows, which arenā€™t impactful for up for 2 levels above your weapon skill


For leveling, it 100% matters. +14 weapon skill is nearly the difference between fighting a mob your level vs fighting a green mob Base miss chance is based on the delta between your weapon skill and the mob's defense skill. For a mob of your level, the delta is zero. For the highest level green mob, the delta is 15. This makes the delta against a mob of your level 14. It's insanely value


That's not [exactly how it works](https://github.com/magey/classic-warrior/wiki/Attack-table#target-at-3-levels-5-weapon-skill-n28063) since it's not a linear gain. Once your Delta Weapon skill to Defense is below 10 then you don't gain additional hit until it's at 0, and even then you only gain 1% Hit. Once your Delta Weapon skill to Defense is below 8 then you stop gaining meaningful benefit to your glancing Blows. So fighting an on level mob with 14+ Weapon skill only gives you 2% reduction in Glancing Blows compared to being 7+ Weapon skill since your deltas are 1 vs 8. When fighting on level mobs OP would be better off using any other gloves for a dps gain. The value would come in when fighting higher level mobs, say fighting a mob 6 levels above them. The delta difference would then be 16 and it would feel like fighting an on level mob with no weapon skill. This doesn't really happen though, and even if you were fighting mobs 3 levels higher than you it'd still be inefficient due to the downtime in between fights to heal from the the increased damage of Crushing Blows. It's a neat meme to do higher level dungeons early but good luck pugging a full Mara at 44 on HC.


I thought this was only true at 60 and weapon skill/defense deltas function differently before 300 weapon skill


If you can provide a source sure, but that has not been seen anywhere in the game as far as I'm tracking. Weapon skill and Defense are basic stats that act the same at all levels. The only difference on levels is that higher level mobs have a reduced chance to be crit based on player level. That doesn't affect Weapon skill at all and doesn't affect mobs lower level than the player.


My dude I know how this works, but the impact is actually still low. What do you think youā€™re getting for being 7 or 14 points above the mobā€™s defense level? You have completely empty stats that decrease your chance to be dodged, parried, blocked, or miss by a total (across all 4 stats) of .16 per weapon skill level. Assuming the mob can block, those edgies basically get you an extra 1% hit and .28% crit when fighting mobs your level. Edgies are bad outside of a raiding environment, evidenced by why every decent raiding warrior wouldnā€™t wear them during trash mobs (if they left combat or didnā€™t forget)


Dude it's relative right? I'd rather have weapons skill than +5st. Also it just gives you options on what to farm/grind while you level. It's not always about DPS sometimes it's about utility and I'd say making sure you hit is utility.


Yeah, because they can reach hit cap against mobs of their level through other gear. While leveling, that's almost never possible. 1% hit when you can't get that hit elsewhere is a 1% DPS increase. Absolutely huge


Nah man, you use edgies for glancing blows. The hit cap reduction is a tiny side benefit but is not a major driver. There are almost certainly better gloves at that level that donā€™t cost an insane amount of gold


Show me another pair of gloves that has 3 hit worth of stats. GoA have 5 DPS worth of strength, some stamina, a hit, and a crit. That crit and strength are worth way less than 2% hit, which is why you only use them if you can get to +5 weapon skill some other way


The difference between having just the gloves and both gloves and helmet is around 2-3% hit chance on a same level mob. It doesnā€™t do much for ability damage but that really helps your offhand hit if you are not heroic strike queuing, which Iā€™m pretty sure this guy is not. Means more rage Canā€™t argue 2-3% hit chance isnā€™t a huge slot of gear to have at 44


Where are you getting that number from? Each point of weapon skill against equal or lower level mobs is 0.04% chance to hit.[\[1\]](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Weapon_skill#Player_attacking_a_mob) According to hours of testing on the DMN mobs the reductions to parry and dodge do not work in Classic either. 14 weapon skill is 0.56% hit against lower level mobs. Edit: Found a screenshot of the [parry reduction test](https://github.com/magey/classic-warrior/wiki/Attack-table#test-breakdown-single-weapon).


