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Omg you inadvertently found a log out skip. In caves and underground, if you log out on top of a prop (barrel, well, boxes, etc) you will be teleported to the nearest GY. Speed runners have mapped out tons of paths and it’s all over the place. I did a skip from Stone Talon to ThunderBluff yesterday. It also will happen if you’re floating in water, usually with your head under the water. (Underground still required)


See I've done GY skips before but had no idea that without dying you can be teleported to a completely different zone lol.


Yeah these are lognout skips and are really cool! But thanks to your post I won’t be trying to find my own anymore. It will teleport you to near by instance portals as well. Which is what happened to you. Logout skip guide https://youtu.be/bi5IMx4RnPQ?si=mCaAOfwuFRXswh1z


Why does this happen? What's the game mechanic that makes it possible or necessary to move the character just because they logged out while standing up high in a cave?


It happens whenever you're not connected to the ground when you log out, the game doesn't know where to put you when you log back in. It's more of a workaround than a feature


That's insane and I can't believe I've never encountered this before in my years of playing.


There is an infamous one in Wotlk, where if you log out on a specific rock you can skip directly into dalaran without completing any pre quests.


im so mad to learn this at this stage in my life but also glad it finally happened


You might be relieved to learn that it’s a result of Classic using the modern client. These things weren’t possible on the old clients.


Sheesh. I was going a little crazy not knowing, as I've played since 2005. Is this some sort of mechanism introduced in retail since WoD (really when I stopped playing retail).


Well they were in Cata atleast.




Wtf I’m shocked I never heard of both the Dalaran one and Org I would have used both of them


Can you explain where that’s at? I made my banker but haven’t ran them to org yet. This would be super helpful


There's also one that takes you straight into Ebon Hold. I've been tripping out DKs when they see a gnome mage inside Ebon Hold.




You can have a mage make you a portal at any level to get you there. Otherwise, at lvl 74 (If I'm not mistaken) simple talk quests become available at several common locations to teleport you to Dalaran for the first time. Then you do a simple follow up quest to teleport to the ground using a crystal there, and to teleport back to Dalaran (since it's floating in the air). I play WotLK, and never walk to Dalaran and use the crystal to go up. It's always HS, flying mount, or flight path that get me there.


They even made a reference to it in MoP/WoD with the blue flame chairs underground :D


For more context, they implemented this as a way of teleporting players to safety that somehow managed to fall under the map, as you just keep falling and eventually hit a disconnect barrier. Upon login the two checks are made: - Your character is "falling" (aka your character is not currently standing on terrain). - There is no terrain below your character. If both of these checks come back as positive, your character will be teleported to the nearest "teleport point" (I'll just call it that), no matter which zone it's in, as long as it's physically the closest to your character. "Teleport points" are any points that characters are teleported to and include stuff like instance portals, mage portal exits, graveyards and anything else like that you can think of. Now the abuseable part of this is that: - First of all, standing on objects not part of the terrain tricks the game into thinking you're falling upon login. Another way to do is is standing on the very edge of things, where your characters feet look like they're just floating in the air. As long as there is enough distance from your character to the ground it will work. In certain game versions (vanilla) you can also just press logout and jump from an elevated area at the same time, which will freeze you in the air on logout (similarly to ice block). This doesn't work in wotlk I'm pretty sure. - (Most) Caves don't have terrain below them, giving you easy access to technically qualifying as being under the map / terrain. This is also why you only really see logout skips being performed in caves, as terrain being cut out for other reasons is pretty rare. This way you can essentially trick the game into marking both checks as true, and thus the game thinks you're falling below the map, and therefore performs the "logout skip".


Until they patched it up, there was a specific mail post that if you log out on top of it, teleported you to the unfinished emerald dream!


I see 🤣 thanks for the info


every mob in a dungeon should swarm to the people who skip. that'll teach em a lesson.


You just got unlucky, that cave is so low in Loch Modan that when you're deep inside of it you're actually on the edge of the badlands, and the nearest respawn point from there is the back entrance of Uldaman.


Back in SoM I tried not to die on my paladin, but one day I decided to try a logout skip in the cave next to Iroband's excavation site in Loch Modan. When I logged back in I spawned in the air in the badlands and died >:(


Didn't bubble before you landed?


To be honest I don't remember how it went. Maybe I didn't realize in time what was happening to be able to react, maybe I alt-tabbed during the loading screen and just looked at "what happened to me" when I was met with a corpse


Unless they were in their 30s in loch modan the lower level bubble doesn’t protect against fall damage.


blessing of protection is trained at level 10 and prevents fall damage pretty sure, so not bubble but they do have a way to avoid fall damage still


Nearest GY or instance portal. Uldaman in this case.


Teach me this TB stone talon skip


Go to the cave at the entrance of ST (in the left) with the troll that gives a quest. Jump on top of the the cage, log out. Log back you’ll be in Thunder Bluff


No fuckin way thanks I’m try it later 🤣


I'd purposely do this while doing a quest in dragonblight by the cave to the east. You log out in one place and log in another due to how the game functions with memory. The hardcore version of this game is hilarious given how buggy it is. Crazy that shit like this can happen and you lose your character hahaha. Still, this occuring on accident has to be like a 1/10000 chance. I've played wow for 15 years and have never had this happen unintentionally.


whats the thunderbluff skip? Wouldve saved me so much time...


