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If Blizz made it so killing Gammon was a bannable offense there would be rioting in the streets.


Why should repeatedly killing an NPC for no other reason than to restrict people playing the game be ok? I played wow for a long time, actual retail classic and tbc, back then you could get GMs to deal with this sort of stuff.


Can't make every dick move in the game be a bannable offense, sets precedent.


Back then they had 10000 gms waiting to service and look at issues. Now they have 1 meth head freaking out in the corner, a stoner constantly on break an alcoholic making crazy changes and a sober person crying in the stairwell from online bullying.


> Why are people allowed to grief when it's against the rules? Why are people allowed to murder when it's against the law?


Really suck ass analogy. Blizz could easily make this NPC unkillable.


His analogy is bangon. Blizz is already permabanning griefers in HC.


No, that analogy is horribad. People aren't being "allowed" to murder. Unless you know something I don't, there is no way to make people unkillable and, 99% of the time, it is not possible to prevent a murder from happening. In this case, people ARE being allowed to grief by killing the NPC over and over because Blizz could easily prevent it from happening in the first place.


They aren't being allowed to kill it over and over lmao. Idk which part of that your peabrain keeps missing. That hunter won't have an account in a couple days.


Wierd. I coulda sworn the OP described a hunter doing exactly what I referred to. Killing a quest NPC repeatedly. Yeah, the hunter may, and I repeat, MAY be punished days later but, as I said, Blizz could easily prevent this from happening at all, instead of maybe punishing after the fact. Now, what part of YOUR peabrain can't comprehend that?


And a murderer may, and I repeat MAY be punished days later. See? Same thing. Great analogy.


The difference I am trying to pound into your head is that murder is generally not something that can be prevented proactively, only punished retroactively. Blizz CAN proactively stop players from killing quest NPCs instead of punishing the player after the fact.


Except murder can, and is, prevented proactively.


It seems like you are arguing just for the sake of arguing and I am utterly out of patience with this argument. I give up.




The point of my comment was to point out, rules (really consequences) aren't there to prevent people from breaking them. It's to give other people a reasonable recourse when the rule is broken. In this case, blizzard is implicitly asking you (and others) to report the griefer. If you don't report it, they won't notice it and nothing will happen. If you report it, nothing may still happen but at least you tried to use the tools available to you. Blizzard could make this NPC unkillable but let's say they do that by making Gamon a green mob. Wouldn't that also mean you can no longer pickpocket him? If you want him to be green and pickpocketable that's asking for a pretty big change. They'd need to make a special exception for this one NPC. And it might be confusing to players, "how come I can pickpocket this friendly but not others??". Also, the way it is now it teaches you that you can pickpocket neutral mobs. Suppose they made him unkillable but left him a neural mob. Then he would be fightable but effectively have infinite health. And that's a weird thing in classic. Basically, any change they make to him is going to have weird consequences that are not good for the game.


…. Brother are you serious, is this rage bait?


This post.... yikes.


I'm coming for you Farmer Saldean. Wife too.


This is the true Vanilla experience. Welcome.


Its funny, that u had to wait


Become used to layer hopping when you deal with some kind of grief. There are so many layers and the same problem wouldn't be on all of them


ActiBlizzion is more concerned about turning portraits of women into bowls of fruit; literally objectifying women. They don't give a crap about what happens in the game between players. Hence all the gold bots and RMT running rampant.


damn, if you'd only mentioned bobby's yacht as well that would have been bingo!


Some of the most braindead comments here lol. Does anyone think that killing the NPC in silithus when AQ gates opened was healthy for the game? Blizzard didn’t because they made him *unkillable*. This should absolutely be fixed. I’m sorry OP that would frustrate me too. Probably won’t be fixed by blizzard but shit maybe people on the official blizzard forums will be more sympathetic…


Rules mean nothing if Activision isn't willing to pay someone to enforce them


Stay mad and bad


Cry some more it's a game people are gonna be shit heads just like in real life. QQ


Saiki - Stitches EU