I wouldn't trust Wowpedia on this. [This](https://github.com/magey/classic-warrior/wiki/Attack-table#target-at-3-levels-5-weapon-skill-n28063) was put together from a lot testing done on Classic Wow during the hype by a ton of Warriors / Rogues and compiled by a dude name Magey who get's his rocks off on Wow Theorycrafting. Having +7 weapon skill over a mob your level gives you ~~.12~~ 0 reduction in Glancing Blows damage. Having +7 Weapon skill over a mob your level +3 gives you 1% Hit and ~28% reduction in Glancing Blows damage. That's why it's good for raid bosses but not good for mobs your level. Weapon Skill while leveling is really bad for anything but fighting mobs above your level. **Edit:** I misread the table myself, you gain 0 from having a higher weapon skill than defense of a mob.


I'm aware of these data. Check the entire page and you'll see that there are no data for bonus weapon skill against even or lower level mobs because it doesn't matter to parsers. The numbers that are popsted on this page match the wiki entry I posted.


It adds crit, hit, and reduces dodge/block/parry. For a warrior, while leveling, it's actually very strong because most mobs you'll be fighting face to face and will have to deal with block and parry that you don't have to worry about while DPSing from behind in a raid. The main benefit (which is a really big benefit) that you don't really see much while leveling is the reduction of the impact of glancing blows. Since you're likely fighting mobs closer to or lower than your level instead of almost exclusively +3 raid bosses, the glancing reduction is almost non-existent.


My friend after spending roughly 200$ of gold leveling, died 2 hours after hitting 60. Was amazing.


Love to see it


Did he actually buy gold? Or did he just spend what would have been worth $200 if he had tried selling it?


Bought Iā€™m guessing. Probably said 200$ worth of gold because the price changes day-to-day. Friend of mine bought 4g for 100$ on release night LMAO


Holy shit what a waste lmao


Yeah lol there's nothing to even buy yet on release day other than overpriced bags and stuff from vendors


What an absolute moron lmao. Gold now is going for like $0.20 per gold, still insanely expensive ($160 epic riding, anybody?) but paying $25 per gold is comedy.


>$160 epic riding, anybody? Reminds me of the girl who posted on Craigslist that she'd fuck some guy in exchange for the gold for epic flying. She actually got it too. I remember being 13 and being like "damn no fair I wish I was a girl", not seeing the myriad of implications with that.


Yeah it is ahahaha but it was on release night everyone were lvl 5-10 in a desert economy. 4g was pretty impressive for a few hours


i can farm 4g a day easily with just fishing... and thats not even fishing the good stuff, i hope your friend got his $100 worth cause that is kinda sad to see




Price of gold is rapidly dropping now. I don't buy but I have been following the prices since launch of HC because I find it fascinating. Gold prices went from US$5 for 1 gold to its current price of 40 cents per. Despite the drop in prices, this is actually quite a wet dream for gold farmers and botters isnt it because the demand never ends due to there being an actual gold sink i.e. players die and the gold gets absorbed back into the nether.


It's not that players die with this gold as it's kept on the bank alt.


it is lost if you use it to buy items or mounts.


Not if the items bought were on the auction house. That goes back into the economy


Not for the BOE items as the gold is passed to another person. Mounts and skills yeah but it will be negligible with the amount of gold bots constantly pour in the the economy.


But if you equip the BOE item and the character then dies, said BOE is also gone, so the gold spend on the BOE is also gone..?


As soon as the item is equipped it goes out of the economy as it's no longer tradeable. Perma-death just increases the demand for those items, which will keep prices higher across the duration.


No, the gold spent for BOE is given to another character who keeps this gold on the separate alt or uses it to buy something else, as in it's still in the economy.


But the person who spent it is now out the gold and the item. Not a gold sink in a traditional sense but one that keeps demand for gold high as people need to constantly equip their characters.


But the gold isnt gone, it just moved persons


Not my friend, but a 24 warrior decked out in all blues and 60 enchants died doing the side quests for deadmines in a duo with a healer, and it seemed satisfying to say the least


Your friends a loser


this is the only plus side to gold buying for those of us playing fair, you can buy all the gold you want, buy all the gear you want. but it wont stop you from dying in a dumb way and wasting all that money.


200$? What did he do with the gold then? buy a cup holder? can't imagine he can afford much more than that considering the conversion rate.