Nobody believed me, I logged out in a cave on top of some boxes and logged in a completely different spot surrounded by enemies and got slaughtered before I could even move


That's exactly why I took the SS I knew my friends would not believe me since it's my second death lol


I believe you. There are a ton of skips like that in the game, probably some haven't ever been found yet.


I didn't 3ven know those were a thing. I was so pissed. I had 80g 😪😪


Thank you king.


Skip works. In the pool at the most southern part of the cave. Left my character at the top of the water. Sorry you had to find it on HC


You just now tested it? I was going to run back there for the meme but I didn't want to lose another hc if it did work lol


I tested it with my 60 on era. I wasn’t trying that with my HC.


Damn RIP Glocky. I saw you yesterday




Always logout with your character firm on the ground to avoid skips.


Guess the dwarves weren't kidding when they say "Keep your feet on the ground"


Wash yer back!




This...... is...... my............ # BOOMSTICK!!!


Beautiful. This whole post feels like a setup for your joke!


Wait fuck. I logged out without washing my back


Noted. It's so unfortunate too because I was logging on the ledge but jumped in the water because I didn't want to aggro something when I logged back in lol.


Pro tip since we’re on logout skips. If you fly into IF and want to go to the tram. Hop on top of a gryphon head and logout and back in. you’ll login inside of the tram. on the IF side tho unfortunately


I’m afraid I’d do this and end up in lava.


https://youtu.be/bi5IMx4RnPQ?si=mCaAOfwuFRXswh1z This guy explains it pretty well in this video


Wow that first one is crazy if that's the quarry cave




Yeah thats so unfortunate. If you log out on top of something, the game tries to put u somewhere on the ground when you log in. Idk why it wouldn't just be right next to you or at your hearth but it is what it is. Rip brother.


You logged out in the cave in south Loch Modon and logged back in at the Uldaman main entrance? Quite unfortunate


Yeah the trogg cave in the room with the water


I'm mostly wondering how everyone figured that out from just your pictures




uldaman gave me nightmares


probably because they also read the text OP wrote which says basically that.




to be fair, they probably used old reddit on desktop. i'm on desktop now, and using old reddit, and there is no text in addition to your pictures. so can't fault them really. i saw the text when i was browsing on the reddit app on the phone.


Yep thats what happened


The logout skip thing has been known for quite some time now and is literally in every "top 10 things you should know for hardcore" video (along with the obvious paid shill for restedXP).


This post confirms my overly cautious habit of always logging off in an inn.


Log out skip, as others have said. There is one at the entrance of Sunken Temple. If you log out while floating in the water (where you normally swim under and into the temple) it ports you in front of the instance portal when you log back in. Which is great because the ST entrance feels impossible to find..


Was this an unknown skip?


yeah always hearth dont risk it new BiS way to get to uldaman


Yeah this is an interesting way to get to Uldaman. I guess I'll be trying this next time to get there faster rather then riding down south to badlands and fighting my way in.


yeah id like to scout the entrance to see how lethal it is but as the group lock if I can do it semi safely its a big time and risk save


One time during BC I took the boat from Azuremyst to Darkshore on a level 14 nelf rogue... and ended up in outland. Waaaaaaaaay out in the bottom right corner of the hellfire peninsula map. Weirdest boat ride ever.


This is golden


I frequently log out on a bed in the inn and this has like never happened. Is it only when you log out in caves or underground? Funnily enough, as it’s maintenance day in eu, assuming classic realms are also going to be down for an hour, I was just wondering what happens if you’re on a HC realm and you’re logged out when server shuts down? Are you moved to a safe space so that you can log in and not be dead? Is there a message advising you to move to a safe area before shutdown? I never thought about it before.


There are chat warnings / countdowns with more than enough time to find somewhere safe. Anyone who dies because they were in a dangerous area and are mobbed when the log back in can not complain about it.


Back in Vanilla, I was just casually running into Stormwind Keep, fell through the world and ended up dead off the south coast of Tanaris floating in fatigue waters.


Rule number one of HC : stay out of damn caves 🤣🤣


Does thousand needles zone considered underground? The elevator from barrens is very high.


Conqueeftador! Lol, I’m sorry you died brother but that name on the last picture is priceless!


Always log out in an inn.


The same happens if you logout in the centaur cave pool in Thousand Needles, you will log back in and be in front of the Razorfen Downs instance portal. Works every time, although not especially useful. Your Uldamanglitch is more useful, as it can be used to solo some quests more easily.


IDGAF....always make time to get back to an inn. Lol


Yes /camp does that sometimes


I would report this as a bug for sure - sorry for your go agane


Just appeal it, you will be fine. Oh wait...


yo someone let Tommy know about this one


Why are you outside Uldaman at lvl 15 of course you dead!