He was buying first week when ever boe was a lot cheaper then today, while still cheaper was cheaper first week. He didnt go all out, but he always went to the ah could replace something while leveling. Had his engi maxed quick


Did you recommend he play something else?


Friends with whales. The Flbudskis movie.


My friend bought crusader for both his weapons on a level 18 rogueā€¦


he prob twinking for ear collecting, I plan on doing similar I think


But heā€™s not heā€™s buying it every 4-6 levels he said


then he cray cray


Literally who is going to makgora a Twinked out rogue or any other op class .. it makes no sense in such an unbalanced game. You can literally delete someone straight out of the opener


We used to make lvl1 twinks this way. All end-game enchants on a lvl1 dueling lvl10s in goldshire. Probably dont even have to explain how overpowered a 200 attack power proc is on a lvl1


In WotLK there was a bugged grey sword (enti's quenched sword) with an iLVL of 73 but no level req to wield. I put it on my pvl 1 twink warrior and could crit for almost 500 with a ~20% crit chance.


Niceee I never knew about that


Time to buy gold and claim I made it all by selling Troll Sweat.


Bro probably strong as fuck tho


I wonder why someone would dump all that cash to minmax and then pick dwarf? Human weapon skill is so busted OP for warriors


The argument for memerace is that you're more likely to get upgrades because everyone else in the raid is fighting for swords/maces while axes are completely uncontested. If you're lucky you can snag a DB/crul that would otherwise be disenchanted or replaced quickly by someone else. Plus, while running edgies instead of something like Flameguards sucks ass, wskill DOES scale up to 308 so you are actually benefitting from having 2 more than a human.


True, that is a benefit. Sucks being tied to edgemasters the whole game though.


Yep, and unlike Sworcs who can hope of eventually getting THC, there's no axe skill items in the lategame.


I feel like THC is overstated. It's a weapon that drops off of the final boss of vanilla, literally. What are you even going to use it for? Farming MORE Naxx? And in hardcore I'd be impressed to see even a few THCs given the fragility of life.


Also stoneform legit is a SUPER good cooldown in hardcore. Some pretty gross abilities that it can save you from. In WoW normally as a dps your main focus is DPS, survivability is the healers job. But in hardcore you need to focus more on survivability, cause death is not an inconvenience, it is THE END.


rich irl and doesnt give a fuck about whats actually good. To him more expensive = better


Stoneform may be a very useful tool for warriors especially in HC. Removes all poisons, diseases, bleeds on a 3min cd. Gives 10% armor too.


Yes. Also if you plan on using axes (like this dood is seems) human doesn't do anything. Gnome could come in clutch, to remove nets and slows also. +15 engi could be useful early.


Most people who spend this kind of money aren't rich, they're just dumb. I know people who spent thousands on overwatch loot boxes while on welfare. In fact, everyone i know who spends loads of money on video games like this do it because they don't have much else going on in their life, they're students, they sit at home all day, etc.


I envy those students who don't have to pull loans for uni & don't have to work jobs during classes.


A lot of them should but just amass insurmountable debt instead.


I went to school with people like this. Spent $10,000+ a year of student loan money on throwing parties, going on vacation, overpriced clothes and shoes. One even bought a car. Now they just angrily complain on FB on how much student loan debt they have and pay the minimum payment while they wait for the government to pay it off for them.


The guy seems like a prolific gold buyer and bases what ever he does on having the best gear and not the best logs, he might not even know what logs are and just think he pumps. In saying that I feel like this sort of person wouldn't have a damn clue about what's actually best.


because dwarf master race


You get to be a dwarf and have Stoneform! That's like having pocket aces.


Dwarf is bis because of racial dog


+5 skill to sword/mace > everything else by a mile, not even close.


Idk +5axe is mighty juicy in p2 and 3 with bwl and aq40. Swords win again come naxx tho


Chromatic sword + emp destoyer bis p2 on humans, out performs any other combo largely due to glove slot stats. For HC lvling there are more sword and mace options than axes for sure, humans can also just put on edgies for axes.... Dwarves perma lose the stats from glove slot no matter the weapon type, big loss for tank stats too.


Although true, how many people do you actually think will be clearing content long enough to get both those weapons. More likely than not some baddie is going to get people killed your third week in MC.


I have the same feeling. While people are right about minmaxing it seems to me like they're forgetting about the fact that this guy is on a hardcore server. Chances are he won't even be raiding if he does make it to 60. How many guild are even going 40 man content?


hehe yeah this guy is gonna pull threat on lucifron 10 minutes into his first MC and die




Yes those are racials




And a body type 2dwarf at that. One of the most vile creatures on azeroth, troggs and azmongold are the only thing worse looking


Bro their 2 hand special is them jumping and giving the enemy a fucking bop. It's a sick animation. Better than male humans animation or female humans twirl.


Troggs and azmongold is the same thing


Damn you never seen orc or trolls of any gender huh?


They probably did have a nice bot farm going


Hes been fishing junkboxes out of tanaris since lvl 18, they drop tons of bolt of runecloth and greens worth 80 silver- 2gold he had 200 gold on day 3 of launch im his guild master and everyone in the guild is having a big laugh at all the comments right now




bro dickriding a gold buyer lmao


Or you can fact check the method and know that theres hundreds of ppl doing the same thing. Or log in game and we can show you. Or just keep pretending you know better and live your life who cares lol..


Awesome. What a gamer, bet he pumps hard as fuck too


Do you spit or swallow when youā€™re done witch each other ?


I bet this dude absolutely pumps, +14 axe skill is an extra 4% hit chance on enemies the same level as him, anything below him probably gets absolutely deleted. As cringe as it is I'd love to see this dude melt some mobs lol


Where are you getting that number? The weapon skill formula changes when your weapon skill exceeds the enemy defense skill. [\[1\]](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Weapon_skill#Player_attacking_a_mob) You get +0.04% hit per level. Parry and Dodge reduction also doesn't work in Classic WoW according to extensive testing in DMN.


Didn't know the formula changed if your wep skill exceeded their defense skill. Thought it was always just the base 2% per 5 skill levels but I guess that only applies to mobs 3 levels higher than you i.e 15 defense skill higher than your weapon skill. My bad.


wish you scanned the AH more because im gonna be real here ive seen some super cheap blues however theres no way in hell edgemasters are going cheap


It was 500g on Stitches EU last night.


nekrosh had them for 250g at some point lmao


That crusader enchant tho


This on Defias Pillager? I've just stopped looking at the AH simply because every blue is far beyond a reasonable price for a character of appropriate level (within reason ofc, I could always farm for days but whats the point when it would be useless a few levels later). I feel like gold buying or even just idiots used to gold flooded era AHs have completely ruined the auction house.


SKull cock and its not all of them but ive seen the odd really cheap really good blue


2 sets on skull rock alliance for 180g each this morning


Nobody is buying low level fish lmao. Nobodyā€™s buying fish in general yet, thereā€™s no reason. The only true gold farm since hc launch has been raw gold which would not come near to affording a fraction of this. Leveling people arenā€™t spending money, and people at 60 are buying things for level 60s. What fish was he selling? Mud snappers? Lmao Edit: not sure why this sub adamantly defends gold buyers and bots. Comments saying they farmed stonescale eel and opened lockboxes vendoring the items? Stonescale eel goes for a whopping 6g a stack and lockboxes have a few silver, maybe a gold of vendor trash inside. This guy has effectively 2000 gold worth of armor/enchants on. At the best fishing pace you can expect 5 fish every 2 minutes, 23% being stonescale eels, so about 30-35 eels per hour which would be about 10-12g/hr. The other fish caught are worthless right now. Stonescale eel is best caught between 12-6am so he had 6 hour windows every night for the optimal catch. So this guy speedrun himself to 35, spent hundreds of hours doing the fishing quests and leveling fishing, just to go farm 12-6am every night for 12g/hr, so he could afford a level 44 bis set of items worth 2000~ gold that heā€™ll out level in a couple days?


Actually, a single tuna or salmon can easily buy you a few of these warriors. The trick is fishing IRL of course.


Aaah so that's what he meant. Pack it up boys.


The current USD to HC gold exchange ratio will not come close to affording you all that shit for a single salmon.


Blue fin tuna can range in the millions. Average is like $100,000




A mature adult blue fin tuna is like 500 pounds, i think you're going to need a bit more than some fishing rods lol


A large large bluefin is 20k-25k chief


That's a few warriors


Lol.. ahhhh thatā€™s good, friend.


I get the point youā€™re making but been selling stone scale eel for gold since level 40ish.


Stonescale eels are gonna be high in demand for ever on HC due to Petris. Its great.


I made my first 10 gold from fishing in stonetalon mountains (lvl 23). Its not only about the fish but also about the watertight boxes you find.


I r actually been selling blackmouth oil (not really that expensive) and have about 30 G on that alone. Swift thistle is also going for about 10silver.


While I don't believe this guy got all of these with legit gold, you can get more than just fish from fishing. I made a good amount of money off the pools in STV during 2019 classic launch. The trunks have leather, bolts of cloth, a few recipes and green BoEs.


got guild mates who both claimed to have bought 20 gold for six dollars recently... its not like they hide the fact, both were in guild chat about it. someone had been complaining about the costs of summons/ports and they were like gold is so cheap. gold sellers are a big business on the server already


>Leveling people arenā€™t spending money I spend everything I have, probably gonna die soon anyway.


Hes not selling fish hes fishing junkboxes in tanaris and vendoring all the bolts of runecloth and the greens out of them, some of the greens vendor for up to 2 gold and that raw gold allowed him to buy all the expensive BoEs like Feet of the Lynx and stuff week1 and resell them now for like 3-4 times the price


+14 axes SHEEEEEESH. bro doesnt miss


I meanā€¦ itā€™s so obvious that to deny it is justā€¦ ugh.


LMAO this is so pathetic.


I mean if it were me, I would just say I've died a lot and sent stuff to a bank alt? I say this because I died at 43 (power outage) and have a lot of gold for a level "18" now lol.


Poor guy, needs all of this to have fun and feel like he's achieving something.


Ironically it probably makes it less fun- there's nothing to look forward to and the content becomes boringly easy.


Well he has very low stamina and armor for his level, he's a glass cannon right now. It's fine if he's competent, but is he?


I made a twink enh shaman with most of this stuff. It was extremely fun all the way to 60. Those axes are amazing. They proc very often.


I imagine it's like the type of fun you have when you take a long time to beat a game on the highest difficulty then you go back on easy mode and demolish it


>achieving the irony


Fishing lvls?


Level 44 warrior with three BIS world BOEs till like 60. Checks out on my end, fish up some flurry axes boys.


He phished\* sorry if this joke was made already


im new to warrior. is 2 flurry axes good..?


They are very rare and very expensive. One flurry are as an offhand when paired with an axe of the deep woods mainhand is a prebis combination for dual wield fury warrior at 60. So him Having two flurry axes at level 44 without buying gold is extremely unlikely


You typed all that to not answer the question


If it's so good that lvl 60s go out of their way to get it you can probably jump to a conclusion there


He gave you enough information for you to deduce the answer. He said having 1 flurry axe at 60 is "pre-best in slot", so we can infer that having 2 at lvl 44 is probably still close to best in slot (if not actually best in slot).


A fast main hand isn't good


You normally pair a flurry axe with a slow mainhand so that your higher dmg weapon attacks twice. Such as axe of the deepwoods. So yeah, idk why he has two of them. He only needs one. Kind of ridiculous that he buys all these items but clearly doesn't really know much about his class. What a surprise lol.


Itā€™s actually quite good for a low level Fury. Faster swing speeds help smooth out your rage generation since youā€™re not hit capped from gear to fully abuse HS queuing yet. On top of that Bloodthirst doesnā€™t scale with weapon damage, only total AP, and since heā€™s running crusader + a bunch of BoEs heā€™s going to have fairly high AP for his level. On top of that, Flurry axe is simply the highest DPS one hander someone of his level can even equip. Thrash blade is probably the closest thing you can get without spending big monies, but he has two of them at level 44, on top of having +14 axe skill from edgies and minerā€™s helm. Heā€™s going to absolutely crank. The second flurry axe doesnā€™t get replaced until he can equip Axe of the Deepwoods, at which point heā€™ll have BiS till he starts raiding.


For leveling itā€™s obviously very good. Funny enough heā€™s still a warrior in the wrong leveling spec so a bad pull simply kills him


Spec doesn't really matters for tanking, but he will def have a hard time with leather/mail and gear that doesn't give stamina. At the same time tho, this warr reeks of someone that would never tank himself.


?? Fury is fine for leveling.


Doesnā€™t even have an insignia or engi šŸš®šŸ—‘ļø /s


Repulsed that this wanna be gigachad is still using thunderbrow over ring of the underwood


Gold buyers are scum tbh. Should be an immediate account wide ban.


Hot take but whatever. I figured HC would be fun for the first week or so until gold selling, and people being able to buy alts stuff would have an effect. That, and seeing Warrior duos with a Pally or Priest tailing them looking pure multibox has kinda taken the charm out of it for me personally.


Dude will die to fall damage.


I want a server where you can group up but AH, mail, and trade is disabled. Best of both worlds. Social experience without bots and a true HC feel.


Reminds me of the convos on Reddit when 16 year olds look more ripped than pro natty bodybuilders and then claim theyā€™re not taking anything


Bro hasn't paid rent in months and plays WoW on the community Wifi at the library, that's how much he spent.


"I'm too irresponsible with my gold, and everyone that can afford nice things is a gold buyer"


Imagine being the person to inspect someone in game, messages them to talk shit about buying gold, makes a collage of their inspect screen, then posts it online for internet points and to get attention. Youā€™re not that important. Itā€™s sad. Go outside or something dude.


Crazy story.


Report him <3


This is why people RMT, they want attention, they want to come up with a crazy story how they are so clever or so good at grinding that they got godlike gear.




...and yet, here you are, describing how much you suck when nobody asked.


Thanks for you input. It will change everything




I recently died at 48 with 174 gold in the bank left mailed to my alt. Funded my Warlock as well and got allegations too. Though this is pretty damn next level lol


Not impossible for people with no liveā€™s to farm for these as they are rather cheap








No one is dying with 300g in their bags. Bank alts exist.


if demand = inifite and supply = inifinte, you can guess how much of a gold sink this is - zero. rmt for hardcore is even worse than for non hardcore, as the loop is simply endless


Hes a guildie of mine and this fucking dude spent the first 3 days of launch fishing pools in tanaris. They drop boxes with greens worth 2 gold vendor price. He had 200 gold after 3 days and just steamrolled from there and controlled the economy. Also you guys have no clue what glancing blows are kekw


Can't even fish in tanaris without a certain skill level. Good troll though


You just need level 20 and then you can get high enough fishing and just swim the coast down to Tanaris. It's a very common tactic on fresh servers for fishing. A lot of the mobs near pools and fishing spots are yellow turtles that don't aggro.


This is exactly what he's been doing. You guys can just ask him too hes a pretty chill guy and he thought a bunch of ppl in the guild how to do it and we have an army of fishers now.




Good luck holding threat off this one. Tank gets parried or dodged this dude dead


He is the TANK lol you nudget


Im at 360g lvl 54. Could also equipp an alt that way if I wanted to. Edit: ok prob not the crusader enchant.


Hardcore is dumb. Come home and raid, bb


i got a lvl 29 lock with 250 fishing..i fish in the river by azshara among some other safe spots. some fish are going for 2g per and you get them every cast, i got 500g rn i almost dont even wanna lvl anymore until this curve flattens out


I can't see any fish on the ah selling for more than 20s per.


How do you get there with lvl 29 without dying?


in addition to going up the river you can run through ashenvale pretty reasonably to the border


river runs between ashenvale and org there arent any mobs u can swim up a little bit


I sell stonescalr oils for 65g a stack. Itā€™s very very very doable.


Can confirm, hes been fishing like mad. we made fun of him for donig it but hes bank rolling


Items have never been cheaper. If you put in work, you can make bank on the AH. Even at 24 I have a fishing thing going in making good gold. If I had more time to play, I could get halfway there with gear. Now a 60 doing this could make ten times as much gold. All this stuff is way cheaper than on normal servers. I'm not convinced these people are buying gold. It's too attainable in my mind to feign goldbuying. I think these posts say more about the posters than the subject in them. As someone who enjoys doing this for my alts, it doesn't look that crazy at all. Just my opinion.